Amelia and Ophelia: The Former Grand Duchess and Saintess.

Chapter 20: A Brief Respite

Materializing above a grassy field, Amelia landed with grace as her boots touched the soggy and muddy ground. It was still lightly showering so she kept her ragged hood on just to keep her from getting wet. 

“Hmmm…I think I’m near the guild” She muttered under her breath as she scanned her surroundings, 

“Ah, there it is” she remarked as she began walking towards the town in the distance that was lit up with lanterns, her feet trudging along the muddy field. 

Passing through the streets she saw that they were all empty as the rain from earlier in the day was very heavy and brought visibility to near zero. As she passed through the town square, she saw Imperial Sentry knights standing near boxes upon boxes of monster crystals and food and medical supplies. 

“Halt! Who are you?” One of the sentries shouted as they leaped down to the street from atop one of the buildings. Landing right in front of her 

“I am a resident of this place” Amelia answered as she locked eyes with the sentry, his golden armor and red plume shining thanks to the lanterns

“A likely story, do you have any proof?” He asked as he looked down at her

“I live in the orphanage down the road. If you wish, you can accompany me, Sister Mary, one of the workers there will confirm my identity” She told him as she passed him by and began walking

“Hey wait!-”


As the sentry tried to stop Amelia by standing in front of her, he was surprised as she simply shoved him to the side, forcing him to stagger, 

‘What the hell?!’ he thought as he remembered that his armor was a very heavy piece of equipment, although it could be light for someone with amazing strength, it was still a very heavy and strenuous piece of equipment that was only given to those strong enough, and even then there were some who struggled with moving it. 

The girl who was now just walking away was able to simply shove him aside without much effort and that baffled him. 

“Why are you out of your post private?” A deep feminine voice called out to the knight

Turning around, he saw his superior, a Varangian Guard by the name of Dame Belle. She was personally assigned by the emperor to this region to help it for a purpose only she knew, keeping the entire knight company she was charged with leading entirely in the dark, the knight company this particular knight was assigned to. Although this knight had suspicions as to what they were doing, he knew he was not brave or strong enough to challenge someone whose job was to protect the emperor. 

“Dame Belle, I was simply asking that young lady who she was and why she was here” the knight sentry immediately answered as he stared his superior straight in the eye. 

“Hmm…go back to your post private, I will handle her. And if you leave your post again, there will be punishment” Dame Belle replied as she quickly and subtly shifted her eyes to the figure of the woman walking away from the square. 

“Right. Understood Dame Belle” the knight followed up as he jumped back onto the nearby roof. Watching as Dame Belle followed behind the young girl

‘Did I do something wrong?’ he thought as he shifted his gaze away from the scene


Continuing to walk without much regard to the presence she felt following her, Amelia’s thoughts kept wandering about, none of them focusing on one topic. But a constant thought was always beckoning from the back of her mind 

‘Should I really go through with this?’ she thought as she saw the orphanage in clear view, its lanterns swinging and slowly shining through the darkness of the night. 

‘The people I love keep getting hurt because of me...just because they stay with me’ she said to herself as she reflected on the past, 

During the academy, she remembered that she was part of a group calling themselves the “Commoners Union” a group of commoner juniors and seniors who would help one another when it came to academics or life. She was so happy that she joined them and considered all of them friends until she met Jacon. Jacon was another commoner but he had come from the church of Histy, that didn’t make him bad but it did allow him more connections than most commoners. 

Amelia remembered how the union would always eat lunch together but overtime during the first and second years, while the seniors graduated and moved on, Amelia noticed that a lot of the members would not just join the lunches, leaving only she and Jacon for most of the time, with Lance coming in sometimes. And when Amelia tried approaching the ones who did not join, they did not talk to her, refusing to communicate with her, avoiding her on purpose

This brought Amelia a lot of distress as she did not understand why they were avoiding her, was it something she said? Was it something she did? She couldn’t tell, it wrecked her heart and racked her brain as she spent weeks trying to figure it out and continuously trying to reach out to them but to no avail. On the brink of giving up, Sharon had come to her, one of the few who always stayed by her side.

