American Comic Survival Guide

Vol 2 Chapter 751: Goofy begins to create the world

When Gao Fei finished reading the relevant works, returned to the study, and then returned to the baby universe through the blue floating door on the table, hundreds of millions of years had passed for this universe.

The planet, which was originally as hot as a big fireball, had already cooled down, an atmosphere was attached to the surface, and even liquid water appeared on the land.

And around the star "zero", the same number of planets became five, and it is now a mature star surrounded by five planets.

It formed its own galaxies, which Goofy named "Zero Galaxies."

"I think I have to see this whole new world."

Goofy made a decision and quickly galloped toward one of the most fully developed planets in the Zero System.

This planet is the third closest planet to "Zero". The reason why Goofy chose this planet to land is because its distance from the "Zero" star is moderate and the rules of operation are reasonable.

At such a distance, the temperature on its surface will not be too hot or too cold, and the distance from the "Zero" star will not shift too much when it revolves around the "Zero" star. life, then this planet is obviously the most suitable for nurturing life.

Passing through the dense atmosphere, Gao Fei was like a meteorite rubbing against the air and burning hot flames. During the landing, Gao Fei noticed that the composition of the air here was quite different from that of the earth.

The higher levels of hydrogen and the abundance of oxygen make the planet less safe and prone to burns and explosions.

However, these problems are not difficult for Gaofei for the time being. He can survive in such an environment. He soon landed on the surface of the planet. At this time, the ground of the planet was full of rocks and metals.

Goofy galloped along the continent, looking for a breeding ground for life. Hard rocks and sharp metals could not cultivate spiritual creatures. What he needed was not the land, but the ocean.

Soon he found the ocean. Just as he saw when he overlooked the planet from outer space, the ocean here has a huge area, suitable temperature, and rich elements in the ocean, which is very suitable for the birth of creatures.

"It's time to give them some help..." Gao Fei whispered.

Current science infers that the birth of life is a very unlikely event. In the infinitely vast universe, life can only be born under extremely coincidental conditions.

Now Gao Fei is still waiting to absorb the beliefs of this cosmic life form to strengthen himself and resist the transcendental gods from different dimensions. Of course, he has no time to wait for these small probability events to happen, waiting for these planets to evolve life forms by himself.

Gao Fei turned his eyes to the ocean, to the microscopic world in the vast sea.

This universe was created by Gao Fei, so he could easily control the matter in this universe.

He opened his eyes wide, and the microscopic particles in the ocean appeared in front of him, and as soon as his mind moved, these microscopic particles began to rearrange under his gesture.

"Is there only small inorganic molecules now? I need small organic molecules, give me organics."

Gao Fei gave an order, the inorganic matter in the ocean began to disintegrate, the organic matter gradually formed, the hydrocarbons, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen were rearranged, and monosaccharides, amino acids, etc. began to appear.

"Go ahead, fuse into biological macromolecules..."

Gao Fei's consciousness continued to be manipulated, and small organic molecules moved in the direction of biological macromolecules, monosaccharides became polysaccharides, and amino acids formed proteins... The microscopic world in the ocean began to become rich, and the door to life was completely opened.

"Very good." Gao Fei nodded lightly and continued to catalyze the operation of the creature.

These biological macromolecules freely combine and mutate in the marine environment until one day, they begin to produce autonomous metabolism and show signs of reproduction.

At this time, they still seemed insignificant, and they could only be regarded as bacteria, but Goofy knew that at this time, they were already the most primitive life forms on this planet.

Until this moment, Goofy left here contentedly and returned to his own universe. It was already daylight in the real world, and it was time to tell Reed and Tony the good news that the multiverse tunnel problem was solved.


Leaving the baby universe, Gao Fei got up and walked out of the window, pulling the curtains covering the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, and the bright sunshine of New York poured in.

Goofy looked into the distance through the floor-to-ceiling windows. The huge vortex above Brooklyn had disappeared. It seemed that the Eternal God had fulfilled his promise to close these multiverse tunnels.

Not only were the tunnels blasted by Molecular Man's explosion closed for eternity, but even the tunnels he punched out with the Infinity Gloves were successfully closed. Goofy smiled and planned to visit Tony Stark.

Looking back at the phone on the table, he found that Tony had called him more than a dozen missed calls.

"This guy is really impatient."

Gao Fei smiled lightly and called back the phone.

