America 1881: Legend of the West

Chapter 5 Step into the Wild West

In the western United States in the 19th century, if you committed a crime in a small town, you could choose to run to the wild as fast as possible and get into the forest or wilderness. Then you would have a high probability of being bitten to death by a cougar or a rattlesnake. Poisoned to death, killed by gangsters, starved to death, and of course, you may also die of tuberculosis, tetanus, or wound infection.

If you survive and are not caught by a bounty hunter, you can choose to cross to another state, where there is a high probability that no state police will pursue you again.

But now Chen Jianqiu is not too worried about this problem. Feiniao may know the Rocky Mountains better than ten people tied together with Sean. What's more, according to Feiniao, he is the son of a tribal hero. At least they don't have to worry about being killed by the Indians. People were scalped.

The top priority now is how to find the horse.

"I have a horse at the inn." Feiniao said.

"But there are three of us." Sean's expression couldn't be seen clearly in the dark, but it sounded a little sad.

"Go and take a look first." Chen Jianqiu agreed.

The three of them took a detour from the main road and walked towards the inn in the dark.

When we arrived at the inn, we saw a brown Appaloosa horse sitting quietly in the stable, enjoying the fodder in the trough.

The stable of the inn is not big, but except for this horse, all the other stalls are empty.

"Huey!" Asuka jumped into the stable with excitement. He stroked his beloved horse and whispered something in Indian language against the horse's ear, as if he were his lover.

"That's really annoying." Sean muttered, "Chen, what should we do now? Three people can't crush that horse to death?"

Asuka greeted this side and motioned for the two people to come over. But Chen Jianqiu didn't respond to him. His attention fell on a carriage next to the inn.

This is the stage carriage, it must have just arrived. A tall shire horse was lowering its head and pawing its hooves.

"Let's use this one." Chen Jianqiu pointed to the Shire horse and said to Sean, "I'll untie the pole, and you can go look for it in the stable to see if there's a saddle."

Sean perked up instantly.

After Feiniao pulled the horse out, he also came over to help. After Chen Jianqiu took off the harness, Feiniao took the reins, patted the horse's neck and stroked its mane. Indians have a natural affinity for animals. , the tall Sharma turned out to be extremely docile.

"We walked all the way to the southwest, and soon we could see a river, and then we went south along the Green River and entered the Uinta Mountains, where my people are." Bird looked up He looked at the stars in the sky and determined his direction.

Chen Jianqiu nodded and took the reins.

"Where's Sean? Why is it so slow to get a saddle from the stable?" He was a little surprised.

"I didn't see him when I came out just now." Feiniao was also stunned.

Suddenly there was the sound of rapid footsteps, and the two turned around to see Sean running towards them with a saddle on his back, followed by a man dressed as a groom, waving a pitchfork in his hand and mouthing Cursing:

"Son of a bitch, stop!"

"Let's go, let's go quickly." Sean rushed in front of Chen Jianqiu in the blink of an eye and thrust the saddle into his hand.

"What the hell..." Chen Jianqiu pressed the saddle onto the horse's back, climbed onto the horse, and smoothly lifted the black man onto the horse and sat behind him.

The groom came forward with a pitchfork. When he saw the three armed men and two horses in front of him, he was dumbfounded. After reacting, he threw down the pitchfork and ran away.

Feiniao raised the gun in his hand, and Chen Jianqiu waved his hand, signaling him to put the gun down.

"As soon as the gun fires, the pursuers will come faster. Let's get on the horse and leave." Jianqiu turned the horse's head and hoofed away towards the outside of the town, with Feiniao following closely behind.

"Didn't I ask you to find a saddle in the stable? Why did you bring someone out?" Chen Jianqiu asked while riding on the horse.

"Those saddles in the stables are very bad. When I passed by the room of the inn, I happened to see the groom through the window with a pretty good saddle on his head, so I went in and took it out. Normally, it shouldn't be a big problem. , I wonder if the piece of firewood replaced today was too harsh, but the groom actually woke up."

Chen Jianqiu pulled up the reins, and the Shire horse hoofed over a dead tree trunk lying across the road. Sean, who was sitting behind the horse, was jolted, and his white teeth almost bit off a section of his pink tongue.

"To use a Chinese proverb, your behavior is called 'a dog can't change its habit of eating shit.'" Chen Jianqiu suddenly had the urge to throw the guy behind him off his horse, but he still resisted.

"Bird, lead the way!" he shouted behind him.

Asuka whistled and rode forward.

On the plateau desert under the moonlit night, two horses galloped one behind the other. The outline of Shiquan Town gradually became smaller in the dark night and disappeared behind them.

"Chen, look what's behind that?" Sean patted Chen Jianqiu's waist.

Jianqiu turned around and saw a few lights appearing in the vast darkness in the distance behind.

"This group of people came really fast." Feiniao said, "This is the road heading west after leaving the town. Why don't we avoid them?"

The three of them changed their route, left the road, and turned into the desert. They passed through the bushes and headed towards a barren hill not far away.

But no matter how they changed their route, the light behind them still followed.

"Damn, they seem to know where we are going." Sean muttered from behind.

"Maybe I followed the trail. Johnny used to be a cowboy." Asuka said.

The three of them rode to the back of the barren hill.

The wind in the western United States has eroded this landform beyond recognition. Two bare stone hills stand erected in the wilderness. The moonlight shines through the middle of the two stone hills onto the open space covered with all kinds of strange-shaped stones. The shadows and shrubs are intertwined. , seems particularly bizarre.

Chen Jianqiu dismounted and drew the shotgun from his horse.

"Asuka and I will take a look at the terrain. You find a place to hide here. We'll be back soon." He took the ax from Asuka, turned around and quickly hid in the shadows with Asuka.

Before Sean could recover, he found that he and the two horses were the only ones left on the spot.

"Uh, boss, you guys..., uh, go and come back early."

He looked around and hid at a big rock not far away.

After a while, there was still no trace of Chen Jianqiu and Feiniao.

"Damn it, they didn't leave me alone and ran away, right?" Sean's forehead broke out with cold sweat, "No, the two horses are still here, they can't go far."

Suddenly a gust of night wind blew over, causing Sean to shiver. He had been riding on the horse for too long, and a hint of urination came from his lower abdomen.

He stood up tremblingly, faced the stone, and began to release his pressure.

Suddenly he heard the rapid sound of horse hooves, which frightened him so much that he almost peed on his pants.

"Boss, there are two horses over there!" A man's voice came over. Sean quickly lifted up his pants and squatted behind the stone, not daring to breathe.

"The horses are here, they can't go far." This time it was Johnny's voice. "Go and search nearby. They may be nearby. Keep your weapons handy."

Another gust of wind blew, and suddenly, there was no sound over there, and the conversation between several people gradually became quieter. Only a few snorts of horses could be heard occasionally.

Sean seemed to be able to hear his own heartbeat. He guessed whether the person he was following had gone in the opposite direction, and planned to take a look quietly.

But when he turned his head, a gun was pressed against his head.

"I asked why it smells like urine, but you are here." Under the light of the lantern, Johnny's expression looked a little ferocious, "You killed someone, stole something, and you still want to run away?"

Big beads of sweat flowed down Sean's forehead.

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