Amelia Thornheart

Chapter Sixteen: A Highguard Mystery

What's more impressive than the Kenhoro Imperial Docks? The discord server we're building for the community! we hope to see you there!

Hotel Highguard oozed wealth. Its lobby was lined with marble walls, and the floor was covered with a shiny black rock Amelia had never seen before. A dozen pillars were dotted about, each holding an expensive-looking piece of earthware inscribed with ornate patterns. On the far side of the lobby, a grand staircase layered with a red carpet led to the floors above. There were two elevators to one side, each with a demon attendant.

“Take your raincoat and hat off,” Serena said as she removed her own. “Hold these,” she said, passing them to Amelia, who tried to fold them awkwardly over her arm while holding the gift-wrapped bag from the market outside. “Hurry up,” Serena commanded as she strutted off to the reception.

“Yes, Lady Halen!” Amelia piped up, remembering Serena’s instructions to be on her best behaviour. She followed behind obediently.

The receptionist gave a deep bow as they approached. “Welcome to the Highguard, Speaker Halen,” said the receptionist politely. “Or do you prefer Captain?”

“Speaker Halen,” Serena said. “Is the owner in?”

“The owner is unfortunately occupied for the foreseeable future,” the receptionist explained, his eyes briefly flicking to Amelia. “I can pass on a message for you.”

“No need,” Serena said, resting an arm on the receptionist’s desk. “We require a twin room. One month. For both of us.” Serena gestured to Amelia at her side.  The receptionist blinked a few times before a smile formed on his face that didn’t quite reach his eyes.

“Our greatest apologies, Speaker Halen. All our rooms are fully booked for the next three months.”

“I'm sure they are. However, I am well aware the Highguard always keeps rooms in reserve. We’d like one of them,” Serena said, her voice taking on a hard edge. Amelia couldn’t help but start to feel a little excited. Serena in authoritative mode was her second favourite Serena mode, coming in shortly behind secret-big-softy mode.

“Once again, I sincerely apologize, Speaker Halen. We are unable to provide one of the reserve rooms… in this case.”

“Oh?” Amelia noticed Serena’s eyes narrowing. The danger level was increasing. She quickly checked Serena’s waist and was relieved to see Serena wasn’t carrying her normal cutlass. “And if you could explain precisely what you mean by this case?”

“Of course, Speaker Halen.” The demon nodded his head. “We currently have a large number of military staying with us. Many of these guests are extra vigilant regarding their surroundings, and I believe there is a high chance of conflict arising if you and your…” a set of orange eyes met Amelia’s, “... assistant stayed with us.”

Serena was silent for a full ten seconds, staring down at the receptionist whose calm facade was just starting to crack, his smile looking a little more nervous than before.


“That is correct, Speaker Halen.”

“From which battalion or squadron?”

“I… believe they take the name of the Crimson Reapers.”

“Mercenaries! Tsk!” Serena clicked her tongue, tapping the desk with a forceful finger. “When in the seven hells did Highguard start housing mercenaries and privateers?”

“The activities of our valiant and brave guests have allowed them to meet our very competitive prices, Speaker Halen. They have purchased all available rooms.”

“Activities? Ha!” Serena’s laugh echoed in the large lobby, and Amelia wondered how uncomfortable the lift attendants were getting. “You mean looting and plundering out in international airspace?”

“Speaker Halen, if you could refrain-”

“No. You listen here,” Serena jabbed a finger at the flustered receptionist. “House Halen and the owner are on good terms. We have hosted him as a guest in our estate many times. I will speak to him myself. Where is he?”

“I cannot-”

“I was not asking,” Serena snarled, her voice abandoning all pretence of politeness. What a terrible hot-head she was! “I am instructing you. Tell me where I can find him, or you’ll experience some of that conflict you hope to avoid right here, right now!” The threat was punctuated with a crack as the edge of the receptionist desk Serena held splintered under her strength.

As covertly as she could, Amelia twisted and turned the aether inside her and silently cast a little bit of ice magic. A wave of cold erupted from her, and the receptionist involuntarily shivered. Serena glanced in her direction, and Amelia responded to the questioning look with a small shrug.

