American Comics: Killing The King Of Gods, Cutting Hu Wanda Gwen

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Asgard’S Rotten Prince! (A New Book Asks For Flowers!)

The Nine Realms, Asgard.

This is the realm of the Aesir Protoss in Norse Mythology, and all the gods who worship Odin live here.


In the holy splendor of Asgard.

A solemn trial is going on.

“Father, why did you bring us back?”

“Shut up Thor! You nearly started a war between Asgard and the Frost Titans!”


A thunderbolt fell from the sky, and the gods fell silent.

The King of God Odin holds the Lance of Eternity.

He looked at his eldest son Thor angrily.

Thor ignored his orders.

Taking people to Jotonheim privately, angered Lauf, the Frost titan king, and almost killed him.

This made Odin very disappointed with him, how could he rest assured that Asgard would be handed over to Thor.


Odin sighed.

None of my three sons can rest easy.

The eldest son Thor is reckless and brutal!

Youngest son Loki is cunning and treacherous!

As for the second son Shire…

Odin frowned, and his eyes fell on a corner of the temple.

It was a slender young man with silver hair.

His facial features are as handsome as a knife, and there is a touch of melancholy hidden in the deep eyes. His complexion is fair and gentle, and he is obviously standing among a group of gods, but he stands out from the crowd.


This handsome young man who is almost as handsome as Fei Lu’s readers.

There is an indescribable laziness between the brows, and the whole person is lazy.

And he is the second son of Odin.

Known as the laziest prince…

Shire Odinsen.

Shire is the second son of Odin and Frigg.

Born with incomparable magical ability, superior wisdom and powerful divine body of the Aesir protoss.

Heimdall also thinks he’s a rare talent.

Logically speaking.

There are such unique conditions.

Shire should work hard and aspire to become a powerful Asgard warrior.

However, Shire did not.

Not only did he not practice hard, but he slept in the sun every day.

Big Brother Thor fought in the Nine Realms.

Younger brother Loki is also studying at the Academy of Magic.

Only Shire.

It’s not about riding around in a Bifrost.

Just go on a date with the female warrior Sif.

It’s completely useless.

to be honest.

It’s just bad!

If you say which of the three sons disappoints Odin the most.


It must be a waste of Shire’s great ability.

Odin thought of this and made some kind of decision in his mind.

“Thor Odinson.”

“You disobeyed the king’s orders, and because of your arrogance and stupidity, Asgard will face disaster!”

“Therefore, I will judge you.”

The voice did not fall.

The Spear of Eternity burst out with dazzling light.

The thunder and lightning slashed on Thor’s body.

“Now, I want to take back your divine power!”

“In the name of my father and grandfather, and me the King of God Odin…”

“Expel you!”

Odin pushed Thor into the abyss of Bifrost.

at the same time.

Odin put another spell on Meow Hammer, and only those worthy of it could lift it.

The gods of Asgard saw this.

All showed shocked eyes.

Only two people are not surprised by this.

One is Loki who has succeeded in plotting.


That’s the yawning Shire.

“Shire, did you see that?”

“Thor is banished from Asgard!”

Loki’s eyes widen.

There was a hint of excitement in his tone, and his fingers were trembling.

Hear him.

Shire nodded perfunctorily.


“Oh? Oh, what do you mean!”

Loki frowned.

He looked at Shire beside him.

“Aren’t you surprised at all?”


“Well, what do you mean? You talk!”

Loki is speechless.

He was a little angry.

But when I think of my second brother’s virtues since he was a child.

I don’t even plan to argue with him.


While Loki is dreaming of a better future.

The King of God Odin turned suddenly and pointed the Eternal Spear in his direction.

Loki’s head buzzed.

Immediately, his hands and feet were cold, thinking that he was about to be liquidated.

“And you!”

“Shire Odinsen!”

“As my son, you don’t think about making progress all day long, you are lazy, and you have completely insulted the majesty of God!”

“You’re just like Thor…”

“Lost divine power, deported!”

this time.

Shire froze.

Oh, such a big circle…

Is there still something about me?

The gods of Asgard were also dumbfounded.

Although the second prince is doing bad things every day, it’s not the end of the crime!

“His Majesty……”

Frigga loves her second son the most and was about to speak.

See Odin has brandished the spear of eternity.

Shot Shire down into the abyss.

It wasn’t until Shire completely disappeared that Asgard regained its calm.

Loki’s legs trembled with fear.

Big Brother, Second Brother…

Follow this order.

He will be next!

Fortunately, Odin didn’t speak any more, just waved his hand.

“You all go down.”

“I’m tired.”

Loki is now pardoned.

Flee from Asgard in haste.

at the same time.

Two meteors fell to the earth.

bang bang!

Soon, two craters appeared in the desert.


“It hurts!”

“Father is also true, just throw it away!”

A silver-haired young man stood up slowly.

Shaking his head, he shook the sand out of his ears.

A handsome face with exquisite facial features.

It is the second prince Shire.

He looked at Thor, who was unconscious next to him.

He sighed lightly.

“This guy, sleeps like a pig.”

“According to the development of the plot, Jane Foster should be here soon.”

PS: Don’t join S.H.I.E.L.D, you’re not the Holy Mother, readers are asking for flowers and rewards!

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