American comics: Kill people and you become stronger

Chapter 1

In a house in a civilian area of Queens, New York, or a slum area.

Bi Xiao was in the small bathroom, with his upper body bare, and his thin body could be seen clearly in the reflection of the somewhat worn mirror. To put it bluntly, he was a thin dog. His advantage was that he looked rather handsome, with delicate facial features and bright black eyes. The skin appears very pale.

The latter is not because the skin appears white, but because it lacks enough nutrients, so that the skin appears unhealthy pale.

Bi Xiao still remembers that after get off work, he went through the normal process of eating, taking a shower, and checking his mobile phone. Then he fell asleep when he was tired and sleepy. When he woke up, he found that he had changed his identity.

The same name, but a different life.

Between the ordinary and peaceful life in his previous life and the current life in New York, the United States, an Asian under the age of 18 can live in New York. The reason is very simple. His parents are Runners.

Two fools who came to the United States from the East because of their desire for so-called freedom and democracy.

When he was ten years old, they brought him to this place together. After several years of hard work, his mother was accidentally involved in a shootout between street gangsters and was unfortunately shot dead. A year later, while working hard, his father also He died of myocardial infarction due to overexertion.

He was left with a teenage child, an old house of less than 70 square meters and some savings.

The inheritance left behind was not much, only about five thousand dollars in savings. Needless to say, the mother was involved in an accidental shooting. She did not buy insurance and the gunman was not caught, so she did not receive compensation at all.

And his father died suddenly while at work. Without signing a labor contract, his boss still had to compensate him for the thousands of dollars. Otherwise, he probably wouldn't even get a few thousand dollars in inheritance.

After all, I had worked hard for several years to buy this house, so I naturally didn’t have much savings.

After reading the memory of this body, Bi Xiao felt a little numb.

What was even more embarrassing was that he read some information from his memory that frightened him.

Tony Stark.

Tony Stark, a billionaire whose popularity has exploded in New York and even the United States, and a group that is extremely disgusted and despised by mainstream public opinion in the world, mutants.

The well-known and deadly universe is stoned here.

The moment he read these memories, Bi Xiao was already thinking about how to return to his hometown, the United States, New York, and the Marvel Universe. The sum of these words equaled one result, coolness.

It's so dangerous. He's still a kid under eighteen years old. He wants to go home.

What's more, even if there is no Marvel Universe BUFF stack, what is the concept of an Asian with no identity background and money blessing living in the city of New York, USA?

From his memory alone, he had"seen" being bullied no less than dozens of times.

What else could he say but despair?

Bi Xiao sighed, life is not easy.

At this moment, he saw a small black figure crawling leisurely on the old and not very clean sink in front of him. After seeing this, Bi Xiao picked up the almost empty shampoo bottle on the sink and smashed it. Go down

"With a"bang" sound and precise guidance,"old friend" Comrade Xiaoqiang couldn't even scream and turned into a pulp in an instant. Before Bi Xiao could lift the shampoo bottle, he was suddenly stunned because a ball suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. A ball of light that was only a few centimeters in size and emitted a suspicious blood-colored light was floating. The next moment, the ball of blood-colored light suddenly rushed over, hit his heart, and merged into it.

Bi Xiao was so frightened that he hurriedly touched his body, for fear of getting dirty. The thing was like an alien monster, and it was over after he had done an incubation process.

Fortunately, when Bi Xiao was still in shock, he suddenly felt a warm current emerging from his heart, which seemed to spread throughout his body. Just like soaking in a hot spring, it was very warm and the feeling was very clear.

However, the whole process did not last long, probably less than a second. If Bi Xiao was not sure that this feeling was very real, he would even think that it was the same as before. The experience felt like an illusion.

Bi Xiao frowned and gradually calmed down. He raised his hands and looked at the palms of his hands. Then he looked up at the mirror. From the reflection, he could see that his unhealthy paleness had become rosy.

"what is this?"

He thought for a moment, his eyes focused on the shampoo bottle holding Comrade Xiaoqiang's body on the sink, and stretched out his hand to pick it up.

Suddenly his eyes lit up.

"became lighter~~~"

Bi Xiao was very sure that although the weight of the shampoo bottle he picked up before was very light due to similar use, the weight he picked up before felt completely different from the weight he was carrying now.