Sharon told Amelia one night that the reason why the rest of the Commoners Union had avoided her was because Jacon had threatened them via excommunicating their families with the power of the church because he had been named successor to the pope. When Amelia asked how her friend knew this, Sharon revealed that a few days ago, Jacon had done the same to her, threatening to excommunicate her family unless she stopped meeting and being a friend to Amelia. 

“Gnng…calm down Amelia…calm down” She muttered to herself as her reflection caused her fists to tighten and she could feel the anger boiling intensely inside. 

As her rage snapped her out of her reminiscing, she noticed that she was already at the door of the orphanage, but before she did anything else, Amelia had something to deal with first

“If you plan on hiding there then that means you are either here for me or for the orphans, and I warn you, either will get you killed here” she  growled as she turned around and faced the tree off to the side

“How did you know I was here?” Dame Belle asked as she came into view, her form switching between invisibility and visibility like a cloak being pulled off an object. 

“I sensed you since the town, who are you? And what is your purpose here? Answer correctly and you get to live” Amelia asked the crimson-armored knight

“I am Dame Belle and I am here because His Majesty the Emperor ordered me to, and if you are wondering whether I am here for you or the orphans, I am here for you but not for the reasons you think” Dame Belle replied as she took a step back, sensing that one wrong word and a fight would have started by now

“Uhuh…why?” the young girl asked as she placed one of her hands on the hilt to her left 

“Well, to help you escape-”


Dashing forward, Amelia grabbed the collar of the armor mid-sentence and pinned the knight to the tree, nearly breaking it in the process. Her eyes were wide and filled with with killing intent that Dame Belle felt all over her body,

“Who told you that” Amelia growled as she pressed the knife against the armored helmet of the Varangian Guard, the tip having pierced the helmet and aimed at the neck protected underneath

“Calm yourself please, I know who you are, I know the plan. I am on your side” Dame Belle quickly answered as she could feel both of her limbs being pinned to her sides. 

“Why should I believe you” Amelia hissed as she pressed the knife further, the helmet slowly cracking under the pressure. 

“Ophelia! Ophelia Erstad was my savior! I owed her my life!” the Varangian shouted as she locked eyes with Amelia. Were it not for the soundproof barrier she had casted the moment she dashed at her, someone would have already heard the commotion. 

“What?” Amelia weakly asked as she slowly lowered her knife and backed away from the crimson knight

“Ophelia Erstad…she was your lover no? She told me, she told me everything” Dame Belle let out as she tried gasping for air, reorienting herself. 

“Yes…yes we were…but why did she tell you? A bloody Varangian working for the emperor?” the young girl asked as she locked eyes with her again 

“Hah..hah…Lady Ophelia is the adopted daughter of His Majesty, I know because I was there when he signed the documents and sealed them away. His Majesty knows full well the plan that is going on here, Lady Ophelia had told him about it and His Majesty agreed to support it when the time came” 


“It’s true”


The two of them were suddenly interrupted by a third voice, this one more gentle and soft and feminine. 

Turning around, the two of them saw a woman in a nun habit with curly brown hair and a serious expression on her face 

“Sister Mary” Amelia exclaimed as she saw a familiar face 

“Your Holiness” 

“Amelia. Dame Belle, I see that both of you have gotten acquainted with one another” Sister Mary remarked as she walked forward and tidied Amelia’s hair under her hood. 

“How did you know I was out here, no less with someone else?” Amelia asked as she was confused, knowing full well that her SS-Rank capabilities made it impossible for anyone weaker than her to detect her barriers

“I taught you how to make them of course, I would sense if one was active nearby, no less right outside my home” the orphanage head answered as she bonked her on the head. 

