American Comics: I’m Dao Long, Starting With A Dark Fruit!

Chapter 28

Chapter 28 Studying The Encyclopedia Of Spells! The Spell Is Back! (Ask For Flowers!)


“Xiaoyu worshipped Dao Long as his teacher?”

“She’s not coming back?”

A burst of jerky movements echoed in all directions.

District 13.

in the parliamentary hall.

The archaeologist Chen Long was speechless.

Can’t believe my ears!

what happened?

Chen Xiaoyu, who has always fought against evil forces to the end, actually chose to apprentice with Dao Long?

What ecstasy soup did Dao Long give her?


“Xiaoyu has been hit by sorcery!”

“I hope there is a spell to dispel sorcery in the spell book!”

Dad hugged his head in a frenzy.

He also frowned deeply.

For this eccentric Chen Xiaoyu, although he criticized him, he actually cared deeply.

Besides, black aura necromancer Dao Long is his nemesis!

Heart failure.

unknown origins.

Can you teach Xiaoyu any serious incantations?

If Xiaoyu is not stopped in time, Xiaoyu will definitely go astray!



“Encyclopedia of spells.”

“Looks like I lost it.”

Tru scratched his head.

After some searching, he suddenly found that his backpack was missing.

And all the spells are in the backpack!

Who the hell stole the Encyclopedia of Spells?

The crowd clucked their tongues.

Suddenly, they collectively looked at the former Jiang Yang thief and little snake.


“I just came.”

“I don’t even know what the Encyclopedia of Magic is.”

Snake shrugged.

For the prejudice of the people, I sincerely felt helpless for a while.

At the moment, even she didn’t recover from the shock.

Obviously have seen Xiaoyu.

And Xiaoyu has no plans to leave!

It seemed that she had changed a person, making her feel unfamiliar for a while.


Chen Long’s face was full of decadence.

And at this time.

The necromancer tower a few blocks away.

A shadow suddenly rose from the ground, and then transformed into a black shadow ninja with scarlet eyes.

A mysterious tome with a blood-colored cover.

Directly in front of black aura necromancer Dao Long.



“This is the Encyclopedia of Magic!”

“I’m great!”

Xiaoyu put her hands on her hips with a proud expression.

Also waiting for Dao Long’s praise.

Even, learn a few brand-new spells through this!

“Nice job.”

“Good boy.”

“Encyclopedia of spells!”

“It is said that the book records the top incantations of all first-class demons throughout the ages. Only those who are proficient in demonic characters can read this book.”

“And I happen to be the best at studying the devil’s script!”

Dao Long’s eyes burned.

Fingertips feel the rough touch of the blood-colored cover.

He then handed a piece of parchment to Xiaoyu.

on parchment.

Xiaoyu’s salivating attack spell is written!

Shen Feng is invisible, the golden bell hangs upside down, flying sand and stone.


There are also corresponding anti-spell and defense spells.

The golden bell fell to the ground, healed as before, armor and body protection, and the guardian of the gods, funny and funny.


“Let the goal be what I want it to be?”


“This is fun!”

Xiaoyu’s eyes rolled, almost instantly thinking about how to trick the enemy.


Before that, she still needs to practice, only a lot of practice can ensure the accuracy and strength of her spellcasting!

As for who to practice?

Undoubtedly a faithful and reliable Sombra!

I saw Sombra Ninja lined up.

No resistance at all.

“Shen Feng has no shadow!”

Xiaoyu waved her wand.

next moment!

An invisible sharp edge suddenly swept out!

Instantly exploded the black shadow ninja!

It also left deep nicks on the trees along the way!

The power is so great, I am afraid it is enough to cut through the human body!

It also made Xiao Yumei’s eyes widen, revealing a look of excitement!

“turn out to be……”

“Tara, the Dark Shadow Demon, created the secret method of the mummy general, which is also recorded in the spell book?”

Dao Long carefully studied the encyclopedia of spells.

Be fascinated by the ancient spells and mysteries described in the book!

The magic power in his body, and even the bone-setting wand, are just around the corner, and he can hardly wait to try it!

Just a burst of brilliant red light lit up.

The Elder Wand slowly lifted into the air.


Another noble animal has appeared!

“In the west of the Commonwealth?”

“It seems to be… a divine power that turns stillness into movement!”

Dao Long’s eyes narrowed.

There was also a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Compared to Inorganic Reincarnation, the divine power that turns static into motion is undoubtedly more powerful!

Able to impart kinetic energy to still life!

Bring statues and toys to life!

Including personality, thoughts, memory, super ability!

In theory.

The divine power that transforms stillness into movement is the strongest divine power!

It’s just a resurrected still life, with its own obsession, and won’t obey anyone!

“And in the Encyclopedia of Spells, there is a brainwashing spell!”

“Enough to solve this hidden danger.”

Dao Long waved his wand.

The figure then disappeared in the necromancer tower.

at the same time.

Commonwealth West.

On the barren Gobi Desert.

A unique tug-of-war is being held.

I saw that the earth was covered with impact marks in circles!

And in the most central position, a heavy warhammer was inserted obliquely.

I saw that the surface of the warhammer was covered with mysterious and complicated Viking patterns.

The handle is wrapped with a black leather strap.

No containment and protection measures in place.

Just standing alone in the barren basin.

But no one can take it away!

Even the most famous Hercules can’t lift this hammer!

It is said that it fell from the sky one night, directly causing a landslide and ground fissure, awakening countless town residents!

It also permanently changed the landform environment of this Gobi Desert!


“I found it.”

A light car pulls to the curb.

Open the door.

A simple and honest high-level field agent, Phil Coulson reported the situation to his immediate superior.

Afterwards, hundreds of Aegis agents dispersed all the onlookers.

Immediately block this basin!


(Thanks to all readers for their silent support.)

(The author has received spiritual encouragement from everyone.)

(I hope everyone can also come to some real rewards!)

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