American Comics: I’m Dao Long, Starting With A Dark Fruit!

Chapter 31

Chapter 31: Chen Long Actually Raised The Hammer! (Ask For Collection! Ask For Everything!)

Loki, the self-proclaimed No. 1 magician in the Nine Realms, has been practicing witchcraft with his adoptive mother, Frigga, since childhood!

Through his resourcefulness, he collected some of the spells scattered in the Nine Realms, and his overall strength should not be underestimated!


Compared with magic, he is still accustomed to cutting chaos with a quick knife!

The dagger he shapedshifted was made of Ulu steel, and the surface was engraved with rune characters that symbolized the mysteries of the universe and had infinite mana.

No matter what material can be worn and gone!

The magic he is best at is not attack magic, but shapeshifting magic!

He was able to imitate the creatures he had seen so vividly!

Even the captain of the United States is no exception.

Dao Long is actually not hostile to Loki.

After all, in his eyes, the so-called god of lies and tricks is just a joke!

It’s just that the power of turning stillness into movement cannot be lost!

And at this time.

A splendid green light blazed up!

At the critical moment that could not be released, it directly shot down the dagger that Loki was clenching tightly, and then there was a crisp sound of heavy objects hitting the ground!

“If you want to hurt noble animals, remember to pass the father’s level!”

An old, hoarse grunt echoed.

I saw the silver-haired old man in a woolen sweater, holding a glistening gecko stuffed tightly, and immediately paced in front of everyone.

Behind him, a fat sumo wrestler and a powerful wrestler wearing a mask are also trailing!


“who are you talking to?”


“Only Dao Long and a strong blond man at the scene?”

Chen Long looked around.

And his naked eyes couldn’t capture the trace of the evil god Loki at all.

“Smelly old man!”

“How dare you offend the gods!”

“Who gave you the bear heart and leopard gall!”

A burst of embarrassed shouts exploded!

The evil god Loki, who has already won the throne of the god king, suddenly bluffed his fingers, and even his clothes changed, and he changed into his classic dress!

And the spear of eternity forged by Ulu God Steel was also tightly held by him!

There is a dazzling dazzling radiance flowing from the tip of the gun!

This is the legendary gun of Norse Mythology!

Nothing is indestructible, nothing is indestructible!

Once thrown, it hits the target!

“My God!”

“Who is he?”

“Have you stayed here all the time?”

“Why did he hurt noble animals?!!”

Chen Long was stunned.

Finally discovered the existence of the evil god Loki!

“A porcelain chipmunk?”

“I’ll catch it.”

The former Jiang Yang, the thief and the little snake, had beautiful eyes, and took a light and vigorous catwalk without making a single murmur.

Then he rushed towards the shivering white porcelain chipmunk.

On the way, her beautiful and moving eyes suddenly noticed the black-haired youth beside her.

With a tough face like a knife and axe, even in the presence of the evil god, he does not lose his free and easy temperament, and his bright pupils like stars seem to be able to absorb souls!

Is he Dao Long?

The most vicious black aura necromancer?

There was a ripple in the little snake’s eyes.

Suddenly, my heart couldn’t stop throbbing.

After all, she is nearly thirty years old, and even if she has many suitors, she has no good and reliable potential targets.

Archaeologist Chen Long is already the tallest among the shorts!

It turned out that black aura necromancer Dao Long is far more handsome than archaeologist Chen Long!

If you could eat with your face…

Dao Long will be able to live without worry!

“No wonder, Xiaoyu will worship him as a teacher.”

The little snake shook his head.

Get rid of ridiculous thoughts out of your mind.

top priority.

Or catch the noble animal in front of you alive!



And before she got close to the porcelain chipmunk, the porcelain chipmunk was already frightened and burrowed directly into the crack of the ground!

The Gobi Desert in the western part of the Federation extends in all directions.

It is said that the ancient gold diggers once dug for minerals and built countless tunnels here!

It’s possible for a chipmunk to escape anywhere!

“Stupid mortal!”


“Kneel down to me!”

Loki’s eyes were ferocious, and he also felt great neglect and humiliation.

As the god of Asgard, the Lord of the Nine Realms who is about to ascend the throne as king, his ambitions have been extremely inflated, and he can’t tolerate the slightest bit of sand!

What’s more, with the spear of eternity in hand, he is an invincible existence!

Even if the Earth necromancer mastered a trivial spell, he would never be a match for his son of Odin!


The spear of eternity fell to the ground.

in an instant.

A sacred and inviolable majestic coercion erupted, sweeping across the four directions, shaking the heavens and the earth.

Also stunned Phil Coulson and gram Lin Te Barton!

“He calls himself a god?”

“Which god is that?”

“I seem to think of a Norse warrior wielding a divine hammer…”

Phil Coulson muttered softly.

There was a shocking color in the pupils!

Even the gods have appeared on earth?



“Don’t hurt them!”

Thor slumped on the ground and struggled hard, but he couldn’t break the shackles, so he could only shout helplessly, trying to persuade a pointless dispute to stop.

And Loki is already killing it!

Not even Odin can stop him!

Besides, the stupid brother who lost all divine power?

“As the son of Odin, you should be on the top!”


“You have not only disappointed your father, you have also disappointed me even more.”

Loki looked disgusted.

It also made Thor bow his head deeply.

Once again doubted everything he insisted on.

“Old stuff!”

“Don’t think you can get my forgiveness by pretending to be deaf and dumb!”

Loki paced up.

The spear of eternity also spread out a layer of gorgeous golden light.

He will use the blood of this magician to wash away the hurt and shame he has suffered!



“Dad! Daddy is so scared!”

The old goat looked terrified.

He also did not expect that the origin of this evil and charming young man would be so great!

It turned out to be a god above the nine heavens!

Injuring the gods, how can you give up?

“No matter how holy you are…”

“Don’t even try to hurt my dad!”

Chen Long took a deep breath.

Immediately, he suddenly found the hammer placed at his feet, and he bent down and raised it!

at the same time.

A great and strong violent lightning slashed down!

God King Odin’s spell takes effect immediately!

‘Anyone who is qualified can lift this hammer and gain the power of Thor’!


(The data has not fluctuated for a long time, and I am a little panicked.)

(But you can rest assured that the following content will be maintained as always, and it will be exciting and exciting!)

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