Amelia Thornheart

Chapter Twenty-Four: Breaking Boundaries

Rumor is sometimes the Empress herself goes disguised on the series discord server!!

The week building up to the festival was a blur of activities, new experiences and satisfying bedtime exercises that were slowly becoming increasingly risque. As they became more comfortable with each other's bodies, Amelia felt their connection grow. When they were alone, she would sometimes sit on Serena's lap, interrupting her work. While the demon would click her tongue and roll her eyes, Serena would still embrace and kiss her before complaining about being distracted from her paperwork.

They kept up the appearance with the futon but otherwise cuddled each other to sleep. Serena seemed to like it when Amelia buried her head into her chest, so that became their typical sleeping position. They would talk about each other's lives and hold as little back as possible. Serena couldn’t share everything as she was a commissioned officer, and so some things needed to remain secret.

“I suppose there’s one thing I’ve been wondering…” Serena mumbled one night while Amelia was nestled into her chest. Amelia readjusted her position so she could look into the pair of crimson eyes. She had learned that when Serena mumbled like this, it was because she wanted to ask something that was troubling her.

“Wondering about what?”

“What did you look like in your original body?”

Ah. Amelia could see why that was a difficult question to ask. She supposed it made sense. Serena knew she was in a new body, and curiosity was only natural. Her original body was her authentic self, and she was still getting used to it. At times she felt a little strange, especially when she looked at herself in the mirror, but those feelings faded as the days passed.

“I was a few inches shorter, and I had brown hair. Don’t worry, I wasn’t an old man or anything!” Amelia gave her girlfriend a reassuring smile. “I had blue eyes, but they weren’t as blue as these ones. Umm… I modelled the face after my own but made my features a little more sharp. Made my nose a little cuter as well!”

“So you looked similar?”

“Yeah! I imagined her as an adorable little sister when I made this body! I think I was pretty average in looks where I came from, but the chronic disease often had me looking gaunt, so…” Amelia shrugged, “I hope you don’t think you’re being deceived or anything like that.”

“No, of course not,” Serena said, pulling Amelia closer and giving her a kiss on the forehead. “I was just wondering.”

On occasion, Serena would ask a question about the game Amelia played. These conversations didn’t bore much fruit as so little of the game’s world reflected the reality she was now in. One theory they had was the game was designed by someone who had lived or visited this realm, but that didn’t explain how she had gained her character's abilities.

The most difficult thing to communicate was the neurolink device through which the game was played. After eventually getting the concept across, Serena asked if such technology could be recreated in Cascadia. After thinking about it, Amelia figured it would take many centuries of enormous investment to get even slightly close, even knowing the end product.

Besides, the noise interference of atmospheric aether and the lumina would tremendously complicate computer chip development. Apparently, despite the ethereal substance manifesting as literal magic, mathematicians modelled much of its behaviour and interactions. Amelia was looking forward to meeting Serena’s genius sister Nina and asking her about it.

Tomes started visiting them for a few hours every morning, during which time he would tutor her in the imperial script. The first time he met them at the inn, he was carrying a bundle of books in his hands. He only briefly glanced at the futon before settling the collection on the desk.

“Seven hells, these bring back memories,” Serena said, picking one up and flipping through the brightly coloured books.

“Are these… children’s books?” Amelia asked, flicking through the books with more pictures than words.

“That’s right. I raided a book market for these. Half a denarii for the lot!” Tomes said, looking proud of himself. “They’re all imperial, although they seem to focus on Manwese fables and stories. Loads of them seem to be about the kami.” He dug into the books and pulled out a red one with numbers on the cover. “Look here, elementary mathematics for demons aged uh…” He squinted at the back of the book, “Five to six!”

Amelia rolled her eyes. “Tomes, I know how to calculate the orbits of planets. I just need to figure out the symbols for different things.” She flicked through one of the maths books, seeing that she could do all this quickly with her limited knowledge of imperial numbers. “Can you get something more challenging?”

“Alright then…” Tomes grumbled. “I’ll see what I can find for tomorrow."

After that, they sat down and Tomes took her through the twenty-eight letters of the imperial alphabet. She was sure she just needed to sound out the letters a few times and practice with simple words before it would all fall into place. By the end of the hour, she could already make decent attempts to pronounce the three and four letters that Tomes had written down.

After Tome’s lessons, Amelia and Serena would take an early lunch and make their way to the academy, where they would train alongside the instruction of Grandmaster Gu. Amelia was introduced to the full suite of what was deemed ‘basic strikes’ as well as a number of new katas to practice. 

