American Comic Survival Guide

Vol 2 Chapter 740: Goofy snapped his fingers

The night wind in New York was a little fierce, and the black robes of the middle-aged flying high were screeching.

Goofy's clothes didn't dance back and forth in the night wind, because Asgard's divine power automatically formed an energy barrier around his body, blocking the strong airflow out of Goofy's range.

That's right, the ancestral tortoise shell of the Odin family was inexplicably passed on to Gao Fei, who was not related to Odin by blood.

At this time, Gao Fei gently raised the Infinity Gloves that had six Infinity Gems together, looked at the middle-aged Gao Fei in front of him and said, "So now... you have to use this pair of Infinity Gloves to snap your fingers to connect the two single universes, Do you travel back home in the reverse direction?"

"That's it." The middle-aged Gao Fei nodded, "I will snap my fingers to open the multiverse channel, and then travel back to the day when we crossed. If my calculations are correct, the multiverse channel will last for five years. To ten minutes, and during this time period, you can briefly see my return..."

"Just don't be too attached to the world before, forget to return to the Marvel world."

Hearing this, Gao Fei was a little surprised: "Can I go back to the original world?"

"Of course you can." Middle-aged Gao Fei said, "But you didn't go back by crossing, but directly through the multiverse channel, from one universe to another."

"I understand." Gao Fei nodded lightly, then handed the Infinity Gloves to the middle-aged Gao Fei, "Now you can complete the plan."

Because the man in front of him is Gao Fei himself, Gao Fei doesn't have much doubt about him. Gao Fei can accurately guess his inner thoughts, just like using mind reading.

The middle-aged Gao Fei stretched out his hand to take the Infinity Gloves. At this time, it was difficult for him to calm down. He couldn't wait to stretch out his right hand and put on the Infinity Gloves. A powerful flow of energy ran through his body.

"Hmm... It's terrible..." The middle-aged Gao Fei said with a grin, "The energy of the Infinite Gloves is too powerful... By the way, Gao Fei, after I snapped my fingers, my body in the Marvel world would be violent on the spot. Dead... but the body at this time is already a meaningless body, remember to help me destroy it."

"I understand." Gao Fei nodded lightly, "Is there anything else to say?"

"Uh..." The middle-aged Gao Fei thought for a while and said, "My snap of my fingers won't destroy the Infinity Stones, because I know you will return the Reality Stone and Time Stone to Carrie and Doctor Strange. But I don't recommend it. You keep these six gems, the Infinity Stones will only bring disaster to the earth..."

"The scattered Infinity Stones have caused too many killings and wars in this universe, and now all six Infinity Stones have come to Earth... This will make the Earth a target of public criticism, and alien invaders will come here one after another, even if they Their behavior is like a moth to a flame, and they don't hesitate."

Gao Fei quietly listened to the middle-aged Gao Fei's suggestion, nodded and said, "Okay, I will consider this."

In fact, what the middle-aged Gao Fei said was the same as what Gao Fei thought at the beginning - only disasters and wars brought about by the Infinity Stones, and putting them together is the most dangerous way.

In "Avengers 3" Thanos also chose to destroy the Infinity Stones after snapping his fingers, and Goofy agreed with him on this point.

"After your time-travel is over, I will go to my friends to discuss this suggestion." Gao Fei said.

"Okay." Middle-aged Gao Fei nodded lightly, and then smiled at Gao Fei: "Child, I know our relationship is complicated, because our life trajectories in the first 20 years are exactly the same, so if I say I It's your father who seems to be very changed (harmonious)..."

"But to be honest, you've lived a life in this world that I've never seen before, and it's the best life I can imagine, and I'm so proud of you, boy, really."

"Thank you, Lao... Lao Gao." After thinking about it, Gao Fei felt that an "old Gao" might best describe the relationship between two people. After all, middle-aged Gao Fei was closer to himself than his father. But a little older.

The middle-aged Gao Fei also smiled lightly when he heard the title, and then raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

"send me home!"