He was sure that the weight he was picking up was lighter than before, as light as cotton. what does that mean?

Reminiscent of the blood-colored light group that suddenly appeared and floated after killing Comrade Xiaoqiang. After the light group crashed into his body, the shampoo bottle he picked up became lighter, and a guess instantly emerged in Bi Xiao's mind.

To test his idea, he immediately took action.

As one of the most well-known slums in New York, the roads here are dilapidated, the houses are in disrepair, and there are piles of garbage everywhere. There are a large number of homeless people on the streets. An intersection in the area can have a disaster every year. There are dozens of major cases where low-income families are queuing up every week to receive government subsidies.

One can imagine the poverty, squalor and chaos here, but the irony is that in such a slum, just a few subway stops away, and a street three or four kilometers away, is one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in New York. Park Avenue.

Here is the tallest residential building in the world, with a dozen or even dozens of billionaires in one building.

There is opulence everywhere. In contrast, in the area where Bishop lives, all that can be seen is garbage, rats, cockroaches, etc.

Therefore, the house where Bi Xiao is located has never lacked"partners". Under Bi Xiao's careful attention, he saw many Comrades Xiaoqiang in the dark corners of the house. In the past, these were the little guys who gave Bi Xiao the biggest headache. Now he Seeing it is like a poor man seeing money.

Without any hesitation, he immediately stepped forward and stepped on them one by one with his feet. The guys crawling on the wall picked up his slippers and beat them to death one by one.

Sure enough, as if to verify Bi Xiao's idea, when he brutally killed these cockroaches, blood-colored light clusters a few centimeters similar to what he had seen before appeared in front of him one by one, and they rushed towards Bi Xiao like meteors. , submerged into his heart.

The moment the blood-colored light group submerged, the previous comfortable feeling like soaking in a hot spring reappeared. Under Bixiao's special attention, he clearly felt that his body was undergoing earth-shaking changes.

The bones, muscles, internal organs and even cells are changing. This feeling is clear and wonderful.

But it also didn't last long, probably only a second.

Bi Xiao suppressed his ecstasy. He ignored the cockroaches that had turned into flesh and returned to the bathroom with his slippers. He threw the slippers aside, looked at the reflection in the mirror, carefully looked at himself in the mirror, and felt his body. The change.

The first is vision, hearing, and smell. His vision was already pretty good, but he found that the world in front of him became clearer and the things he saw were more subtle. He could even see clearly some broken lines in the cracks in the mirror. , which he had never been able to do before.

The second is hearing. His hearing is also farther than before. Under the sound of some vehicles passing by outside the window, he can hear the footsteps and conversations of passers-by or homeless people on the street, and even the noise of neighbors in the surrounding buildings and apartments..

The same goes for his sense of smell, he could already smell all kinds of smells in the house.

Mold and stench caused by moisture.

However, when he deliberately controls it, these extended senses will be blocked. In addition, his thinking is also clearer and faster than before. This makes Bi Xiao know that this means that his brain nerves have also been affected to a certain extent. Strengthening, after all, the five senses are directly connected to the brain nerves.

If he hadn't strengthened his brain nerves, he wouldn't have been able to control his suddenly enhanced senses.

Secondly, he looked at his naked upper body in the reflection in the mirror. His originally ordinary figure had the outline of muscles. He returned to the living room and tried lifting heavy objects one by one, jumping on the spot, and making a circle around the living room. Shape running and so on.

Finally, it was concluded that his strength was enough for him to lift the heaviest object known to him at home, a double bed, which weighed about one hundred kilograms.

And it was very easy to lift it up. After lifting it, he did the regular exercise of squatting. After more than ten minutes, he felt slightly out of breath.

This means that his strength and endurance have made him a monster among ordinary people.

You must know that the world weightlifting champion's limit is only about 500 kilograms, and the time he can hold on is only a mere one or two seconds. Each of these weightlifting champions weighs more than 100 kilograms and has undergone scientific training all year round.

Bi Xiao himself lifted about 100 kilograms of weight and felt very relaxed. The up and down squat exercise lasted for more than ten minutes, and he did not feel any pain in his muscles or bones.

This means that his own limits are yet to be determined.