Half the time was spent teaching Amelia, but for the second half, she was left alone to focus on her individual training while Grandmaster Gu instructed Serena. Unlike her training, which involved a lot of movement and sparring, Serena seemed to spend a long time meditating with her sword under the grandmaster’s instruction. 

Aiden would be there, although he didn’t train and preferred to watch and chat. “When did you leave Karligard to go travelling?” He asked one time they sat down to eat the bland buns.

“When I was sixteen,” Amelia said, blowing on her hot bun, “After I realised I could keep myself in good condition from healing… I just set out and walked, you know? Sometimes I didn’t eat for weeks, but my magic kept me going.”

“Did you sell your services?”

“No,” she shook her head, repeating the story she had gone over dozens of times with Serena. “I avoided cities and only healed any injuries I came across. Never stayed around for long. I knew the church would want me, and I didn’t want the bother so…” she shrugged, “I just kept wandering.”

“Until you met Captain Halen?”

“Until I met Captain Halen,” she echoed.

“And how-”

“That’s enough, Aiden,” Serena interjected, looking nonchalant as she nibbled her food. “You’re here for a profile, nothing more. I’m satisfied with her past, and that’s what matters. Her secrets are hers to keep and share as she pleases.”

“Officer Aiden,” the grandmaster grumbled, “Although I don’t attend their events much, I still am a Cascadian lord.” The old demon pulled out a letter and handed it to Aiden. “A recommendation from me for you to attach to your report. I can vouch for the good character of Speaker Thornheart.”

Aiden took the letter, eyeing the grandmaster with a puzzled expression on his face. “You’ve only known her for a few days,” he said.

“True, but through our swordplay, I have seen enough of Speaker Thornheart’s soul to make my judgement.” The grandmaster gave her a grandfatherly smile. “She has done much for me already, so I am merely repaying the favour.”

What a kind grandpa! Amelia had to rub her eyes before tears could form. “Thanks grandpa! You’re amazing!” She beamed a smile at him, causing the man to rub his beard awkwardly and mumble something about a granddaughter.

After their daily training, Amelia would cast a cleaning spell on all of them and then they would explore some part of the city. Sometimes Aiden joined them, and sometimes not. On occasion, she would be stopped by a random guard who caught sight of her blonde hair. At first, a quick word from Serena would sort the situation and they’d be on their way. After a few days, they stopped approaching her at all. It seemed someone high up had distributed her description with instructions to leave her alone.

Serena took her to one of the pagoda temples, where the pair of them were encouraged to light incense sticks sticking out the mouths of statues of kami. Serena told her they were luck kami. They looked like funny imps from Amelia’s point of view.

“How many types of kami are there?” She asked.

“Infinite, I suppose,” answered Serena. “Quinto teaches that everything has a kami within them, even a stone.”

“Even people?”

“Sure. As far as they’re concerned, the demon soul is a kami,” Serena frowned, a thoughtful expression on her face. “Or the human one, as well. I guess that makes us all secretly kami taking on different forms.”

“Well, I don’t feel like a kami!” Amelia declared.

“What do you feel like, then?”

“Your maid!”

“Shut up.”

Another time, Amelia was delighted to find a pet shop and inside discovered a whole range of fantasy creatures that all looked fluffy and adorable. Although she realised that these were just considered normal animals in Cascadia.

“Oh, my! Look at you! Serena! Look how cute it looks!” She dragged Serena to an enclosure where a small feline animal with large eyes and two fluffy trails was mewing at her through its confinement. “What is it!? It wants me to stroke it, doesn’t it!?”

“It’s a peeka. They’re domesticated felines,” Serena said with an amused expression. Seeing Amelia so enthralled by every animal must have been entertaining to her. “They’re very friendly, very uh… licky.”

“I have to hold it, or I’m going to die!” Amelia announced with determination. She hunted down a nearby demon worker and bullied the poor girl into opening the cage. She held the cat-like animal, and the moment it was in her arms it started purring with a deep satisfying rumble as it rubbed its neck all over her and tried to lick her to death.


“No,” Serena said. “No animals allowed on the ship.”


“We have peekas at our home estate. My younger sister likes them. You can have your fill when we visit.”

“... Fine.” Amelia cuddled the animal with as much love as she could muster. She went to put the animal back, but Serena stopped her and gave it a few scratches. Her demon girlfriend really was a big softy, wasn’t she?

On the third day, Lord Yulan appeared at the inn. They caught up over coffee and biscuits. Apparently, he had been given the all-clear to re-open the Highguard for business, but it wouldn’t happen immediately as he had to hire loads of new staff.