He gritted his teeth and said with all his might, because snapping his fingers was too difficult for him. The power of the Infinity Stones makes the Infinity Gloves difficult to control with human palms, and it takes a lot of effort to snap this finger.

But the middle-aged Gao Fei finally succeeded, and he had to snap his fingers.


The light of the six Infinity Stones gathered together, and the entire New York night sky seemed to be illuminated—the next second, a huge vortex-like space appeared in the sky above Brooklyn, and a bright white light shone in this space.

"Look, child, the gateway to the multiverse..." Middle-aged Gao Fei was now half-burned by the energy of the Infinity Stones, and his skin was like cracked land that had been ravaged by a volcano.

He fell to the ground exhausted, and the Infinity Gloves made a muffled sound of blunt strikes when they contacted the ground.

Gao Fei walked over and hugged the middle-aged Gao Fei gently, and asked in a low voice, "So... can we go home now?"

"Of course... Of course... I will adjust my consciousness now and complete the anti-travel... I have to hurry up, the multiverse channel will only last five to... five to ten minutes."

After saying this, the middle-aged Gao Fei closed his eyes tightly. He seemed to be adjusting his consciousness to find the body of the original world. After about half a minute, a gratifying smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Have you found it?"

Gao Fei asked in a low voice, but the middle-aged Gao Fei had stopped his pulse. Gao Fei had doubts in his heart, looked up at the multiverse channel, and he began to ponder the proposal of the middle-aged Gao Fei.

The middle-aged Gao Fei once said - Gao Fei can go directly through this passage and go back to the original world to see.

The offer was too tempting for Goofy to refuse.

"Four minutes, it should be enough for me to go."

Thinking of this, Gao Fei leaped towards the huge vortex over Brooklyn.

The white light around him gradually engulfed Gao Fei, and the patron saint of the Nine Realms of the Marvel Universe passed through the passage of the multiverse, and when he opened his eyes again, everything around him had become unfamiliar and familiar.

The rustic small county town, the tattered asphalt roads, the streets and residential buildings in the style of the urban-rural junction, this is Gao Fei's hometown!

"Am I really back?"

Gao Fei was extremely surprised and looked around at a loss, and found that this place was almost exactly the same as the year he traveled through, and even the seasons had not changed.

"Or the day before I crossed? Did I really return to my home?"

After being shocked, Gao Fei ran to his house subconsciously.

Of course, he did not appear at home rashly, because he knew that someone had come back early and returned to his body in this world.

He nimbly hid out of the window, looked at home through the glass window, and saw "self" who had just woken up sitting in the bedroom and crying, crying fiercely but silently.

"Great, you really came back..." Gao Fei smiled lightly, feeling both joy and regret in his heart.

At this moment, the door of Gao Fei's bedroom was suddenly pushed open, and then a woman's voice with a local accent asked, "Xiao Fei, what do you have for breakfast? Vermicelli or omelette?"

Gao Fei outside the window couldn't help but smile, but his eyes were wet - breaking into the house without knocking on the door, it really was my mother's style.

After entering the door, the mother was surprised to see Gao Fei sitting on the bed crying bitterly.

"Ouch!" Mother was stunned for a moment, and then she asked rashly, "What's the matter? Which of your classmates died suddenly?"

Gao Fei on the bed wiped away his tears and did not speak, but hugged his mother tightly.

He has lived half his life in the Marvel world, and the old man who is over forty years old in his heart is vulnerable like a child at this moment. Even if he is intriguing and plotting in the Marvel world, he is still childish and helpless in front of his mother.

The dazed mother stroked Gao Fei's head lightly. She wanted to laugh at her son's antics, but she couldn't help but wondered, "What's the matter? I suddenly burst into tears in the morning... with Mom said, was she dumped by a girl?"

Gao Fei didn't say a word, just hugged his mother tightly, and Gao Fei outside the window was full of emotion and his mood was ups and downs.

"Take care of them... take care of mom and dad."

Knowing that his time was running out, he turned and jumped into the white vortex not far away. After leaving this time, Gao Fei would never be able to return to his homeland, but at least he knew that his parents would not be left alone because they lost him. The world won't be affected, and that's enough...

