American comics: Kill people and you become stronger

Chapter 148

Chapter 148: Primary and Secondary Relationship

“I think Master Gu Yi is not too generous, right?”

Bixiao said easily. He gave Dormammu a big one this time. In the future, Ancient One will have to play tricks on him again. It can only be said that he is a miserable dark king with no cards at all.

Ancient Yi smiled and said, Changing the topic:”Although Dormammu will not be seriously injured this time, it can keep him honest for a while, and I think the dark dimension will not miss this opportunity.”

“Dormammu may focus on consolidating his rule during this period.”

In these years, Ancient One has basically focused most of his energy on Dormammu.

Other invaders from other dimensions, such as some, are rarely very powerful, and most of them have been expelled or expelled by the mages guarding the mage sanctuary. Even if there are some that cannot be defeated, Ancient Yi can easily deal with them.

Dormammu is different. He has a high status and is the Heavenly Father. Every time Ancient Yi fights and expels Dormammu, it takes a lot of time. And attrition.

To put it bluntly, this is a kind of attrition war for Dormammu. He will harass him from time to time to prevent Gu Yi from having too much breathing time. Anyway

, it won’t hurt Gu Yi much if Dormammu himself is expelled.

The time for resting is actually not that much. It can be said that despite the fact that Gu Yi looks very leisurely sometimes in Kama Taj, in fact she is in a state of being consumed from beginning to end. The war between heavenly fathers It wouldn’t look so easy.

Otherwise, Gu Yi would not have lived for less than a thousand years, and his body would have been riddled with holes.

Even if he was completely focused on magic, his body would be fragile. It’s just that compared to the Heavenly Father, who was once fragile, but who could actually be beaten by Ancient Yi with just one physical skill, Captain America, who was strengthened beyond the limits of human beings and couldn’t take care of himself, this time Bi Xiao took action and gave Dormammu a big blow. , Gu Yi had a long time to rest during this period, and to relieve his almost overloaded body.

Coupled with Dormammu’s incompetent rage, Gu Yi felt very happy, and he also saw that Bi Xiao came to see him with something, so he greeted him cheerfully. Bi Xiao invited him to have tea.

Bi Xiao happily agreed.

Back at Kama Taj, the young mages were training, reading, and studying happily.

Bi Xiao also took this opportunity to discuss his ideas and theories with Gu Yi.

“Very interesting idea.”

Gu Yi raised his eyebrows while making tea. She admired Bi Xiao, not only for his talent, but also for his unbridled imagination. Even those seemingly impossible ideas and theories could be turned into reality.

Imagination and creativity, as well as the execution ability to complete it, these three are indispensable, and they are the cornerstones for Bixiao to move towards a greater path.

Gu Yi thought for a while, while listening to Bixiao’s talk about the heart as the core of the furnace. , while putting forward his own thoughts and opinions.

It is actually not unusual for the heart to be used as the power source of the body.

There are many kinds of creatures in the multiverse, as vast as smoke, and there are all kinds of strange races. Ancient One has also traveled there. Bi Xiao’s insights into the multiverse were unparalleled, so she cited some experiences of races with similar organs.

These examples gave Bi Xiao a lot of new ideas for her own ideas, and she talked about them for a long time, even until dark. Afterwards, Bi Xiao had a meal at Karma Taj, and then returned to the mirror space world.

The four Gacys were still in the same position as before leaving, with their eyes numb when they saw Bi Xiao. After he came back, his eyes changed again, with a look that said don’t come here.

The pitiful and pleading look on Bi Xiao’s face was funny. The most vicious bastard villains in the world will have such a day. Sure enough, human nature is the same. Same

“Then let me see who is the next lucky guy.”

Bixiao’s eyes swept across, just like a butcher selecting the pigs that were about to be placed on the chopping board.


At the manor at night, Pietro, wearing a tank top and black shorts, was soaked with sweat and walked to the residence with heavy steps.

“Sir, I have placed the potion for you.”

A beautiful maid came over and said respectfully. Pietro was too tired to say anything at this time. He just nodded slightly and followed the maid to the bathroom. When passing by the living room, he saw someone sitting on the wide sofa looking at the big picture with great interest. The TV Wanda’s eyes were full of envy.

The comparison between people was irritating. Warriors and mages were indeed not the same species.

He was exhausted every day, and sometimes he felt like crying when he was tortured. Taking a bath and being massaged by a professional masseur hired by Bishop was the happiest time.

But as for Wanda, she would just float in the air with her eyes closed and learn magic all day long. When she was tired, she would lean on the sofa and eat. Fruit, watching American TV series.

It was so cool and unrestrained.

The whole process lasted for an hour, and Pietro fell into a baby-like sleep during the massage.