“Dame Belle, how are you, besides nearly dying of course” 

“I am fine Your Holiness, Thank you for your concern” Dame Belle bowed 

Tsk Don’t call me that. I am no longer affiliated with the church and its hypocritical nature” Sister Mary replied with a look of disgust at the mention of the church

“So what the Varangian said is right? That Ophelia is the adopted daughter of the emperor?” 

“Yes, I was there as well when the document was signed and legalized. Although I do not know where he placed it, I know for a fact it is hidden in the imperial palace” 

“I see, but what did you mean by that Ophelia saved your life” Amelia asked as she looked back at Dame Belle

“Ah…I was saved by her when she fought the Leviathan named Calypso, and I swore to her that I would forever be grateful” 

At that statement, Amelia’s waryness had lessened as she recalled that Ophelia had told her that she saved someone during that fight. 

“Alright. With all of that sorted out. Amelia, Dame Belle is the one assigned to help us get our preparations underway, she has been working closely with Percy and the rest of the town inhabitants to ensure that everything is going to plan, from the resources we have gathered to the families and relatives in the duchy who are going to escape with us. She is also in contact with several other groups that are vital to us escaping” Sister Mary stated as she placed her hand on Amelia’s shoulder 

“What does that mean?” The young girl asked as she looked at her 

“Well, Ophelia told you the plan no?”

Amelia nodded at the question, her eyes locking with her 

“Good. then you needn’t worry about that, just know that there will be a sort of distraction on the day we are leaving, and don’t worry about it since this is apparently the emperor’s part of the plan” 

“I see…will I be allowed to know?”

“Of course you will, in fact, a few days from now. You are to accompany me to the capital to see the emperor in a meeting, then we are meeting someone afterward. But we can discuss that later, head inside, I prepared the bath for you while we were out here talking. Dame Belle” Sister Mary finished as she began escorting Amelia into the orphanage while nodding at the Varnangian who nodded back and began her way back to the town. 

Entering the orphanage, Amelia let out a sigh as she could feel her knees weakening, almost allowing herself to stumble to the floor. But Sister Mary, ever the observant one, held onto the young girl firmly,

“You can cry later, my child. First, just take some time to soak” she whispered into her ears as she helped her into the bathroom, smiling to her as she closed the door. 

As she was left alone in the bathroom, Amelia began to undress. Removing the ragged hood and cloak and throwing it off to the side, she then began to unbutton her white long-sleeved polo, her eyes wandering around as thoughts occupied her. As she removed her long-sleeved polo, it revealed her smooth and silky fair skin underneath, with a fluffy pink bra in use to help hold up her large and well-endowed breasts, not as big as Sister Mary’s or Mother Felice’s or even Ophelia’s they were still large enough that it garnered jealousy from most women and adoration from men. Tossing the polo aside, she looked down and noticed she was still wearing her heavy-duty boots, she quickly bent down and untied them before taking them and her socks off and placing them aside. 

She then began to unbuckle her pants and slid them off, revealing a similarly fluffy panty that cupped her similarly well-endowed butt that was the ire of many women and the adoration of many men, but as with her breasts, she was not as blessed as her two mothers and her lover. After removing her outer layer, Amelia swiftly removed her undergarments and looked at the mirror in the bathroom, seeing her smooth and silky skin accompanying her cute face, her well-endowed and blessed body figure that earned her admiration and ire, but the expression on her face was one of tiredness as she closed her eyes and slowly watched as the smooth and silky skin began disappearing, instead replaced with still fair colored skin but this one ravaged by numerous scars and cuts that were very large, her entire body from below her face was ravaged by these marking and as she looked upon the. Amelia could only let a wry smile, her mind clouded with many thoughts, mostly revolving around how her apparent existence was harming those she loved, from her best friend to her lover and even others associated with her, they all were hurt one way or another just because they interacted with her. Tears began welling up in her eyes as these thoughts swirled through her, but she quickly rebounded as she soaked into the tub that had been pre-heated and prepared by Sister Mary beforehand thanks to her shadow magic. 