As for speed, he ran around the small living room. Due to terrain restrictions, the speed could not be measured for the time being, but according to Bi Xiao's own visual inspection, it should have been greatly strengthened. After all, after the strength and endurance were strengthened, it was actually enough to prove The associated speed and explosive power will also be enhanced.

The body is a complete component, and every muscle and bone is a precise instrument. After the strength and endurance are obviously strengthened, it is impossible that the speed and explosive power cannot be strengthened, otherwise it will be too contradictory, unless the body shape fission and becomes some kind of Kesu Lu.

After completing these tests, Bi Xiao already felt that he was extremely hungry.

The reason is very simple. The stronger your physical fitness, the more energy you need to take in. Otherwise, you will not be able to maintain the nutritional energy you need.

What's more, his physical fitness and nutrition were not good enough before. After suddenly strengthening his body and doing these test exercises, it was strange that he was not hungry.

Bi Xiao came to the living room and rummaged through the old second-hand refrigerator. There were not many ingredients. He had no choice but to take out the ingredients he had planned for tomorrow. After making a simple meal, he started to eat. It tastes special.

The food was simple, a big pot of rice, some frozen chicken legs, wings, beef and potatoes.

Meat in the United States is actually much cheaper than vegetables, and vegetables are also cheaper, namely potatoes. Due to his family environment and personality, Bishop’s previous plan focused on potatoes as the main meal for three meals a day, supplemented by some cheap meat. Of course, he also Limited to quick-frozen chicken legs, wings and beef.

After all, meat is relatively cheap, but in fact Bi Xiao still cannot sustain eating every meal.

The biggest shortcoming of low-income people in the United States is insufficient vitamin intake. An imbalance of yin and yang will cause many diseases, and Bishop is even more deficient than low-income people. It is too difficult for an Asian boy like him to find a job. If he doesn't set low standards for himself, he will soon be poor.

So this is why malnutrition occurs.

Fortunately, His Majesty doesn't care so much now. After preparing today's meal, he ate a large pot of rice, chicken legs, chicken wings, stewed potatoes and beef, and then felt full. feel.

After eating and drinking, I washed the dishes and thought at the same time.

"The conclusion drawn from the previous changes is that after killing a life, the life essence of the killed life will be extracted for some reason to strengthen itself, and the strengthening should be all-round. A small life form can strengthen so much, maybe Because my body is already bad enough to have such a big change."

"In the future, the cockroach's life superimposed strengthening effect may gradually decrease due to the strengthening of its own body."

"what is this? Abortion? Taotie?"

"Also, is the size of the life essence the size of the individual life or the strength of the life force?"

"Or is it a combination of the two?"

"There is no shortage of races with strong vitality in this world. At least the known creatures with strong vitality are humans themselves, not to mention mutants, vampires, werewolves, and demons. Creatures such as mutants, vampires, werewolves, and demons are also emerging in endlessly on the earth. It seems that the future development path Are you going in the direction of the hunter?"

Coming to this extremely exciting and chaotic universe, if it hadn't been for this sudden golden finger, he might have just found a way to return to his hometown in the East. But now that he has a golden finger, Bi Xiao will not forgive himself for wasting it..

After all, that man doesn’t want to become stronger and live a wonderful life?

Bi Xiao is already mentally prepared to kill people. In his previous life, he was an honest person. Is that because of the constraints of the law, or in this chaotic universe? In a place like New York, there is no moral restraint when it comes to killing white-skinned and black people. Of course

, Bi Xiao will not touch innocent and kind people.

He still has a basic moral bottom line, although it is relatively flexible.

Anyway, this world is both heaven and hell, and there are Olympians, frost giants, dark elves, multiverses, etc., and there are a lot of powerful life races. There is no need to turn yourself into a rotten person in pursuit of power.

It is just a joke to say that he is a cannibal.

Now, Bi Xiao must first improve his life and find a way to make himself better. Becoming stronger will enable you to hunt more powerful people or monsters

"Maybe, I have to find a few trash to kill first, and try out my ability to absorb life essence."


Turn off the faucet, put the tableware in place, picked up a dry towel and wiped his hands. Bi Xiao's eyes narrowed slightly, a cold light flickered, and the figures who had bullied him in the past emerged.

Some residue, in In this kind of place, being killed won't attract much attention, and he can also practice his own killing skills, and by the way, he can take revenge on the owner of his original body, and get some money from those garbage to improve his life.

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