America 1881: Legend of the West

Chapter 624 FBI (Page 12)

Roosevelt's inauguration looked a bit shabby because he was not elected and the event was rushed.

In addition to representatives of members of Congress, officials from the cabinet government and some representatives of the Rough Riders were also invited.

In addition, there is another person who attracts everyone's attention.

Chen Jianqiu was sitting in the crowd wearing a black cloth robe.

Although he looked inconspicuous, no one present dared to look down upon this Chinese man.

Because he was the only business person here who was invited.

Everyone began to speculate about what Chen Jianqiu's appearance at the inauguration ceremony meant.

In fact, the reason why Chen Jianqiu was invited had nothing to do with him being the richest man in the world.

He was just a comrade who fought alongside Roosevelt in the Spanish-American War.

Besides him there were Indians, blacks, and cowboys among the Rough Riders.

"How united and powerful we were at that time!" Before the ceremony began, Roosevelt looked at the guests and sighed.

The inauguration was a succinct affair.

When taking the oath of office, according to tradition, the newly inaugurated president should place his right hand on the Bible and then recite the oath.

But Roosevelt didn't do that.

The Bible doesn't appear either.

The president just raised his left hand and said loudly:

"I solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the duties of President of the United States and do my best to abide by, preserve, and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Then, it's all over.

The United States has always been a country founded on Protestantism. If word of Roosevelt's behavior spread, I'm afraid it would arouse criticism.

Fortunately, there was no media at the scene, and no one else tried to stir up trouble, so the matter just passed.

Just after the inauguration ceremony, Chen Jianqiu stood up to leave, but saw Roosevelt waving to him.

Chen Jianqiu tidied his clothes and entered a small room with Roosevelt in full view of everyone.

"Aren't you afraid that the congressmen outside will make a fuss about this?"

Chen Jianqiu closed the door.

Ever since the incident on the southwest border, Roosevelt had not had much communication with Chen Jianqiu.

Even the message was sent by Hanna.

"Did you do it to McKinley?" Roosevelt did not answer Chen Jianqiu's question, but pointed directly at the point.

"I said no, do you believe it?"

Chen Jianqiu shrugged helplessly.

"I don't need to kill him, it won't do me any good."

"If he were an emperor who held all the power in one body, I might give it a try; but McKinley was a democratically elected president and power would pass on after his death, so there was no point in killing him."

Roosevelt was silent for a moment.

The Chinese leader in front of him is shrewd and cunning.

But he has always been honest in front of himself and does not hide anything.

This is not a judgment made after a day or two of knowing each other, but a ten-year friendship.

"I don't want any more trouble on the southwest border." Roosevelt took a deep breath, stared at Chen Jianqiu and said, "The world is in turmoil, and I hope to see a united America."

"Our requirements are not high, Teddy." Chen Jianqiu said.

"I can agree to all your conditions." Roosevelt answered very simply. "Not only that, Oklahoma and New Mexico will be recognized as Chinese autonomous states and can retain militia teams. At the same time, I will let the Immigration Bureau solve the problems of Chinese immigrants. Identity issues.”

"I will do the work of Congress together with Hanna. Believe me, with him here, the problem will not be too big."

"You continue to do the business of the War Department. I communicated with Root yesterday, and the establishment of the General Staff will be accelerated later. After experiencing this conflict, I believe no one will raise any objections."

"Yo? So generous?"

Chen Jianqiu was also a little surprised by the new president's generosity.

Years of experience and understanding of Roosevelt told him that if he agreed so readily, there must be other requirements.

"You're on the southwest border, and those guys in Texas shouldn't be able to cause any trouble," Roosevelt said.

"What else?" Chen Jianqiu didn't believe this reason.

Roosevelt's eyes flickered behind the round lenses for a moment, and then he said slowly:

"I want the Ministry of Justice to set up an investigative agency to investigate cases within the country."

"Many of McKinley's policies have indeed put the United States on the fast track, but they have also caused many problems."

"A lot of forces are entangled within the states, and I can't count on those state judiciaries."

"Also, I would also like to have a team that can conduct enforcement across state lines."

"Doesn't the Federation have a Secret Service? There is also the IRS. They are all 'elite soldiers and strong generals.'" Chen Jianqiu raised his eyebrows.

"Both of these are under the Ministry of Finance."

"The Secret Service used to be responsible only for detecting counterfeit money and part-timely protecting the president's safety. But you have also seen the effect. McKinley was shot through two holes with a gun. I don't want to end up like him."

"I plan to move the Secret Service under the Department of Justice, and as for the IRS, let them continue to investigate taxes."

Roosevelt suddenly paused and blinked at Chen Jianqiu:

"Do you remember what you promised me? When we were in North Dakota, you saved my life from a mountain lion."

Chen Jianqiu was horrified: "Ah? What did I promise?"

"I said if I become president, I hope to hire you as a bodyguard."

"Ah? Did I say that? Why don't I remember?" Chen Jianqiu pretended to be stupid.

But Roosevelt didn't agree with him.

"I can't afford to hire you as a bodyguard now, but can you lend me your Border Detective Agency?" Mr. President said.

Chen Jianqiu said nothing.

Roosevelt put his hands behind his back and began to pace around the room, minding his own business:

"I plan to give this agency a name, 'The Bureau of Investigation'. What do you think?"

He turned his head and glanced at Chen Jianqiu.

"Teddy, this is like I worked hard to raise a child, and now you take it away at your request and ask me to sell my son. How can I agree?"

Chen Jianqiu sighed.

"What's more, the Border Detective Agency can make me a lot of money every year."

"But this child lives in the shadows every day and holds a knife. Do you think it's appropriate?" Roosevelt actually spoke out and directly expressed his thoughts,

"Besides, not everyone accepts it. I only need some capable personnel, and the others should take over business. As long as they don't do anything illegal, I won't care."

"Because there are too many people and the federal government can't support them."

The president began to bargain with Chen Jianqiu like a business deal.

More than ten years ago, this was something completely unimaginable.

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