As she soaked inside the large tub and tried to unwind, Amelia opened her item box and took out the will-o-wisp crystal, hoping to contact her beloved, placing a sound-proof barrier in the room. As the wisps swirled around, she was smiling as they formed the figure of Ophelia, but instead of her whole from like usual, they had formed only her head. 

“You called my darling?” Ophelia’s voice filled her ears as she called out to her

“I just wanted to see you…” Amelia replied as she locked eyes with her, still smiling 

“What’s wrong?” Her beloved asked as the head hovered closer to her

“Nothing…I’m fine” she quickly replied as she glanced away from the floating head

“Don’t you lie to me darling, I know that look. What’s wrong” Ophelia asked sincerely as the head moved to make eye contact with Amelia

“I…I don’t know why the people I love just keep getting hurt by me” Amelia finally answered after a prolonged silence

“What? Why would you think that?” Her beloved asked, shocked at the statement 

“Don’t you see! All of them! Sharon! Her family! My friends from the academy! Even you! All of you were harmed by those bastards of men just because they saw you were in the way to me! ME!” Amelia shouted as she could feel tears running down her cheeks, her eyes and face red. 

“It’s not like that Amelia, we never predicted that those savages would do this, we never knew who they really were-”

“Liar!” Amelia cut her beloved off, much to Ophelia’s shock

“You can see the future! If you just acted upon it none of this would have happened! None of the people I loved would have had to suffer at their hands! Why didn’t you act huh?! Why didn’t you?! I am sick and tired of you never telling me anything dammit!” she continued as she looked at Ophelia’s expression turn to one of sadness and regret 

“Amelia, you know as well as I why I could-”

“I don’t want to hear your excuses Ophelia! Every time you answered that question, it was always the same “Because someone else would get hurt” I do not care if some random stranger was hurt dammit! If I had to choose between someone I loved and a random stranger I would choose the former! So tell me!” 

Ophelia stayed silent as Amelia continued to shout at her, her eyes unmoving from looking directly at her 

“If you're not gonna answer me, then just go” Amelia finished as she turned away from the floating head and splashed her face.

“Right…” Ophelia replied as the head dispersed back into the will-o-wisps and disappeared into the necklace

 But as the will-o-wisps disappeared, Amelia turned back and a hurt expression was plastered across her face as she just realized what she had done. Regretting it deeply. 

Later, after finishing up her bath. She made her way up the stairs and into her room, inside her room and sitting on a chair near the bed was Sister Mary who stood up and opened her arms. 

Without even thinking or doing anything else, Amelia felt her emotions rush through her and she finally broke, crying into her mother’s arms and collapsing onto her knees. 

“You can let it all out now, I’m here” Sister Mary said as she stroked the young girl’s head

As if bolstered by her words, Amelia began to cry loudly, letting all of the pent-up emotions she had for the past few months finally out. She then began venting everything as she cried, from her fears of more people being hurt just by being associated with her, to her hatred for those men and even her regrets as she just angrily and recklessly shouted at Ophelia, forgetting that it was tough for even her. 

All the while Sister Mary continued to soothe her and reassure her that those things were never her fault but the fault of the men that she had despised, making sure that the message got across to Amelia that it was never her fault that all of this had happened and making sure Amelia knew that Ophelia would not hate her for the things she did earlier, serving as a shoulder that Amelia desperately needed these past few months. 

An hour and a half later, Amelia stopped crying, her eyes red and cheeks puffed as she was resting on Sister Mary’s chest, sniveling.

“Hnng…Are you sure Ophelia won’t be mad at me?” Amelia quivered as she looked up at her mother 

“Of course Amelia, she knows as well as I that this entire thing has been stressful on you. She wouldn’t get mad at you yelling at her now” Sister Mary answered her as she continued to stroke her head

“You sure?”

