American Comics: Died At the Hand of Thor, I Incarnate The Rules and Strange Stories

Chapter 93

Chapter 093 Weird Shopping Mall! (3)

After the death of Black King, Thor, Captain America.

Big surprise for Su Lin.

Not only the scope of the strange talk field exceeded 10,000, but reached 11,000 square kilometers.


There is also a town that exudes a ghostly atmosphere.

Included in the realm of bizarre talk.

“The ninth paradox, the carrier of rule. 99

“Finally there.

Su Lin was surprised.

Whatever the hell it is.

Even if it is just a ghost with very weak Ability.

He will not despise each other.

As long as he can get together the nine strange talk rules, he will be successfully promoted to the next level.


Will suffice.

Su Lin took a deep breath and suppressed his inner excitement.

He sent Freddy a message to release the White Queen from Nightmare Space.


Take her to the Sky Palace.

“What a grand palace!”

“Old “three eight three” board, are you a god?

White Queen was shocked.

The existence of the Sky Palace shocked her.

There is no such building in the world.

It is simply the legendary residence of the gods.


“may be.

Su Lin smiled lightly.

He didn’t explain anything.

He even ignored Shang Mei and Qin’s resentful eyes.

Just turn around and leave.

Now, to him, the most important thing is not women.

Rather, the newly-appeared ghost.

Clyde Town.

This is a retro town.

There are about 500,000 permanent residents in the town.

It was a beautiful and sparsely populated area, and it was considered very prosperous and lively.

The number of permanent residents is not even less than that of some small towns.

When the realm of strange talk shrouded it, darkness descended.

The residents of the town were full of panic.


This weird dark space has long been exposed in news reports and major social platforms.

Everyone knows.

Once shrouded in darkness.

Will disappear from the outside world, life and death do not know.

According to experts’ speculation, this dark space has been around for several months.

In the past few months, no human being has ever come out of the land covered by the dark space.

That is to say.

Once swallowed by this dark space.

Basically, death is pronounced.

More than half a million people fell into panic, and before Su Lin could do anything, a large amount of negative fear poured in.

absorbed by him.

At first, Su Lin was a little surprised.

Because, these people’s reactions are a bit over the top.

Let him not understand.

Out of curiosity, he directly invaded a person’s consciousness and read the other person’s memory.

Understand what’s going on.

“I see.”

“I didn’t expect that my existence would be exposed so thoroughly… 35

Even some ordinary people knew of his existence.

So represent.

All the countries in the world also know this.

“It seems that in the future, more people will be sent over by themselves.”

Su Lin didn’t panic at all.

With the current strength on Blue Star, he could not threaten him at all.


Even the Nine Realms God King Odin came over, he was not afraid at all.

Otherwise, Loki and Thor won’t be killed in succession.

When it comes to being exposed.

In Su Lin’s heart, he was looking forward to it.

After figuring out the reason, his mind moved, and as usual, he sprinkled thousands of strange talk manuals.

This is his only kindness towards human beings.

Humans who would have panicked.

When I saw the sky and the falling A4 paper, I subconsciously caught it.

Then, I saw the seven rules recorded in the strange talk manual.

“Strange talk rule? What is this?”

“What will be the consequences if it is violated?”

“Do we have to abide by the above rule?99

This time.

These people are very cautious, and no one is going to experiment with the price of violating the rule.

after all.

They have long known the strange and terrifying place of this place from the outside world. ,

My heart is full of fear.

Naturally, I didn’t dare to try this manual of weird stories with a mysterious origin.


There are always some exceptions.

“Do you have to go to bed at eleven o’clock at night?

“But then, I’m going to make a copy.

“If today’s dungeon is not played, it will be refreshed after twelve o’clock.

A young man who just got off work saw the rule in the quirk book.

At the beginning.

Still feel it doesn’t matter.

However, when he saw the rule that he couldn’t stay up late or even sleep during the day.

Immediately stunned.

The youth is an internet addict who is addicted to games.

I usually play games after work.

Every time, I have to play until three or four in the morning before going to bed.

Then, sleep until nine o’clock the next day, then get up for work.

This kind of life, he has continued for three whole years.

“I just don’t sleep, what can I do?”

He threw away the gossip manual….

For several other rules decided to follow.

However, that’s the rule that you can’t stay up late, or even sleep during the day.

He felt that it was too inhumane.

This is simply restricting his freedom.

“The game must be played, the reward of the copy, I must get it! 99

If it was half a year ago.

He could endure it.

But in the past six months, a new game called Genshin that was imported from abroad was really fun.

If he doesn’t play for a day, he feels sick all over.

Similar idea.

It appeared in the minds of many young people in Clyde Town.

Whether it is not staying up late, or not sleeping during the day.

They are all unacceptable!!

For them.

Even if there is a certain danger in violating the rules, if you don’t have freedom and don’t live up to the original spirit, it will be more uncomfortable than killing them!

for all this.

Su Lin didn’t get to know it.


He pursued the breath of the ghost and came to a shopping mall that was closing down for rectification.

At the moment, the mall was closed for rectification, and there were only two security guards at the door.

They put up signs at the entrance of the mall.

On the notice, there is a recruitment notice.

“This mall recruits night shift security guards from 22-8 o’clock. 99

“The salary is generous, and the monthly salary can reach 10,000 US dollars!”

This treatment is indeed very generous.

Su Lin looked at it and was a little surprised.


He glanced at the two youths in security uniforms who were posting the notice, and asked 4.2 curiously.

“Aren’t you the security guards? 39

“A shopping mall that has been closed for reorganization, still lacking security?

Su Lin’s words.

Stopped the two security guards who were putting up recruitment notices.

they explained.

“We have resigned.

“The boss said that when we find a night-shift security guard, he will pay us and let us leave.

I see.

Hearing this, Su Lin nodded, expressing understanding.

Then, the two security guards suddenly discovered that although Su Lin was thin, he was 1.85 meters tall, which fully met the requirements of being a security guard.


Come up, hehe smiled.

“Hey, brother, are you interested?”

“The salary in this place is very high, even higher than those who are engaged in IT.”

“If you are interested, you can go to work after a while.”

“On your terms, you are fully qualified for the job of night security!””

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