American Comic Survival Guide

Vol 2 Chapter 736: Interstellar Voyage of Superheroes

With the help of Doctor Strange, the superheroes quickly boarded the Azure Watcher. Last week, the behemoth used to defend the earth was just built. This week, the superheroes on the earth have already driven it to several places. A mission in the depths of the universe, thousands of light-years away.

Most of the people present were the first time to board this great warship, and the technology-filled design and wide space inside the Azure Watcher shocked many people.

Even Goofy was the first time he boarded a running Azure Watcher, and he appreciated the environment inside the battleship more than when it was static.

For example, in front of the hull of the battleship is a huge one-way vibrating glass with an area of ​​about 5,000 square meters. Standing inside the battleship, Gao Fei can have an unobstructed view of the space outside the battleship, and can clearly see the vast universe in front of the battleship. With thousands of galaxy, it is as clear as looking directly at the starry sky without any cover.

But from the outside, this large area of ​​vibrating glass is a pair of heavy steel armor, and in fact it is indeed like this. The thickness of this vibrating glass is more than 550 mm.

In addition, the battleship is full of sophisticated drones and high-performance micro-robots, which are similar in size to dragonflies and mice, and shuttle through the inner space of the Azure Watcher, executing any instructions issued by the peak.

Although the entire battleship is huge like an office building floating in the air, the number of staff on it is surprisingly small - the operation team of the Azure Guardian has only thirty-five people, and everyone is responsible for the spaceship. An area of ​​20,000 square meters.

"I have to admit that the design of this big gyro is really beautiful!" Johnny of the Human Torch praised while looking around, "Hey, boss, is this warship lacking a pilot? I can help you drive this big guy! "

Before Gao Fei could answer, Tony quickly corrected angrily: "Hey! Burning Man, you are not allowed to call my baby Big Top, she has a name, Azure Watcher! This is the name Gao Fei gave her personally, you are right Do you have an opinion on this name?"

"Eh? What? The name that the boss personally gave to this Dada... this Azure Watcher?" Johnny asked nervously.

Gao Fei smiled and nodded: "Yes, Azure Watcher, this name is indeed given by me."

Johnny took a deep breath, put on a serious expression, and touted it vigorously: "Of course, only the boss can think of such an appropriate, vivid, solemn, yet friendly name! Oh! Blue Watcher! It's a name that has been kissed by God! God! Boss, you are a genius! How could you come up with such a wonderful name? It's so beautiful, every syllable is like a grand symphony!"

Goofy felt awkward when he heard it, and Tony Stark's face turned green.

Before Johnny could finish speaking, Tony quickly stopped: "Shut up Johnny, stop flattering, I'm going to vomit for your flattery..."

Johnny shamelessly smiled and asked Gao Fei, "So boss, can I be the pilot of this spaceship?"

Goofy shrugged: "I guess it's a little difficult, because this ship doesn't actually need a pilot."

Tony Stark nodded and said: "Yes, the Azure Watcher only needs to be piloted manually in extremely special circumstances, so the driver is not her standard configuration. In fact, she only has the captain and crew."

Having said that, Tony pointed towards the not far away: "Said the captain and the captain will come."

I saw that in the corridor ahead, Bruce Banner walked quickly in a white uniform.

"Oh, Goofy, Tony... You guys are here? I already know about Thanos, it's terrible, I destroyed a spaceship before, I heard it was Thanos' battleship, right?" Banner the doctor asked in a low voice.

"Yes." Goofy nodded, "Dr. Banner, you did a great job. You made those alien invaders realize the strength of our earth."

Bruce Banner shyly touched the back of his head: "Actually, I didn't do anything, it was the alien spaceship that attacked us, and their attack value just reached the threshold that Zhenjin can withstand, and the Azure Watcher just The stored energy is automatically released to them..."

"Hahaha..." Tony Stark was amused by Dr. Banner's description and laughed, "They brought it on themselves! We just returned their things to them intact."

Dr. Banner said solemnly: "But I have to admit that these alien weapons are very destructive, thanks to us preventing them from invading the earth..."

Gao Fei patted him on the shoulder and said seriously: "Yes, some aliens possess destruction-level technology, and even if they are only close to the earth, they may completely destroy the earth."

"And what about Thanos? I heard that he can destroy the world with six Infinity Stones? Is that right?" Dr. Banner asked.

"It's not about destroying the world, it's about killing half of the creatures in the universe..." Gao Fei said, "Once the six Infinity Stones are put together, they will have a very powerful ability. If the person who uses this ability has bad intentions, they can do A lot of terrible things happen. Like Thanos, all he wants to do is destroy half of the creatures in the universe."