“T-there’s no need for that, Speaker Halen,” the receptionist blurted out, looking thoroughly intimidated at their joint attack. “Lord Yulan is recuperating in the penthouse suite. If you insist so strongly, then we have no choice…” the demon awkwardly gestured to the lift. “One of our attendants will take you there.”

Serena held the man in her gaze as if glaring at him for long enough would melt him into a puddle. “Recuperating?” she asked.

“Y-yes. He is… unwell.”

Serena cast a side-eye at her. Amelia responded with a small nod to the implicit question. “Very well,” Serena intoned. “Shall we go see the owner, Miss Thornheart?”

“Mmm, mmm! Sure thing!” Amelia nodded enthusiastically. Leaving the stressed receptionist behind, she and Serena entered one of the lifts and the attendant - who looked like he’d rather be anywhere else - produced a silver key from about his person. The attendant inserted the key into a keyhole and twisted three times. An audible click sounded and from below their feet there was a hiss of steam and the elevator began to trundle upwards.

The three of them stood in awkward silence. If they were alone, Amelia would have asked all kinds of questions but the presence of the lift attendant kept her lips closed.

Another hiss of steam and the lift came to a halt outside a short hallway. The gates of the lift opened and for a moment everything seemed very still.

“Let’s go,” Serena said, stepping out into the hallway. “Leave that here,” Serena gestured to the raincoats, hats, and gift bag containing the mask she was carrying. Amelia placed them on the floor to the side.

“Speaker Halen,” a small voice called out. It was the lift attendant, bowing deeply in Serena’s direction. “If you can do anything to help Lord Yulan’s position, many of us would be most grateful.”

Serena evaluated the man with a cold gaze. “How long have you been under his employ?”

“Five years, Speaker Halen.”

“How long has Lord Yulan been recuperating?”

“A little over a year now.”

“A year!” Serena exclaimed. “Who has been running Highguard in his place?”

“That would be his nephew, Manager San.”

“Lord Yulan has a nephew?” Serena tilted her head in puzzlement. “I have never seen or heard of this nephew. Why?”

“I can only repeat what I have heard but… Manager San was estranged from the family many years ago for eloping with an Ainese woman that Lord Yulan did not approve of. He recently reappeared to make amends with his uncle.”

“And was it this Manager San who was responsible for allowing that rabble in?”

“Yes, Speaker…” the lift attendant seemed to chew his words a little, “... Manager San appears to be close with their commander.”

Serena blinked a few times. “I see,” she said. “And when exactly did Manager San make his return?”

“Ah…” The lift attendant kept his eyes firmly on the floor, a pained expression on his face. “That would be…” The demon's voice became barely a whisper, “... shortly before Lord Yulan became bedridden.”

Serena closed the distance to the attendant and bent down so they were close. “Is the situation that bad?” she whispered.

“Cargo moves through the hotel only at night. Manager San and his allies monitor it. We are being replaced, one by one.” The lift attendant bowed deeply. “If you can do anything, I beg of you!”

Serena straightened up slowly. “Will they be suspicious of you?”

“... Yes,” came the reply from the still-bowing attendant.

“Then, you know what I must do? For your sake?” The attendant stood up, his mouth quivering, but Amelia could see the determination in his yellow eyes.

“I am prepared, but if you could control your strength-” The man was cut short as Serena’s fist smashed into his face and blood exploded from his broken nose.

“Ahh… ahhh!” The man cried, clutching his bloody face.

“Return below. Use all kinds of colourful language to describe me.” Serena’s voice took on a note of sympathy. “Describe my actions as violent and without restraint. Tell them I threatened your life with a sword. If you find the opportunity, exit the hotel. Hold this in your hand so it’s visible to the outside crowd.”

Serena reached into her pockets and pulled out a silver insignia identical to the one Tomes had given Amelia earlier. “You may or may not be approached by someone. Ask them if their accent is from Ichtaca, regardless of how they sound. If they say yes, then inform them that Speaker Halen is exercising her privilege. Is this understood?”

“Ah… I understand, Speaker Halen!” The bloody attendant took the insignia and hid it in his sock. “I will do as you ask!” The man spoke with newfound enthusiasm that would look rather noble if he wasn’t pouring blood onto his uniform.

“Is there any other way to access this floor?” Serena asked.