When he woke up, his muscles were sore. , after the tired body was relieved by the professional masseur and the magic power in the necklace warmed the body, it suddenly became much more relaxed and the spirit was much better.

Pietro put on a new T-shirt and sweatpants. , walked down wearing slippers. Different from the pale, weak and sluggish look before, Pietro has now transformed and spread out, and the muscles under the T-shirt are vaguely visible, and his face has a unique solid look from Eastern Europe, which is very handsome.

His external temperament was very bright and lively, and he looked like a healthy boy.

When Pietro came to the restaurant, Wanda was already sitting on her tablet, and she didn’t know what she saw, and her delicate face was filled with tears. It was a smile.

Pietro sat next to Wanda. After asking for instructions, the maids took out the delicious and rich food from the dining car and placed it in front of them. Pietro’s appetite was whetted by the sight, and he quickly tore off the thigh of a roasted suckling pig. The legs were sizzling with oil, and he gnawed on it. While devouring it, he said vaguely:”What are you looking at?”

“I’m watching some idiot get down on his luck”


“Tony Stark. Pietro paused and continued eating, but his eyes were cold:”What did that guy do?””

“Some media reported that a naked woman was photographed standing outside his Marbury villa.”

Wanda put the tablet aside casually. Pietro glanced at it and saw that picture, as well as Tony Stark’s surrender. Media reporters were crazily criticizing Tony Stark. A lot of reporters were talking about the other party’s business. Questions were asked about this outside the scene, but Tony did not answer but was surrounded by several bodyguards and left.

There were also a large number of feminist members who were madly cursing and protesting at Tony, saying that Tony did not respect women and so on.

“Oh, you deserve it, you idiot.”

Pietro cursed in a low voice.

“This incident will not affect him. He is an extremely egoistic and selfish person, and he will still go his own way after returning.”

Wanda picked up the knife and fork and cut the fried steak, and said calmly.

Who is Tony? He is an arms dealer. He has shares in all major fields in the United States, not to mention his own network of connections in the military and political fields. This kind of The so-called public opinion attacks have no effect on him.

Will the self-centered person on the other side take these public opinion attacks seriously?

“He never realizes his mistake.”

Wanda determined Tony.

Flames of hatred flashed in Pietro’s eyes, and he chewed the food hard, as if eating Tony Stark’s flesh and blood, and said coldly:”We will make him realize this. , only recognized in torture and pain.”

The twins will never forget their peaceful family in 2000. The war destroyed their home and made them lose their parents.

The twins hid in the ruins and watched the missiles falling at their home.

Their strong desire to survive made Wang Da activated his ability to silence the missile that was engraved with Stark’s name, but the twins didn’t know this at the time.

They waited for two full days before being rescued.

During these two days, the twins did not dare to move and stared helplessly.

Looking at the missile, they were frightened and afraid that the missile would suddenly explode.

For these two days, the only thing the twins could see was the name on the missile, and they would always remember this name in their young hearts.

People were wandering and were taken away for experiments. In the eyes of the two of them, the beginning of everything was caused by Tony Stark and the arms company he created.

Hatred is like poison, which makes people unforgettable.

The twins trained hard and became more. Powerful, for revenge, targeting Tony Stark.

Wanda didn’t say anything, but she vaguely felt that something was wrong.

When the two of them finished the dinner with different thoughts, they sat on the sofa and watched TV to digest it. , Bi Xiao also happened to return from the mirror world. When they saw Bi Xiao, the twins immediately stood up.

Compared with before, the twins were less restrained by

Bi Xiao after spending time together. He has good kindness and attitude, and has a very easy-going personality. Apart from being serious and dignified during training, he is more like a gentle big brother when they are together.

However, Bi Xiao is a little busy a lot of time and does not get along with the two of them all the time.

More is free-range

“Martha, have a margarita.”

Bixiao waved his hand, walked to the sofa and sat next to the two of them. He shouted casually. After getting the response from the beautiful female bartender, he looked at the twins. With his level, it was easy to tell that the two of them were currently The growth progress is very gratifying.

Pietro was originally only suitable for the assassin agility form, but after a wave of strengthening and transformation, he is moving towards the all-round warrior form. Without fear of physical damage, he can practice hard in just a short period of time. Moon, the level of life has exceeded the limits of ordinary humans.

Currently, Pietro does not rely on ability, but his physical fitness has exceeded Captain America’s Steve Rogers, which includes strength, speed, explosive power, and endurance. Wait.

If he relies on his high-speed movement ability, Captain America may not even have room to fight back.

Although Captain America looks inconspicuous in this universe full of monsters, in fact, the opponent is considered a benchmark in combat power. He can bench press 1,200 pounds with any assistance, and his one-arm strength is about five tons.