"He's really a lunatic..." Dr. Banner said sincerely.

Before he finished speaking, the entire spaceship suddenly trembled violently. At the same time, the gravity in the spaceship was briefly disturbed, and some substances were then comically distorted.

Johnny next to Gao Fei immediately shouted nervously: "The tyrant is here! The tyrant is here! Get ready for battle! Get ready for battle!"

Tony Stark and Bruce Banner looked at the babbling young man with disgust, as if they were looking at a fool who had never read a book.

"It was just that the spaceship transitioned through the transition point, what Thanos is coming..." Tony explained.

Only then did Johnny realize that he was shy, and looked embarrassed to add: "I...cough, of course I know, I was just joking."

"Are you kidding me?" Tony pointed to Johnny's hands and face. He was so nervous that he was in a state of burning. There were flames on his hands and face that hadn't gone out yet.

"You almost burned the cabin, and you're so embarrassed to say you're joking?" Tony said mercilessly, "Just save it, friend."

"I..." Johnny couldn't argue, and simply made an excuse to escape, "I'm going to the toilet, where is the toilet?"

Dr. Banner pointed to the corner of the corridor: "Over there."

Johnny quickly turned around and fled.

Tony reminded later: "There are more than 30 times of the same transition, so be careful not to freak out."

"Got it!" Johnny replied gloomily, disappearing at the end of the corridor in a blink of an eye.

At this time, Goofy specially instructed Dr. Banner: " Thanos may have left the planet of Vormir now, please help me to keep an eye on his movements, he and his spaceship should be in and around Vormir for ten minutes. Within the range of a jump point, in short, they will not run this distance."

"I see." Dr. Banner nodded and turned back to the control room.

In the next few minutes, the Azure Guardians frequently jumped across the universe.

Most of the members on the Azure Guardian have never traveled between stars, and this frequent transition has placed a heavy burden on their bodies, but fortunately, most of them are superpowers, and their physiques after mutation are very tough.

Of course, there are some exceptions, such as Bucky who came with Steve Rogers. The current Bucky is Bucky brought back directly from World War II. He has neither been injected with super soldier serum nor received Hydra. Remodeling, he was just an ordinary person, and he followed because he couldn't worry about Steve.

After three consecutive jumps, he had completely collapsed, holding the trash can and vomiting non-stop, while Steve was next to him and patted him on the back thoughtfully.

In addition to him, there are also some superpowers who can't withstand frequent transitions. For example, Dr. Strange's colleague Wang, an archmage who is proficient in space magic, can't keep the transition of the Azure Watcher.

Wang's face was ugly now, but he didn't spit it out like Bucky did.

"Wang, are you all right?" Strange asked worriedly, "If you really can't bear it, you can go back to Earth first. I think we have enough people here."

"No... No." Wang said solemnly, "Since I have decided to act with everyone, there is absolutely no reason to give up halfway. I am going to find Thanos, and I am going to... sanction him!"

"Okay..." Strange had no choice but to nod, "I respect your choice."

But after finishing speaking, Strange dragged a trash can not far away.

"Give you this, take precautions in advance, if you can't bear it, it won't make it too ugly."

Wang refused at first, but soon gave in, because he saw Bucky, who was sitting across from him, was throwing up hard, and he really had the urge to vomit.

And right next to Strange and Wang, some superheroes who have no physical discomfort with the transition are enjoying this unique journey. After several transitions, the Azure Watcher has left the solar system and came to a strange foreign land. space.

The newly engaged Mr. Fantastic and the Invisible Woman stood arm in arm by the window, looking at the magnificent celestial bodies one after another as the spacecraft passed by.

They once saw a gas planet like marshmallows. Those strange gases were like haze in the abyss, constantly pulsing, forming strange and imaginative shapes...

They have also seen some strange celestial bodies with irregular shapes, with rings, ellipses, and double stars accompanied by them, like shadows...

At the moment, the azure watcher is passing by a golden celestial body. This planet has a magnificent appearance and looks quite textured, like a huge golden ball.

But Mr. Fantastic told the Invisible Woman that this planet is also made of gas, but the gas is too dense, so it looks very textured, and you can even see the texture of the planet's surface.

"The universe is really... so beautiful, so spectacular! Reed," Susan whispered in Reed's ear.

"Yes, without entering the universe, we will never be able to appreciate the insignificance of human beings. Let alone human beings, our earth is just a speck of dust and an atom in the universe, and we humans are just like bacteria parasitic on the earth. It's just a creature..." Reed said with emotion.

At this moment, Susan suddenly had an idea and made a suggestion: "Reed, I think we should have a... space wedding! Then you will build a beautiful and romantic spaceship, and then invite everyone in the vast space. Traveling for two days and finishing our wedding?"

