America 1881: Legend of the West

Chapter 9 Bounty Hunter Hanif

"By the way, take a look. Do you recognize the things on this?" Chen Jianqiu took out the human skin in his arms. He did not tell Feiniao about the treasure map.

Feiniao looked at it carefully and shook his head: "I don't understand."

Sean also woke up at this time, and the three of them ate some dry food and drank water before continuing on the road.

Huey carried the birds and the black people, and Chen Jianqiu rode the black horse without saddle and reins.

Along the way, the mountains get higher and the vegetation becomes denser.

The black horse has gradually regained its pride from yesterday. It was reluctant to walk side by side with Huey, and tried to get ahead of him to put some distance between them. However, the person on the horse gently tugged its mane, and it instantly calmed down.

"What did you do to it yesterday?" Feiniao was very curious.

"Nothing, just a friendly exchange." Chen Jianqiu smiled and stroked the black horse's head. The black horse didn't even dare to take a breath.

"How about calling him Black Carrot?" He leaned into Hei Ma's ear, as if to ask for Hei Ma's opinion, "Okay, that's it."

I don’t know if Dark Horse understood it, but Sean did: “I think its name should be more powerful.”

Chen Jianqiu ignored him and started chatting with Feiniao.

The three people walked along the mountain road and passed through several hills, and soon heard the sound of running water. They speeded up their march, rode forward, and passed a pass. The scenery before them suddenly became clearer.

Arrived at Green River.

This river is a tributary of the Colorado River, located within the canyon, with lush coniferous forests on both sides, no longer the desolate scene outside.

"When we go south along the river, we'll be out of Wyoming." Sean asked. "The state police shouldn't care about us."

"It's good if they can manage their own one-third of an acre of land." Chen Jianqiu replied.

"Does that mean we're safe?"

"That's not necessarily true. There is a high probability that we will be put on a bounty. As for how long we will be chased and how many people will be chased, it all depends on how much the three of us are worth."

"Who is more dangerous, a bounty hunter or a state trooper?"

"How would I know? I haven't committed a crime."


While the two were still having a heated discussion, Asuka suddenly spoke:

"Look at the car opposite."

A carriage was approaching, pulled by two horses. The carriage looked like a large iron box with dark green spray paint on it. The driver also saw the three people coming towards him.

"Hey, those in front, please don't get close to this car!" The coachman shouted loudly, having already taken out the gun from his waist, and a black barrel protruded from the carriage behind.

Chen Jianqiu is now accustomed to this unique western way of greeting.

"It's a bounty hunter's carriage." Feiniao whispered to him, "Why don't we drive it, with one driver and at most two in the carriage."

Chen Jianqiu's face was calm and composed: "Don't be nervous, they are coming from the south. Even if our reward is issued now, it will be in the northern town."

He raised his hands. At the same time, he signaled Asuka to also put away his weapons.

"Relax, buddy, we're just passing by, no harm done." He shouted to the other side.

"What do you do?" The groom did not put down the weapon in his hand.

"We are gold prospectors entering the mountains, and this Indian is our guide."

The coachman turned around, lowered his head, and reported to the people in the carriage: "Boss, there are gold diggers, a black man, an Indian, and a Chinese."

A hat-wearing head poked out of the carriage, a pipe hanging from his mouth, and a beard curling up above his lips.

"Please put your weapon behind the horse."

Chen Jianqiu took off the shotgun on his back, threw it to Feiniao together with the revolver on his waist, and hung it on the back of Huey's butt.

The three people dismounted and gradually approached the carriage.

"Hey, brother, your horse is pretty good." Mustache looked at the black carrot behind Chen Jianqiu, "But why doesn't it have a saddle?"

"Hey, don't mention it. At the previous intersection, the stupid horse stumbled, and everything on the saddle rolled down. Fortunately, both the man and the horse were fine." Chen Jianqiu's lies came out as soon as he opened his mouth.

"But, your horse's bridle..." The groom just opened his mouth, but was interrupted by Mustache.

"My name is Hanif, and I am a bounty hunter." The muzzle of the gun in the carriage was retracted. "Forgive me for not being able to say hello to you, because my hands are locked with this bastard."

Chen Jianqiu looked into the carriage and saw a man with a scarred face tied to the carriage with one hand and handcuffed to Hanif with the other. When the man saw someone approaching, he tried to put his head close to the window, but Hanif hit him hard on the face again.

"Be honest, you bastard." Hanif yelled at the man covering his face, then turned to Chen Jianqiu, "I have a ready-made saddle on my car, do you want it?"

"It belongs to this bastard." He said it bluntly, pouting and pointing at the man in the car.

"Well, how much do we need to pay?" Chen Jianqiu asked.

"Ah, it only costs $45."

Chen Jianqiu turned around and left.

"Wait, wait, brother, listen to me. It will take you at least a hundred kilometers to reach the next town. Besides, in this wilderness, are you really not afraid of your butt being bumped?"

"Ten dollars."

"Thirty-five dollars!"


"twenty five!"


"Deal." The hand holding the gun with the mustache gestured to the coachman. The coachman dismounted, took out a worn-out saddle from behind, and threw it in front of him.

"It's so damn dark." Chen Jianqiu said to the mustache in Chinese with a smile on his face. The mustache responded with a smile.

He turned his head and extended his hand to Sean.

"What? How can I have twenty dollars? I only have about ten dollars at most."

"Just give me ten dollars." Chen Jianqiu said, and Sean had to dig into his pocket.

"Hey, hey, that nigger, raise your hands!" The driver suddenly raised his gun, "Let me see your hands, don't move them, or I'll shoot you in the head."

Sean raised his hands as if he was electrocuted, with an innocent look on his face.

"His ten dollars are in his pocket, and the rest is in my clothes. How about you come and get it yourself?" Chen Jianqiu interrupted, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Mustache Hanif noticed his displeasure and smiled: "Brother, we have no other intentions. Always be careful when going out."

Chen Jianqiu first counted ten dollars from Sean's pocket, then took out the ten-dollar bill from his clothes, folded them together and handed them to Hanif.

"May your American dream come true!" Hanif happily stuffed the money into his pocket. When he noticed that the man he was locked in was looking at the money, he slapped him with his backhand, "Your America The dream will end soon, bastard!"

"What did this man commit?" Chen Jianqiu asked as he put the saddle on Heiluobo's back.

"Murder, tax evasion."

"How many people were killed?"

"One, that unfortunate fellow who taxed him."

"How much is he worth?"

"Seventy-five dollars, life or death." Hanif raised his eyebrows and took a puff of smoke from his pipe. "By the way, let me remind you that we met several federal soldiers in the direction we came from."

"Thank you." There was no expression on Chen Jianqiu's face.

The three of them mounted their horses, and Hanif didn't even stop. They left in opposite directions.

"Boss, there is something wrong with those three people. They are definitely not gold diggers. That black horse is not an ordinary horse. It is most likely stolen."

Hanif smiled, said nothing, and just took a puff of his pipe.

As the oldest bounty hunter in this area, how could he not see that there was something wrong with these three people? However, he was well aware of the recent bounty notices in the surrounding towns, and none of them contained these three people.

Since the bounty has nothing to do with me, it would be better to sell a saddle. As for the price, it’s a bit too high. Didn’t I include a message of “there is danger ahead”? This message is not Collected money from them.

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