American comics: Enlightenment in Arkham, Ascension to Homelander

Chapter 24 You are saved!

Outside the Dior store, reporters from Metropolis Daily Planet struggled to find a suitable shooting location.

While protecting the cameras and video cameras in his arms, photographer Jimmy Olson reminded the reporters leading the team.

"Lois, be careful, there's a Gotham bitch trying to kick your legs!"

"I'll kick her back and let her know how powerful metropolitan girls are, but that's only after we find a good position, Jimmy!"

While speaking, Louis used his shoulder to knock away the two bastards who were stuck in the position, squeezed out of the group of reporters, and came to the front of the crowd.

Although she squeezed out, photographer Jimmy was still in the crowd, so she had to free her hands and push to clear the way for Jimmy.

Finally breaking out of the crowd, Jimmy breathed a sigh of relief.

On the sidelines, watching the two of them occupy the position chosen by them, the Gotham Gazette reporter glared at the two of them with dissatisfaction.

After looking at the tag on Louise's chest, the reporter took a deep breath and then growled at Louise.

"Daily Planet, are you colleagues from Metropolis?

I remember you. Damn it, from now on, you guys don't want to participate in any news in Gotham, assholes! "

"Ha, that's interesting!"

Facing the threats from her peers, Louise shook her hair disdainfully.

"The news doesn't have legs. He's right there and can't run. You guys couldn't pounce on me as fast as me, but you actually have the nerve to threaten me?

Jimmy, ignore them, quickly find a good position and set up the camera.

The daughter of the deputy secretary of defense was kidnapped in Gotham. The influence of this news has long gone beyond Gotham. It also proves the corruption of Gotham City’s police system and the inaction of Gotham City Hall! "

"Roger that, Louise!"

Jimmy smiled and gave an OK gesture to Louise, then set up the camera and moved closer to the Gotham Gazette reporter who was threatening Louise.


Jimmy told the Gotham Gazette reporter with a mysterious face.

"If I were you, then run away in despair, because my eldest Louise's father is not only a general, but also a senator!"


Upon hearing Jimmy's words, the Gotham Gazette reporter's expression changed, and then he raised his middle finger towards Jimmy and Louise.

"Evil capitalism, damn blood inheritance, you sons of bitches!"

After the words fell, the reporter shrank quietly and blended into the back of the crowd.

At the same time, the Gotham female reporter who just tried to trip up Louise quietly disappeared.

Looking at the shrinking appearance of his colleagues in Gotham, Jimmy grinned and said.

"They all hate guanxi people, but they also avoid guanxi people. Louise, your dad is so useful!"

"That's enough, Jimmy, don't make such jokes, my job has nothing to do with my dad!"

Louise kicked Jimmy lightly while continuing to remind him.

"Hurry up and set up the plane, it's been half an hour since the robber Downton entered the locker room with the hostages.

They should be out soon!

We need to rush over as soon as they come out and the police take action, and shoot from a closer distance and angle.

You must follow me! "

"Don't worry, Louise, I will keep up with you. I swear on my sports scores in college!"

"Stop swearing!"

Suddenly Louise let out a scream.

"Quick, they're coming out!"

"I saw it. Wow, Downton's new outfit is really good. That coat is worth at least three thousand yuan, right?"

With Jimmy Olsen screaming, Downton pushed open the locker room door and kicked Heino in the butt.

"Don't stand there stupidly, go find some water."

"Okay, wait for me!"

While Hainuo was adjusting her makeup, she couldn't hide her excitement and exhaustion and walked towards the lounge.

She is a frequent visitor to various luxury stores. Even if there are no service staff in the store, she is as clear as home and knows where the brands prepare supplies for customers.

Looking at Hainuo's back, Downton smiled slightly and spread his hands towards the police who had started taking action outside the store.


After a loud bang, the glass door of the store was shot open by bullets, and Gordon led more than 20 police officers to rush in front of Downton.

"Put the gun down!"

"Damn it, put the gun down!"

"You have been surrounded, put down your gun and surrender!"

"Downton, I don't know why you did this, but you can't run away!"

The last words were spoken by Gordon, and as he spoke, he aimed his gun at Downton's head.

At the same time, Hainuo, who had just taken three or five steps, suddenly reacted. She turned around with a look of horror on her face and immediately wanted to rush back to Downton.

But her speed was not as fast as the police. Before she could jump out, the police controlled her.

"You've been saved, Miss Lawrence!"

While restraining Hainuo, the police reminded her in her ear.

Hearing what the police said, Hainuo's frightened face became dull.

"Am I saved?"

She looked confusedly at Downton, who was tightly surrounded by police.


Tears suddenly burst out of Hainuo's eyes.

"How can I be saved? I am obviously hopeless. I have never had such an exciting life!

Compared to him, all the other men I've met are boring dolls and disgusting sunflowers! "

As she spoke, Hainuo gritted her teeth, and her mind suddenly became clear.

"Let me go, we were joking, Downton only broke one person's leg, he didn't kill anyone, he didn't even run a red light.

And he didn't want to hurt me at all. He let me go a long time ago. If you break a leg, you won't be sentenced to many years. The guy only broke one leg! "

"Stop it, Hainuo!"

At this moment, Mayor Don Mitchell strode over and grabbed Hainuo's wrist.

"Your father just called me and he wants to see you as soon as possible!

Someone, take poor Miss Hainuo to see her exhausted parents! "

"I won't go, I don't want to see them, I don't see them a few times a year, why should I go to see them now!

Let me go, let me go, bastard!

My dad is a Gotham councilman and my mom is the deputy secretary of defense. If anyone dares to hurt Downton, I will make you walk around in pain, I promise!

Let me go! ! ! "

Although Hainuo struggled like a pig about to be slaughtered, she was still taken away by the mayor's men.

But what Hainuo left behind finally made the police near Downton feel frightened, and even made the encirclement around Downton looser.

At the same time, countless reporters wanted to interview Hainuo at this moment, but before the reporters could get close, they were ruthlessly blocked by the mayor's men.

Louise's shrewdness can be seen from this. From the moment she discovered that Downton pushed Hainuo away, she never thought of interviewing Hainuo.

She was seen taking the lead with the microphone in hand, rushing straight towards Downton, and the slightly loose encirclement of the police also provided an opportunity for her to get closer.

"The news gets more interesting, run faster, Jimmy.

Downton is about to be controlled. We need to be the first media to interview him after he is captured! "

"I'm working on it!"

Jimmy had really tried his best, but Tripod obviously didn't think so.

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