American comics: Enlightenment in Arkham, Ascension to Homelander

Chapter 339 Heading to Tokyo

What kind of personality is Valerie?

A typical street kid!

She was put in a nursery since she was young, suffered a lot, and worked as a child laborer all day long.

She finally killed the manager who was guarding them, and then killed several security guards in a row, and finally ran away.

When she first came to the street, although she did not join a gang, she had a very fierce temper, and barely became a mercenary in a few years.

She started killing people at the age of fourteen, although she offended the gang before she became famous and was forced to flee Night City.

But the character in her bones cannot be changed.

When a person closes his eyes, countless swords and shadows flash in his mind.

There are also many bleeding heads looking at him.

This person is most likely trapped in a life of killing and cannot extricate himself!

Under the influence of this temperament, Valerie was very unhappy in New Orleans.

Compared with Night City, New Orleans is too peaceful. Except for the slums where she lives, which are the edge of the city and the places near the wilderness, the core of the city is completely controlled by companies.

In today's world, the country is almost dead in name only. Every country is actually supported by a series of companies.

Just like Arasaka is supporting the bones in daily life, and the military technology that started in Italy is connected to the tendons in Europe.

Asia has Kangtao, and the United States also has its own biotechnology.

Therefore, biotechnology has a considerable advantage in the land of various states in the United States.

In short, in a city dominated by a company, the messy scene of Night City will not emerge.

And without chaos, the mercenary industry will naturally have a hard time.

Even though Valerie has lived here for more than six years, she has not been able to make a name for herself.

Six years!

These are six whole years. Do you know how she spent these six years?

In the whole six years, he only opened less than 20 orders, and the most expensive one was only 8,000 yuan.

In the six years, he killed less than 20 people and earned less than 50,000 yuan.

Now, she lives in the most shabby apartment and eats the cheapest meals every day. Even so, she still can't afford to pay for showers and laundry!

It's simply deadly!

But what else can she do? Is Valerie going to work in a factory?

It's impossible to be a company dog. He is not interested in gangs. Filming Mewtwo makes her feel disgusted.

As for sex dolls, if she is willing to be a sex doll, she will do it in Night City. Why go to New Orleans?

So, is she really going to work in a factory to pretend to be those dolls?

Thinking of this, Valerie felt a little disgusted, so she shook her head, then found a weapon unhappily, and planned to go to the street to find work to see if she could make some temporary money.

At least I can earn enough money to take a shower!

Thinking of this, Valerie left the apartment and came to the corridor full of the sour smell of vomit.

Not far away, three homeless people were drinking in the corridor, drinking and vomiting, crying and laughing, which made Valerie find a little taste of Night City.

Crossing the corridor and entering the elevator, Valerie stepped back in disdain and hid in the corner of the elevator.

It was because there were two men fencing next to the elevator, black knives in and yellow knives out.

After finally getting out of the elevator, Valerie was pointed at the back of her head before she walked out of the apartment door.

"Stinky bitch!"

A guy with a cyber mask on his face laughed evilly at him and hit her head with the muzzle of the gun.

"You owe me 800 yuan, and if you can't pay it back, at least blow it for me."

"Haha, I never owe you anything, idiot."

Valerie raised the gun with her backhand and directly pointed the muzzle at the mask of the person who came.


After one shot, the masked man's head exploded violently. Valerie bent down and turned over his body, and finally picked up the man's gun.

After looking at it for a while, Valerie couldn't help rolling her eyes.

"Idiot, you should have said earlier that you were using a broken gun.

And you look like this, I'm afraid you are too excited to come to me with a broken gun.

Now, do you still want to taste my mouth? Go to hell and taste your mother's mouth, idiot!"

As soon as the voice fell, Valerie kicked the man's body, then stepped over the body and walked out of the apartment door.

But the moment she stood in the sun...

"Huh? This smell?"

She shrank her nose vigilantly, and a bloody smell rushed into her nasal cavity out of thin air.