Going back along the tunnel of the multiverse, Goofy soon returned to Brooklyn, and the time has just passed five minutes. According to the middle-aged Goofy, the channel of the multiverse will automatically close in the next period of time. .

Looking down at the corpse of "middle-aged Goofy" on the ground, Goofy raised his hand and used Asgard's divine power to smash it to ashes. Since then, there has been one less person in the Marvel universe, an irrelevant person.

Sitting down on the roof of the office building, Gao Fei quietly waited for the passage of the multiverse to close.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes...

After waiting for five minutes, the huge white vortex in the sky did not mean to disappear.

With the passage of time, Gao Fei began to feel that something was not quite right. It stands to reason that middle-aged Gao Fei's calculations rarely make mistakes. When he calculated the birth objects, designed the superhero system, and located the planet Vormir, the data was accurate. Admirably, he would never make such a sleazy mistake.

But fifteen minutes have passed since the tunnel of the multiverse was opened, and the white vortex in the sky shows no signs of disappearing, and is still emitting light there.

"Damn, which link has a problem?"

Goofy looked at the Infinity Glove in his hand, trying to figure it all out.

And the white vortex over Brooklyn gradually began to attract the attention of citizens, and even Goofy's old friend Reed called him.

"Hey, Goofy, do you know what happened in Brooklyn? The compound eye detected a powerful energy flow in Brooklyn just now. This energy flow directly paralyzed the compound eye system... Now I can't detect any energy. Flowing organisms..."

Reid said sadly,

"And I heard Johnny say there's a weird maelstrom over Brooklyn!"

Gao Fei explained a little embarrassedly: "I think I do know what's going on here. It's all related to the Infinity Gloves and the multiverse. That's good. I'll go to you first. It's better to talk about these things in person."

Reed heard the seriousness in Goofy's tone and said quickly, "Well then, I'll be waiting for you at Baxter Building."


Goofy nodded lightly, and then prepared to use space magic to go to Baxter Building.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard an exclamation from the alley behind him.

At the same time a young man shouted: "Get out of the way! There is danger here! That guy is a saboteur, stay away from him!"

Before the words fell, the explosion sounded suddenly.


Soaring fire lights illuminated the streets of Brooklyn, and the pungent smell of thick smoke came from afar.

"Are there criminals?" Goofy frowned, thinking it was all a bit strange.

You must know that since he became a police officer in Brooklyn, the law and order in this area has been getting better and better.

Especially when Gao Fei was transferred to the Super Patrol in the end, the law and order in Brooklyn had become a leader in several New York districts. Later, when the Age of Ultron opened, the crime rate in Brooklyn was infinitely close to zero. The inhabitants are only threatened when alien invaders appear.

Criminals, blasting late at night...

It's been a long time since these things have been seen in Brooklyn.

Thinking of this, Gao Fei couldn't help but jumped down from the office building and walked quickly in the direction of the explosion.

"what's going on?"

at the same time.

Two figures galloped past one after another on the streets of Brooklyn.

The figure in front was a young man wearing a red and blue tights. This guy flexibly sprayed silk threads from his wrists and stuck to high-rise buildings, and then swayed the threads back and forth in the air like Tarzan.

The figure behind is a monster in green armor, with a half-moon-shaped weird flying machine on his feet.

The green monster kept throwing darts at the young man in front, these darts were sharp enough to cut through glass and metal.

When the man in the red and blue tights in front turned a crossroad, he suddenly saw Gao Fei walking towards them.

This made him startled and shouted loudly: "Hey! This gentleman in front, get out of here, it's very dangerous! There is a murderous monster behind me, he..."

Before the red and blue tights could finish, the man in green armor behind him threw a pumpkin-shaped grenade towards Gao Fei.

"Oh! Oops!"

The young man in the red and blue tights turned pale in shock, and just wanted to pounce to save Gao Fei, but the pumpkin grenade had already exploded.