Reed first considered the feasibility of this matter in his mind, then calculated his current savings, and then nodded rationally: "Of course no problem, I think this kind of idea is perfect."

"Great..." Susan happily took Reed's hand and whispered, "I will take a lot of beautiful photos by then, and we will be the first couple to get married in space, right?"

"Sure," Reed said, "but only if you don't reveal the plan to anyone else."

"Of course I won't reveal it, I'll keep it secret!" Susan whispered.

However, while Reed and Susan were whispering, the Guardians of the Galaxy on the two floors upstairs had a bitter expression on their faces.

Rocket raccoon groaned and groaned from time to time, holding the flower pot with the little Groot.

Star-Lord looked at the endless space in front of the Azure Watcher, and kept clenching his fists.

"Gamora, wait for me, I'm on my way... I'm coming to save you right away!"

"I won't let Thanos hurt you! Never!"

" Thanos, if you dare to hurt Gamora, I will make you die!!"

Drax the Destroyer next to Star-Lord looked at Star-Lord with a puzzled face, and whispered to the mantis girl beside him: "Does Peter know that Gamora and Thanos can't hear him? Do you want me to remind him?"

Sister Mantis shook her head gently and said softly: "Oh, no, Drax, this is just a way for Peter to express his inner feelings. He is very worried about Gamora and hates Thanos at the same time. He can only pretend to be with him. Only when they talk can they express their inner emotions…”

Drax suddenly realized, nodded and said, "Oh, so that's the case... Then I'll try it too!"

After that, he cleared his throat and shouted loudly: " Thanos! I'm shit-you-da-dad! I-you-da-da-dad!! I-da-you! Da-da-dad!!"

As soon as his voice went down, the entire battleship was filled with his echoes. Blue Sister Nebula, who was dozing next to him, was woken up by the fright, and asked in a panic, "Here Thanos? Is Thanos coming?"

Downstairs, Gao Fei immediately used space magic to come to this floor, and asked in a deep voice, "Drax, what's going on?"

Drax looked confused, shook his head and said, " Thanos... no no no... not here!"

Sister Mantis quickly explained: "Oh, sorry, Goofy, I just taught Drax a way to express his emotions, he was just expressing negative emotions..."

"So that's how it is..." Goofy couldn't help laughing, "I thought Thanos attacked the battleship and stabbed Drax."

Drax clenched his fists solemnly and said in a deep voice, "I won't let Thanos stab me, if that guy is in front of me, I'll reach out and stab him in the chest and tear his heart off! "

At this time, the rocket raccoon next to him said sneeringly: "Forget it, Drax, Thanos stood in front of you on Xandar, and I didn't see you tearing his heart off."

"That's because I didn't find the right opportunity!" Drax shouted. "If I had the chance, I'd rip his heart out! I'll definitely!"

Rocket Raccoon didn't believe Drax's boasting at all. He still knew the strength of his stubborn friend. Maybe Drax was a standout among ordinary warriors, but he didn't want to kill Thanos alone. this strength.

What's more, the current Thanos is no longer a normal Thanos, but a Thanos with at least three Infinity Stones. Against such a Thanos, Drax has no chance of winning.

But Sister Mantis is very supportive of Drax, holding Drax's hand and saying: "Oh, Drax, I want to believe in you, I know you will kill Thanos one day for our friend Groot. revenge."

Drax laughed: "Although you are ugly, Mantis, you have a good eye! You are right! I will kill Thanos one day to avenge Groot!"

However, at this moment, the Azure Watcher vibrated violently again, and after this shock, the members of the cabin in the distance made a cry of surprise.

Nebula next to him whispered: "I think we... have reached our destination, and the planet in front should be Vormir Star."

Gao Fei turned around and looked out the window, and immediately found this strange celestial body.

It was a magical celestial body that was accompanied by a satellite, casting pink and purple light, and it was in the gravitational range of a star, orbiting it regularly.

Nebula's speculation is correct. It is indeed the Vormir Star. Goofy has seen this celestial body many times in the movie, and he can accurately recognize its appearance.

"Yes, we have reached our destination, and this is Vormir Star."

"So Thanos is around here? Gamora is here too, right?" Star-Lord asked loudly.

Goofy did not answer his question, but asked Dr. Banner through the communicator: "Dr. Banner, we are approaching our destination, is there any trace of Thanos nearby? Is there any trace of a large space battleship?"

"Sorry, Goofy, Azure Watcher's radar system failed near Vormir... We can't scan this area. Vormir's own magnetic field seems to be able to interfere with our radar system..." Dr. Banner said depressedly .

