Amelia and Ophelia: The Former Grand Duchess and Saintess.

Chapter 3: Preparation for the plan (Part 1)

"And it is with great pride as I present this year's graduating class!" 

Principal Alger announced to the crowd gathered in the gymnasium as he extended his arms to gesture to the large group of students dressed in togas. 

The students before him all had smiles on their faces as they turned to face the crowd behind them, all of them waving and bowing towards friends and close relatives that had come to watch their graduation ceremony, many of them smiling and crying as they were proud of those they were there for. 

In the front of the crowd of onlookers, was a brown-haired nun named Sister Mary and a white-haired lady draped in a black coat named Mother Felice who ran the orphanage in the Erstad dutchy, they were clapping and waving towards a blonde girl waving at them, her face dressed with a smile. The smile however masked more than just one emotion and the two of them were quick to pick up on it as they smiled and waved back. 

"I don't think she is alright" Sister Mary said, leaning in to whisper

"I can see that Mary, it is very...concerning" Mother Felice replied as she glanced at Mary

After clapping, Alger asked everyone to once again be seated as he began his speech, he straightened the magic crystal being used as a mic and began

"As you may know, the Hallsworth Academy is the best academy in the Hillsbrooke Empire. For years we have done our duty to mold the young minds of generations to come and ensure that those who will lead our nation to new heights are properly taught and made ready for their future. This tradition continues above and beyond with this current batch!" Alger once again gestured to the students in front of him, a bright smile flashing across his face as emphasized his words

"I hear you all asking why, so let me tell you. This year's batch has something-" 


'Goddess please end me' were the thoughts in Amelia's head as she stared blankly at Principal Alger giving his speech, wanting to desperately leave this institution that had damned her lover to a punishment she was undeserving of. 

She gave a small sigh as she relaxed her mind and activated her telepathic magic.

[Mother Felice? Sister Mary? you both there?] she asked as she continued to stare blankly at the proceedings before her, keeping one ear out in case she was called, and in a short moment, two warm voices came back to Amelia loud and clear

[gonna put character letters to keep flow oke doke][=/]

[You called Amelia?] - M

[What is it my little Amelia?] - F

[I..I don't feel so good about all of this] Amelia said, her voice sounding tired and on the verge of tears which no one could tell from the outside since she had a mostly bored expression projecting.

[I understand why Amelia, I really do] Sister Mary said, her warm voice filled with understanding 

[It is very clear little Amelia, even when you were waving at us, I could sense that something was not right with you] Mother Felice stated, her tone filled with understanding and correctness 

[You could!? I thought I was hiding it pretty well] Amelia's eyes widened at Mother Felice's statement, she really did think that she had hid her emotions from them with a deceitful smile but it seemed she hadn't. 

But before she could continue the conversation, she noticed that Alger was looking at her and gave her a nod, she mentally rolled her eyes as she stood up from her seat as Alger announced, 

"The lady you all see before you is the newly crowned Saintess, lady Amelia Rothild who is considered by this batch of students as the jewel in the crown of this year's top students" 

The onlookers had surprised expressions on their faces as all eyes were now on Amelia, who waved at them with a smile on her face that captured the hearts of many men and women in the crowd. She then sat back down as Alger began to roll calling all of the graduating students onto the stage with their friends or family, smiles and cries of joy were heard as each name was read and they presented themselves, it was a joyous event for all, except one. 


After the event, many of the students and their families decided to stay inside the campus to partake in the afterparty being hosted later at night. In the flower garden next to the gymnasium, far from the eyes and ears of everyone was an alert and watchful Mother Felice, Sister Mary, and Amelia who was bawling her eyes out. 

Sister Mary had an understanding expression as she tried her best to soothe the child crying into her shoulder, patting her on the back and repeating the phrase "it's ok" and "it wasn't your fault" to try and get Amelia to calm down. Meanwhile, Mother Felice had set up a barrier to make sure no one could hear what was going on and had set up detection wards in case someone was coming, her face had a look of pity as she glanced at Amelia, she knew that both she and Sister Mary's hearts were wrenching as they saw their beloved daughter crying. 

"Just let it all out" Sister Mary said as she continued to stroke Amelia's back, a sad smile on her face as she couldn't stand seeing her like this 

"Hnng...Hnng... I think...I think I'm ok now" Amelia replied weakly, tears still flowing as she tried to compose herself, her voice was hurting from her crying. 

She pulled away from the semi-soaked shoulder she was crying on and faced the two adults before her, the latter saw that Amelia's eyes were red and watery as they had expected and they could see some mucus coming down from her nose as she looked at both of them trying to regain herself. 

Mother Felice gave a sigh as she pulled out a handkerchief from her coat and walked over to Amelia, she wiped away the remaining tears and mucus before giving Amelia a tight hug, which was quickly joined in by Sister Mary as she too wanted to give Amelia a hug. 

"I don't like it when I see one of my children cry, I know that you are experiencing something that me and Sister Mary would never understand, but I would like you to know that we will always be here to help you, even if it means going against the world" Mother Felice stated as she tightened her hug around Amelia

"Mother Felice is right, if there is anything you need us to do, we will help you" Sister Mary added. Both of them pulled out of the hug and looking Amelia with warm, gentle, and reassuring smiles.

Amelia smiled weakly as she nodded her head and she kissed both of them on the cheek as she finally regained her composure. She took a deep breath as she looked at each of them with a serious look and said

"I do have something that I need your help with, it involves the entire dutchy as well" her eyes were focused and confident, showing no fear. 