Goofy's figure was swallowed by flames and thick smoke, and the whole street was illuminated by firelight.

The green monster on the half-moon aircraft behind him laughed wildly: "Hahaha... Pretentious Spider-Man, another innocent citizen died because of you!"

The young man in the red and blue tights in front was furious: "Green Devil, I won't take the blame for your killing! You are the root cause of all these crimes!"

However, just as the two were bickering, a surprised question came from the thick smoke of the explosion.

"Spider-Man? The Green Goblin? Wait...are you two sure you're not cosplaying?"

As the smoke and flames dissipated, Goofy walked out of the pumpkin bomb's blast zone unharmed.

The young Spider-Man and the Green Goblin next to him were instantly stunned—what kind of coquettish operation is this?

Forcibly eat a pumpkin bomb and not die, what kind of monster are you, big brother?

The two looked at Gao Fei in shock, forgetting the deep hatred between them for a while.

And Gao Fei was also looking at the two people in front of him in surprise, because these two people are the most unlikely to appear in the current world.

One is the youth version of Spider-Man, who is still wearing the most classic red and blue spider suit. He is three or four years older than Peter Parker, whom Goofy knows, and his voice is completely different.

The other is the tech-equipped version of the Green Goblin Norman Osborn, who wears a green Goblin suit. This version of the Green Goblin is a bit like the one in the 2002 Columbia Pictures movie "Spider-Man". The role of the Green Goblin is played by the famous film star Willem Dafoe.

"Where are you from? Do you know where this place is?"

Gao Fei asked in a deep voice as he looked at the two Marvel characters who were chaotic in front of him.

The green goblin floating in the air roared impatiently, "Where the **** did you come from? Get out of here!"

Saying that, he threw two darts towards Gao Fei, and the darts came straight to Gao Fei's face.

Instead of hiding, Gao Fei walked towards the darts. When the darts were still three steps away from Gao Fei, they turned into three puffs of black smoke.

Then Gao Fei stretched out his palm towards the Green Goblin and grabbed it from the air. Asgard's divine power poured out, turning into an invisible big hand and dragging the Green Goblin on the aircraft directly.

"I'm asking you questions now, not you, understand?"

Gao Fei stared at the green goblin's yellow, constantly rolling eyes, and asked in a deep voice.

At the same time, his background received a reminder: [Worship from Peter Parker +5]

Goofy was amused, and at the same time confirmed the identity of the "Spider-Man" in front of him - he is indeed Peter Parker, but he doesn't seem to be the Peter Parker of the current universe.

"Spider-Man: Parallel Universe"?" Goofy thought to himself, and then speculated, "Or is it because middle-aged Goofy used the Infinity Glove to open the multiverse, leading to the emergence of a larger-scale parallel universe?"

Thinking of this, Gao Fei reached out and pulled off the hood on the Green Goblin's head.

"Let's see what version of the Green Goblin you are first."

And after the Goblin's hood was removed, Goofy saw the familiar face - Willem Dafoe, who was indeed Columbia's 2002 version of Spider-Man.

At this moment, a shocked voice sounded from the side.

"Mr. Osborn? Why you?! This can't be... this... this can't be!"

Spider-Man seemed to be very shocked by the identity of the Green Goblin, he rushed over and asked loudly: "Why you? Why are you the Green Goblin? This is impossible... This must be a misunderstanding, you are such a refined and excellent man, why are you? Will it be the green goblin who does all evil?"

Norman Osborn looked back at Spider-Man, with a complicated and tangled smile on his face: "Peter, is it you? I actually guessed that Spider-Man was you, and I didn't want to, but..."

At this moment, the voice in Norman's head suddenly sounded.

"Shut up! Norman! What are you doing? Why are you giving in to a kid? You're embarrassing to me! Take your weapon and kill these people! Kill the kid in front of you and this mysterious man, so you can…"

This is the voice of the Green Goblin, the voice that Norman Osborn has always been bewitched by. Since he took the Green Goblin Reagent, this voice has been lingering in his brain and controlling his behavior.

