American comics: Enlightenment in Arkham, Ascension to Homelander

Chapter 313 Even jujube cakes can’t stop you from talking

After the words fell, Donton sneered and stretched out his hand, grabbing the silver-white hair of Taiyin Xingjun.

He lifted Taiyin Xingjun up by the hair, and Donton looked up and down at Taiyin Xingjun's astonished eyes.

While staring at him, he skillfully stretched out his empty hand and was about to slap Xingjun's chest.


On the side, I don't know which little spider swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and the sound made Donton slightly stunned, so Old Tang quickly retracted his hand.

"Damn, I almost forgot that there are underage children here."

After the words fell, he disdainfully grabbed Taiyin Xingjun's hair and threw her to the side, and then raised his hand to Taiyin Xingjun.

"Don't act like a bear, stand up and serve!

Don't you know what camp you belong to? Just be sincere when you surrender!

If you can fight, that's fine, but can you help me to fuck the Jade Emperor's mother?

See, you can't help at all, you are a half-waste, so you should be more conscious."

After saying that, Donton waved his hand disdainfully, then returned to his seat and sat down, picked up a bowl of wine and gulped it down.

Looking at Donton who was concentrating on drinking, and then looking at Taiyin Xingjun who was trembling with messy hair, untidy clothes, aggrieved face, tears on his lips, and trembling.

The fourth sister couldn't help swallowing her saliva, and then turned to Donton and said.

"Great Sage, what does underage mean?"

"Of course it means under 18... Wait? Is there something wrong?"

When Donton responded to the fourth sister, he suddenly remembered something, and then he looked in the direction of the sixth sister.

Facing the fearful eyes of the sixth sister, Donton asked softly.

"Little girl, how old are you?"

"Reply... reply to uncle, two hundred and eighty-three years and three months..."


Donton nodded, and then couldn't help but take a deep breath.

You call this a minor?

She has a long maturity period!

I don't know if this loli is legal, but if she is my mother at this age, I still owe her child for more than two hundred and forty years!!!

Thinking of this, Donton curled his lips and picked up the wine jar again.

But just when he was about to pour the wine, Taiyin Xingjun on the side trotted over.

"True Lord, let me do it!"

She whispered, and even snatched the wine jar from Donton's hand and poured a bowl for Donton.

After putting down the wine jar, she skillfully picked up the wine bowl and brought it directly to Donton's mouth.

Seeing that this Xingjun was so considerate, Donton patted her shoulder with satisfaction.

"As expected of a talent from heaven, in one word, professional!"

"Yes, so I no longer yearn for heaven..."

The third spider sister in the crowd sighed faintly, then looked at Zizhu'er, and finally struggled to ask.

"Mom, are you sure she is really the Taiyin Star God in heaven?"

"Silly child, even if mom turns into ashes, she will never forget it, but it is true in heaven, there is no humanity there, otherwise mom would not come down to earth!"


On the side, Zhu Bajie suddenly clapped his hands, interrupting the conversation between mother and daughter.

Then he led everyone back to the banquet, and greeted them as they walked.

"With my Great Sage brother here, you women should open your eyes and don't be surprised when something happens!

There may be people who are more powerful than my Great Sage brother in the nine heavens and ten earths, but there is really no one left who can deal with my Great Sage brother!

Come on, come on, sit down. It's also because I, the old pig, know how to behave. I met the Great Sage brother early in the morning, otherwise how could you have such great luck.

Great Sage brother, I, the old pig, toast you a glass!"

"Haha, no problem, drink, drink~"

Donton clinked glasses with Zhu Bajie with a smile.

Putting down the cup, the star god next to him immediately came over to add wine.

She was standing behind Donton. After pouring Donton's cup, she didn't stop, and even filled Bajie's cup by the way.

Looking at the Taiyin Star God bending down to pour wine for him, Bajie was slightly stunned, and his eyes immediately became a little sour.

He sniffed lightly, then patted his face, and continued to talk to Donton with a lazy smile.

"Don't be afraid of being laughed at by the Great Sage. When I was in heaven, I, the old pig, didn't even dare to look at Taiyin Xingjun for a second!"