“There are only the stairs. Right here.” The attendant pressed a bloody hand against the wall, and a mechanical click sounded as a section swung back, revealing a stairwell.

“Return this way. Go now. Be quick,” Serena ordered. The attendant gave a hasty bow and vanished down the stairwell. Amelia watched him go and listened as his footsteps quietened. She turned to Serena and raised her eyebrow as best she could.

“Well, this has escalated rather quickly!” she said, forming her mouth into a sly grin. "How thrilling! What was all that about with the… you know?” Amelia motioned a punch with her fist.

“I merely want to give them pause in following us. If they believe I am out of control, they will be more hesitant. For some reason,” Serena sighed, “I have a reputation for being violent.”

“Oh my!” Amelia made a mock expression of shock. “How could anyone have gotten that idea?”

“Shut up.”

“Who is this Lord Yulan anyway?”

“He's a family friend. Growing up, I used to call him uncle, and he used to call me little Ren.”


“Popular nickname for the name Serena.”

“Oh! I wonder what my nickname would be! Amelia… Amelia…” Amelia rolled her own name around her tongue, trying to come up with a suitable nickname. “Mel? Hmm, I don’t like that. Oh! I know! Lia! You can call me Lia if you like! What do you think?” She pumped her fist up and flexed her bicep. “Ren and Lia! Saving the world! Fighting against evil and corruption! Saviours of Highguard!”

“What in the seven hells goes through your head, idiot!” Shaking her head and walking to the lift, Serena tried to hide it, but Amelia could see the smile.

She was going to ask, ‘So what’s the plan, little Ren?’ but caught herself just in time. She was very happy with their relationship's direction and didn’t want to push things too fast. Luckily, little Ren answered the question herself.

“First, I’ll break the lift so they cannot interrupt my investigation,” Serena said.

“How are you-”

Serena's fist smashed through the wooden and marble wall, ripping through copper pipes that spewed out boiling hot steam. Serena herself seemed unaffected by the heat and continued wreaking havoc on the steam system that operated the lift. A few moments later, the fully functioning lift became a twisted wreck.

Amelia clapped her hands quickly. “How educational!” She flashed a smug grin at Serena. “I’m learning a lot from you about how to solve future problems! This etiquette lesson is very engaging! Pfft!” She couldn't resist a giggle at the end, the humour of her own joke too much for her to keep the act up.

Serena rolled her eyes but didn’t chastise her. “Secondly,” Serena said, “I’ll stop them coming through here, at least until they find enough muscle.” Serena closed the hidden door to the stairs and placed a hand on the marble. Amelia sensed the aether inside Serena bubble before the marble melded together, sealing the hidden door shut.

“I didn’t know you knew earth magic!” she exclaimed.

“There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me,” came the reply.

“Mmm! I can’t wait to find them all out!” She leaned against the wall, folded her arms and mustered her cheekiest grin. “Any more cute nicknames I should know about?”

Serena didn’t reply, but the marble in the wall flowed like liquid forming a sword in the shape of a katana.

“You’re not going to stab me with that, are you?” Amelia asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I’ll stab you later. Let’s go. Observe and be ready for a fight.” Serena brandished the marbled katana, testing out its weight with a few test swings.

“Okay! But you know… I don’t really want to fight. I can sit there and tank a lot of hits, though!”

“You can what a lot of hits?” Serena asked, stopping mid-swing and looking confused.

“Umm…” Amelia paused, realizing she had used another expression from her world. “Do you not have… tanks? Big armoured land machines? With a big gun?”

“No, why would anyone use that?”

“To like… you know,” Amelia shuffled her feet awkwardly. She wasn’t a military expert! “Protect the infantry and stuff…”

“Protect the infantry? Surround the men in an armoured box?”

“That’s right!”

“Add in a big gun to aid in their defensive and offensive capability?”


“And then, because it would weigh so much, install a lift engine to counter the weight of the armour?”

“I suppose so…”

“Congratulations. You’ve just reinvented the warship. I’ll make sure to recommend you to Centralis High Command, Lia.” A sly smile appeared on Serena’s face, and Amelia felt her mouth open in shock. The audacity! She made sure her cheeks were thoroughly puffed out, and she strode up to the smug demon and tried to look as threatening as possible, which considering how unbelievably cute she was, can’t have been very much.

