American Comic Survival Guide

Vol 2 Chapter 742: crazy multiverse

After listening to Goofy's narration, the expression on Steve Rogers' face was unprecedentedly solemn.

"That is to say, the channels between the multiverses are opened, people in different time and space can travel through each other, and many multiverses have become a super-large single universe, and all the characters are mixed together?"

Before Steve could finish speaking, Bucky next to him looked at Steve with admiration, nodded and said in admiration, "I didn't expect your old gentleman to be able to figure out such a complicated problem? Anyway, I have already It's a mess..."

Steve wasn't in the mood to joke with Bucky, just stared at Goofy seriously.

Goofy agreed with Steve's idea and said, "Yes, this is the current situation. The multiverse merges into a super single universe, and the creatures in it are already confused."

"So what do we do now?" Johnny asked, frowning. "Throw these guys down the multiverse tunnel back to their homes?"

Spider-Gwen hurriedly protested loudly: "Hey! Burning Man, please be polite to me. We are also victims after the opening of the multiverse channel. Don't treat us like goods or garbage, just throw it away."

Tobey Maguire's version of Peter Parker agrees: "Yes, Mr. Burning Man, while I appreciate you both helping us...but I hope you can give us both some proper respect, okay? "

"Well, maybe my statement is not right." Johnny shrugged at the two of them, and then questioned Goofy again, "Boss, it's up to you to make a decision."

Gao Fei said: "We still don't understand the multiverse channel, so it is not feasible to send them away rashly. I think I need to go to Reed and Tony to hold a meeting to discuss this matter. make a decision."

Then he turned to Steve and said, "Steve, can you arrange accommodation for these people first? Dr. Octopus can just be put in Ravencraft Prison, and the rest of you can let them live in New York first."

"That's fine." Steve nodded, then turned back to ask the pair of Spider-Man and Norman Osborn, who had just recovered, "Do you have any opinions on this decision?"

Peter Parker expressed his cooperation: "I have no opinion, I think this decision is very good."

Although Gwen Stacy complained, she couldn't think of a more suitable solution herself, "I reluctantly agree."

Norman Osborn was already very weak. He nodded weakly and said, "Just follow your method."

So Goofy temporarily bids farewell to these new friends from the multiverse, with Steve Rogers and Bucky escorting them away.

Goofy went to Reed's residence with the Infinity Gloves and summoned the Illuminati to urgently discuss the current state of the multiverse.


When Goofy and the Illuminati met, it was already two forty-five in the middle of the night in New York, and the multiverse channel had been open for three hours and fifty-two minutes, and there was still no sign of closing.

Among the four current members of the Illuminati, Goofy and Reed were the first to arrive. The newly joined Doctor Strange came to the scene without making them wait too long because of the assistance of space magic. The title still belongs to Tony Stark.

Tony Stark, who entered the door, was walking and eating with half a cheeseburger in his hand, without the slightest intention of panic, while the other three giants sitting in the conference room were already frowning.

"Oh, please, Tony Stark, I can't believe you still have an appetite..." Strange glanced at Tony in disgust and snorted.

"Why not? I'm not like a grass-fed hippie like you." Tony Stark retorted, "If one day I only eat green salad for lunch, then I'm terminally ill, Otherwise I'm on the verge of bankruptcy..."

At this time, Reed Richards couldn't help but said: "Tony, now New York or the whole world is very dangerous, I think you should be more serious."

Tony Stark sneered: "Because of that huge vortex over Brooklyn? So New York and the whole world are in danger again? Please... It's not the first day we debuted, our world has been in the past few days. It falls into a crisis almost every three months during the year, and it is on the verge of destruction every six months—this is already the normal state of the world, whether you adapt or not, I adapt anyway.”

After speaking, Tony walked to the coffee machine next to him and made a cup of coffee for himself, then slowly ate the remaining quarter of the cheeseburger, and then turned around and asked the other three: "Okay, someone can talk about it. Is it the current situation?"

Gao Fei was the first to speak: "The situation is that I used the Infinity Glove to open the channel of the multiverse, with the purpose of sending a person who does not belong to this universe back to his former universe, and according to my previous calculations, the channel of this multiverse is five It will automatically shut down within ten minutes…”

"But the current situation does not seem to be the case. The channel of the multiverse did not close on time, but continued to open, causing many characters from other single universes to enter our current universe."

Hearing this, Tony Stark shook his head and said: "Well, this question sounds quite a headache. Goofy, I really didn't expect you to use the Infinity Gloves, this is not a good thing, my first glance When I see it, I reject it from the bottom of my heart, as if this thing will only bring bad luck and death to people..."

Goofy thought - of course, in some parallel universe you were killed by the Infinity Gauntlet...