At this point, Bajie raised his head and looked at Taiyin Xingjun with deep eyes.

Being stared at by Bajie, Taiyin Xingjun was slightly stunned, and then he smiled and nodded without any dissatisfaction.

"Marshal's words are all polite. Which immortal official in the heavenly court didn't like the marshal's heroic temperament?"

"Haha, what you said is nice, but do you know that this is the first sentence we said, the first sentence!!!"

Bajie interrupted Taiyin Xingjun's greeting loudly, and then picked up the wine bowl with self-mockery.

"No one should drink with me. This cup is for myself. I, the old pig, have been chasing for many years, only to find that those pasts are not worth chasing at all!"

After the voice fell, Bajie raised the wine bowl heroically and swallowed the wine clean.

After he put down the wine glass, he couldn't help shaking his head while watching Taiyin Xingjun pour wine for him.

"I, Old Pig, suddenly remembered the story that Monkey King told me when we were traveling west.

I joined the group later than him, and I was too idle on weekdays, so I always chatted with Monkey King about random things.

With this effort, Brother Monkey said that he was setting fire to the Zen monastery, that is, the old monk who coveted the cassock came.

Master said, if you don't put on that cassock, how will all sentient beings know that his earthly connection has been severed and the golden sea has dried up.

At the time, I just thought it was bullshit, but now that I put on your cassock as Lord Taiyin Star, I really understand what enlightenment is, haha! "

At this point, Lao Zhu laughed loudly, and even smiled and shook his head at Taiyin Star Lord.

While the old pig shook his head, Downton sneered and paused his wine bowl again.


Downton said with a sneer.

"Greed is a kind of desire, it is not pursuit, but only pursuit can make you feel relieved after getting it.

As for greed, if people are greedy, there will be no end.

If you don’t get greedy enough for what you think is the best, you won’t be able to let it go. If you don’t get greedy enough for what you think is the best, you can let it go?

There are things ahead that others think are the best, and there are even things that others have that are the best.

There are so many good things, and greedy people never know what they are longing for.

Only pursuit is your own. As for greed, how can greed have an end? "

After finishing his words, Downton couldn't help but raise his right hand, making a grabbing motion, and then continued to speak to Bajie.


"Hey, brother, I'm here!"

"Haha, you idiot, do you know why I am always so happy and so damn happy without any heart?

It’s because I’m not greedy!

If I am greedy for power, then there will always be something worthy of my pursuit ahead of me, because the meaning of infinity is infinity, and that is a road that truly has no end!

If I am greedy for victory, then many of my actions will have to be changed for the so-called goal of victory. Compared with winning, my pursuit is not to lose, so I will be a lot happier all of a sudden, haha!

You see, I am neither too greedy for power nor too greedy for results. So who is happy if I am not happy?

Now that I am strong, I will act willfully and freely.

If I were weak, then I would just eat and drink, not overwork, not in a hurry, not involuntarily, and just be a beggar and still survive! "

While speaking, Downton turned to look at the fourth sister who was listening in rapt attention, and suddenly said to the fourth sister.

"Fourth sister, if I, Old Tang, run out to beg for food, would you be willing to accompany me to ask for reward money, haha!"


Hearing Downton's words, the fourth sister was startled, and then her face turned red, even her dark rouge couldn't cover it up.

Before the fourth sister could answer, the second sister on the side suddenly interrupted and asked teasingly.

“I don’t know if it’s because the fourth sister’s tear stains are so beautiful, or because the Great Sage just likes her energy in running around.

When the Great Sage came last time, he said that he would rescue the fourth sister. Now that the Great Sage is sitting here, he is still talking about only the fourth sister.

From the looks of it, it’s us, the older sisters, who are annoying~”

Having said this, the second sister pushed the eldest sister's arm teasingly.

"Did you hear that, eldest sister? I'm just telling you, little sister.

If you, the eldest sister, don't get married earlier, the sisters will be too embarrassed to get married. It's okay for me to delay my sister, but if it delays the good things of the fourth sister and the great sage, then... hmm? "

"I don't believe that cakes can't stop your mouth, second sister!"

The fourth sister grabbed the date cake and stuffed it into the second sister's mouth.

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