America 1881: Legend of the West

Chapter 609 Chen Bingzhou Border

McKinley had mixed feelings.

Chen Jianqiu's ability to influence the situation in this election made him feel chills in his back.

This Chinese has become a major problem for him.

This seemed to be an opportunity to give Chen Jianqiu a beating.

But if only the state of Texas came forward and surrounded the Chinese settlement with militia, McKinley would be happy to see it.

But the problem now involves the need for the federal government to send troops.

For what reason are we sending troops?

If the reasons are not sufficient, he still has to convince Congress, and whether it can be passed is still a question.

Which troops to send?

Thanks to himself, the plan to establish the General Staff failed to pass, and he couldn't even find anyone to discuss it.

McKinley was not the commander-in-chief. He had no idea which troops were there near Texas and where they were deployed.

The president thought for a moment and was about to ask his assistant to call Army Secretary Root over.

A voice came from the door of the office:

"Mr. President, may I come in now?"

McKinley looked up and saw Congressman Cahill.

Since the last time the president tacitly formed an alliance with Rockefeller, Congressman Cahill, as Rockefeller's representative in Congress, has been free to come and go from the Oval Office in the White House.

The president narrowed his eyes and waved to Cahill.

Cahill came in and closed the door behind him.

"Mr. President, are you thinking about Fort Stockton?" he asked.

McKinley was suddenly shocked.

But his expression didn't change much. He just adjusted his sitting posture, held his chin in his hand, and asked unhurriedly:

"What is it that you tycoons don't know?"

Cahill realized that he had taken the liberty and quickly explained:

"You misunderstood, Mr. President. When this matter was brought to the state government, Mr. Rockefeller's son, Rockefeller Jr., happened to be there."

"Then what is Mr. Rockefeller's opinion?" McKinley asked directly without covering up.

"We think this is a good opportunity," Cahill said. "The death knell has sounded for Chen Jianqiu."

"Tell me about it." Mr. President listened to Cahill's plan with interest.

"This time the Texas militiamen surrounded the Chinese in Stockton's fort. It would be very troublesome for Chen Jianqiu to save them or not."

"First of all, the National Guard blockade in Texas is reasonable and legal, and it was approved by the state legislature to prevent the spread of the epidemic."

"If Chen Jianqiu doesn't go to rescue, then his prestige among the Chinese will be greatly damaged; if he goes to rescue, then we can have an excuse to attack him."

"We can send troops to set up defenses on the state border between New Mexico and Texas. If they can't break through the blockade this time, then we can start blocking them from all directions."

“It doesn’t have to be a fight, but it needs to be a deterrent.”

"But where will the army come from?" McKinley frowned. "Using the army requires congressional approval. There is a high probability that Rutte will wear the same pants as Chen Jianqiu."

"Isn't there a Marine Corps?" Cahill lowered his voice and said, "If I remember correctly, they have been stationed near the Gulf of Mexico since the Spanish-American War ended."

"As the telegram said, even if the federal troops are lost, it is to 'assist in maintaining law and order in the state.'"

"Chen Jianqiu has no way to break through the defense line in a short time. Once Congress passes it, he can officially take action."

Regarding the military part, the President did not express his opinion for the time being, but asked Congressman Cahill to continue speaking.

"Sealing the Roswell-Lincoln County-Juarez triangle is the first step, and the second step is to start an investigation against Chen Jianqiu."

"I asked the IRS to check, but nothing was found."

Investigating this matter brought back some bad memories for Mr. President.

"You don't have to worry. We have investigated in advance. There are actually many doubts about Chen Jianqiu's family history, and we can dig deeper."

"The second step is to instigate rebellion against the members of the International Gunpowder Association."

"I discussed with Mr. Rockefeller, Chen Jianqiu's biggest problem is that the structure is too small, and he did not further reshuffle the gunpowder industry. He allowed the survival of many upstream and downstream enterprises, only occupied shares, did not interfere with corporate management, and did not form effective control. .”

"There is an old saying in Chen's hometown, which is called 'When a wall falls, everyone will push it, but when a tree falls, the hozen animals will scatter'. I believe that as long as Chen Jianqiu is in trouble, someone will definitely stand up and replace him, and his allies who seem to have an unbreakable relationship now will They will also leave him."

"As for the third step, as long as Chen Jianqiu is convicted of one crime, we can deal with him and let the court freeze his property! Split his company."

Rockefeller and Cahill know very well what kind of urinary behavior these corporate people in the United States have.

