Amelia and Ophelia: The Former Grand Duchess and Saintess.

Chapter 25: Do or Die Time (Part 1)

Inside the bustling streets of the Imperial Capital of Scaneth, there was jubilation in the air as the Holy Festival was underway, the children and families in the streets danced to the joyous music being played, it was a brief respite from the tense situation that had grappled the empire for the past few months due to the Crown Prince enacting laws that very much threatened the way of life for everyone. People prayed to the Goddess Histy to help navigate them through this troubling time while others were preparing for the worst. Inside the Imperial Senate, Visnet and his brothers were busy finalizing the plan of the day, coordinating with the many nobles via communication crystals, all of them ready to fulfill Visnet’s dream. 

“Are your knights at the ready? Baron Rubix? Count Chernin? Duchess Mystora?” the crimson-haired Crown Prince asked the three people on the crystal display

“Yes Your Highness” Baron Rubix squealed, his face was a bit beaten up thanks to Lance under Visnet’s orders 

“Affirmative Your Grace” Another squeaky voice answered, on the display was another fat man, this was Count Chernin

“All is in position Your Highness” A much more refined and mature voice spoke up, with the display showing an old woman nodding at the Prince

“Good. If your end of the plan is successful, we will have rid the empire of a giant malignant tumor, and of course, the land will be given to you Baron Rubix. I hope that you will not fail me” Visnet told them with a smile 

“Of course Your Highness” 

“We shall not fail” 

“We will await your success” 

The three of them answered back before the feeds were cut, with Visnet turning to his younger twin brothers

“Merwick, Nerwick. Come along, we have more things to check up on” 


Meanwhile, in the throneroom of the Imperial Palace, the entire throneroom was on lockdown as Gaius was discussing with Linora, General Fang, and Sir Antwerp. All the while the remaining Varangian Guards stayed vigilant inside the room and blocked every entranceway into it, hidden or otherwise. 

“Your Majesty, It is an honor to speak with you again” General Fang voiced as he knelt before his emperor 

“Likewise Fang, I am saddened that it is not under better circumstances, however, so rise” Gaius replied as looked at the battle-scarred wolf beastkin 

“Everything is in place Your Majesty, I was able to convince some of my trustworthy contacts in the Imperial Investigation Bureau thanks to Sir Antwerp’s help, the weapons and armor provided to Visnet’s garrison around the city are all wired with a high-level substance that will detonate upon the activation of General Fang and a detonator I gave him” Linora stated as she looked at the emperor 

“That is good to hear, will make everything else easier for us” 

“My Liege, The Varangian Guard stands with you. We will fight and we will die for you when the plan is enacted” Sir Antwerp voiced

“I know Antwerp, I know. But I need you all to get my citizens out of danger when the fighting starts. I know all of you have been assigned tasks and this may be the last time you will see one another” Gaius told him with a regretful expression 

“We know that My Liege, but that has not stopped us from fulfilling our duty to you and the empire” 

“That is good to hear, now everyone report to your stations, the hour is nearly upon us and I would not like any more last-minute surprises. 


Meanwhile, in the Erstad Duchy, Dame Belle and the Imperial Guard, the most elite military unit in the Imperial Army, loyal to a fault to Emperor Gaius and Ophelia, had finished their defensive fortifications. They numbered around eight to ten thousand and all were trained to be the best, just below the Varangian Guards in combat prowess. The Guard knew that the neighboring territories were going to launch attacks when the eclipse comes, in that five-minute window, the Imperial Guard had to fight over thirty thousand knights. Although it seemed impossible, it was what they were trained for even if they no longer had magic on their side. 

“Commander, the forward scouts have reported that the knights from all three territories are making final preparations, with them seeing the movement of horses and supply carts” A private told her as he came up to her bearing the news

“Good. Good, the hour is almost upon us anyhow, so I would have been more concerned if they did not” Dame Belle stated as she and the private continued to move along the camp

As they reached her command tent, she saw Percy waiting inside, 

“Lady Percy, what brings you here?” Dame Belle asked as she moved over to the table and looked down at the map that had detailed information on the defensive fortifications 

“I am here to check up on you before the storm comes. We only have a few hours left after all, and I wanted to see if the commander of our defenders is up to the task” Percy answered as she bid her a small nod 

“I am grateful for your concern, but what about the people in the towns?” 