And then Tony Stark continued to ask: "So have you figured out why the Infinity Gauntlet is malfunctioning? Why didn't this multiverse channel close in time?"

That question was answered by Reed, who had received information from Goofy long before the meeting and had conducted an investigation into the Maelstrom over New York.

"The formation of this multiverse channel is complex, and I suspect that this channel is not the result of the action of a single universe." Reed said.

"What do you mean?" Tony squinted his eyes. "That is to say, Goofy's Infinity Gauntlet is not the only reason for opening the multiverse channel?"

"Yes." Reid said, "According to Goofy's description, he used the Infinity Gauntlet just to open up two parallel universes and send back people who did not belong to the current universe. In fact, after the point in time when he used the Infinity Gauntlet , Brooklyn has indeed created a channel between two single universes - all observed and recorded by the compound eye..."

"But please note that at that time this multiverse channel actually only connected two parallel universes, that is to say, this channel would only make the intersection of two single universes. But just now Goofy has encountered two different universes. Spider-Man appeared in a parallel universe, which shows that the current multiverse channel in Brooklyn has involved three or more multiverses..."

Before Reed could finish speaking, Tony Stark couldn't help but interrupt: "Wait, what did you say? In addition to the Spider-Man in our universe, there are two Spider-Man running from their parallel universe. Are these Spider-Man as talkative as our Spider-Man? Don't put them together, or it'll be a mess..."

"Cough!" Reed coughed, expressing his dissatisfaction with Tony's intervention, and then brought the topic back on track, saying, "And there is another phenomenon, the compound eye did not collapse immediately when Goofy was using the Infinity Gauntlet, but instead The crash happened two to three minutes after Goofy used the Infinity Gauntlet, which led me to a speculation - what happened in the time period after Goofy used the Infinity Gauntlet?"

Next, Reed asked himself: "After the compound eye collapsed, I immediately started to investigate the multiverse tunnel in Brooklyn, and then I made a discovery - three minutes after Goofy opened up the two single universes, also At the time when the compound eye collapsed, another larger and more complex multiverse tunnel appeared, and this multiverse tunnel is the passage for different Spider-Man from their respective universes to our universe."

Hearing this, Gao Fei suddenly realized: "That is to say, there are actually two multiverse tunnels in the sky above Brooklyn?"

"Uh... it's actually one," Reed corrected, "and the one above Brooklyn can't be called the Multiverse Tunnel, it's the entrance to the Multiverse Tunnel. Goofy, after you snapped your fingers with the Infinity Glove, it opened. The gateway to the multiverse, and the entrance to this multiverse gateway is the maelstrom above Brooklyn..."

"The duration of your multiverse tunnel is five to ten minutes, there is no doubt about that, we can call this tunnel the Alpha Tunnel. But when the Alpha Tunnel opens for three minutes, there is another opening in the multiverse. A larger tunnel, this tunnel connects several or even dozens of different single universes, we temporarily call this tunnel the beta tunnel..."

"It turns out that the beta tunnel and the alpha tunnel share the same exit, which is the huge vortex over Brooklyn, and when the alpha tunnel opened for the seventh minute, the alpha tunnel was actually closed, but the beta tunnel remained open. , which also led to the continuous opening of the tunnel over Brooklyn, so Goofy would mistakenly think that the Alpha Tunnel opened by him had never been closed, but in fact the Alpha Tunnel had been closed, and only the Beta Tunnel remained."

After listening to Reed's account, Goofy and the others finally understood.

Doctor Strange nodded: "That is to say, all of this is a strange coincidence. In this endless multiverse, there is a person and Gao Fei who opened the multiverse tunnel at the same time period, and caused space-time confusion. Case…"

Tony said: "Then the person who opened the beta tunnel may not even have attempted to incorporate our universe into his plan at first, only because Goofy snapped his fingers, so our single universe was forcibly formed with them. connected."

Goofy shrugged gloomily: "This can be called an unfortunate accident..."

Then he looked down at the Infinity Glove in his hand and said, "Then I can use my Infinity Glove to close this beta tunnel?"

"Should be," Reid said, "but before closing the beta tunnel, we might need to make sure that other universes aren't deranged by the tunnel's existence—for example, our world has more There are two Spider-Man, and two villains who accompany Spider-Man. So besides them, is there anyone else who is confused?"

Doctor Strange thought about Reed's words carefully, and then asked in astonishment: "Hey, Reed, wait a minute... Don't you want to rely on the power of a few of us to correct this chaotic multiverse? This workload can be It's too big, and I don't think we're capable of that."

Tony Stark also nodded and said: "Yes, Reed, you think about the difficulty... I think the best way now is to let Goofy use the Infinity Glove to close the Beta Tunnel and avoid the multiverse from becoming more chaotic That's it... As for the problems that have happened... uh... let it happen, right?"