This bloody smell seemed to come from...


Valerie shrugged her nose again in disbelief.

"Why does this smell come from everywhere? It feels like many people have died!"

After muttering this, Valerie pulled out her pistol again and walked towards a deserted road.

After crossing the intersection, there was a road ahead that would take her away from the slums, and on this road, Valerie saw that the road was jammed with many cars.

"Traffic jam?"

She frowned, and at the same time, a wailing sound suddenly came from the dilapidated building above her head.


After the cry, a figure with messy hair suddenly jumped out of the window and jumped down from the fifth floor.

Valerie looked up and saw that the person who jumped from the building was a woman, who looked like a sex doll.

She didn't think much and rushed over to catch the person. Although her prosthesis was not very good, she was strong enough to catch the woman in her arms.

After putting the woman down, Valerie asked carefully and finally figured out what happened.

Not long ago, the sex doll in front of her took a big order of 800 yuan to accompany three men to do things.

However, these three men all had s fetishes, so they tied up the sex doll and beat it up, and also agreed to add 1,500 yuan afterwards.

The woman was beaten to death, fainted and woke up again.

Until the last coma, the woman was unconscious, and when she woke up again, the headless body of the customer was lying on her butt!

This really scared the woman, so she struggled for a long time and finally got rid of the rope.

But the key to the problem is...

She was beaten like this, and the person who paid died inexplicably!

The most important thing is that she still owes a lot of debts, and after this order, she will have to spend at least a few hundred yuan to repair her skin at the black cyborg doctor!

How can she live like this?

If she doesn't work, she can't pay off the debts, but if her skin is not repaired, she can't work. It's a vicious circle! ! !

For a moment, this woman suddenly wanted to die, so she jumped out of the window.

She didn't care whether her organs were removed or what the world would be like after her death.

She just didn't want to experience the living world anymore.

It was too bitter, really too bitter. Even if death was more bitter, but after this moment, would she no longer have to carry so many living people?

After learning the reason why the woman jumped off the building, Valerie's brows furrowed more and more.

So how did those prostitutes die?

Or, if there were only a few prostitutes, would the blood smell be so strong?

Following this clue, Valerie investigated all the way and finally found out the truth of the matter in great shock.

It's not what Valerie thought, Biotech went to the slums to select free test subjects.

It's not that other companies knocked on the door of Biotech.

It's that a god appeared in this fucking world!

So the words she heard when she was sleeping were not fucking dreams.

Is there really a person who killed all the evil people in the world at the same time?

And the fact that the sex doll was tied up and whipped by three men is obviously also in the category of evil!

After learning this answer, Valerie's heart tightened.

She left Night City for only six years, how could such a person appear in Night City?

Attacked Arasaka Tower, tortured Adam Heavy Hammer in front of countless people, intercepted dozens of nuclear weapons of the New American government, and claimed to go to the small notebook to kill Arasaka Saburo of Arasaka Enterprise?

Thinking of this, Valerie swallowed hard, and then touched the gun on her waist excitedly.

This world is obviously going to be in chaos. If this is the case, I'm afraid my life will become a little better, right?

Night City...

Everything seemed to start from that magical place in Night City.

Then...should I go back to Night City?



Just when Valerie thought of this, a bright spot in the sky suddenly caught her attention.

She squinted her eyes and looked at the bright spot, then licked her lips with envy.

No wonder it was so bright, because the bright spot that was passing through the sky in her eyes was the most expensive means of transportation in the world, the Renfield Holy Sword hovercraft!

Streamlined structure, sharp and sci-fi appearance, super superior performance and a price that can buy dozens of buildings.

Looking at the Holy Sword, Valerie pursed her lips and encouraged herself.

The world is about to be in chaos, and the company is about to have a big thing. Let's see how long you rich corporate dogs can be arrogant!

As for myself, hum, maybe I can rise from the chaos in the future and get to the point where I can afford the Holy Sword. I...wait, is there something wrong?