His hands can explode, and he can lift 25 tons of weight.

The serum also strengthens his metabolic function and can remove lactic acid in the muscles. After the substances that caused fatigue were completely metabolized, this gave him a endurance that was completely unimaginable to normal people. He could run one mile in less than one minute, which is 26.6 meters per second, etc., and his top speed could be as high as 48 kilometers per hour..

In addition, his fighting skills are very good, and he is one of the best fighters on the planet. His reflex nerves and sensory organs are very sharp, which allows him to learn various martial arts, boxing, and jujitsu without any hindrance. Aikido, judo, and his superhuman athletic ability can be combined at will to form a highly refined fighting style according to tactical needs in actual combat. It can also make him flexible enough to dodge bullets.

In addition, his own will can allow him to dodge bullets. Creating miracles, erupting with power that far exceeds one’s own.

This kind of enhanced person is actually very terrifying. There are not many people on earth who can compete with him.

However, how can Comrade Shi Aimin create miracles? Reality is reality. With Pietro’s BUG-level high-speed movement ability, it is of no use at all.

When his physical fitness is not inferior, there is still a movement speed that far exceeds his. The high-speed attack in battle, Steve. Rogers’ reaction was quick and his fighting consciousness was strong, but it was useless. All his movements seemed to slow down dozens of times in front of Pietro. Of course, under Bishop’s training, if he did it.

If this is not the case, then Bi Xiao can just throw this guy away and call him a waste.

After all, the Pietro he trained is destined to be one of his teammates in the dungeon. In the future, he will fight various gods and demons. Shi Aimin is considered a hammer.

In fact, in Bi Xiao’s mind, if Shi Aimin’s character is not stereotyped, he is a good training target. In terms of fighting will and quality, he is a top match, and his IQ is also high, so he is considered a good candidate. A mature warrior, plug and play.

After picking up Mjolnir, he can immediately adapt to the extraordinary level of fighting, and can defeat monsters like Thanos in a short time.

Unfortunately, Bi Xiao does not need one. A teammate with a certain mindset, he doesn’t hate Rogers, nor does he like him.

It is more secure to train someone directly. As for Shi Aimin, let him be the 50-50 hero.

Pietro’s progress is gratifying, and Sunda’s is even more so. High talent means willfulness. The vast basic magic knowledge he has transmitted is already understood by this person. Especially as his physical fitness gradually increases, he can assist him from getting stuck. Ma Taiji’s improved meditation, the spiritual power soared.

Learning magic knowledge and understanding magic is also a process of enhancement, and spiritual strength is also directly linked to the strength of using magic.

The power of communication and the degree of control over magic are all controlled by the power of the mind.

Just like the Ancient One and other mages.

Gu Yi can use the same magic at will, without the need for spells or techniques. This is because her spiritual power is so powerful that she can control magic to the extreme.

But psychic power is not the same as willpower.

In fact, without Bi Xiao’s intervention, Wanda’s willpower will be weak in the future, causing her own abilities to collapse easily and become crazy and dark despite her strong abilities.

So while Wanda was learning magic, Bi Xiao also had to let Wanda strengthen her willpower through tempering.

As for how to enhance it, Bi Xiao already had an idea.

While Bi Xiao’s thoughts were flowing, Wanda sat next to Bi Xiao, looked at Bi Xiao and said softly:”Xiao, I have a question for you.”


“Pietro and I had a bad past.”

Wanda spoke eloquently, telling her experiences when she was ten years old.

She especially mentioned her broken family and the missile with Stark’s name on it, and asked her a doubt:”I Ever thought Tony Stark was the one who destroyed our family and kept us hating Tony”


At this point, Wanda hesitated to speak.

Bishop immediately understood what Wanda wanted to say and took this sentence:”Your suspicion is that Tony is just an arms dealer who makes missiles. He sells arms, but he uses missiles to launch wars and directly destroy your family. Are they those ambitious organizations?”

“So you’re shaken by the idea that you and Pietro once just hated Tony Stark.”

Pietro opened his mouth after hearing this, looked at Wanda and then at Bishop, and finally shut up without saying a word, but his eyes flickered a little.


“Great, this proves that you know how to start thinking.”

Bixiao nodded with satisfaction, stretched out his hand and touched the little witch’s head. The latter bowed her head shyly, but did not break away.

“The main reason why you hate Tony Stark is because the experience of those two days has deepened the impact on you. The missile full of death was engraved in your memory and made you ignore some essential facts.”

“The person who caused your tragic experience has always been the person who started the war. Tony Stark needs to bear the responsibility, but it is not the main responsibility. You have ignored this primary and secondary relationship.”


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