“Not only that,” Lord Yulan said in hushed tones, “The Crimson Reapers were raiding the smuggler ships for weapons and dust and using the hotel to distribute the loot to their customers. But get this; apparently, they came across something they shouldn’t have. Something really valuable.”

“Like what?” Amelia asked, the mystery tingling her curiosity.

“Who knows? Something valuable enough for two Speakers to defend it,” Lord Yulan shrugged, “My contacts in the guard said some big shots who work directly under the Greatlord came down and removed one particular crate from the loot the city guard had in their possession. It has something to do with crystals, but it isn’t dust. Apparently, it got shipped back to Centralis with an armed escort.”

“Must be important for them to send an escort,” Serena said, taking a sip of her coffee.

“Important enough for the Greatlord to personally escort it himself.”

“He did? He’s left Kenhoro?” Serena’s eyes went wide in surprise.

“That’s what my contact says. There were lots of encrypted communications going back and forth between Centralis and here, starting when the crate was seized. Whatever it is, someone very important wants it.”

“Sounds like your nephew got way in over his head. What’s going to happen to him?”

“He’ll be hung,” Lord Yulan said, his face suddenly looking solemn. “If his only crime was his poisoning of me, then I might have had an opportunity to ask for his sentence to be reduced…” The old demon sighed, sadness filling his eyes. “But this smuggling business... Of drugs and weapons during a war? They’ll hang him for sure. He’s on his way to Centralis, along with the captured mercenaries. I imagine they’ll want their statements in person.”

“I’m sorry it came to this, old man,” Serena said as she squeezed her hand.

“It’s okay, really,” Lord Yulan muttered, taking out a handkerchief and wiping his eyes. “To change the subject, a bit of good news! Here, I was able to get your gift bag, Amelia!” Lord Yulan brought out a familiar neatly wrapped gift that Amelia had left behind in the penthouse suite.

“Thank you! Thank you!” Amelia hugged the gift bag close. “This is my mask for the festival!”

“Hmm… I wondered what it was. Are you both going?” Lord Yulan asked, eyeing them both.

“Thought we might soak up the atmosphere while we’re here,” Serena said, glancing at Amelia. “Hopefully, the war shortages won’t mean the firework display is smaller than usual. It’s the best part.”

“I can’t wait!” Amelia piped up, noting that she had avoided mentioning the excessive amount of drinking Aiden had planned for the three of them.

“To be young again…” mumbled Lord Yulan. “Well, I wish I could offer you a place to stay in the Highguard, but it’s going to be at least a month before we’re ready to reopen, and then you’ll be gone!”

“I’m afraid so. We’ll have to experience your hospitality next time we’re here, old man,” Serena said.

“Before I go, there is one thing…” He fished out a letter sealed with wax and handed it to Serena. “It’s just a few words from me vouching for Amelia’s character. You mentioned Centralis Intelligence was poking about. Thought this might possibly help avoid a fight…”

Another letter of recommendation! That was awesome! Or rather, she was awesome? “Thanks grandpa!” Amelia exclaimed with a smile and two thumbs up.

“G-grandpa!?” Lord Yulan stuttered.

“Stop calling every old man grandpa, idiot,” Serena said, pulling her cheeks. “You’ll give them heart attacks.”

“But they’re being so kind to me…” Amelia whimpered as her cheeks were gently pulled in circles. It sort of felt like a massage. Should she mention it felt nice to Serena? No, she shouldn’t. If she did, Serena might stop using it as a punishment.

“Idiot,” Serena said again, releasing her cheeks.

They bid Lord Yulan goodbye, and he promised to come back before they left Kenhoro.

On the fourth day, they visited the Central market again. The crowd was packed and they had to push their way through. Amelia noticed that more and more demon horns were decorated with crystal bands and earrings. Although Amelia figured they weren’t called earrings.

“They are hornbands and hornlets,” Serena explained when Amelia asked her. “There are also horncaps which are pretty self-explanatory. On the day of the festival, you’ll see a lot of demons painting their horns in all kinds of colours. There are often awards for the most impressively decorated set of horns. To some noble families, that prestige means a lot.”

As the festival drew close, it wasn’t just the horns that changed. Bunting, flags, and other decorations appeared along the walls and roofs of buildings. Statues of kami were being dressed up, and more and more people were wearing costumes.

