America 1881: Legend of the West

Chapter 39 A fire on the farm

"Adam Granger, they are afraid of you, but I am not afraid of you. You were just a cowboy here at the beginning!" The old man frowned and hid behind the bunker, full of confidence.

Adam, who was leaning against the fence, seemed unresponsive. It seemed that this was not the first time he had experienced this kind of scene. Chen Jianqiu knew that the next second when he pulled out his gun, a group of people on the opposite side would fall to the ground.

next second.

The next second the widow hugged the cowboy tightly.

"Don't hurt my dad! Don't hurt him, I'm begging you, don't hurt him." Tears streaked down her face as she begged the cowboy, "He is the only relative I have left."

I don’t know if it’s because I hugged him too tightly, or because I was caught cold by the wind in the grassland, or because I drank too much.

Adam pushed the widow away and began to vomit on the ground while holding on to the fence.

The painting style was unsightly, and Chen Jianqiu couldn't help but turn his head.

After the cowboy finished vomiting, he lay down on the grass outside the fence and laughed inexplicably at the stars.


"Damn it, this guy is actually a lover." Chen Jianqiu shook his head.

When the old man saw that his daughter had stopped the murderous maniac, he became much bolder. He waved his gun and shouted at everyone:

"This man is a wanted criminal! If you catch him, you can get a reward. Come with me."

After that, he rushed out with a gun.

But halfway through the rush, she saw her daughter kneeling on the ground. She opened her arms and stopped the people rushing towards the cowboy:

"Dad, I beg you to let him go, he is almost dead, please..."

The old man would never pay attention to his crying daughter. If he misses this opportunity, he may have to be careful about whether his eyes will be opened in the back of his head when he walks in the future.

He continued to walk toward the cowboy, gun in one hand and tying rope in the other.

"Boss, what should I do?" Sean asked Chen Jianqiu as usual.

Chen Jianqiu was not in a hurry to express his opinion. Although this man valued love and justice, he seemed to be half useless. Even if he was brought in, he didn't know if it would be of much use.

What's more, both Sean and Asuka are injured now, so he doesn't have much chance of winning by himself in such an empty place.

"Boss, should we save him? At least he saved us once." Feiniao was relatively simple and kind, and said what was in his heart.

"You're all here, it's not a big deal to watch the fun, let's add some fire."


The old man's legs were hugged by his daughter, and he couldn't shake them off no matter how hard he tried. The widow clung to his legs, her cries gradually getting hoarse.

The farmhands behind him stared, not knowing what to do.

"Let go!" The old man gritted his teeth and kicked the widow away. "Are you blind? He is a villain! He is a murderer!"

He continued to stride toward the cowboy lying on the ground, intending to tie him up or shoot him outright.

"Boss, look over there." A farmhand behind the old man suddenly shouted. He pointed in the direction of the warehouse, where flames were blazing.

Chen Jianqiu said that adding a fire is of course a fire in the physical sense.

The warehouse behind them was piled with all kinds of debris, and flammable materials were definitely indispensable. Chen Jianqiu found a pile of dried horse manure, and then felt that it was not enough, so he simply carried a few more bundles of hay from the stable.

A few handfuls of igniting hay were thrown down, and the fire quickly broke out. The wind in the grassland is the best combustion partner of the flame. A gust of wind blew by, and the flames in the warehouse had already licked the roof.

"Damn it, it must be those three despicable bastards!" When the old man saw that his property had been damaged, he became anxious for a moment.

He abandoned the cowboy here and ran like crazy towards the place where the water was stored.

"Fight the fire! Fight the fire!" he called to his workers.

Except for the woman who was crying on the ground, everyone else ran to get the buckets. Several people lined up in a line and kept passing the buckets.

Buckets of water were poured on the raging fire, but the fire had already started, and this little water was just a drop in the bucket.

The old man's face was blackened by the flames. Seeing the warehouse that was about to be burned to ashes, he sat down on the ground.

At this time, four horses passed by the fence behind the warehouse and headed towards the mountain without stopping.

The old man was furious, his eyes were red, and he jumped up from the ground.

"Get on horseback and chase them all, no one wants to live, only dead. I will give you 50 dollars for killing each person!"

Chen Jianqiu, who was on the horse, heard the old man's shouting and was a little dumbfounded. This old man was too stingy. His head was worth 150 US dollars at least now. As for the half-drunk and half-awake elder brother lying on the horse, although he didn't know how much it was worth, he probably wasn't. It will be less than $500.

The farmhands were not professional gunmen, but the people here were very aggressive and gangsters were rampant, so everyone was not afraid at all. With the blessing of the bounty, they all took the lead and shot the four horses in front of them indiscriminately.

Sean and Feiniao were both injured and could only hide from their horses. Chen Jianqiu did not have a long gun, so he pulled out his Colt and fired several shots in the back.

One shot missed.

"It's too bad." The person on the thin horse didn't know when he woke up, but then he started vomiting on the horse again.

Chen Jianqiu was furious when he heard this: "As long as you are awake half the time, we don't have to be chased by these cattle ranchers."

“I used to raise cattle, vomit~~~” Adam was still vomiting, and it looked like he had even vomited out bile.

"Stabilize your center of gravity, control your muscles, follow the center of your gaze, don't focus on a certain point, aim at a certain area." Adam suddenly said.

Without thinking, Chen Jianqiu followed his instructions and began to aim backward.

"Fire!" Adam's voice rang in Chen Jianqiu's ears again, and Chen Jianqiu decisively pulled his trigger.


A farmhand who rushed forward was hit hard and rolled off his horse.

"Next time, try to aim near the torso. It's a big area there, vomiting~~~" Adam was still vomiting, but it seemed like he was retching.

Chen Jianqiu didn't say anything. He twisted around and quickly fired the second and third shots. Another chasing farmhand fell off his horse.

"Not bad, good talent." After vomiting, Adam lay on his horse and wanted to give Chen Jianqiu a thumbs up, but he couldn't lift his hand.

"You'd better take care of yourself first." Chen Jianqiu pinched Black Radish's belly, and Black Radish rushed forward, rushing from the last to the first.

Under his leadership, the other horses also sped up, closely following the black horse king.

When the remaining farmhands saw the two men in front fell off their horses, they became timid and slowed down.

The old man was so furious that he chased after him on horseback.

Suddenly, he saw two more horses ahead, following the previous group.

"You bastards, you burned down my farm and still want to kill me? I'll chase you to the ends of the earth and kill you."

The old man was chatting like a teenager, and it seemed as if the old man had returned to the days when he was galloping into the west decades ago. He aimed at the last horse in front of him, raised his gun and shot.

Then, he was shot through the body with a bullet.

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