“I am. So why don’t we get you to sleep, you will need a lot of rest”

“But what about us going to the capital?”

“Shush now, we will cross that bridge when we get there” Sister Mary said as she cupped Amelia’s cheeks. 

“Ok…can you sleep with me?” Amelia asked as she rose to her feet and sat on the bed 

“Fufufu, whatever my daughter needs” Sister Mary smiled as she sat next to her and the two of them laid down together, with Amelia snuggly resting between her arms. 


Meanwhile, sitting inside her large and lavish office in her new Imperial Palace, Ophelia sighed as she placed the necklace down on her large and lengthy desk. 

“Fuck…I guess I deserve that” she remarked as she rose to her feet, walking over to the window and looking out at what used to be the town. 

These past few months have been very prosperous, with the entirety of the clans under her beck and call, Ophelia had spent a lot of time securing the entire northern section of the continent she had recently just found herself in. 

The dwarven tribes in the mountains to the east had swiftly fallen in line once the Holy Beast, the double-headed dragon Spithe, now her personal pet and companion quickly showed up atop their mountain and declared their support for her. She then quickly put those forges to work and implemented a large conscription of many of the other members in the clan who were not doing anything and organized them into labor units that helped the dwarves build the much-needed infrastructure she needed even faster than before. Watching with a satisfied grin as the dwarven magic and hard labor had transformed most of the dirt roads and clan villages into fully paved and bustling towns with buildings that mirrored much of the fantasy towns and villages she had envisioned, with buildings made of stone and bricks and held together by wood and something akin to roman concrete from her world. 

Sigh….I need to apologize to her” she muttered as she sighed and placed her hands on the window, 


Suddenly, a knock came from the door

“Enter” she quickly answered as she turned her head to face it

Walking into the office was Mecry holding a stack of papers, reports from the numerous clans about the status of the projects they were assigned with that were currently underway. Placing it on her desk, the two of them locked eyes. 

“Your Majesty” Mercy bowed as she greeted her

“Mercy. Thanks for putting them there ” Ophelia replied 

“No worries Your Majesty, it seems that your plans are going smoothly” the dragonkin remarked with a smile

“I hope they are in all honesty” Ophelia muttered in response as she turned back to face outside the window, her response confusing the dragonkin

“Is something troubling you, Your Majesty?” Mercy asked as she walked closer to her, 

“Hmm? Oh no, nothing. Just some personal matters” 

“Is it from the people from your home?”

“How did you know that?” Ophelia asked as she turned to face her

“Well, I noticed that whenever that necklace on the desk it out, you always act more happy, but this time you seem more sad. So does that mean you are in contact with someone?” 

“You could say it like that. But currently, they are mad at me for not telling them everything” Ophelia replied as she sighed and walked back to her seat, sitting down with a saddened expression. 

“Oh? Was it for their own good?” 

“In a way”

“Then I believe you have nothing to worry about, if they ask for your clarification then you can just tell them next time. That way all will be forgiven” Mercy added with a smile

“Heh…thanks, I’ll try that later when they call again” Ophelia nodded as she picked up the necklace 

“Then excuse me” Mercy stated as she bowed before making her way back to the door, leaving the room and Ophelia alone. 

Looking at the necklace, Ophelia’s hands were shaking as she tried to hold back her tears, with a few landing on it. 

“I’ll do it when she calls back” she muttered as she slowly placed it back on the desk and wiped away her tears, 

“Right. Let’s get to work”


A/N: Hello! And here we have another that was almost done that I quickly finished. not much fighting or anything this time around and I am grateful that you guys are enjoying this series so far, also let me know what yee think in the comments. I am going to finish up the other chapter and I plan to post it sometime in the coming weeks, unless I get bogged down by school. Anyways, thanks for enjoying and as always Stay Safe and Enjoy Your Day!

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