"Goofy, the vortex over Brooklyn has disappeared! Did you do it? Did you find a way to close the multiverse tunnel?" Tony Stark's voice came as soon as the call was connected, and After he finished asking, he still didn't forget to complain, "You don't answer my call, don't you have to sleep now? What the **** are you doing?"

"I don't think these questions can be answered on the phone," Goofy said with a smile. "Let's meet up and get Reed and Doctor Strange."

"Oh, well, is there anything we can't talk about quietly? We have to call those two rambunctious guys..." Tony Stark was dissatisfied, but he held an Illuminati meeting according to Goofy's wishes. Internal meeting.

The meeting took place at the Stark Building, and this was the first time the Illuminati met in broad daylight.

Doctor Strange seemed to be studying occult works last night. He came to the venue with a tired face and dark circles under his eyes, as if he had just been beaten.

Reed's mental state is very good, probably because he is used to working around the clock.

And because the meeting place was in Tony's office, Tony, who had always liked to be late, was not late for the first time.

"Okay, we're all here, Gao Fei, just tell us if you have anything..."

Tony Stark, who was sitting in the top position, urged impatiently,

"How on earth did the vortex over Brooklyn disappear?"

"Indeed, I'm interested in that too," Reed said. "Goofy, did you use the Infinity Gauntlet to turn it off?"

Gao Fei shook his head slightly and said, "It's not actually, there are other people who closed the multiverse tunnel. When I returned to the apartment last night, I saw two people."

"Is that the captain of the universe? The eternal messenger of the creation god?" Reed asked.

Doctor Strange also narrowed his eyes: "Captain Universe has finally come to our universe?"

Gao Fei shook his head again: "No, it's not the captain of the universe who came to me, but the God of Creation Eternal himself. In addition to Eternity, another God of Creation, Infinity, has also come."

"What?" Tony immediately became uneasy. "Two of the five creation gods came to visit you in person? Goofy, Goofy, you really have a face."

Gao Fei laughed: "Actually, they didn't visit me in person. It was their consciousness that came to me. Of course, their body didn't come here."

"Also it has nothing to do with my lack of face, they are here to deal with the multiverse tunnel."

Hearing this, Reed breathed a sigh of relief: "That's great, the gods of creation have personally solved the problem. I think with their help, the problem of the multiverse tunnel can definitely be solved properly, right?"

"Yes, Eternal has personally closed the multiverse tunnel. We don't need to worry about this issue anymore." Goofy said.

But the keen Doctor Strange noticed something was wrong and asked curiously: "But Gao Fei, if the Eternal God himself has the ability to close the multiverse tunnel, then why should the infinite among the five creation gods come with him? God of Creation, Infinite shouldn't have time to hang out with another God of Creation, right? Does this mean... Infinite wants to talk to you about something else?"

Goofy found that he couldn't hide from the sly Doctor Strange, so he nodded with a smile: "That's true, Strange, Infinite has something else to do with me."

Speaking of which, Reed probably guessed it, but before Goofy revealed the truth, Reed didn't take the initiative to reveal the truth.

Tony Stark asked curiously, "Goofy, what secrets are you hiding from us?"

Goofy said: "This is indeed a secret, but I didn't hide it from you. Tony, Stephen, Reed already knew about this, I originally planned to tell you when I had a chance, but now it happens to be a good chance…"

Having said this, Gao Fei cleared his throat and said solemnly, "I created a universe."

"What?!" Tony's eyes widened.

"Created... what?" Even the calm Strange floated up from his chair in shock.

Gao Fei took a deep breath and continued: "I created a universe, using Infinity Gloves, Sentinels, and Molecular Man to create a super-large universe. At present, this universe is still in its infancy, and everything has not yet developed, but when When this universe develops, it will be the source of my power."

Tony Stark scratched his head and said: "Oh, Goofy, I think you are deliberately competing with me, I built a space battleship, you feel unwilling, you must crush me, so you simply build it A universe, right?"

Goofy laughed: "That's right, Tony, that's what I meant to create the universe."

Strange said worriedly: "But Goofy, can you guarantee that this universe will not get out of control? I mean, the development potential of this universe is infinite, if it eventually develops to an infinite size, the civilization in it will continue to upgrade. , evolution... can you make sure it's always under your control?"