“It’ll start in the outer districts, and there’ll be several groups moving in a circle around the city. They’ll all eventually meet up in the centre for the final events. I imagine Aiden won’t have us following it for long. The pubs are going to be packed.” Serena sighed, giving Amelia a smile. “Try not to drink too much, alright?”

“But last time I drank loads, some really good things happened!”

“Shut up…” came the muttered response, joined by a slight blush.

Together they found the stall owner who sold the masks. He recognised them immediately and showed Amelia the red mask. It was similar to her own blue one, but the red glow gave it a mature allure that would fit Serena perfectly. Once she indicated she was happy with it, the stall owner wrapped it neatly, and the pair of them left the market with Amelia buzzing with happiness.

Their next destination was to check in on the tailor, who jumped from her seat when they walked in. “You’re finally here! I didn’t know how to contact you!”

“Hello!” Amelia said cheerfully. “How goes the, uh… tailoring?”

“I have one workset complete and two casual ones. Would you like to try them out?” The tailor immediately began buzzing around her, adjusting different parts of Amelia’s clothing as she talked.

“Mmm! Sure! Can you show me how to tie it all properly again?”

Amelia tried all the outfits on. The workset was particularly impressive as it had so many hidden pockets and pouches. It was also designed so it could be worn inverted in case it became dirty. Amelia kept quiet about her cleaning magic, as the tailor seemed proud of this feature.

After the work and casual clothes, she was thrown into a prototype of the red dress the tailor had been working on. In Amelia’s eyes, it was a perfect dress that balanced modesty and the allure of her body and cleavage. She felt it fit her form perfectly, but the tailor kept muttering about mistakes and adjustments that needed to be made.

“What do you think?” She said, unable to resist the sly smile she felt creeping up on her face as she stepped outside the changing room and did a twirl for Serena. Perhaps it was a mistake as the demon's mouth dropped open for a moment before Serena realised and closed it. Amelia didn’t miss the look in her eyes, though. It was the same look she usually only saw in the bedroom.

“It’s… uh, good. Fitting for an employee of House Halen. Your work is admirable.” Serena visibly swallowed and Amelia gave her a cheeky wink. She turned so her arse was facing her girlfriend.

“So, is it easy to put on and remove, or will I need assistance?” She asked innocently while squeezing her buttcheeks with both hands, out of sight of the tailor facing her but right in the eyesight of her girlfriend. She didn’t quite hear the tailor's reply as she was focused on the sensation of Serena's gaze burning a hole through her dress.

Her girlfriend couldn’t meet her gaze when she turned around, so it must have had the intended effect. Serena gave the tailor the inn's location to send the clothes and then made her excuses for the pair of them to leave. It started to rain, so they put on their brown raincoats and hats and jumped on a busy tram back to the inn.

Serena hadn’t said anything during the ride, and Amelia was going to ask if she had upset her but was cut short when she felt her girlfriend's hand slip into her raincoat and feel her up. Amelia gave a small squeak before covering her mouth. She leaned into Serena, letting herself be groped before slipping her own hand through the layers of leather and paying Serena back in kind.

When they returned to the inn, they barely made it through the door before Serena quite literally threw her on the bed and climbed on top of her with eyes full of desire.

“You need to be taught a lesson,” Serena said, pinning Amelia’s hands to the bed with her body weight.

“Oh no. I’m trapped and helpless!” She gave Serena her best fuck me eyes and made herself moan softly. “Whatever will my punishment be, I wonder? I-” She was cut off as her lips were stolen while Serena fumbled to undress her, almost ripping the clothes in the process.

The following events were quite possibly the most pleasurable Amelia had experienced in her entire life. She was stripped entirely naked, and Serena’s fingers and tongue went to places and crossed boundaries they never had before. Afterwards, as they caught their breath, one thought crossed Amelia’s mind.

So that’s what it feels like to be ravaged.

She turned and cuddled Serena, and when she was confident the demon had fallen asleep, she leaned in and whispered in her girlfriend's ear in the quietest voice she could muster.

I love you.

Here's your chapter!
We're currently #3 on the front page and #2 weekly trending! What a double dose of awesomeness! A huge thank you to everyone who keeps commenting, favouriting and rating the novel! We're at 67 ratings as of writing this, so very soon we'll be at the funny number.
I'm working on a world map, adjusting the previous one that was used in the DND campaign I ran in the world of Cascadia. Once that is done, I was wondering if I should open up a discord? I'm not sure if it's too early and I should wait until I hit some more readers?
Speaking of readers, 600+ is far more than I ever thought something I wrote would get! It still amazes me every day!
Big welcome to all the new readers we've been getting - I hope you enjoy the cookies!

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