“You! You-” She was cut short and suddenly felt all her anger melt away as she felt her hair being ruffled. Her hair was being ruffled! What a pleasant feeling!

“Come on, idiot. We’ve dallied around long enough,” Serena said, removing her hand. Amelia looked at the hand longingly for a moment before remembering herself.


They moved down the hallway and rounded the corner into a dimly lit foyer. The floor was embedded with polished jade tiles. Wooden screens - intricately carved with stylized animals - lined the walls. A clockwork bronze dragon formed the centrepiece of the room. The clicking and turning of the cogs caused it to sway its ornately constructed head left and right. Two glowing amber eyes seemed to stare at them.

“Wow…” Amelia muttered, taking in the grand sculpture.

“It’s…” Serena paused, “I’ve forgotten its name, but it’s one of the more powerful kami worshipped by the Quintists. It’s a fire kami, taking the form of one of the fabled great lizards.”

“So cool! Hey, those aren’t aetherlights!” She pointed to the brass gas lamps lining the walls and hanging from the ceiling. They gave the room a feeling of warmth with their soft light.

“Lord Yulan is old-fashioned,” Serena explained. She looked around for a moment before striding off towards a set of stairs that led to a sliding door. With a moment of hesitation, she gripped the sword and flung the door open. From within the dark room, nothing came. As Amelia focused, she could hear the soft breathing of another person.

Serena flicked a switch on the wall, and the room was illuminated by a number of gas lamps flaring into life. The bedroom was dominated by a four-poster bed with a high canopy of red silk. An old demon with grey hair and great horns lay sleeping.

“Lord Yulan…” Serena whispered softly. “Come in, it's clear,” she said, motioning to Amelia, who stepped into the room. She had to navigate the floor as it was strewn with scrolls depicting artwork and Manwese scripture. Against one wall, there was an altar burning incense with carved sculptures of strange creatures that Amelia assumed were kami.

Hanging from the ceiling were dozens of pieces of paper with strange symbols painted on in black ink. These were also pinned on the bed's wood and seemingly randomly on the walls. Good luck charms, she guessed, or perhaps wards against evil spirits or kami.

“He doesn’t look great…” Amelia said. Lord Yulan was breathing weakly, and his face was painted with a pained expression.

“No. He doesn’t,” Serena said, moving to the edge of the bed and digging through the contents of the bedside table. Dozens of bowls and vials lay haphazardly stacked, containing an assortment of incense, herbs and strange-coloured tinctures. Serena smelled a few, a frown appearing. “These are traditional Manwese remedies. They are for inducing sleep and… oh, I see.”

Amelia watched as Serena found a vial containing a fine blue dust. “What’s that?” she asked.

“Dust,” Serena answered. “Finely ground moon crystal that is then baked for a long time and grounded even further.” She looked sympathetically at Lord Yulan. “It can be ingested or smoked to alleviate mental and physical pain, but it is highly addictive.” Serena opened a drawer and pulled out a smoking pipe. She smelt it before turning her head in disgust.

“They did this to him,” she muttered. “Induced addiction and then used the excuse of caring for him to put him into a comatose state. Took control of the hotel.” She shook her head, eyes reflecting sadness and anger. “They would have slipped it into his food at first. Lord Yulan has… had a strong mind. He would not have become like this on his own will.”

Serena pocketed the vial of dust, tobacco pipe and some other articles. She turned to Amelia with a complicated expression on her face. “I know… it’s not part of your contract but-”

“Say no more!” Amelia replied, giving her a reassuring double thumbs up as she began glowing and bathing the room in gold. The brilliant light - with flecks of blue - flowed from her into the air and into Lord Yulan’s body. The demon glowed for a dozen seconds before it finally dimmed, and the room returned to normal.

All was quiet for a moment as Lord Yulan’s breathing sounded deep and healthy. His expression became relaxed, and a peaceful smile was on the old man’s face as he slept deeply. Also, he was… he was…


“Seems like it worked,” Amelia said, shrugging. Serena frowned at the sleeping man before clicking her tongue, lifting her leg high and giving Lord Yulan a wicked kick!

“Wake up, you useless old fart!” she yelled, giving him another boot.

