American Comics: Killing The King Of Gods, Cutting Hu Wanda Gwen

Chapter 34

Chapter 34 Iron Man: Do You Have Money Ability? The Characters Are Consistent! (A New Book Asks For Flowers!)

See Shire’s indifferent attitude.

George frowned at that moment.

this kid.

Don’t you watch the news?

Even the famous Tony Stark doesn’t know!


George, as police chief, does not advocate vigilante behavior.

In other words, it is very repulsive for the people to act chivalrously.

But Iron Man’s status is there, and he is the focus of the world’s attention.

in other words.

Tony · Stark is the real upper class elite.

That’s what an old father like George Stacy values ​​most.

In contrast, her daughter’s boyfriend Shire Odinsen.

Only the rich are left…

And grew a good pair of skin.

Thinking of this, George couldn’t help but interjected.

“Mr. Stark, I think you’ve got the wrong guy?”

“He’s my daughter’s classmate, and he’s still studying at Imperial University, so he shouldn’t have anything to do with the Stark Group.”

as expected.

Tony nodded.

“definitely doesn’t matter.”

“Because this is our first meeting.”

George showed a smile full of wisdom.

He knew Iron Man was looking for the wrong guy.

How could a rich man with hundreds of billions of dollars take the initiative to strike up a conversation with an unknown college student…

It’s impossible to think about it!


Tony’s next reaction took George by surprise.

He straightened his collar and straightened up.

“Although there is no intersection now.”

“However, in the future, there may be opportunities for cooperation.”

“Let’s get to know each other again, Chairman of Aoshi Group…”

“Mr. Shire Odinson.”

Looking at Tony Stark’s serious expression.

Shire finally took an interest.

He smiled slightly and said, “Nick Fury’s nose is really good, he can smell things from such a distance.”

“It seems that I don’t have any secrets anymore.”

“Okay, Tony Stark.”

The two smiled and shook hands.

It seems easy.

Invisible has already competed a lot.

Tony Stark, who had always been confident and arrogant, did not take advantage of this young man.

Obviously the other party is lazy.

His aura was overwhelmed by him.

Only George on the side widened his eyes, thinking he had heard wrong.

“The boss of Aoshi Group…”

“Isn’t it Norman Osborn?”

Tony shook his head: “George, it’s time for your police intelligence system to be updated. Osborn has already worked his life for this young man.”

“Not even Wilson Faith…”

cough cough!

Shire coughed twice.

Timely interrupted Tony the Whistleblower.

Is there a mistake?

If the police chief finds out that Jin Bin is messing with me…

That’s not going to keep daughter Gwen and me together!

George: “Wilson?”

Tony: “Who’s Wilson? Did I just say that name?”

George: “…”

Tony: “Mr. Stacy, would you mind if I speak with Shire alone?”

Hear this sentence.

George didn’t know that this was an order to evict guests!


His attitude is much better.

He looked at Shire kindly.

Chairman of the Aoshi Group?

If this is true, it means that the daughter has a good vision!

Feel George’s eager gaze.

Shire gave a wry smile.

If you say turn your back, turn your face.

These old guys are really real enough!

Sure enough, interests are above all else in the Great Beautiful Country!

You can even spend 400,000 USD to have Temopu record Happy New Year for you!

“Mr. Stark, then I won’t disturb your conversation, I’ll go back to the police station first.”

“Shire, you can come to my house if you have time…”

“You can talk to Gwen more about forming a band.”

Shire nodded perfunctorily.

I saw George leave in a hurry.

Tony Stark took a look and guessed roughly.

He smiled understandingly, and joked: “Does this count as you owe me a favor?”


Shire fell silent.

It’s obviously your own big mouth!

Almost leaked Jin Bin’s affairs to George.

Shire: “Tony Stark, don’t go around these detours, Fury sent you!”

Tony: “You guessed wrong, it’s my own idea.”

I saw Tony sitting in George’s place.

Asked the waiter for a new cutlery.

He cut a piece of Kobe beef cooked, put it in his mouth and chewed it, talking while eating.

“Nick Fury told me there was a big problem on Earth that he couldn’t solve, and I wanted me to help S.H.I.E.L.D.”

“I’m curious, what kind of character is it…”

“It can make Director Nick Fury turn pale, you know, he’s black!”

Shire suddenly smiled.

He admits to being amused by Iron Man’s bad jokes.

Tony is already funny and humorous, coupled with money ability, no wonder so many women fall in love with him.

In the plot.

Tony complained about all the superheroes.

Said Rogers is the Captain America popsicle, so young and still so energetic.

How can Fury see both screens with one eye.

He also said that little Spider-Man’s battle suit is more like underwear, calling him a pajamas baby.

In short.

No one Tony dared to joke about him.

“Shire, I saw your car parked outside.”

“I admit it’s cool, but girls prefer Mercedes and BMW…”

“Because they only know these two brands.”

Tony wiped his mouth.

“Okay, let’s get down to business, what is it about you that Fury feels threatened?”

“Can you show me a little bit…”

“Your Ability?”

Shire frowned slightly.

It was the first time he had heard such an unreasonable request.

You said it yourself!

With a thought in Shire’s mind, the red-haired loli appeared in front of her eyes.

“Father, how can I help you?”

“Red queen, short circuit J.A.R.V.I.S.”

“Okay, father.”

Iron Man definitely couldn’t hear the father and daughter’s conversation.

He looked around.

Nothing was seen.

“So, what is your super ability?”

“Are you super rich?”

“Still good at teasing girls?”

“Then it’s consistent with my personality!”

Shire shrugged.

Reluctantly spread out his hands: “Stark, you don’t seem to realize that your big electronic baby has disappeared.”


Tony froze for a moment.

He tried calling J.A.R.V.I.S.

I want to put on the Mark Armor placed outside.

ten seconds.

twenty seconds.

A minute passed.

No response was received.

Tony finally got a little nervous.

“how did you do it?”

“Could it be that you can even charm artificial intelligence!”


Shire nearly spat in his face.

“I definitely can’t do this kind of thing.”

“But there is a refrigerator succubus, she likes to eat human polymers.”

Shire saw Iron Man’s panic.

Let the red release J.A.R.V.I.S.

Tony breathed a sigh of relief until he heard the voice of J.A.R.V.I.S again.

He believes now.

Shire is indeed not so simple.

There was seriousness in Tony’s eyes, and his tone was firm.

“So, Mr. Shire Odinson…”

“What is your purpose for coming to Earth this time?”


The two seem to have entered another space.

Completely ignoring the passers-by around him, the atmosphere fell into a stagnation.

As long as Shire shows any malice…

Tony Stark will be ready for battle right away.


He will soon be disappointed.

“The purpose.”

“Asgard palace battle failed.”

“Come to Earth and spend money to show off.”

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass to Africa, Asuka, and 15252, eh!

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