America 1881: Legend of the West

Chapter 41 The Old Ministry of the King of England

The old man led a group of people into a small road.

Chen Jianqiu kept his hand on the holster on his waist. He looked back and saw that Sean and Feiniao were doing the same thing as him, but Adam still looked indifferent.

Anyway, he draws his gun quickly.

The old man led them through a forest, and they discovered that there was a small village behind the woods.

Chen Jianqiu felt a little dazed for a moment. The architectural style of this village was completely different from what he had seen in the western United States these days.

This is a familiar feeling, different from the common wooden houses in American small towns. Although these houses are also temporary, they are well-proportioned and have a strong Chinese style.

The village is peaceful in the early morning. Smoke has already drifted from the chimneys of the houses. There are a few women working in the vegetable fields in front of the houses. From time to time, a few dogs cross the field ridges, chasing each other and playing with each other.

If Chen Jianqiu hadn't clearly known that he was in the suburbs of Denver, he would have thought he was in a mountain village in China.

On the edge of the village is a large area of ​​reclaimed terraced fields, planted with corn and wheat, and a small patch of red plants. Chen Jianqiu took a closer look and saw that they were actually sorghum.

"Old man, how come sorghum is grown here?" Chen Jianqiu asked. In his impression, the United States did not have the habit of growing this stuff on a large scale in the 19th century.

"I didn't expect that the seeds brought from my hometown are quite adaptable and drought-resistant in this place." The old man's words were meaningful.

He brought Chen Jianqiu and the others to a house, tied the horses, and introduced the three of them into the house.

The furnishings in the room were very simple, and a woman was cooking something at the stove.

"Go and call Niu San and the others." The old man ordered the woman in a low voice. The woman wiped her hands on her clothes and hurried out.

Chen Jianqiu became alert. He slightly closed the distance between him and the old man, ready to control him at any time.

The old man didn't seem to notice his movements, and just stared at the stove in trance.

Soon, the woman hurried over with several burly middle-aged men.

The woman let them in and the old man gently closed the door.

This time, even Adam had regained consciousness, and the four of them were on full alert, ready to fight at any time.

The old man turned around, plopped down, and knelt down in front of Chen Jianqiu. The woman and several big men were stunned for a moment, and then they also knelt down.

"Zhang Danian, the commander of the soldiers under the King of England, is here to see the young master and is waiting for the young master's orders."

This kneeling startled Chen Jianqiu. Even though he had experienced so many things, he was also a little confused.

But he quickly stepped forward to support the old man.

"Old man, did you recognize the wrong person?" Chen Jianqiu wanted to help him up. He felt a little uncomfortable being worshiped alive.

Zhang Danian and several strong men looked at each other, but they quickly and firmly replied:

"I protected the young master when I left the city, but later we got separated and failed to protect him. Even if I die, I cannot escape the blame." Zhang Danian became more and more excited as he spoke, and burst into tears. "The young master grew up and changed his name to 'Chen Jianqiu'. Although his appearance has changed slightly, I can still recognize him."

Chen Jianqiu wiped the tears from the old man's face and said nothing.

He had some impression of the dream he had before, but he still couldn't recall other information. It was a bit hasty for the old man to determine his identity based on his appearance alone.

I don't want to be pretentious, nor do I want to rush to end the relationship.

The former is bad, the latter is stupid.

Seeing that Chen Jianqiu was silent, the old man glanced at the three people behind Chen Jianqiu, looking like he suddenly realized something.

It seemed that the young master acquiesced, but was unwilling to let these three people know his identity.

Then don't mention it yet.

At this time, Sean was confused. What happened? What happened?

Asuka had a look of emotion on his face. The people he followed were indeed not simple. When he met a person of the same race in the wilderness, he would kneel down whenever he asked.

Adam's eyes were attracted by a bottle containing a transparent liquid on the table.

"Get up quickly." Chen Jianqiu helped Zhang Danian up, his eyes resting on the strong men.

"Young master, don't worry. This village is all our own. No one will expose your whereabouts, otherwise you will be dealt with by military law." Zhang Danian saw Chen Jianqiu's doubts.

"Then let them busy." Chen Jianqiu said.

The old man dismissed everyone, and happily moved a stool for Chen Jianqiu to sit down, while he stood aside.

"You can sit down too."

The old man hesitated for a while and sat down against the table.

Chen Jianqiu turned around and said to the three people behind him: "Do you want to go out and hang out?"

Sean and Feiniao nodded, but Adam sniffed his nose, still staring at the bottle.

"What is this?" he asked.

"Erguotou." Zhang Danian replied in English, but it seemed as if he had said it.

"This is a kind of wine that real men drink. Do you want to try it?" Chen Jianqiu explained. He quickly understood what the small piece of sorghum in the field was grown for.

Adam was not polite at all and walked out of the door with a carefree bottle.

Chen Jianqiu told Zhang Danian about his experiences during this period, but he kept silent about Shiquanzhen and his amnesia.

Zhang Danian didn't ask too many questions and listened very carefully.

"Why are you here?" Chen Jianqiu was a little surprised.

Zhang Danian sighed.

"After we were scattered, we were chased all the way. We escaped to death and were injured. The remaining people followed me and secretly climbed onto a merchant ship. Who knew that the leader of the merchant ship was a smuggler who sold us as piglets? U.S."

"We first built the railway in California, but the conditions were too difficult. Almost every kilometer we laid, several people died. Several of our people also died. The rest of us and I escaped."

"We later took the train intermittently and walked all the way to Denver."

"With the help of fellow Chinese people, we settled down and made a living by doing some hard work."

"Then why don't you continue to live in Chinatown?" Chen Jianqiu asked.

Zhang Danian's expression changed and his eyes were on fire.

"Because a year ago."

"I just came back from moving things from the cargo station that day, and I saw a group of thugs rushing in with sticks, stones, and axes. They attacked us wantonly, and many houses were smashed."

"Niu San and I knocked down a few people, but there were more and more of them, and many people were knocked to the ground."

"I wanted to fight them, but they actually pounced on the women and children. We had to protect them and retreat while fighting. Niu Er said he was standing behind, and then he never came back."

Chen Jianqiu frowned and looked solemn.

Zhang Danian continued with a look of sadness on his face: "They said they were involved in the investigation, but I couldn't believe them, eight hours! Those thugs tortured for eight full hours, and not a single person showed up at the scene!"

"Later, some people went back and heard from them that the whole street was almost destroyed. I took some people here. This place originally belonged to a farmer, but he gave up because it was too deserted, so we pooled our money to rent it. As long as I still have breath, I hope I can protect them."

Chen Jianqiu took a deep breath. Even though he was used to these things these days, he still felt something pressing on his chest.

"Who did it?" he asked.

"I don't know, it's said to be an Irishman."

"Okay, I know."

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