Goofy said: "You don't have to worry about this, Strange, I can indeed control this universe. Don't forget, the way I get energy is to absorb the belief and worship of civilized creatures, and I can get the universe I created. Worship of all life, so the more powerful the creatures that live in this universe, the more faith they offer me, and I will become stronger... As long as this is guaranteed, I will always be stronger than the creatures in it More powerful."

"So, as the creator and creator of this universe, you will always hold a power that is more powerful than the creatures in it, right?" Strange asked.

"That's it." Gao Fei nodded.

"But..." Strange was not completely relieved, "but there are thousands of beings in the huge universe. Since some people believe in God, some people will refuse to contribute their beliefs. If one day, all beings in this universe begin to refuse to believe in you, then you Wouldn't it be dangerous?"

Hearing this question, Gao Fei let out a long breath.

"If that day comes, I think I should intervene in these races that despise the gods..."


Returning home after the Illuminati meeting, five hours have passed.

And five hours in the real world is hundreds of millions of years in the baby universe.

"I don't know what's going on with the planet in the Zero Galaxy, if a new species is born..." Goofy pondered, and then entered the baby universe through the floating door on the desk.

Viewed from space to ZERO galaxies, each of the five planets orbiting sporadically has different characteristics. The planet in the third place looks like a planet from a distance because its surface is covered with liquid water. Like a blue crystal ball.

At this time, Gao Fei realized that he hadn't named this planet yet, and it seemed a bit inappropriate to always refer to it as the third planet in the Zero Galaxy, but looking at it's azure blue appearance, Gao Fei smiled and said, "You might as well just ignore it. It's called Blue Star."

Clenching his fists tightly, Gao Fei used the space gem to directly land in the Blue Star. Only then did he realize that the temperature of the Blue Star's surface had risen sharply, which caused the polar glaciers to melt, causing the entire Blue Star's sea level to rise.

Looking at the entire planet, at this time, except for a plateau in the eastern half standing in the sea, the entire planet is covered by blue liquid water. It is no wonder that Blue Star is a blue planet from space, because its The surface is almost entirely water.

Goofy looked down at the sea, and then saw some strange creatures - they looked densely covering the sea, showing bright colors of green and blue.


The most primitive kind of prokaryotes, they can provide a large amount of oxygen for the water environment through photosynthesis, and it is precisely because of the appearance of this kind of organisms that it caused the explosion of prehistoric species on the earth.

"Since there are cyanobacteria, does that mean that this ocean is already full of creatures?"

Gao Fei pushed aside the blue-green algae on the sea surface and dived into the water. At this time, the ocean was clear and transparent, and the visibility was over several hundred meters.

Looking around, Gao Fei did see a lot of dynamic figures. Many creatures have begun to move on the blue seabed, and most of them are just simple mollusks and fungi.

Goofy swam his body and swam toward the depths of the sea, when he saw a huge shadow swimming across the seabed, stirring the undercurrent along the way, which caught Goofy's attention.

"There is still such a big man in the ocean at this stage?"

Gao Fei thought about it and swam towards the bottom of the sea. He came first, and soon caught up with this big guy who was wandering on the bottom of the sea.


The big guy was sliding forward slowly against the sand and gravel on the bottom of the sea, and turned around abruptly after sensing the arrival of Gao Fei.

There was a low roar in its chest cavity, and the roar shook the surrounding sediment in the sea.

Goofy squinted at it, and found that it looked like a large Pippi shrimp - its body was at least fifteen meters long, and its two eyes were like two huge searchlights.

And the most frightening thing about it should be the two pincers it holds high. Each of these two pincers is five meters long, which is equivalent to one-third of its body. Although the thorns are not very sharp, they are extremely hard.

It seems to be a fiery guy, and when it sees Goofy, it growls and tries to attack.


There was a deafening sound in the chest cavity again, and the sound wave shook the surrounding water to become turbulent.

It may not take Gao Fei seriously at all. After all, Gao Fei's body size is only one tenth of its size.

Gao Fei shook his head.

"Stupid species... oh no, you're not conscious at all, you're not even stupid..."

"Are you vainly wielding the tongs to strike back at your Creator?"

Speaking of this, Gao Fei thought.

In front of him, the large Pippi shrimp, which was showing off its daggers and claws, disintegrated in an instant and was torn into thousands of pieces...

The shrimp tongs, shrimp feet, and shrimp heads were torn apart, and the crystal clear shrimp meat was cut evenly and slowly floated in front of Gao Fei.