As she thought about it, Valerie felt something was wrong, because that damn holy sword was getting closer and closer to where she was!

Well, Valerie didn't think she would be the target of a holy sword, but she didn't want to come into contact with it either.

So she hurried around the corner and came to a basketball court covered with blood.

When Downton killed people, a war between two wanderer families was taking place on this basketball court, and the dozen or so losers who were still alive were being nailed to the ground and skinned by the winners.

Then, the winners' heads all exploded, and the losers began to insult the winners' bodies.

Then the losers' heads also exploded...

In short, walking in such a bloody and filthy place, Valerie felt much more comfortable.

The owner of the holy sword would never get close to such a place anyway.

As for the blood?


Only places like the slums of New Orleans, where there is still blood and a little unexpected wealth, can make Valerie feel like home.

She hates this place, just like she hates Night City, and she can't leave it either...

Buzz buzz buzz!

Suddenly, Valerie turned around in shock.

The Holy Sword was hovering more than 20 meters above her head!!!

Valerie looked around quickly.


She was the only one around!

"Who did I offend again when I stepped on the horse? But this is so damn unreasonable. How could a bastard driving a holy sword have anything to do with me?"

While cursing, Valerie started to run away without hesitation.

The cheap prosthesis on her body was immediately used to perform like a supercar.

I saw her double jump and wall climbing skills, and she actually walked high and far along the wall.

In the floating car, Roger pursed his lips in surprise when he noticed Valerie's dexterity.

"This guy is good!"

Roger said suddenly.

"The prosthetic body on her body is all junk from decades ago, but she is actually able to use this prosthetic body to perform as well as a military prosthetic body!"

Having said this, Rogge glanced at Mann and the others next to him, and then nodded.

"Tang, your vision this time is much better than before.

Although this little girl is poor and sloppy, her potential is greater than those big guys like them.

If I met such a brat, I would probably be willing to give her a chance to show off. "

"Of course!"

After listening to Rogge's words, Downton took his hands out of Lucy's arms and responded to Rogge.

"After all, she is the famous V!"

After finishing his words, Downton stood up and came to the door of Shengjian's car, and slowly opened the door.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Valerie, who was running on the wall of a high-rise building in the distance, instinctively glanced back.

After one glance, she suddenly froze there, and then her feet went numb, and her whole body immediately fell towards the ground.

“Fake, hell, how could it be you!!!

Help, give me a hand, can't you see I'm about to fall to my death! ! ! "

As she fell, Valerie yelled at Downton.

The next moment, Downton suddenly appeared in front of Valerie and grabbed Valerie's chest.

"Shet, please be gentle, you're going to crush me, you bastard!"

Valerie steadied herself while holding Downton's arm in the air and said.

"You're a lot more evil than I thought. Why can't you catch me? Why did you catch me by the waist?"

"Just think of me as a temporary quickie, but you know me, so that's no fun~"

Downton responded, then fell to the ground and put Valerie aside.

Listening to Downton's words, Valerie rubbed her chest and said.

"How could I not know you, the famous God of Night, the God who came to the City of Night?

Your videos on the Internet have become extremely popular~

But why would a guy like you find me? I don’t think I’m qualified to be a saint, unless you want a saint who hides in your church in the middle of the night and plays with a two-headed snake! "

After the words fell, Valerie extended her right hand to Downton grandly, making a handshake gesture, and continued speaking without hesitation.

"Anyway, I'm V, and it's such a fucking honor to meet you."

"Haha, just call me Downton. Seeing you still alive and kicking makes me feel so damn relieved."

Downton smiled and shook Valerie's hand, then pointed to the floating car above her head.

"Don't waste your time wondering why I found you.

Anyway, come with me, I have a small team and we are going to the Arasaka floor to have some fun.

How about we fuck that fucking Arasaka one vote together? "

"That's so damn exciting. I can leave right away, but can you take a shower on your floating car? My bathroom is in arrears, so do it!"

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