“We have already instructed them to stay inside until the eclipse arrives, then they will make their way to the designated teleportation spots where everything had been stockpiled beforehand” the kitsune replied, as she looked at the map and inspected the positions noted on it

“Right, right…And of your staff?” 

“Within the manor, all of them are patiently waiting” 

“I see, well. I shall be getting ready Lady Percy, I shall see you on the other side” Dame Belle told her as she began equipping her battle armor 

“Likewise to you too, Dame Belle” Percy bid goodbye as she stepped out of the tent and began making her way back to the manor 


Meanwhile, in the Halkare Empire, it was late at night. But regardless of the night, the entire empire was still active. The crystal lamplight lining the paved streets was bright despite the late night, the citizens living inside the newly constructed homes had been asked to move out for the time being but were only told something important was happening that personally needed Empress Ophelia’s attention, given their trust in Ophelia built over these few months, they understood that if it was something so important, they were not to interfere. Being relocated outside the main city that Ophelia lovingly named Olertin in the name of her late predecessor. 

“Move! I want this inscription done within the hour!” Ophelia barked as she was resting on a balcony of one of the houses, overlooking the massive city square. 

She saw elves, dwarves, arachnia, dragonkin and others tirelessly applying the ink needed for the massive teleportation receiving array that covered the whole square. 

As Ophelia pulled out her pocket watch to check the time, Mercy landed above her, standing on the roof 

“Status report?” Ophelia asked without even looking up at her

“Three of the eight inscriptions have been completed, I have ordered those who are done to assist in the completion of the rest, we should be done within the next hour” Mercy answered her

“Tsk. Not enough, we only have two hours and thirty minutes remaining, tell them to triple time, heck get those in the Black Guard not participating in the patrols to help in the work, I want this entire thing done by the end of the hour” Ophelia told her as she kept her pocket watch and looked up at the dragonkin 

“Understood Your Majesty, it shall be done” Mercy gave a small bow before she lifted into the air once more and began doing as she was told. 

As Ophelia looked out at the square, her expression softened for a moment as she clasped her hands over her face, trying to calm down and recompose herself 

“She’s almost here. It’s almost time. Get yourself under control dammit” she mumbled as she smacked her cheeks and got back to work, hoping down from the balcony and began helping in finishing the inscription, sprouting numerous black tendrils from her back to make the process even faster 

“Come on everyone! The sooner we get this done the sooner we can all sleep tonight!” She shouted at the workers, and her words were met with shouts of affirmation as everyone began working even harder 

“Right, time to get to work” 


“Are you ready Amelia?” Mother Felice asked as she did the finishing touches on her makeup, the two of them inside a dressing room within the third building on cathedral ground, the Pope’s personal home. 

“I don’t have a choice Mama, I need to be ready. Otherwise, all of the preparation we have made for this day will go to waste” Amelia replied as she stayed still 

“You are right about that. I just wanted to lighten the mood, can’t let my beloved daughter shoulder this all by herself you know. If me and your mother could, we would be the ones to take on this treacherous task but alas we cannot. That’s why we want to make sure that you are at least prepared” Amelia’s Mama continued as she hugged her daughter from behind and planted a kiss on her cheek, before doing a bit more touch-up in that area. 

“I wouldn’t want that either. I don’t wish to see my parents suffer for me when they have already done so much. If anything I want you and Mother to be safe and finally take a break for once” Amelia replied as she held onto her Mama 

“Ha, a break for me and your Mother? We run an orphanage full of kids we love and cherish, that’s as much of a break as it is work. You needn’t worry about us my dear, you still have your whole life ahead of you. After this of course, but for now, let’s focus on that” Mother Felice finished as she helped Amelia stand up and walked her over to her dress, it was a pristine and beautiful, white priestess robe that touched the floor. 

