America 1881: Legend of the West

Chapter 619 I am not Song Jiang

"They're crazy!"

This was the first reaction of federal leaders as far away as Washington when they learned that Texas was going to hold an independence referendum.

But they were right.

The people of Texas are truly crazy.

The Chinese militia, which left the Union helpless, was repulsed.

They were both civil and military, and the brave and resourceful Senator Henderson led a heroic army to remove the threat from Austin.

In the eyes of the people of Texas, Congressman Henderson is more like Sam Houston.

The latter, like Austin, can be called the "Father of Texas", but he is also more brave and skilled in fighting, and he is also the first president of the Lone Star Republic.

Independent MPs excitedly held up signs in parliament that read in large letters: Where are the federal troops?

They demanded that the Marines staying in Texas be sent out of the country immediately.

Federal troops? Let them play with their eggs!

The governor and conservative lawmakers earnestly advised: Texas simply does not have the conditions for independence now.

During the Civil War, the Southern states together could not defeat the North.

Now that independence is being declared, what if the federal government actually declares war on the new republic like the Civil War?

How could it be possible? It’s impossible to join forces with those Chinese in the west, right?

The independent congressmen immediately cursed.

It's you bugs that have caused Texas to be so backward in development today.

You and the Federation wear the same pants and have lost your courage and ideals!

The two sides were scolding each other, and saw sparks flying towards them, ready to fight.

Finally, Congressman Henderson stood up.

Since his reputation was now growing, everyone was temporarily quiet to listen to him.

Henderson responded to the questions raised by conservatives one by one.

First, regarding the legality of the referendum, Henderson took out a copy of the U.S. Constitution and turned to a page:

"Article 4, Section 3, of the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution states, 'The powers not delegated to the Union by the Constitution, nor prohibited to the States by the Constitution, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.'"

"First of all, the power referred to here includes the independent power of each state. Texas, in particular, retains independent power."

"So, our independence referendum is legal."

"Secondly, the situation now is not the same as it was during the Civil War."

"During the Civil War, after independence, Texas directly joined the southern camp and was the enemy of the Northern Union; but this time, we never said that we would be enemies of the northern states."

"We can still produce, do business, and even have normal diplomatic relations with the Federation."

Henderson elaborated on the Texas independence referendum in terms of legality and rationality.

He cleverly avoided some logical problems.

For example, if he says he will not be an enemy of the Federation, it is not certain whether the Federation will agree.

Then, Henderson started to stir up emotions:

"Guys, let's take a look back at history."

"At the beginning of the founding of the Lone Star Republic, when we were fighting the Mexicans, the Federation actually ordered the army not to intervene to rescue the Americans. In the end, we defeated the Mexicans through our own efforts."

"Did they help us? They didn't!"

"When we won, those members of Congress, in order to maintain the balance between the northern and southern states, rejected our application to join the Union. It was not until 1845 that the done thing was done. They could no longer avoid the issue and had to admit us to the Union. !”

"Did they speak for us? They didn't!"

"During the Civil War, the Northern Confederacy declared war on us and wielded a butcher's knife against our people!"

"Did they show mercy? They didn't!"

Henderson began to open up old accounts, from the beginning of the founding of the country until recently, and even compared the prosperity of the Mexican border with the economic situation of Texas, directly placing the blame for the slow development on the federal head.

As for what to do after independence, he didn't mention much.

However, Chen Jianqiu gave him some reassurance.

If Texas did become independent, a European country would step in and support the Lone Star Republic.

At this time, Britain was fighting a bloody battle with the Boers in Africa; France was busy suppressing uprisings and rebellions in the colonies; Tsarist Russia was intensively planning to start a wrestling match with Japan in East Asia.

Therefore, it was the rising German Empire that was willing to provide support.

Under the leadership of the heroic Wilhelm II, Germany's industrial output at this time ranked first in Europe and second in the world, close to that of Britain and France combined.

And that number one in the world is the United States located on the other side of the ocean.

Although it sounds ridiculous, the German emperor did have his navy make plans to attack the coast of the United States.

He always believed that if the German Empire wanted to dominate the world, it would have to fight the United States.

However, with the great victory of the United States in the Spanish-American War, the German Kaiser's offensive plan was delayed and revised.

Now that Texas is seeking independence, the Germans want it.

According to their assessment, however, the likelihood of Texas independence being successful was slim.

But what if.

The Kaiser didn't mind giving the Americans some eye candy here, just as they did to the British Empire in the Boer War.

"Mr. President! Please be decisive, otherwise, the prestige of this government will be lost!"

In Washington, Senator Hanna spoke sternly to McKinley.

"Be decisive? I'm already recruiting militiamen and organizing an expeditionary force, but all of this takes time, doesn't it?" McKinley changed his previous calmness and looked a little anxious.

He knew that what Hanna said meant that the Republican Party's tolerance for him had basically reached its limit.

A wave of unrest, a wave of up again.

If Texas becomes independent, places like California and South Carolina may also be interested.

By then, it will really be a new Civil War.

"I have an idea that can solve the urgent need." Hanna whispered, "I can agree to Chen Jianqiu's request, and then let him deal with the Texas gang."

"No way!" McKinley flatly refused.

How can a dignified president of the United States make such a compromise?

"Besides, didn't they lose the battle not long ago?"

"That's because their battle line is too long. Do you think Chen Jianqiu's fighting power in the Cuban battlefield will not be able to deal with the Texas gang?" Hanna's tone changed more and more obviously, "If the problem cannot be solved in a short time, the consequences will be It’s going to be serious.”

McKinley hesitated for a long time before agreeing to some of Chen Jianqiu's conditions.

He can persuade parliament to abolish the "X-China Agreement", but the Chinese who obtain citizenship need to be divided into batches, and there will be a limit on the number of people entering.

Moreover, Chen Jianqiu needs to quell the "rebellion" in Texas before Washington can begin to fulfill its promises.

Hanna had no choice but to agree to talk to Chen Jianqiu first according to this plan.

At the Washington office of the Border Detective Agency, Chen Jianqiu warmly entertained Hanna.

Boss Chen brewed Kung Fu tea with great interest. While brewing, he chatted with Mr. Congressman about the Chinese tea ceremony.

Hanna couldn't help but directly explained his purpose and told Chen Jianqiu the president's plan.

"I still hope you can reconcile." Hanna said sincerely. "If the balance is broken, it will be difficult to clean up."

"How can I be in trouble with the President?" Chen Jianqiu pushed a bowl of tea in front of the congressman, "We really can't defeat the Texas army, they are very powerful!"

Hanna couldn't laugh or cry.

Why did he always feel that both Chen and McKinley were as angry as children in this matter?

"Well, since you mentioned it, I'll make preparations first and discuss it with Minister Root." Chen Jianqiu said.

The two chatted for a while, and then the congressman took the lead to leave.

"Boss, do we really want to continue fighting against those people in Texas?" Chen Jianqiu's new follower, A Niu, walked in and asked.

"Let's discuss it first." Chen Jianqiu leaned on his chair. "I will not stop until Mr. President and Congress meet all my conditions."

"Fighting Texas? Haha, then I have really become Song Jiang?"

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