American comics: Enlightenment in Arkham, Ascension to Homelander

Chapter 34 The fighting nation is indeed extraordinary

In the gas station in Smallville, a tall and handsome young man frowned and stared at the grassland leading to the central area of ​​the town.

Seeing that the young man was fascinated, the old employee in the gas station came over and patted the young man on the shoulder.

"Clark, what are you looking at? Are you studying the growth of these crops in our town this year?"


Faced with the old employee's question, Clark shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"What's the point of studying the harvest? You can't make any money at all.

If the farms in our town have a good harvest, then the harvests of all farms in New Jersey will basically be good, and the price of grain in New Jersey will naturally fall this year."

Speaking of this, Clark Kent sighed and took off his employee uniform.

"I was just looking at the weather, and I always feel that it's going to rain in Gotham, and maybe it will rain here.

How about asking for a leave for me and Lightner? I have to go home to help Martha pick up the soybeans."

"Will it really rain?"

After hearing what Clark said, the old employee narrowed his eyes in confusion.

"It often rains in Gotham, but the rain rarely affects us. We are still a long way from the metropolis.

But you are right. It is better to believe that it will rain than to let the rain cause losses to yourself. I will ask for leave for you in a while."

"Thank you."

Clark smiled heartily, put the employee uniform aside, and then got on the broken pickup truck and drove to his farm.

Not long after, at the Kent farm, Martha Kent walked towards Clark who suddenly returned home in surprise.

"Clark, aren't you at work? Why did you suddenly come back?"

"The gas pump at the station is broken. The maintenance staff said it will take at least until the afternoon to fix it.

Anyway, I don't have much more work there, so I might as well go home and rest for a while, and then go back to the gas station after lunch."

While Clark explained, he took the farm tools from Martha's hand and started to do farm work.

While he was working, his eyes occasionally looked towards the town in the distance.

Smalwell is a small town next to the metropolis. The atmosphere in the town is very harmonious, and there is almost no danger to find here.

But today seems to be different from the past, because Clark saw more than one powerful sonic weapon in several black jeeps near the cafe in the center of the town.

At first, Clark even thought that those people were targeting himself.

After all, apart from himself, who else in Smallwell could match the huge power of sonic weapons?


As he heard more and more, he understood the truth of the matter. It turned out that those sonic weapons were prepared by the US military for a super criminal named Donton in Gotham!

That guy targeted a reporter named Louise, but the reporter's father was a general, so they prepared the current trap for Downton.

It was because of hearing this news that Clark decided to take a leave to go home and take care of his mother.

Although his farm is still some distance away from the town center, who knows how super and dangerous this super criminal Downton is.

What if Downton is really a super dangerous guy like himself, then the mere sonic weapons and dozens of special forces can never stop Downton!

While thinking, Clark was distracted, and the shovel in his hand was immediately broken into two sections by him.

In the distance, looking at the broken shovel, Martha reluctantly took a new shovel.

After handing the shovel to Clark, Martha gently patted the back of Clark's hand.

"You have been absent-minded all these years since Jonathan left, Clark.

People are destined to face death, and so are you and me, so death should not bring more pain to the living.

Come on, my son, help me transport the cows to the veterinarian later. One of the cows has a deep puncture in the left front hoof by a long nail."

"Okay, Martha."

Clark nodded, and then continued to swing the shovel to load the manure of cattle and sheep onto the manure truck.

However, even though he had put his heart on the work at hand, he couldn't help but look at the center of Smallville.

I hope the damn military and the so-called Downton will not leave a mess for this harmonious town!


At the same time, Bartel stopped the car near the Gotham History Museum.

"Boss, we're here!" He turned around and reminded Downton.

Hearing this, Downton nodded slightly, and then asked Bartel.

"How old are you, Bartel?"

"Uh... 23, how about you, boss?"

"26, haha."

After grinning, Donton leaned over to the co-pilot and took the tactical backpack.

"Bartel, remember to check my location. If I suddenly appear in other directions within five to eight minutes' drive, you should pick me up according to the location.

If my location is very far away, then you should continue to wait here.

In addition, find a note to write down your family information and put it in the car. If you die accidentally, I will give this car to your family.

Of course, if they don't need the car, I will replace the car with a similar number of Franklins, just as if I am collecting your body."

After the voice fell, Donton patted Bartel on the shoulder and then jumped out of the car.

Taking out his mobile phone, Donton looked at the internal structure diagram of the laundry room in front of him.

Liv's intelligence was very detailed, and Donton read it very carefully.

The Dimitrov family prospered during the Cold War. Their boss was not only named Yuri, but also had a style of doing things that were full of Russian flavor.

This Yuri did not like finance and technology, which were the new generation's money-making stuff, but only liked old methods such as pornography, gambling and drugs.

And the business he used to hide his family was also a particularly old-fashioned business like the laundry.

If Liv's map was correct, then the hidden door and basement in the laundry room in front of him could lead to the core underground casino of the Dimitrov family.

Seeing this, Donton put away his mobile phone with satisfaction, and then held the two guns in his hands.

When he approached the laundry room, the two Russians guarding the laundry room had already seen him.

After confirming that Donton had a gun in his hand and the direction was clear, the Russian gunman raised his gun directly at Donton.

Across the floor-to-ceiling glass window, Donton chuckled at the muzzle of the gun and took a step to the left.

While dodging the first wave of bullets from the gunman, Donton raised his two guns horizontally.


The two gunmen about twelve meters away from him fell to the ground one after another.

The power of the Desert Eagle far exceeded the Glock used by the gunmen. After being shot, the two gunmen no longer had the strength to stand up.

Donton jumped over the broken French window and stopped beside the two gunmen, shooting each of them in the head.

In addition to the splattering of blood and flesh, the gunshots also stopped briefly. In this strange silence, Donton smiled and held the corpse's hand.

"People learn something when they die. For example, if I want to know when you shoot, I just need to see your finger hooking movements.

I really didn't expect to dodge your bullets. I just jumped around casually at the moment you shot. Who would have thought that jumping around randomly would actually be useful?

Thank you very much, both of you. I declare that you are the second batch of great teachers that I recognize after Rola Takizawa!"

After making a joke, Donton turned around and made a "hush" gesture to the surprised passers-by outside the store.

Just as a few passers-by nodded hurriedly, Donton heard the approaching footsteps, so he pushed open the door to the employee lounge and threw two grenades inside.


The grenades exploded, and the curses of the Maozi came out from the smoke.

"Fuck, close the door!"

"The Italian mafia is calling!"

"Hurry up and ask your subordinates to send someone!"

"The Italians must be crazy, the police just patrolled the street!"

Such voices made Donton slightly stunned. He didn't expect that there would be so many noises in the house after the explosion.

The fighting nation is really extraordinary!

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