Amelia and Ophelia: The Former Grand Duchess and Saintess.

Chapter 2: Aftermath of the Exile

"Nngg...dammit, it still hurts" 

Amelia groaned as she woke up in the early hours of the morning. She was inside the academy dorms and saw that across from her still sleeping in her bed was Sharon who was snoring soundly, she sighed to herself as she used her skill of <Sneak> to silently stand up from the bed and exited the room. 

She felt something wet on her cheek and when she touched it, she traced it back to the origin and felt her heart clenching even more. 

"Dammit...I can't get a grip"  she said as she wiped away the tears from her eyes, her hands and body trembling as she recalled the moment of Ophelia's banishment two days ago. 

Amelia then looked around and saw that no one else was awake and so sneaked out of the dormitory, the moon was still shining high above and it illuminated the academy, she walked along the corridors of the academy reminiscing about moments she had with Ophelia during their time together before ending up in the academy flower garden just outside the gymnasium. She went to a specific bench out of sight and hidden between a wall of roses inside the garden, her eyes watering and her heart beating fast as she sat down. 

"You said it would be fine...yet here I am...alone" she muttered to herself as she felt the tears running down her face, she summoned a soundproof and magic-proof barrier around her to prevent anyone from hearing what came next. 

She then let out a storm of emotions as she unleashed her magical energy that could choke anyone who was nearby through sheer pressure alone. Her wails and screams filled the air inside the barrier as she allowed her emotions to take control, letting out much of the sorrow and grief she was feeling at the moment. 

It took about fifteen minutes before she finally calmed down, her emotions returning to stable levels and her mind bringing back clarity and reason. 

" liar" she muttered as she wiped her tears away and wiped her face with her shirt, 

[I really wasn't lying my love] A voice came out


Amelia whipped around and tried to find the source of the sound as it caught her off guard, making her drop the barrier and put her on alert. 

"Ophelia?" a weak voice came out from Amelia as she continued to scan her surroundings 

[Yes. it is me Amelia, but I am talking telepathically...I contacted you to check on you my dear...and what I have been hearing for the past few minutes has been tearing my heart to shreds] Ophelia replied, her voice filled with regret and sadness. 

Amelia sat down but was visibly shaking, her eyes beginning to water again as she felt a torrent of emotions stirring inside her. 

[Remember that necklace I gave you before? Please put it next to you]

Amelia nodded at Ophelia's request and pulled out a blue crystal that was shimmering in the moonlight, she placed it down next to her 

"I did, what else do I do?" she asked 

[Wait a moment] Ophelia replied which gave Amelia a few minutes of silence, 

Suddenly several blue wisps flew out of the crystal swirling around it and Amelia in a memorizing pattern of swirls and twirls. Then as quickly as they came the wisps began to form into something, each wisp combined into one big wisp that was the size of a person, and then, the crystal shone brightly, and the wisp formed into a full likeness of Ophelia, leaving Amelia stunned and letting her tears flow unabated. 

"O...Ophelia?" Amelia said in a trembling voice as she looked at the figure sitting next to her. 

Her body trembled as the wisp grabbed the hand of Amelia and placed it on her cheek, smiling sincerely and warmly towards her,

"I'm sorry my love" Ophelia said as she pulled Amelia in for a deep kiss that made Amelia's eyes cry harder as she gave in to the kiss and relaxed. 

After a few minutes went by, Ophelia gently pushed her away and saw that she was still trembling but had more or less regained her composure. 

"Ho...How?" Amelia asked as she gripped Ophelia's hands tighter

"The crystal I gave you is a "Wisp Crystal" the spirit wisp's inside are those I've made a contract with" Ophelia replied with a smile as she wiped off the remaining tears on Amelia

"As you know, spirits are very versatile, they can perform almost any task that you give to them and they are bound to the one person who gave them the contract which makes them neatly loyal" she continued as she conjured a small wisp in her hand and showed it before Amelia

"But these wisps are different from the rest. they are a special kind of wisp that I had contracted just for the two of us" she added as a warm smile appeared on her face

"The two of us?" Amelia questioned with a curious look dawned on her 

"That's right. These wisps in particular are known as "Primordial Wisps" meaning they can do many things that other spirits can't, such as projecting lifelike clones of their contractor,  like me before you now. What's more is that these wisps can be contracted with more than one person and that is one of the reasons I am telling you now, care to take a guess?" Ophelia said as the warm smile was replaced with a playful one as she leaned in closer. 

"You want me to make a contract with the wisps?" Amelia answered, her mind still processing everything that was said. 

