American comics: Enlightenment in Arkham, Ascension to Homelander

Chapter 74 Young man, you are a little bit arrogant

Laughing loudly, Downton stuffed the last piece of steak into his mouth.

Then, he picked up the plate and went to the cleaning table, washing the plate by the way.

Seeing that Downton would actually take the initiative to wash the plate, Alfred's Adam's apple gurgled.


He said with a gloomy brow.

"You can't make such jokes, Mr. Downton, after all, this is the ancestral property of the Wayne family."

"What? What did you say? Am I kidding?"

While putting down the plate, Downton turned his head and glanced at Ah Fu.

"Ah Fu, do you think I am a joker?

Yes, you guessed it right, I do like to joke, and a good man should have a good sense of humor.

But as a butler, I think you need to distinguish between what is a joke and what is a real decision."

At this point, Downton changed his previous laughter and turned to a gloomy face.

He seriously put his arm around Ah Fu's shoulder, took Ah Fu in his arms and walked out of the kitchen.

As he walked, Downton continued.

"You know, I have good hearing and a very good sense of smell.

After entering this house, I quickly found the smell of you and Bruce Wayne.

Of course, there are also some other smells of servants who occasionally come in and out to clean, but their smells are very light and short-lived.

But guess what I found, hehe, Bruce Wayne's smell is also very light!"

Just as Downton said this, the shoulder he was holding suddenly paused.

After a moment, Alfred explained naturally.

"Mr. Downton, Bruce is a young man, he also has a nightlife belonging to young people, so..."


Downton suddenly interrupted Alfred's words, and he patted Alfred on the shoulder and said.

"No need to explain, Alfred, because my senses are more effective than your explanation.

After I really confirmed Bruce Wayne's smell, I suddenly found that this smell was unexpectedly familiar!

This smell seems to have appeared near me many times. Yes, I just smelled this smell!


Donton grinned and said to Alfred with ill intentions.

"So, Alfred, does your young master Wayne spend his nights around me?

It's okay that his scent appears near the Iceberg Club, after all, there are prostitutes everywhere there.

Although I don't think that young master Wayne would be interested in that kind of ugly girl, who knows if your young master is challenging his aesthetic limit, or if he has a unique hobby?

If the Iceberg Club is just a coincidence, then why was there the smell of Bruce in the crowd when I was stuck in the Metropolis? Was he also watching the cheerleaders' outdoor performance there?

In addition, when I was killing people in Wayne Building, was your young master flirting with the receptionist of your Wayne Group?

What a joke, when his scent was closest to me, it was almost 70 or 80 meters away from me!

A coincidence will not be a coincidence if it appears twice, Alfred!

Are you sure Bruce is flirting with girls?

He is clearly planning to flirt with me!"

After the voice fell, Donton laughed and patted Alfred's butt again.

Alfred's body stiffened, and Downton continued to speak at the right time.

"Wait, don't move, I seem to hear something!"

While speaking, Downton tilted his ear slightly, and then laughed with satisfaction.

"Yes, haha, I heard it right, there are secret passages and huge natural caves under my Downton Manor!

Let me listen carefully again. If I heard it right, your young master is climbing the big rope there. It seems that you haven't modernized the underground space. It's a pity.

Come on, let's go to the secret passage to give Master Wayne a little surprise, and by the way, announce to him the news that I will move into Downton Manor and you will switch to work under me as a butler.

Let's make a bet, Alfred.

Do you think he will feel that he has lost a house and a butler after hearing this news, or will he feel that he has lost his crib and his father?"

After the voice fell, Downton dragged Alfred, whose body was completely stiff, all the way to Bruce Wayne's study.

At the same time, Bruce was running desperately in the cave, and then climbed up the safety rope he left behind and entered the secret passage that the Wayne family used to smuggle slaves.

This secret passage has several entrances and exits, but Bruce went straight to the one leading to the study.

He didn't know that his big Mi Mi was stripped naked by Donton, and now he was planning to sneak back to the bedroom to cooperate with Alfred's actions and pretend that he had never left home.

So, two minutes later.

When Bruce pushed open the heavy door of the secret passage, he saw Donton sitting at his desk, smiling and flipping through the books that he and his father had flipped through!

At this moment, Bruce's brows furrowed sharply, and his eyes looked at Alfred, who was full of frustration.

Noticing Bruce's eyes, Donton grinned and then threw the big book aside.

He just patted the table lightly, smiled and growled at Bruce.

"You are so fucking brave, you dare to break into my manor!"

As he spoke, Donton waved to Alfred.

"Ah Fu, my best butler, how do you think I should deal with this guy who breaks into a private house?"

"I think we should let him go. After all, he is still young. Every young person should have a chance to be tolerated at least once."

Alfred responded helplessly and waved his hand to Bruce.

Looking at Ah Fu's movements, Bruce swallowed hard and took a deep breath.

After he exhaled this breath, he said to Downton calmly.

"If I remember correctly, this seems to be my home, you..."

"You remembered it wrong!"

Downton stood up suddenly, interrupting Bruce.

He turned over the desk lightly and was in front of Bruce in a blink of an eye.

Looking at Downton approaching, every muscle in Bruce's body tensed up.

But Downton didn't make a move against him. Instead, he came up to him and picked up his homeless suit.

"Tsk, Afu, I found another thing that Bruce and I have in common. We don't care much about what we wear.

Look at me, my trousers were ripped off from corpses, my clothes were given to me by women, and I was barefoot because my shoes were broken, and I don’t like to wear shoes worn by others. After all, I have athlete’s foot. The power is much greater than bullets.

Then look at Bruce. His coat is at least ten years old, and his trousers are also in the ruffled and sharp style that is necessary for homeless people.

As for the shoes, I really don’t know how he climbed all the way up from the underground cave with a pair of boots with half-broken soles. "

Having said this, Downton reached out his hand teasingly, wanting to pat Bruce on the head.

Although Bruce had already had the idea of ​​transforming into the Dark Knight at this time, he had not yet implemented the idea, and he had not yet had time to construct and distinguish his dual identity.

So he had no intention of hiding his skills. The moment Downton's hand approached him, he quickly avoided Downton's hand.

After taking a step back, Bruce stood up again and looked into Downton's eyes silently.

Facing Bruce's eyes, Downton took back his hand with a smile and continued.

"I just wanted to compare our heights, but you didn't even allow this. Young man, you are a bit arrogant!"

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