Goofy couldn't agree with Tony's suggestion this time, because as a traveler, he could understand how helpless and lonely it was to be exiled to another universe that didn't belong to him.

What's more, two Spider-Man, a Green Goblin, and a Doctor Octopus have already crossed into this universe. If Goofy shuts down their way home without authorization, these people will definitely rise up and resist, in the current single universe. make bigger mess.

After some thought, Goofy made a suggestion.

"Do we have another solution? For example, we can solve this problem at the source and think about who opened the beta tunnel, and why did he open the beta tunnel?"

"If this person is found, can we start to adjust from him, and then completely close the beta tunnel after correcting this disordered universe?"

Reed nodded immediately: "Goofy's method is very safe, I agree."

Doctor Strange was noncommittal: "I don't think it's that simple."

Tony Stark disagreed: "But Goofy, you have to consider a problem - while you are trying to find this guy who opened the beta tunnel, the multiverse will only continue to go wrong, and your time delays. The longer it goes on, the more serious this disorder will be, and if it’s up to me to decide, I think it might as well stop the loss in time.”

But Goofy didn't intend to change his mind, and Reed stood firm on his side.

So the final result of the deliberations of the Big Four—Goofy and Reed with two votes, Strange abstained, and Tony against—Goofy’s proposal was passed, and the Illuminati will work with other superheroes to investigate first to open up diversity Who is the real mastermind of the cosmic beta tunnel, and then decides whether to close this tunnel and how to close it.


It was already early morning when the meeting ended, and there were already many pedestrians and vehicles on the streets of New York at 5:00 in the morning.

Goofy and Tony Stark walked side by side to a parking space not far away, where a new Audi R8 E-tron was parked.

This sky-high $1.1 million sports car has great performance and looks cool, but the only downside is that it is too expensive, which caused its sales to slump and was forced to stop production.

But that's why Tony Stark loves this car - at least you don't bump into the same one on the streets of New York too often.

Before the two of them got close to the sports car, Gao Fei suddenly realized that he was being watched. His sensory system has always been very keen, especially since he became the guardian of the Nine Realms.

"Don't be in a hurry, Tony..."

Gao Fei reminded in a low voice, and then almost caught the gangsters in ambush around him almost like opening the perspective of God,

"We were targeted by six people and a dog...if I judge correctly, they came to assassinate us."

Tony just wanted to laugh when he heard it: "Six people and one dog? To assassinate us?"

"Gao Fei, are you sure these people know your identity?"

Tony is right, just relying on such a lineup to assassinate Goofy is a dream, not to mention that the current Goofy is wearing a jeweled infinity glove on his right hand, which can wipe out countless creatures with a snap of his fingers.

Besides, Gao Fei's prestige in the current universe has reached a very high level. Anyone with some information channels knows that he is the father of the gods. How many aliens drive space battleships and invade with alien troops have failed. Injuring Goofy, now six assassins plus a dog is like killing Goofy, which makes people laugh.

Wanting to understand this, Gao Fei said in a low voice: "So Tony, I don't think people in our world are stupid enough to slap me in the face... These idiots dare to assassinate me, it means they don't know at all. my strength."

Tony immediately followed Goofy's train of thought: "So they may not belong to our universe at all... Parallel universes? They come from parallel universes? But why do people from parallel universes come to kill you?"

"Could they be... the subordinates of the person who opened the Beta Tunnel?"

Before he finished speaking, a dirty, fluffy puppy suddenly ran out from behind the trash can not far away.

"Wang Wang! Wang Wang Wang!"

The puppy barked pitifully at Goofy and Tony, then swayed over.

Tony smiled and asked Gao Fei in a low voice: "This is the... assassin dog?"

Gao Fei said: "Yes, don't be deceived by its cute appearance."

Tony didn't show any flaws, and pretended to be kind and crouched down.

"Come here, little one, let me see what you want? Want some ham? Or some milk?"

The puppy wagged its tail and came to Tony's feet, looking at Tony with big eyes.

Just when Tony stretched out his hand and tried to stroke the puppy's head, the puppy opened its mouth suddenly, and at the same time its head expanded rapidly, becoming almost like the head of a lion.

At the same time, its mouth has also become a **** mouth, and the fangs in its mouth flash with cold light!

Fortunately, Tony Stark was prepared, his hands were quickly covered with a steel battle suit, and a particle beam shot out, beating the dog in front of him!

"Woo woo... woo..."

The puppy who couldn't make a sneak attack was almost dislocated by Tony's chin. He turned around and hurried to the back of the trash can. At this time, Gao Fei noticed that the puppy was still wearing a black and red uniform. The appearance of a human face.

"Such a sloppy dress..." Goofy probably guessed who surrounded them.