"Oh, no...I can't do that..." Norman Osborn gritted his teeth. "It's wrong, I can't go any further..."

Spider-Man came over and grabbed Norman's hand, and said in a deep voice, "Mr. Osborn, what's wrong with you? Hold on!"

At this time, Goofy gave the answer: "It's schizophrenia. Norman Osborn had a schizophrenia after taking a drug, and the split new personality drove him to do a series of anti-social things. He is a Poor victim..."

Having said that, Goofy began to intervene in Norman's spiritual world.

"Listen, Osborn, as long as you believe, the Green Goblin doesn't exist, he was born in your heart and will disappear from your heart, look me in the eyes, and say it with me - the Green Goblin doesn't exist ."

This was originally Norman Osborn's line to persuade the Sentinel in the comic "Dark Avenger". At that time, Norman had overcome his schizophrenia and used his experience to help heal the Sentinel's schizophrenia and suppress his body." Nothingness" is a heavy personality.

Now Goofy gave Norman Osborn the line intact, because he knew it was a summary of Norman's years of treatment for his schizophrenia.

Goofy's voice seemed to have magic power, and it penetrated directly into Norman Osborn's mind. Norman Osborn couldn't help but followed Goofy and began to repeat this sentence, over and over again...

"The Green Goblin does not exist, he was born in my heart, and will disappear from the bottom of my heart, the Green Goblin does not exist..."

"The Green Goblin does not exist, he was born in my heart, and will disappear from the bottom of my heart, the Green Goblin does not exist..."

After reading it a few times, Norman Osborn suddenly found that the voice from his heart had really disappeared - the **** "Green Goblin" didn't come out to make trouble again, and his reason re-occupied the high ground.

"It's amazing! That damned guy really disappeared!"

Norman Osborn burst into tears of joy, looked at Goofy and said gratefully, "Thank you, sir, for your help!"

System background: [Worship from Norman Osborn +5]

Gao Fei smiled lightly: "You're welcome, this is just what I should do."

Norman immediately turned to Spider-Man and said bitterly: "Sorry, Peter, I made a terrible mistake, I killed a lot of people, I... I am guilty. Please turn me over to the police now!"

Spider-Man nodded and said, "Mr. Osborn, I'm glad you can regain your senses. I'll accompany you to the police station and surrender. I think this is the best outcome..."

Having said that, Spider-Man hurriedly walked towards Goofi, pulled off his hood, and politely extended his hand: "Thank you for your help, you must have heard it, my real name is Peter But People prefer to call me Spider-Man. By the way, my identity has not been made public, I hope you can help me keep it a secret, so I will be grateful..."

Goofy stretched out his hand and shook Spider-Man's hand, while looking at Spider-Man's face, he thought: You really are Toby Maguire.

"Hello, Spider-Man, I will keep it a secret for you." Goofy said.

"Then that's great." Spider-Man smiled, and then asked Goofy in surprise, "But dude, who are you? I mean... you're too powerful, right? Pumpkin grenades won't hurt you. , the green goblin darts can't hurt you...and then you can grab the goblin off the aircraft with your're like a god!"

Before Gao Fei could answer, a police siren sounded from the road in the distance, followed by a police car with "Super Patrol" printed on the side, and at the same time there was a flame in the sky from far to near.


The flame in the sky came later, but came to the scene before the police car. The fire on Johnny's body was extinguished, revealing his human form, and then asked: "Hey, boss, I heard that someone made trouble on the site you once ruled. Let me see who has the guts!"

After he finished speaking, he pointed to Tobey Maguire's version of Spider-Man standing next to Goofy, and asked, "Is this the kid? This copycat version of Spider-Man?"

And Peter Parker has been dumbfounded. When did New York have so many awesome characters?

A Goofy who can't be killed by a bomb is enough for Imba, and here comes a flying man?

"What the **** is going on here? Who are you all? And... I'm Spider-Man, what's not a copycat?" Peter Parker said in surprise.

And Norman Osborn next to him kept pinching his forehead: "Did my schizophrenia get worse?"

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