“You will be wearing this over your combat attire, considering that the eclipse will block out magic for five minutes, alarms will be of no use to us, hence why we need you to be at full combat readiness, I believe me and your lover trained you on how to fight even without your magic no?” Mother Felice asked as she showed off the dress to her daughter

“Yes Mama, I still have my SS-Rank strength and skills to back me up regardless of my lacking magic, but won’t they hear my armor and weapons underneath the dress?” Amelia asked 

“No, this one has been enchanted to nullify all sound from within the dress, meaning only when the eclipse is up will it become probably audible. It should not be a problem as the robes are large and can hide your armor and armaments pretty well” 

“I see, well, let’s get dressed up now shall we Mama?” 

Elsewhere in the residence, Sister Mary was looking at Liliana getting ready, a small smile on her face as she was looking at her sister. 

“Do you think your daughter is ready?” Liliana asked as she placed the finishing touches on her outfit, making sure the hat was on correctly and that her robes were neat-looking

“She has no choice but to be sister” Sister Mary replied, a wry smile appearing on her face 

“Why would you say she has no choice sister?” The Pope asked as she turned the nun 

“She does have no choice on the matter. The lives of the people she loves and the lives of many others are in her hands. If the plan does not succeed many will die and suffer for it” Sister Mary replied as she approached her sister, rearranging some things and fixing up Liliana’s look 

“Everyone has a choice sister, like you when you joined the Holy Assassination-” 

“Do not mention that to me. You know full well I had no choice on the matter. It was either your life or mine, and I chose to make sure you lived well” Sister Mary stopped her sister by pulling her closer, their foreheads touching one another 

“I…I am sorry sister, I didn’t mean it like that” Liliana replied, a remorseful and regretful expression on her face 

“I know, you just wanted to give an example, but you chose a horrible one” Sister Mary added, a wry smile on her face as she patted Liliana on the head 

“I am sorry sister” 

“No need to be, I forgive you anyway, sigh let’s just get ready now. Are you ready sister?” Sister Mary asked

“Yes sister I am” 

“Good, then let’s go to Amelia and proceed to the cathedral, we have nearly an hour remaining” 

“Is this what you would call “Do or Die Time?” sister?” The Pope asked with a tilted head 

“Yes, this is definitely a “Do or Die Time” situation, and we best make sure we make it, less we well, die” 

Exiting Liliana’s private chambers, they made their way to the nearby dressing room, opening the door, the two were treated to the sight of a very beautiful Amelia draped in a flowing white priestess robe, her golden locks highlighting her beautiful face and her expression leaving the two of them stunned and speechless by its beauty as Amelia’s golden eyes, lush red lips and cute nose played their part. 

“What do you think huh? Pretty good for clergy clothes and some makeup” Mother Felice stated as she helped the two inside the room and sat them on the couch 

“You look magnificent dear” Sister Mary voiced as she looked at her daughter 

“I agree with my sister, truly ethereal” Liliana added 

“TH…thank you, that means a lot coming from you both” Amelia stuttered as she blushed and looked down, causing the three adults to clutch their hearts at home cute she was acting 

“Uhmm, anyways. Back to the main topic at hand, Your Holiness, where is the Halo of Histy?” Amelia asked 

“Ah, it’s here” Liliana replied as she pulled out a briefcase from her item box, placing it on her lap

“When the eclipse comes you won’t be able to access your item box, so who will you leave the briefcase with?” 

“I will be leaving it with Gaius, as the ceremony requires him to hand me the Halo and then crown it upon you” Liliana answered 

“I see, so… it's almost time isn't it?” Amelia stated as she looked at the three of them 

“Indeed it is” 

“Yes my dear Amelia” 

“About an hour left yes” 

“Then let’s get to it” 

A/N: AND HERE WE GO THREE OF THREE, WOOOO! Anyways, this is the first part of the Finale for Volume 1. Plans upon plans upon plans are about to go down and who will be the one ending up with the successful plan? I am going to reiterate this like a broken record so thank you once again for your support of the series and I hope you continue to support it when Volume 1 ends and Volume 2 comes in January, leave a comment if you'd like and if you have questions I can answer em. As always, Stay Safe and Enjoy Your Day!

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