America 1881: Legend of the West

Chapter 626 Two different banquets in two adjacent hotels (page 2)

Thanks to Roosevelt's unremitting efforts, construction of the Panama Canal began.

Unlike the Suez Canal, which relied on the lives of Egyptian migrant workers, Chen Jianqiu's contracting company demonstrated the power of money and technology.

They shipped a hundred crawler diesel excavators from Roswell.

Chen Jianqiu tried to get his engineers to apply hydraulic technology to it.

But after some troubles, he still found that his idea was a bit too advanced.

Therefore, these excavators only operate with traditional mechanical coupling.

However, using machinery is much more efficient than letting workers purely rely on shovels to dig.

In addition, after Chen Jianqiu made an inspection, he decided to solve the problems of housing and food for the workers first.

He built a new permanent settlement next to the canal construction site to replace the original tents.

In this way, workers will not have to spend the night in the bushes due to insufficient tents.

The health situation is also a top priority for Chen Jianqiu.

Having experienced the Battle of Cuba, he was well aware of the seriousness of yellow fever in the Caribbean.

"Keep the filth away from the isthmus!"

Everything was going on in an orderly manner, and many American dignitaries came to visit the construction site.

Everyone is happy and excited.

Because they all think they are witnessing history.

But the accountants and economists at the "Legal and Financial Center" of the "Chen Group" are not very happy.

According to their calculations, despite using a lot of advanced equipment and machinery at the time, the construction of the Panama Canal was still very difficult, and the budget and investment far exceeded expectations.

Although the money will ultimately go to the federal government.

But this will take a long time, and how much the government will recognize is also a question.

At least the preliminary engineering fees approved by Congress have not been paid so far.

The share of future operating profits promised by Roosevelt is even more out of reach.

The federal government is used to being in debt.

However, when Chen Jianqiu listened to the report of Chief Accountant Mr. Hughes on the Panama Canal project, he thought for a while and expressed his intention to continue digging.

Then, he called the general manager of Sanjiang Bank, Mr. Okafor.

"I will go to the federal finance minister later and ask them to authorize us to issue Panama Canal bonds on our behalf."

Chen Jianqiu said to him.

“If the federal government likes to owe money, let them owe more.”

The big Okafor nodded.

As the general manager of Sanjiang Bank, this kind of thing is already familiar to him.

He turned and walked out of the office, intending to go back and make some preparations.

But after taking two steps, Okafor stopped again at the door.

He turned around, hesitant.

"Just tell me what you have to say, there's nothing to hesitate about." Chen Jianqiu raised his head.

"Boss, Mr. Hughes and I have talked about the Panama Canal. Putting aside the business sharing, just digging the canal is very risky."

Okafor said.

As a senior banker, he is always sensitive to risks.

"The risk is high and you have to dig. The bigger the wind and waves, the more expensive the fish." Chen Jianqiu said.

In addition to Chen Jianqiu's staff, there are also some people who have reservations about the excavation of the Panama Canal.

Those who supported the Nicaraguan plan were unhappy.

They believe that the reason why President Roosevelt promoted the construction of the canal in Panama was to protect the interests of the big capitalist Chen Jianqiu and

Because the latter had just taken back the Panama Railway from the French, and at the same time contracted the construction of the canal.

This logic is weird.

These people are actually unhappy with railway tycoons like Chen Jianqiu.

Even if he's still a former railroad tycoon.

But soon, the attention of these congressmen was diverted.

Because, Northern Securities Company was established.

If Chen Jianqiu's railway business is still abroad, then this company can be regarded as dominating the domestic railway transportation industry.


In the banquet hall of New York's Waldorf Astoria Hotel, Morgan, Hill, and Harriman, the railroad and financial industry tycoons, raised their glasses to celebrate their newly established, unprecedented Big Mac.

This hotel, like the adjacent Astra Hotel, is magnificent.

The light passed through the crystal pendant of the chandelier and reflected on the faces of the toasters, filled with proud expressions.

Morgan acquired all the shares of the Western Railway Company at a sky-high price. It was obviously impossible for him to do it alone.

"Mr. Hill, Mr. Harriman, you may have been enemies before, but from today on, we will shake hands and make this cake bigger and bigger."

Morgan drained his glass of champagne.

"From now on, we will have the final say on how much railway freight will be set, and no one will interfere."

"Thank you, Mr. Morgan, we finally kicked that damn Oriental out of the railway system." Harriman also drank the wine in his glass and said bitterly.

The Burlington Railway Company he ran was defeated by Chen Jianqiu's Western Railway Company and retreated to a small area in the northwest of the United States.

This railroad tycoon who once cherished the "American Dream" hated Chen Jianqiu.

"Yes, this man never follows the rules. If he is gone, our railway company will not be able to continue operating." Hill echoed.

Old Morgan's beard moved:

"Sorry, you two, I disagree with your opinion."

"Mr. Chen is one of the best Chinese people I have ever met. At the same time, he is also the most tenacious and courageous person I have ever met."

Hill and Harriman looked at each other in astonishment.

It's so good, why is this blowing up?


Old Morgan held the wine glass in his hand and walked to the railing, his eyes falling on the heads of the bustling guests below.

"Unfortunately, I still say the same thing."

"It would be very unwise for him to keep mixing things other than business, such as politics, into the mix!"

"I heard that he took back the French railway in Panama, and after taking it back, he repaired the original railway," Hill said. "I heard that he was digging canals for the government."

Harriman on the side was amused:

"This decision is too outrageous."

"I could understand when he built the railway in Panama, because it was the only mode of transportation connecting the isthmus. It was more cost-effective to transport goods through this railway than to go around the southernmost tip of America."

"But taking it back is incomprehensible."

"Once the Panama Canal is opened, the value of the railway in his hands will be greatly reduced. Therefore, his decision to buy it back is really ridiculous. He may not even get back the money for repairs."

"Maybe it's to build the canal." Hill touched his bald head, "That railway is needed to transport materials and people."

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