America 1881: Legend of the West

Chapter 597: Alarming the Snake (Page 12)

The House of Representatives remained bustling on Monday.

Compared with the elite-studded Senate, members of the House of Representatives are more down-to-earth.

Unlike the senators, they all receive a very good education, and their careers are often diverse.

Therefore, this place is often like a vegetable market.

Especially after Cleveland lost the presidency, the Democratic Party also completely lost power in the Senate and the Senate.

But the Democrats would not pass up any opportunity to disgust McKinley.

So the House of Representatives became such a place.

"The next proposal is the military reform plan of the Ministry of War." The speaker put on his glasses, "Secretary of War Root will explain to us the new plan they formulated."

Suddenly there was a burst of discussion in the House of Representatives.

The members of the House of Representatives began to whisper among themselves.

Under normal circumstances, the cabinet will communicate with members of both parties in advance about bills passed in parliament.

Whether you pass or fail, you will at least be informed to prevent the scene from being too ugly.

But no one told them about this bill.

President McKinley sat quietly in his seat, his expression gloomy.

Root didn't know this.

He walked up to the front desk and began to explain his plan to the people below.

What Root said was basically the same as what he told McKinley at the War Department. There was not much difference.

Most lawmakers have little interest in the military reform plan.

During the war, the domestic media basically reported good news but not bad news, so they only knew that the US military fought bravely in the Caribbean and the Philippines, beating the Spanish to their knees.

In their view, their military has performed so well that there is no need for reform.

The current system of the U.S. military has won the War of Independence, the Mexican-American War, the Civil War, and now it has defeated the Spanish.

No one would attribute the victory to the North American continent's excellent matchmaking.

The US military is invincible and invincible! Glory belongs to America!

Of course, the congressmen will not know how embarrassingly the U.S. military is fighting on the front line in Cuba.

The outstanding performance of Chen Jianqiu's Chinese army became their fig leaf.

Lawmakers were relatively calm when Rutte began introducing changes to the chain of command.

After all, the ones most affected by this matter are the army commanders-in-chief, and they have nothing to do with them.

Most people felt a little bored at most, and some even yawned.

But when he mentioned that he wanted to expand the size of the conventional army, everyone immediately exploded.

The MPs began to discuss heatedly.

This plan had a huge impact on their existing knowledge.

"We have the sea to the west and the sea to the east. Neither Mexico to the south nor Canada to the north pose any threat to us. So why expand our military?"

An Ohio congressman named Anthony stood up and expressed dissent.

"If we need to be more involved in international affairs, we will need more standing troops. These troops will be used to protect our rights and interests overseas." Root explained.

"Intervening in international affairs? Isn't our country big enough? Let the Europeans handle their own affairs. Why should we intervene?"

Anthony retorted.

"As long as they don't interfere with ours, there's no need for us to interfere with theirs."

Root was too lazy to explain the national strategy to these people. He looked at President McKinley sitting below.

This kind of thing should be explained by him.

But what is surprising is that the president is still sitting there steadily, his face calm and motionless.

This made Root a little surprised.

It was McKinley who used himself to reform the army, and it was McKinley who agreed with this plan, but why is he silent now?

A moment's hesitation gave the opposing congressmen below an opportunity.

They began to attack in groups.

"More troops means that taxpayers need to spend more money to support them. How do we explain to them? I don't think this is necessary!" A Republican congressman from Virginia expressed his opinion.

His words represented the views of many other congressmen below, and many people began to agree.

"Yes! We should spend money on more necessary places, such as the construction of urban infrastructure, instead of going militarily!"

"It's so stupid to spend money to form an army to maintain order for those Cubans. Besides sugar and cigars, what else is there?"

If those in the Republican Party are all focused on "money" and their views are relatively mild, then the Democratic congressmen are much sharper.

A white-haired Democratic congressman stood up.

This man's name was Bertrand Lambert, and he was quite famous in the House of Representatives.

His voice is rich and infectious.

"Since the founding of the United States, our country's armed forces have been dominated by militias."

“Why did those great men who founded our country do this?”

"Because they understand that the military, like the police, is a violent machine of the state."

"If one day, this country no longer has hope and there is oppression, then the people should take up arms and resist tyranny!"

"And the presence of the federal army will make all this come to nothing."

Lambert suddenly pointed at Root and asked:

"The military is trying to expand. Is it taking this opportunity to strengthen its influence? Does it want to increase its voice?! Or does it have other motives?"

He said sharply:

"I tell you, the freedom of this country cannot be trampled on, and don't try to build a hotbed of military dictatorship here!"

Root was so angry at what the old man said on the line.

He wished he could smash the manuscript in his hand right now into the face of the old man opposite.

Where is this going?

He just made some adjustments to the army based on some problems that occurred in the army during the Spanish-American War.

The purpose couldn't be simpler.

But this old bastard stood up and went online, trying his best to slap him.

The key point is that judging from the expressions of the congressmen below, many people still believe this! Started to boo from behind.

There were boos and boos below.

What a hell.

As expected, the House of Representatives is full of all kinds of monsters and monsters, and it is no place for humans.

The beleaguered Root looked at McKinley again.

The President did not stand up to help him as expected, but just looked at the Speaker.

The speaker finally realized that he should maintain order in the House of Representatives. After shouting two silences, he began to organize a vote on the military reform plan.

Not surprisingly, this uncommunicated plan was rejected by the House of Representatives.

Not only did Democrats vote against it, many members of the Republican Party also stood against the plan.

Root is a very nurturing person.

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