America 1881: Legend of the West

Chapter 49 Hanging Street Lamp

32 Tennyson Street.

This is a magnificent private residence, a white two-story bungalow, surrounded by a wrought iron fence. The carvings on the wrought iron are lifelike and seem to have a certain history.

Night fell, but the bedroom on the second floor of the house was brightly lit.

Senator Edwin was facing the mirror, practicing the content of his speech tomorrow.

"These people, they have no faith, they don't know how to pray, they are like locusts, taking up our resources, your job opportunities are being taken over by them, your... eh, what's going on?"

His hand stopped in mid-air, unable to think of the next sentence, so he could only go to the table to flip through the speech.

Among the politicians, Edwin is not really outstanding in verbal expression. Compared with his colleagues who are eloquent, he is often the object of ridicule by his political opponents whether in debates or speeches; his ability is also average. In my previous political career, I had raised very few proposals, and almost none of them had been passed by the city council.

But now he feels like he has the code.

Last year's incident greatly increased his reputation among white workers and citizens. This year, he plans to follow the same pattern and take himself to a higher level.

His father was a mining tycoon and he chose to enter politics.

Unlike his father, the old man likes those yellow-skinned workers very much because they endure hardship, are hardworking, and never complain.

In his opinion, these people are dull, cowardly, and unassimilable. For the sake of votes, he would rather these people disappear from Denver tomorrow.

Edwin tried a few more times, but he still forgot his words, so he simply crumpled the speech into a ball of paper and threw it into the trash can.

Anyway, there will be people helping to enhance the atmosphere tomorrow. When the atmosphere is here, it doesn’t matter what you say or how you say it.

"John! John!" Edwin called the butler's name, "Where are my pajamas?"

But no one answered.

Edwin felt a little strange. John had served in their family for decades and was always on call. What happened today?

He opened the bedroom door and looked out into the corridor.

At the end of the corridor was the staircase leading to the first floor, where it was pitch dark.

Suddenly, footsteps came from the darkness.

The sound was a bit crisp, it was the sound of leather shoes or boots stepping on the stairs.

"Da da……"

"John, how many times have I told you! Don't wear leather shoes to the second floor!" Edwin was a little angry. Only his guests would make this kind of mistake. Later, every time John would prepare it for them at the stairs on the first floor. Good slippers.

Why did John himself start doing this kind of thing today? Is he out of his mind?

Edwin stormed into the corridor.

By the light of the room, he saw a figure appearing at the end of the corridor.

"Hey! Come on, don't think that even if you have been working here for decades, I can get rid of you." Edwin's patience has reached the extreme.

The figure came closer, holding something like pajamas in his hands.

Edwin suddenly felt something was wrong. The figure's figure seemed to be very different from his old butler.

Suddenly, the figure threw his pajamas towards him.

The pajamas unfolded in the air, covering Edwin's face with his head covered.

Edwin was stunned for a moment, and he struggled to lift his pajamas.

But before he could take action, the footsteps in his ears suddenly became more urgent from far away, and then, a dagger cut open his pajamas and slit his throat.

His mouth was covered, and blood bubbled out from his throat. Edwin felt like he was drowning in water and couldn't breathe. He tried to grab it with his hands.

But his hands are heavy and his head is heavy.

Soon, Edwin stopped struggling.

Early the next morning, the body of Denver City Councilman Edwin and an Irishman was found hanging from a streetlight in the west part of the city.


Chen Jianqiu shuttled through the alleys of Denver. On the streets on both sides, Denver police officers kept running towards the west of the city. They were in a hurry and had no intention of stopping.

The congressman was killed, and they were notified to rush to the scene immediately and put the west part of the city under martial law.

Chen Jianqiu suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"Come out, why don't you come out and meet me after following me for so long?" He turned around and stared at the corner of the alley.

A young man with a whip came out from around the corner. He folded his hands on his chest and looked arrogant.

"Master Chen wants to see you." The young man said.

"I don't really want to see him." Chen Jianqiu touched the dagger in his sleeve.

"Don't worry, we don't have any ill intentions. If so, you should have been transferred to the Denver police station by now." The young man still looked domineering, "Follow me, he is next to Chinatown now. Go up to the second floor of Wanfu Building."

Before he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly blurred. The man who was in front of him suddenly turned around and disappeared around the corner of the alley. He quickly followed, but Chen Jianqiu was nowhere to be found, as if he had evaporated. .


Zhang Danian didn't sleep well all night. Niu San came back with someone yesterday, but Chen Jianqiu and the other three didn't follow him.

He glanced at Adam, who was sleeping soundly on the kang. He looked like he had nothing to do with the sky falling. He drank half a bottle of Erguotou and slept until now.

The Irishman must have taken action when he gathered his men, but now he didn't know what kind of medicine Chen Jianqiu was selling in his gourd. If anything really went wrong, I was afraid that I would be sorry for the dead second lady and the King of England.

"Niu San! Niu San!" Zhang Danian couldn't sit still. He walked out of the door wearing a coat and knocked on the door of the next door.

It was just dawn, the lights in the room were on, Niu San rubbed his eyes and opened the door.

"What did the young master give yesterday?" Zhang Danian asked.

"Ah? The young master said to be careful and wait for his notification."

Zhang Danian said oh and slowly returned to his room.

He was sitting in the main room, worried.

Time passed very quickly, but for Zhang Danian, it could not be slower.

It was three o'clock in the morning and it was almost noon, but there was still no news about Chen Jianqiu.

Adam was already awake at this time, and he frowned as he listened to Zhang Danian describing what happened to him in half-familiar English.

"Gather some men," Adam said.

Zhang Danian immediately knocked on Niu San's door and asked them to gather at the entrance of the village.

After a while, everyone was leading horses, mules, and even donkeys, holding various "weapons" in their hands, including knives, rakes, and pitchforks.

Zhang Danian's eyes swept across the area. At this time, he regained the feeling of a general of that army.

However, when he finished scanning it, his heart skipped a beat.

He scanned it a few more times to confirm. After confirming that he had not found the person he was looking for, his hair stood up in anxiety:

"Where is He Hongsheng? Where has He Hongsheng gone?"

Niu San and the others looked at each other, and they discovered that the boy who came back with them yesterday was missing.

"It happened!"

First update, second update later

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