Chen Jianqiu, you will soon understand what "betrayal" means.

Major Huntington of the Marine Corps was a little confused when he first received the order to go to the western border of Texas to set up defenses.

After the Spanish-American War, he and the Marines he led have been stationed at the port of Texas City, east of Houston, ready for the next foreign war.

But now the federal order makes him a little confused.

To garrison the state border?

Isn’t this something the Texas National Guard should do themselves?

The key is who to guard against?

As Major Huntington set off with his troops, he unfolded the map on the road.

When he finished studying the situation around the garrison location, he was stunned.

To the west, isn't the west of Roswell, a major Chinese industrial town?

In his mind, the scene of how Chen Jianqiu's troops captured Guantanamo Port without any blood came to mind.

That's the part that I didn't chew off even with all my efforts.

Major Huntington did not dare to be careless.

After arriving at the destination, he immediately organized his soldiers to start building fortifications.

They began to set up positions not far from the state border, deploying barbed wire fences and machine gun fire points.

Major Huntington still has confidence in this line of defense.

The major didn't know exactly what happened above, but any fool could see that there might be something strange happening on the Chinese side.

The second order that followed also verified the major's conjecture:

To stop a possible attack from New Mexico, their direction was Fort Stockton.

Major Huntington himself had no special feelings for the Chinese.

Soldiers take obedience as their bounden duty.

Even if it's an exercise.

He believed that no matter how hard those Chinese troops fought, they would not be able to break through his line of defense for a while.

Back in Austin, the governor was informed of the Marines' movement.

The "China hardliners" were ecstatic. They understood the Marine Corps' actions to mean that the federal government supported their decision.

The Chinese stronghold at Fort Stockton has always been like a nail in their hearts.

The Federation has finally made up its mind to take action against these people!

The "coexistence and development faction" are very worried. These people are very worried that a riot will occur after forcing the Chinese to a desperate situation. Even if they choose to suppress it, it will have a long-term negative impact on the overall security of the state.

It's great if we all live in peace and make money together, so why do we have to cause trouble?

Before the Marines moved, Brad Harrison had already led the Texas National Guard to Fort Stockton.

The order given to him by the governor was to seal off the Chinese settlements, try not to take drastic measures, and wait for the Chinese to take the initiative to talk or take action first.

After Major Harrison arrived at Fort Stockton with his troops, he met the local mayor.

The mayor is very enthusiastic, as if he is "happy to welcome Master Wang".

"Mr. Major, our armed forces have also been assembled. If you need any cooperation, please feel free to ask."

He pointed to the "heavily armed" town militiamen behind him.

Harrison took off his hat, smoothed his hair, then put it back on.

He rubbed his face and looked at the militiamen.

These people's faces were full of excitement, holding their guns and eager to try.

Theoretically speaking, the militiamen in Fort Stockton in front of them can also be regarded as their subordinates, but they did not go to Antonio to gather, but waited directly here for the large forces to converge.

"Let's do this. You are familiar with this place, and you are responsible for guarding the entrance and exit on the east side." The major gave the order.

He looked around and said loudly:

"Everyone, remember, don't make the first move, don't let a Chinese out!"

The major meant that he didn't want Chen Jianqiu to know about what was going on here.

Although the Marine Corps helped him block the state border, he did not want to face the invincible elite in the Cuban War.

After all, only half of the 2nd Support Cavalry Brigade remained in Cuba, and the remaining part returned to the country.

But what he didn't know was that Chen Jianqiu, who was far away in New York, immediately received news from multiple channels that the Texas government was going to attack Fort Stockton.

He knew about the Marine movement before Root did.

"Mr. Chen, should we say hello to Secretary Root and Congressman Hanna and ask them to stop McKinley's behavior? The president has been confused by the nationalists!"

"We can attack him for mobilizing the military without Congressional permission, and we can still do that."

At Chen Jianqiu's home in New York, Congressman Wang Qingfu said anxiously to Chen Jianqiu.

However, Chen Jianqiu waved his hand.

He sat on his big chair and looked out the window with a still face.

"That's for later." He said calmly.

Chen Jianqiu took out a piece of paper from the drawer, then took out a pen from the table, quickly wrote a line of words on the paper, and handed it to Wang Qingfu.

"Go ahead and send it to Li Sifu."

Wang Qingfu glanced at the words on the paper and was suddenly shocked:

Execute "Plan A", Chen Bingzhou border!

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