Amelia and Ophelia: The Former Grand Duchess and Saintess.

Special Chapter: Awakening Day Promise

A small chapter set a year before the escape of Amelia and exile of Ophelia. 


It was wintertime in the Hillsbrooke Empire, the snowfall had started a month earlier than expected but all things were still going well. Amelia had just finished her term for the year and she had finally come home after weeks of slugging it out with her academics, nearly failing several subjects were it not for the brutal tutoring sessions from Sharon that had carved a large academic knowledge sized whole in her brain. When she arrived back in the Erstad Duchy, the first thing she did was to spend an entire week playing with the other kids at the orphanage and spending time with Sister Mary and Mother Felice. 

They laughed and danced around in the snowy fields while also going around the town near the orphanage to spread some holiday cheer as the wintertime in the empire was a special time for the empire. It was said in legend that wintertime was when the empire was founded while also coinciding with a holiday that the Goddess Histy had placed called "Awakening Day" as it was the day that the first life upon the world had awakened from being created by her. It was a day to share gifts and spread the message of love and unity as well as forgiveness before the new year had come. 

After the week was spent, Amelia made her way to the manor of her beloved along with the entire duchy as it was common practice since forever that the Erstad's would host a mighty party for the people of the duchy. Amelia also had a special surprise for her beloved in the form of a homemade cake that she stored safely inside her item box, a black princess chocolate cake which was Ophelia's favorite and she had with her a bottle filled with a certain love potion that Amelia had brewed with the help of Sharon back in the academy with the later saying 

"She will devour the cake then devour you if you use that. Goodluck surviving" 

Amelia however was not really worried about such things as she thought herself prepared for whatever the consequences were for such a choice in what she was planning to do when they were both alone, since being both lovers and having done it already multiple times meant that she was fully prepared for such a thing right? 

As Amelia and her family arrived at the front gate of the manor as the snowy night was underway, she was greeted by the sight of the knights and by some of the staff. Although she was a regular visitor to the point where the staff and knights knew her, they still were tasked with logging in who was coming into the estate 

"Name?" The knight asked as she looked down at Amelia, her face obscured by her helmet 

"Amelia Rothild and company, orphans from the Erstad Duchy and the caretakers of the orphanage" Amelia answered with a cheery smile as she looked up at the knight 

"Hmm, your on the list. Welcome to the manor Miss Rothild" The knight said as she bowed and gestured for them to proceed into the estate 

"Thank you very much" Amelia replied with a bow 

"Heh, you think we would have gotten a free pass by now" Mother Felice remarked as she rolled her eyes

"Oh shush, security measures are important" Sister Mary replied to her, a small smile on her face as she shook her head 

As they entered the estate, the sound of music filled the air as trumpets, violins and drums played the night away. And the moment the manor itself came into view, Amelia and her company were treated to the sight of lights dangling from the trees and the front arch of the manor, with tables laid out underneath a net that covered them from the snow. There were already other people from the duchy enjoying the party that was in full swing and there were servants going around serving those who had arrived before her. She greeted some fellow adventurers and some of the townsfolk who said hi all the while scanning the scene to see if Ophelia was in view. 

"Ahh, Miss Amelia you finally made it" An older woman's voice came from behind, causing the young blonde to spin on her heel 

"Percy! Just the kitsune I wanted to see, where is Ophelia?" She asked the kitsune head maid with a smile 

"She is in her room waiting for you, I believe you know where to go?" The kitsune said with a smile 

"Hehehe, of course I do" Amelia replied with a wink before discreetly entering the manor and making her way towards Ophelia's personal quarters 

Entering the manor, Amelia walked past nobles who were chatting amongst themselves and other commoners, using her skills to evade detection and pass all of them by with none the wiser. As she went upstairs and entered the hall that led to her beloved's chambers, she passed portraits of the former Grand Duke and Duchess of years past, seeing that the usually stoic faces continued until Ophelia's father showed a smile and then Ophelia herself who is also smiling. 

"So beautiful as always" Amelia remarked as she placed her hand on the picture frame giving it a light kiss 

After passing her lover's portrait, Amelia found herself standing in front of the door leading into her lover's chambers, a small sense of nervousness washed over her as she took a deep breath and then stepped forward, knocking on the door thrice 

"Who is it?" Ophelia's voice called out from behind the door 

"It's me love" Amelia answered as she entered the room, 

She let out a small gasp of surprise and awe when her eyes rested upon the woman who was sitting on the bed before her. Her purple eyes radiated warmth as they locked with one another, the bed she was resting on was lavish and looked to be already prepared for a pair to inhabit it, the purple and black dress with gold trim Ophelia wore exposed the top of her mountains and the rest of her neckline and shoulders, the sight of which made Amelia blush. 