“Argh! What the! Who dares!” The old demon frantically sat up, glaring at Serena before his eyes slowly widened in surprise. “Serena? Seven hells! Is that you!?”

“How are you feeling, you damned old man?” Serena said, folding her arms and looking thoroughly annoyed.

“I feel… wonderful. Serena! What are you doing here!?” Lord Yulan's crimson eyes narrowed and then opened again in surprise when he noticed Amelia.

“Hi! Nice to meet you!” Amelia gave him a small wave.

“Who… who’s this human? Serena! What’s going on!?”

“This here is Miss Thornheart under my employ.” Serena put an arm around Amelia’s shoulders and pulled her close. Amelia did everything she could not to squeak an embarrassing sound. Her cheeks felt red hot, and she forced herself to look away so Serena couldn’t see her face. 

“She's a human healer and has healed you under my instruction,” Serena continued.

Lord Yulan blinked for a few seconds.

“A human healer!” he exclaimed. “Since when did House Halen manage such a feat!”

“Since recently. She’s under my employ. My personal retinue. She is not under the control of my father.” Serena took a breath. “She is also a Speaker, so be respectful.”

“A Speaker! She is so young!” Lord Yulan suddenly narrowed his eyes. “Serena, have you considered-”

“She is not a darkblade. I’ve verified it.”

“Where does she hail from!?”

“It’s complicated, and we have more important manners to discuss. Can we move the conversation along, old man?”

Lord Yulan stared at Amelia for a little longer. It was rather awkward, so she gave him a small smile. “My deepest gratitude, young human, for the aid you have rendered upon me. House Yulan will not forget what has transpired here today…”

“You’re welcome! I’m always happy to help Serena out!” Amelia exclaimed with a bigger smile. “Besides, this will help me get a raise,” she turned to look at Serena, oozing smugness as she took the opportunity. “Right, Ren?”

Oh dear! What a super-effective attack! Serena’s cheeks bloomed with redness, and she looked thoroughly stricken with embarrassment! Success!

“You… you idiot! Don’t call me that!”

“You’re blushing!”

“So are you!”

“Ah! I forgot! Don’t look at me!” Amelia turned, hiding her flushed face from Serena again.

Lord Yulan looked between them for a few seconds. “It appears you’ve made a friend, Serena?”

“I…” Serena began, “Damn it! This is a conversation for another time. Look here, old man! This is what they were giving you.” She produced the tobacco pipe and vial of Dust, handing them to the bewildered Lord Yulan.

“This is… Dust, isn’t it?” he asked, turning the vial against the light.


Lord Yulan looked around the room, taking in the mess. “How long have I been here?”

“About a year, your lift attendant told us. Some in the hotel appear to still be loyal to you. We were told it was the work of your dear nephew, someone with the surname San."

“That…” Lord Yulan stared off into space for a moment. “That bastard! I welcomed that snake back into the family! I still see he’s the same conniving son of a-” The old man caught himself, coughing into his hand awkwardly. “Apologies Serena, Speaker Thornheart. I’ve lost myself in my emotions.”

“No need, that bastard has welcomed the Crimson Reapers into the hotel. He seems to be working with them on some kind of smuggling activity. Could be weapons, could be drugs. He’s using your hotel in some way to hide or sell the goods. Also, the twerp seems to have instituted a segregationist policy in the hotel, something I took particular exception to.”

“Seven hells!” Lord Yulan exclaimed. “Where is he now!?”

Serena shrugged. “I don’t know. I caused a scene down at reception and demanded to see you. Forced my way here and then broke the elevator and blocked the stairs. I imagine it won’t be long till they try and force their way through.”

“Surely they won’t try and fight you?” He turned his eyes towards Amelia. “Fight you both? You’re both Speakers!”

“I don’t know what they’ll have planned, but it won’t be good. I suspect they have law enforcement under their thumb and will try and cause a scene to make it look bad for us. Frame this as a kidnapping or something…”

“Kidnapping!? What do you intend to do with me?”

“Get you out of here. There’s a squad from Centralis Intelligence following us. I’ll make contact and hand you over… and then…” Serena looked up as a smile formed on her face.

“You have that look on your face again, Serena,” Lord Yulan said.