Goofy used the communicator to contact Tony Stark, the technical director of the battleship: "Tony, what's going on? Dr. Banner said that the radar system of the Azure Watcher has failed in this area?"

"I don't know, it's my first time to the planet Vormir... Who knows what the magnetic field here is like!" Tony said helplessly, "but it's obvious that this planet is deliberately kept mysterious to us, and she doesn't want to be there. We expose ourselves in front of us...but I think since this planet is so strange (Strange), you might as well ask Doctor Strange ()."

Tony Stark has many hobbies, one is to play with words, and the other is to make fun of Doctor Strange. This time, he just combined the two and threw the most difficult problem at the moment to Strange.

Although his original intention was to make a joke, Gao Fei felt that there was no problem with this proposal - many problems that cannot be explained with current science can be dealt with by the occult, but it can get twice the result with half the effort.

So Goofy quickly came to Strange's position, pointed to the mysterious planet not far away wrapped in purple and pink fog, and asked, "Stephen, what do you think of this planet?"

"How?" Strange shrugged. "I think it's mysterious enough and very dangerous."

"I think so too." Wang nodded and said, although Gao Fei didn't ask his opinion.

In fact, Gao Fei himself is also a master of mysticism, and he can also see the mystery on this planet.

"This planet contains a very ancient spell, which is even as old as the Book of Weishandi and the Book of the Dark Gods, this spell contains life, death, soul and sacrifice, etc. Series elements, it's indestructible and irreversible." Goofy said.

Strange nodded and added: "At the same time, the mysterious power on this planet can also protect itself from outside prying eyes. Unless it has its permission, no one can find it... It is like a ghost in the universe, Hidden in this space..."

"It's mysterious, dangerous, unfathomable... Goofy, are you sure Thanos will venture into this planet?"

Gao Fei nodded firmly and said, "Trust me, he will."

Wang asked in a low voice, "So are we going to this planet too?"

Before Goofy could answer, Star Lord Peter Quill had already chased after him.

"Goofy...Goofy, let's go now? The Guardians of the Galaxy ship can transfer us all from the Azure Watcher to the surface of the planet Vormir. Gamora must need me right now, we must act now!"

At this time, Gao Fei actually understood that 80% of Gamora had been sacrificed to the Soul Gem by Thanos. Thanos was never a sloppy guy. He must have come to Vormir as soon as he caught Gamora. Sacrifice her for the Soul Stone.

But Gao Fei did not directly reveal the truth, but nodded: "Okay, Star Lord, according to your plan, we will land on Vormir Star immediately."

Doctor Strange was a little worried: "Are you sure you don't want to investigate the environment before taking action? After all, Vormir looks very dangerous."

Gao Fei said: "Of course investigation is necessary. It is enough for me to go alone. You follow me. If there is any danger, I will help you clear it up."

Having said that, Goofy walked directly towards the exit of the Azure Watcher, and informed Dr. Banner to prepare to enter the orbit of the planet Vormir, and then let the Guardians of the Galaxy lead everyone to land.

And Gao Fei himself jumped directly from the spaceship and jumped straight towards the surface of Vormir Because he is familiar enough with Vormir Star, he knows that this planet is actually not too big That's why he dared to let the Azure Watcher enter the orbit of this planet and let everyone land.

Passing through the dense atmosphere of the Vormir Star, Gao Fei fell faster and faster, and his body collided with the gas to gradually heat up, bursting out a flaming flame.

He is like a meteorite from outside the sky, whistling and making a harsh sound. The surface of the planet Vormir in front of him expands rapidly as he descends. The square gradually enlarged into a detailed and meaningful picture scroll of mountains and rivers.

Immediately after the high-flying speed became constant, the gravity of the Vormir star and the resistance in the air formed a mutually canceling balance, making it impossible for him to continue to gain acceleration. At this time, he was already close to the surface of the Vormir star, which was roughly predicted. The landing point was on a plain covered with pink grass.

Gao Fei adjusted his posture in the air, turned around calmly, and then made close contact with the ground of Vormir, knocking away the grass, overturning the turf, and raising the dust.

boom! !

A huge impact crater with a diameter of about 1,500 meters was knocked out by Gao Fei on this pink grassland.

The thick smoke and dust could not disperse for a long time, but a figure easily jumped out of the smoke and dust.

"The surface of Vormir is temporarily safe, and the landing can be arranged. Repeat, the surface of Vormir is temporarily safe, and the landing can be arranged..."

Goofy took a sloppy look around and gave the order that it was time for the superheroes to disembark.

And soon, Tony Stark on the Azure Watcher responded: "The Guardians of the Galaxy are arranging the landing, the first group of members has already set off, and it is expected to reach the surface of Vormir in fifteen minutes..."

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