'She's soo...beautiful' Amelia thought as she looked at her beloved 

"Oh? going red already are we?" Ophelia asked with a seductive smile as she rose from the bed and waltzed over to the blushing blonde, gently grasping her chin and tilting her head upward and then locking lips in a deep and passionate kiss 

"Mngg...nggg....mmmm" Amelia moaned in pleasure as she felt Ophelia's tongue enter her mouth and began to mingle with hers,

After a few minutes, Ophelia pulled away and held Amelia who fell forward and rested her head upon her beloved's well-endowed breasts. Looking up, Ophelia saw that the blonde woman was blushing uncontrollably and she was breathing raggedly as a result of the kiss, her cute face making Ophelia's smile grow larger. 

"No...fair" Amelia moaned as she placed her right hand on her lover's face 

"Happy Awakening Day my love" Ophelia replied as she grabbed the hand on her face and kiss Amelia's palm before leaning forward and landing a kiss on  her forehead 

After a few more moments to settle down, Ophelia and Amelia are on the bed sitting side by side, with each resting a hand on the bed that is clutching the other, Amelia glances over and sees her beloved looking at her with a gentle smile causing her face to flush red instantly as she tries to calm her fast beating heart and compose herself, taking a deep breath in response.

"This is....unbecoming of you Ophelia" She says with a small hesitance that she hopes her lover does not notice 

"Oh? I am? Do explain please?" Ophelia said as she pulled Amelia in close and bit her on the ear, causing her lover to blush even more 

"Stop! Not like this!" Amelia said as she quickly shoved Ophelia away and turned around embarrassed, her heartrate spiking as she tried so hard to compose herself 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to force myself upon you like that" Ophelia apologized as she hugged Amelia from behind 

"Its not that...I love it when you do that" The young blonde confessed 


"You might just kill me with your love before I could give you your gift" Amelia continued 


"A gift? for me?" Ophelia asked with a perplexed expression as she pulled away and Amelia turned to her 

"Well...yeah. It's Awakening Day and I have to give you a gift" Amelia added as she moved closer to her beloved 

"You shouldn't have, you are already my gift" Ophelia replied immediately with a heartfelt smile that could smite Amelia 

'What a vixen' Amelia thought as she looked at her lover, forcibly shoving down thoughts of some unholy acts 

"Well, what is this gift then?" Ophelia asked 

"Oh! Uhh...a cake I baked just for you" Amelia said as she pulled out the Black Princess Chocolate Cake from her item box 

(A/N: Its a really frickin good chocolate cake I have had the pleasure of trying) 

Ophelia's eyes widened as she saw the cake materialize before her, it was a perfectly square piece that had frosting on all sides and the plate it was on had an intricate design, and so did the fork that accompanied it. 

"Thank you Amelia" Ophelia said as she kissed her beloved on the nose before shifting her gaze back to the cake

Amelia watched with bated breath as she saw her lover take a bite of the cake, her eyes focusing on the lips as Ophelia silently chewed the cake, a small smile appearing on her face as the cake was really fricking good as the chocolate and the filling inside the cake blended together perfectly. It was a few minutes like this as Amelia just watched in silence as the woman beside her enjoyed her gift and seeing her happy made Amelia's emotions burst with happiness, with her mind contemplating to give the love potion. 

"Thank you was quite satisfying" Ophelia said with a smile as she stored the plate away in her own item box and turned to her beloved, taking her hand into hers 

"Although I am a poor partner who failed to get you a gift I will give you something more valuable, my word. Tell me, what is the gift you want most now? It can be anything and everything, tell me so I can show you the depths of my love and devotion, if you speak the word this empire will be yours, I just need to hear the word from your mouth and it shall be done" She stated with a serious expression, her eyes boring into Amelia's soul and showing the latter the unending depths of Ophelia's love. 

"Well, I do want an empire hahahaa...I am joking though, I am just happy I get to spend more time with you, and that is more than I could ever ask for" Amelia said as she wrapped her arms around her beloved and kissed her deeply 

"Mngg...ngg..mmmmm" Ophelia moaned in pleasure as she allowed herself to be taken by her lover, noticing her lover's arms about to strip her 

"Mmmm, but that will have to wait another time" She said as she pulled away from the kiss and placed her finger on the young blonde's lips, 

"Hmm ok..I guess we do have to attend this party after all" Amelia lamented as she stood up and adjusted her outfit, 

"Indeed, it would be horrible for the guests if the host is not there Amelia, wouldn't you agree? Now come, let's go down together" Ophelia said as she snapped her fingers and fixed her outfit, including a black winter coat 

"Lead the way" Amelia replied with a heartfelt smile as she followed behind her beloved 



A/N: Merry Christmas! So this is a shorter chapter just made for this day and I hope you all enjoyed it! I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Stay Safe and Enjoy The Festivities Everyone! 

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