Amelia and Ophelia: The Former Grand Duchess and Saintess.

Q&A Chapter!

Hey there, so I waited for a few days just to make sure people were able to post their questions, and I think it's a good time to put the Q&A Chapter out now. So let's see what the questions were. 


@Hiatus_Ashborne asks: 

Do you plan on, at some point in the future, grant the main couple children? (Adopted or Biological with the use of magic)

Also, do they both have normal human lifespan or not?

Where did they bury the emperor?

How many volumes do you plan on making?

: Now, for the first question is yes. I do intend for them to have a child, but that is further down the line via magic. the next question, I was unwilling to give them normal human lifespans, and I found a workaround that is explained in the 2nd Volume so stay tuned for that. Then the next question, the burial of the emperor will be featured in the next set of chapters titled "Aftermath" so stay tuned for that after this chapter, and the last one...I honestly do not know, I have a vision so far, but I do not know how many. The least I can answer is that the title for the next volume is "The March South" and the final volume is "The Promise Fulfilled" I hope that answers your questions. 

Next up we have 

@Godleydemon asks: 

With how the story had been setup, I had assumed there really wasn't much story to even tell. Our couple is getting back together again, the Empire is falling apart. The stupid Prince and the rest of the OriML's have been left behind to try and run a crumbling Empire that'll probably be taken over by neighboring kingdoms incredibly fast. So I guess my question would be.

What in the world do you even have planned for a second Volume?

: This is a good question that was partially answered by the next commentor @Korn, while yes there is going to be kingdom building in respects to Ophelia and now with Amelia building up their little empire, there is also some action, some world building and the next villain they are to face. 

Then we have 

@DschingisKhan asks: 

She totally could have killed those two guys right then, couldn't she? Did Ophelia tell her to resist the temptation?

: The answer to both is yes, Amelia could have ended the two of them right then and there, she would have. If not for her remembering the plan and what Goddess Histy had shown her. What was show was basically a giant kaleidoscope of what-ifs and their results, and the results Amelia saw left her with better understanding why she had to follow the plan to the letter. this also answers the question raised by @Dimentos 


Now, thanks for the questions! If you have anymore I can answer in the comments, and I would just like to reitorate that I am extremely grateful to you guys for enjoying the series till the end of Volume 1 and I hope it continues on to Volume 2 and beyond. I will say this now that the "Aftermath" chapters will come sometime in the month then I will spend December writing for my other series "The Old Scholar" and then return in Jan next year with the 1st chapter of Volume 2! and as always, Stay Safe and Enjoy Your Day! 

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