Both of the adults smiled and nodded as they expected something like this

"Well then my little Amelia? let's hear it" Mother Felice answered with a grin

'A few moments later' 

"And that is the plan" Amelia said as she finished explaining the entire plan given to her by Ophelia

"That...that is a good plan, I'm in" Sister Mary said as she nodded her head in understanding

"If the entire dutchy is willing, then this plan will go off without any issue. I too am in, I will speak with Percy when we get back to the dutchy" Mother Felice chimed in as she had an understanding expression with a grin on her face

Amelia smiled as her heart settled knowing her mothers had agreed to the plan and were supporting it, but when she heard the name of Ophelia's personal maid Percy, a thought had come into her mind, a thought she had gleamed over before. 

"How are the servants and maids at Ophelia's mansion?" she asked with a concerned expression and tone

"They are fine" Mother Felice replied

"But it is strange" she added

"How strange?" Amelia asked

"You would think that having their employer being banished would mean that they would lose everything, but I heard that the emperor made an announcement earlier in the morning stating that our entire dutchy is to be in a state of self-governance for a while until he can find a new noble to manage over it, making Percy and the rest of the estate workers practically owners of the territroy" 

Surprise filled Amelia's face at the answer, she remembers that Ophelia had mentioned something about the emperor before but she was always vague about their relationship, and this just added more fuel to the confusing fire. 

"This is very concerning, but we can deal with it later" Amelia said as she stood up from the bench and began stretching

"Amelia, now that you told us the plan, leave Percy, the estate employees and the people living in the towns and villages, I and Mother Felice can inform them about everything" Sister Mary added as she too stood up

"Mary is right, leave the dutchy matters to us, you go do the rest, such as ensuring a certain friend is able to become an S-class adventurer before she leaves for the Kingdom of June" Mother Felice added as well as she patted Amelia on the back. 

Amelia smiled with a nod as she gave them both a hug and a kiss before going off toward her dorm. 


Inside the girl's dorm of the academy, there were many people getting ready for the after-party. Some were lounging on the chairs and couches reading books on different topics, while others were busy spending time with their relatives inside their dorm rooms. In room 405, Sharon Halfriva was with her mother, a fairly tall and fairly blessed lady with the same brown hair and emerald eyes as herself, Ilena Halfriva. and the two of them were having a conversation.

"So, uncle Arthur and the rest of our relatives are...dead?" Sharon asked, her voice unsure and her expression filled with sadness

"Yes my dear, they died in a magical experiment gone wrong. And because of that, we have to go back now. Me, you, your father, and little Yulen and Yulan. I know it seems like a lot but please, I need you to be strong for what is about to come. becoming the crown princess of a kingdom you only visited during vacation is a harrowing surprise I am sure. Since now I have to be the queen of my brother's kingdom." 

Sharon could only stay silent as she fell back onto her bed, her thoughts drifting around as she tried to process all the information, and so far it was a lot to process. 

She learned that her mother was the youngest child of the Cameron line in the Kingdom of June, a smaller kingdom located southeast of the empire, near the Hrubvetia Sea. Her uncle and her mother's older brother, Arthur Cameron who she thought was just a simple noble from that kingdom, since he would regularly visit was surprised to find out that he was in fact the king. Sharon couldn't believe that all of this was perfectly hidden from her despite her interactions and connections in high society. And now that her uncle is dead along with his entire family, the throne and its inheritance falls to her mother, who was sent away from the kingdom when she was around her twenties to live a life far away from the responsibilities of the crown. 

Sharon let out a sigh as she sat back up and faced her mother, who was sitting on the bed opposite her. 

"I don't think they will accept you that easily mother" she began, a wry smile on her face

"I know that, my brother's aide had told me that many nobles are trying to find ways to claim the throne but the thought of me still being alive is what is halting them from doing anything bolder" Ilena replied, a wry smile also appearing on her face

"But even if they try, the King's Guard is absolutely loyal to the descendants and relatives of my father, and since they knew me before I was sent away, I think they will still be loyal" she added a small hint of confidence could be detected

"But even so mother, the King's Guard is only a small order, but what about the military? the nobility? and the common folk?! if no one supports you then bad things will happen!" Sharon asked the worry in her tone and her voice was very clear at this point. her mother gave a sigh and a smile as she stood up from the opposite bed and sat next to her, pushing Sharon's hair behind her ear. 

"I know that my dear, and so does your father. you needn't worry about it" Ilena reassured her, giving her daughter a kiss on the forehead

"Your father and I knew that someday this may happen, so we have obviously prepared for it, even your uncle Arthur knew that if something were to happen to him and his family, we would be dragged in. So don't worry about us not having a plan my dear, in fact, we will not be going there yet. I have had a word with the emperor and he has given us four months to close our accounts here in the empire before supporting us back into my homeland. For a favor of course but that is between him and me" Ilena added as she held Sharon's hand in hers. 

Sharon took another deep breath and nodded at her mother's words

'She's right, she's probably expected something like this' she thought as she gave her mother a smile in return

Ilena then let out a chuckle as she pulled her daughter in for a hug, 

"Thank you for always worrying about us dear" she said sweetly 

"It's nothing mother, it's just the natural thing to do since you guys are my everything in life" Sharon replied as she melted into her mother's arms. 


AN: Thanks so much for waiting!! sorry that this came out longer than expected! having to rewrite chapters already published before can be a little challenging hehe. anyways, if you guys got any comments then feel free to post em, I do my best to read all and try to reply so yeah, also if you have criticism on the stuff then also go ahead and post, I always feel like there are some things wrong but can never pinpoint em. 

anyways thanks for reading and see you in the next chapter!

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