“What look!?”

“... Nothing.”

“Tsk! Anyway, you old man, let’s get you out of here. Do you want to change first?”

“Yes, of course! I can’t be seen like this. One minute, ladies!” Lord Yulan jumped up with a sudden bout of energy and began rummaging in a wardrobe for some clothes. “I feel brilliant! What wonderful healing abilities you have mastered, young Speaker Thornheart!”

“You’re welcome!” Amelia grinned. She decided she very much liked being called Speaker Thornheart.

Lord Yulan stepped behind a paper screen and soon reappeared in a smart suit. “I’m ready, Serena. What now?”

“Can you still maintain the first aura?”

“Hmm…” Lord Yulan closed his eyes and after a moment his body began to glow with hues of red. “That was easier than I thought! It has been years since I last did this!”

“Excellent,” Serena strolled across the room, pulling down the shuttered blinds. Daylight flooded the bedroom and from beyond the window the streets of Kenhoro were sprawled out. The urban expanse was sprinkled with towering pagodas and in the distance Amelia could make out the triple steel lighthouses of the imperial docks.

Serena coated her marble katana with an orange aura before stabbing it through the window frame, cutting out the window in its entirety like a jigsaw piece. The window fell inwards, and Serena caught it and let it down gently.

A breeze filled the room, and paper began flapping all over. Amelia gulped nervously. Surely she didn’t mean…

“Ready?” Serena asked the room.

“How thrilling!” Exclaimed Lord Yulan, rolling his glowing red shoulders. “I feel young again!”

“Are you crazy!?” Amelia spluttered. “We’re going to jump!?” She tiptoed to the edge of the room and peered out. Her stomach twisted into knots as she felt a queasy feeling rising. They were maybe twenty floors up, and the people below looked like ants.

“What’s the problem?” Serena asked. “A jump like this is easy for a first-level aura or ward, right?”

“I’ve changed my mind,” Amelia said. “I’ve decided I very much prefer fighting and all that! Let’s go back the way we came and fight our way down!”

“Are you… scared of heights?”

“No! Yes! I don’t know! It just feels weird!” 

“Have no fear, young Speaker! Look!” Lord Yulan appeared at the edge with them. “The outside seating is unoccupied! We can aim there!”

“I…” Amelia tried to desperately calm her frantic heart. “I… I can only do it if you hold my hand!” she cried out, causing Serena to open her eyes in shock.

“What? Why?”

“I can’t do it any other way! I’m too scared! I feel like crying!” Oh, now she had actually started to cry. She was trying her best! She could do it! She would be brave like Serena always was, confident and self-assured!

As long as Serena held her hand!

“You’re a very weird human, aren’t you?” Lord Yulan said, a sparkle in his eye. “Well, Serena? Your friend requests your assistance and I can’t keep my aura going all day!”

“... Fine. Fine!” Serena grabbed her hand, wrapping it in warmth and comfort. “Here. Don’t squeeze too tight! Remember to bend your legs when we land.”

“Oh, okay!” Amelia pushed down the knot in her throat. Everything would be okay as long as she held Serena’s hand.

“The wind will be loud as we fall. Oh, don’t scream or yell; it will draw more attention than we need.”


“Are you ready?”

“I… I think so!”

“Good. We’ll aim for the far side of the seating area. Old man, you aim for the side closest to us, alright?”

“You got it!” Lord Yulan rubbed his hands together eagerly.

“Amelia, in three?”




“One! Jump!”


They leapt from the building, and despite Serena’s stern instructions…

Amelia screamed.


Oh no Amelia, you forgot your giftbag!
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We've stormed past 500 favourites thanks to everyone's amazing support! And we're slowly closing in on three hundred readers! That's amazing! We've also passed thirty ratings on the novel so a huge thanks for that! It all helps get the novel out to more people and motivates me to continue :)
Areas of Cascadia are roughly based (but are not the same) on real life earth cultures. This map needs of its geography updating but here's is a cultural map of the empire. As we can see our hopeless duo are currently in the Manwese cultural region which is inspired by Chinese culture. To the east is Serena's homeland, which is the culture of Samino and is inspired by Japanese culture.
Thank you again for the continued kind and supportive comments!
Map here:


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