Gao Fei raised his hand and took the shrimp floating in the water, driving his consciousness again.

The water temperature in front of me rose instantly, and the shrimp meat changed from crystal clear to pure white and firm under the action of the water temperature.

It's cooked.

Gao Fei took a taste and it was very fresh.

"Yes, it looks like I have the rations these days..."

"But I don't like eating shrimp very much. I should look for it. Has there been any evolution of squid in this ocean? Squid can also be used."

Having tasted the shrimp, Goofy moved on.

The ocean on the Blue Star stretches as far as the eye can see, and the species in it are even more numerous.

"It seems that the emergence of cyanobacteria has indeed caused a major explosion of species, and the breeding environment is extremely suitable for biological evolution and reproduction..."

Flying high and low,

"It's just that these creatures are ancient creatures with simple structures, and even slightly higher spine creatures have not yet appeared. If you want to wait for intelligent creatures, you don't know how long it will take..."

However, at this moment, Gao Fei suddenly saw two snake-like creatures moving on the seabed not far away. Gao Fei quickly approached the past and found that these two novel creatures were not actually snakes.

They are like eels, they look a bit like electric eels in a simplified version, they should be round mouthed creatures, and this is already a vertebrate creature.

"I just said that there are no vertebrates in this ocean, but I didn't expect to encounter them..."

Round-mouthed creatures are the most primitive of vertebrate creatures, they will evolve into fish, and all higher creatures with intelligence in the future will evolve from them.

At this time, these two snake-like round-mouthed creatures were still wandering aimlessly on the bottom of the sea. They looked carefree and did not know when they would be able to develop towards a higher level.

Gao Fei looked at their unwillingness to make progress, and there was only anxiety left in his heart.

"If you are allowed to evolve step by step according to the laws of nature, when will there be intelligent creatures? When will civilization species be created? When the time comes to surpass the Protoss and invade the multiverse, I can only do nothing..."

"It's time to give you a push."

Thinking of this, Gao Fei was moved again.

The microscopic structures of the two round-mouthed animals were opened up—organs, cells, proteins, amino acids, genetic factors—Goofy opened up their biological structures layer by layer, and directly rewritten them. Snakes" higher biological structure, so as to create intelligent races.

After a few minutes, Goofy's rewriting was finally completed. He turned off the microstructure of the two "little snakes", clenched his fists and used the space gem to speed up the flow of time.

One day passed, five days passed, thirty days passed...

The bodies of the two small snakes have undergone visible changes, and they have evolved more complex torsos and organs.

But their potential is limited after all, and the changes in body structure cannot be sustained for a long time. Goofy's rewriting of their genes will be reflected in their next generation to a greater extent.

Two months later, the two little snakes were in breeding season, and they gave birth to offspring that were very different from them.

The offspring had shorter torsos, evolved fins and gills, larger brains and stronger bones than their parents.

Their activities began to become purposeful, wandering on the seabed every day in search of their own food, they gradually had the concept of territory, and knew to find a safe corner for themselves to resist natural enemies.

In every way, these creatures have become higher than their parents, but they still have a long way to go before they become intelligent.

"Come on..."

Gao Fei gave a silent encouragement, turned and swam towards the sea level.

Halfway through, he killed another large Pippi peeled out the fresh shrimp and carried it in his hand, and then exited the baby universe directly.

Back in the real world, Gao Fei went to the kitchen and cooked the good shrimp. The fresh shrimp hardly needed any condiments, and the natural taste was already very delicious.

Before the ingredients were ready, Carrie next door had already sensed the smell with her keen sense of smell. She moved through the wall in an instant and appeared directly in Gao Fei's kitchen.

"Dad, what are you cooking? It's delicious!"

Gao Fei smiled softly: "Boil shrimp."

"Huh?" The girl Carrie tilted her head to look at Gao Fei and said in surprise, "You are so busy these days, do you still have time to buy shrimp?"

Just as Gao Fei was pondering how to answer his daughter's question, Carrie's attention had long since shifted to the crystal clear shrimp in the pot.

"What a big prawn! What kind of prawn is this? Lobster? But how did you peel off the prawn? Lobster doesn't have such a big prawn... No, this prawn looks too strange, old man. Dad, I have to taste it for you, lest the shrimp be poisonous..."

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