"Correct!" Ophelia declared as she patted her lover on the head

"Ahhh my darling Amelia, still as sharp as ever!" she added in a playful tone which Amelia replied with a 'Hmph!' before looking away in a playful fashion

"So, what must I do to do a contract with them?" Amelia asked as she faced Ophelia again

"Oh it is very simple, just simply drop a tear on the crystal, state your name and then you state your intent"

"But won't they say they are already contracted?" Amelia asked, concern in her voice 

"Oh, you needn't worry about that. I forgot to mention but these wisps are actually pretty smart, they tend to know my intentions ahead or during times when I need it. So they already know what is about to happen" Ophelia reassured her

"Alright then, I guess I shall make the contract now" Amelia replied

"Good, that's lovely to hear" Ophelia responded as she handed over the crystal over

Amelia picked off a tear that was still left over in the corner of her eye and placed it onto the crystal, it began to shine a bright blue as it responded to the tear. Suddenly, several wisps flew out of the crystal and began swirling around Amelia swiftly, she felt a bit scared but was reassured as Ophelia grabbed her free hand and clutched it tightly. And as the wisps began to slow down, Amelia heard a congregation of different voices

[Who are you and what are your intentions?]

"I am Amelia Rothild, and I wish to be your contractor" she said boldly 

[Ah, the promised second contractor. We have long awaited your arrival, our first contractor spoke of you in such great detail. And now that you are here, we accept the contract. Our services and our loyalty are what we shall provide. ]

A smile appeared on Amelia as the wisps accepted her, Ophelia saw this and the playful smile from earlier was gone and replaced with a proud warm smile towards her lover. 

The wisps soon disappeared back into the crystal and soon both of them were left alone again, they spent the next few hours talking to one another, most of which was Ophelia listening and soothing the raging emotions that were left inside Amelia, they also talked about a certain plan. 

" total, this plan is to not only allow me to escape but everyone in the duchy as well?" Amelia asked as she was laying on Ophelia's lap

"More or less. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you sooner" Ophelia replied as she stroked Amelia's hair gently 

"But why can't I just escape with them now? you just have to tell me the location for the teleportation spell to work" Amelia added as she sat up

"It is because you have tracking magic on you, not just any tracking magic however, but a holy magic variant" Ophelia answered as she placed her hands on the cheek of Amelia

Shock filled Amelia's face at the mention of tracking magic before her face darkened and a murderous aura began terminating from her

"Holy magic variant you say?" Amelia said with an angered tone

"Yes. I am pretty sure you know who did it my love" Ophelia replied as she patted Amelia's shaking hand

"Jacon...that fucking bastard" Amelia growled as her eyes filled with rage

Ophelia could only nod as Amelia started getting angrier as her thoughts began to run wild, making Ophelia flick her on the forehead to keep her calm. She sighed as she took Amelia's hands into her and looked at her with a warm and loving gaze to try and calm down the still-angry Amelia

"Calm down my love. if the plan is successful you will be rid of it. The Andria Eclipse will basically ensure that it will never be of use again since that tracking spell needs holy magic every now and then from the one who placed it to keep it active" 

Ophelia added as she began to soothe Amelia's rage, but as she was about to continue she felt the spirits flicker, making Ophelia frown as she stared into the eyes of Amelia. 

"I believe I have to leave now" Ophelia said, the form she was in slowly fading and flickering

Amelia was silent but she also understood why, she could only nod as both of them shared another deep kiss and warm embrace, Amelia's eyes watered at the thought of losing Ophelia again but felt happy that she met her again. 

"Will I be able to call you again?" Amelia asked as she held onto Ophelia's hands tightly

"Of course my beloved, but only when the spirits are charged, you can call me at most once a week so do it during a time when it is only you" Ophelia replied as she placed her hands on Amelia's face to reassure her. 

"I do believe you have a graduation to go to no? I failed to say it before I left but congratulations my love. You deserve this" she added with a warm smile

"It isn't worth it if you won't be there" Amelia replied 

Ophelia could only smile and kiss her one more time as the wisps gave out and her form disappeared into a hundred shining lights. Amelia sighed as she picked up the crystal from the bench and wore it back around her neck, clenching the crystal tight as she mumbled to herself

"I will make sure that plan of yours is a success. come hell or high water" 



Resting happily on the rocking chair of the orphanage in the Erstad dutchy, a woman in a nun habit sighed as she opened up the letter sent to her from the academy a few days ago, she pushed her curly brown hair back into the habit as she finished reading the letter before handing it over to an older lady dressed in a black coat with silver hair sitting beside her who sighed as well after reading the letter. 

"It seems that everything went as Lady Ophelia said. We have to get everything ready then, I hope Amelia is doing fine" the lady with curly brown hair said

"Indeed, if my little Amelia is in any way, not herself, it will be a hindrance to the entire thing. And frankly, I despised those men the moment I met them, it always gave me a feeling that they were up to no good" the silver-haired lady replied 

Both of them gave a sigh as they entered the orphanage again, readying themselves for the trial that was about to come. 

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