At this moment, a figure on a street lamp not far away descended from the sky.

"I was discovered by the Iron Man, brothers, come on!"

A guy wearing a black and red tights, holding a pair of knives fell from the sky, and a pair of white eyes blinked on the mask. It was the unreliable bounty killer from New York - Deadpool!

At the same time, Tony Stark's Audi R8 flashed a female version of Deadpool who was also wearing red and black tights and had a hot and seductive figure. Deadpool jumped from the streetlight shouted, "Hey man, you deal with dwarfs, I deal with Asians!"


The first male version of Deadpool agreed, riding on Tony Stark's shoulder at the same time, and poking the two sharp blades directly at Tony's neck.

But at this time, Tony had already finished wearing the steel battle suit. The gold-titanium alloy material was invulnerable to bullets. Deadpool's ordinary attacks couldn't hurt him at all. The only thing that could really hurt him was what the female version of Deadpool said just now.

"Wait... dwarf? Who are you calling dwarf? I'm just the right height!"

An angry Tony Stark soared into the sky and directly took the Deadpool riding on his neck off the ground, and Deadpool knew that once he jumped off Tony's body, he would become his target, so he had to bite the bullet and hug him. Riding on Tony's head.

When Tony Stark saw Deadpool's life and death, he sneered: "Let's go for a ride in the sky, the air above is better."

Deadpool's face behind the mask turned green: "The air above is better? Is there no air at all!!"

Tony Stark couldn't help but praised: "Full score for common sense, my friend."

the other side.

on the ground.

The female version of Deadpool who didn't know whether to live or die rushed towards Gao Fei. Gao Fei was dizzy due to the two muscles in her chest, so he simply closed his eyes and reached out and grabbed towards her neck.

Female Deadpool saw Gao Fei's action, and was just about to draw a gun to counterattack, but she didn't expect the gun to be steady, and her neck was already strangled by the Asian in front of her.

"Fuck? So fast?"

The golden-yellow ponytail protruding from behind the mask shook violently in the air, and then swayed back and forth. She tried to break free from Gao Fei's hand, but in the end she found that Gao Fei's big hand was like steel, and it was completely broken. not open.

"Damn it..."

The female Deadpool rolled her eyes in frustration and shouted loudly: "Asians are too awesome! Asians are too awesome! Apply for a change of target, and I'll take over the dwarf and take over the Asians!"

It's a pity that Deadpool, who was on the mission with her just now, was taken to the sky by "Little Shorty" Tony Stark, and now the signal with the female Deadpool has been interrupted.

But the scene was not the only male and female Deadpool, Gao Fei sensed the existence of four other people.

Sure enough, just after the female Dead Servant asked to change the target, a cold night wind blew.


With a strange cry, a ronin wearing a hat, a red robe, and a samurai sword ran from the road. The clogs under his feet stomped on the ground and made a crisp sound. The style of painting was simply out of tune with New York City.


Gao Fei just laughed and pissed,

"What version of Deadpool is this?"

The knife-wielding ronin doesn't give a introduced himself: "The ronin A'Du, from Earth-TRN150, fights side by side with all the Deadpools!"

After he finished speaking, he jumped and flew high with a knife in both hands.

"Destroy the sky and destroy the earth!!"

However, Gao Fei raised his hand and pushed it gently.

Boooom! !

Ronin A'Du immediately took his "Destruction of Heaven and Earth Slash" as far as he could, and half of the clogs fell off his feet and rolled all the way.

At this moment, a piercing laugh came from not far away.

"Hahahahaha... Ronin A'Du, you are the laughing stock in our Deadpool Legion, scum! I think our Deadpool Legion should fire you... The Deadpool dog can stay as a mascot and attack the enemy unexpectedly, you It's not as good as a dead servant dog! It's better to let you join the team than to leave the dead head in the first place!"

Gao Fei looked at the reputation and saw a child standing on the roof of an off-road vehicle not far away. He was only about 1.4 meters tall. He was also wearing the uniform of Deadpool, with two knives stuck behind his back and a pin around his waist. pistol.

This is already the fourth Deadpool to appear tonight. He is probably the Deadpool kid from Earth 10330 in the parallel universe.

And there are two other Deadpools in the same class, one is hiding in an office building not far away, holding a bolt-action sniper aimed at him, a black-and-white Deadpool wearing a retro trench coat—Shadow Deadpool;

The other is "Slaughter Deadpool", who is ambushing in another car around the corner, talking to "Slaughter", the symbiote possessing him.

So far, Goofy probably understands the current situation - after the crazy multiverse opened, no one knows who has put these Deadpools together without good intentions and made them form a multiverse Deadpool army. , and sent them to assassinate Goofy and Tony Stark.

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