American Comics: Killing The King Of Gods, Cutting Hu Wanda Gwen

Chapter 74

Chapter 73 Hela: I Like Your Little Brother Very Much! (Tears To Subscribe!)

“This is impossible.…………”

Hela stared intently at Shire’s right hand.

As the eldest daughter of Odin, the great general who conquered the Nine Realms.

She recognized these artifacts at a glance!

Infinite Gems.

Infinity Gauntlet.

With these two things, Shire can change the world as he wants, and his strength can easily break through Level God Father.

Even snapped his fingers.

can affect the multi-universe.

But in Hela’s impression, Asgard is a bunch of hypocritical cowards.

How could someone deliberately collect these things?

Like God King Odin.

Obviously has the ability to conquer the Nine Realms.

But thinking about ruling the country with benevolence, condoning the existence of threats such as frost titans and dark elves.

Change it to Hela.

Killed them all long ago!

And Heimdall.

With eyes that see through all secrets and disguises, he is willing to be a security guard on Bifrost.

What a waste of money, what a waste of opportunity!

Shire is compared to these gods of Asgard.

Totally outlandish!

He killed Fenrir without mercy.

He also punched Hela hard, and didn’t care about blood relationship at all.

What makes Hela even more incredible is that…

Shire’s desire for Infinite Gems is clearly chasing after the mighty Li Huang.

This caused a little excitement in Hela’s dusty heart.

She’s on Shire.

I saw the same ambition as myself back then.

“Shire Odinson.”

“You do have what it takes to be the leader of Asgard…”

“I’m curious, why didn’t you inherit Odin’s weakness?”

Hela smiled coldly.

He looked curiously at this monstrous younger brother.


Shire didn’t want to bother with the old hag.

He just wanted to end the battle quickly and go home to rest.


Gwen after school.

He has already put on a bunny girl and is waiting for him to visit.

“Hela, don’t say one old thing.”

“Since Odin is not here, let me teach you what it means to respect the old, love the young, and be sensible. 11

next moment.

Shire appeared around Hela in an instant.

A pair of iron fists hit Hela’s heart heavily, and the tide-like offensive made it difficult for Hela to parry.


“It hurts so much…”

Not long after.

She felt that her body was full of flaws.

It was like being run over by an armored vehicle from top to bottom, with no ruts on his face.

As long as Hela wants to resist.

Shire will step up his strength and use Superman’s strength to rub her into a round and flatten her heartily.

Not left to the Goddess of Death at all…

Lost face.

“Shire Odinson, let me go!”

“I’m going to tear you to pieces with Odin!”

Hela howled heart-piercingly.

She felt more humiliation than physical pain.



And the heart.

These are all your vital parts!

no one has ever…

To be able to beat myself up like this.

And this fierce battle also caused Hela’s black tights to be broken, revealing most of the beautiful picture.

in the corner.

When Shire smashed Hela with a punch.

Loki knew it was over.

His legs and feet are weak, how can he sit still?

“I’m sorry, ma’am

“I can only go one step ahead, you wish for luck!”

Loki didn’t have any feelings for Hela in the first place.

He didn’t want to be beaten up so badly by Shire, and he was about to leave Wakanda.

Who ever thought.

Loki hadn’t taken a few steps.

There are huge amounts of sharp blades falling from the sky.

cut off his only way.

Looking up, it was a shapeshifting King Kong with a ferocious face exuding a terrifying aura.

“Without the permission of God Most High.

“No one is allowed to leave here.”

Megatron looked down at the tiny god, and let out a low, depressed voice.

Loki froze for a moment.

Turn around and run in the other direction.

But found out.

Scarlet Witch and Vibe girls have been waiting for a long time.


Loki slumped to the ground.

This time he really had nowhere to run.

Still, better than being caged by Fury, right?

Not long.

Hela, the goddess of death, was captured by Shire.

He knelt on the ground in an extremely shameful posture, his hands were chained, and he bowed his head without saying a word.

Shire looked down at Hela’s perfect figure.

If it weren’t for the smoky eye and the crown of thorns, Hela would be a beauty indeed.


What Shire thinks more about is Hela’s identity.

Eldest daughter of God King Odin, own half-sister.

“Shire Odinsen.

“You can’t kill me, and you won’t kill me…”

Hela looked up at Shire reluctantly.

She knew that her life depended on the other party’s thought.


Shire smiled faintly.

Picked up Hela’s Night-sky sword.

Picked up Hela’s white chin with the tip of the sword.

“My dear sister, do you have any last words?”


Hela showed a weird smile.

Looking at Shire’s face, she said with certainty: “I feel the same thing as me in your body…”

“That is the ambition to conquer the Nine Realms.”

“You need someone like me to achieve this goal faster.”

“And, I have another news to tell you.”

Shire narrowed his eyes slightly.

He admits that Hela is far more powerful than any Mutant.

The strength is estimated to have reached the quasi-Level God Father, so it would be a pity to obliterate it like this.


Hela’s loyalty is in doubt.

She’s not as ruthless as the Decepticons.

Hela, whose hands were bound, told how Kaecilius freed herself, and revealed the purpose of Dormammu.

“Dark Dimension………”

“We’re going to invade here soon.”

“Also, didn’t you want Infinite Gems? As far as I know, the last ones on Earth…”

“In the hands of the man Dormammu wanted to kill.”

Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One.

Shire’s thoughts turned, and he soon realized that Hela wanted to borrow a knife to kill people, and asked Dormammu to kill Ancient One……

Then take the opportunity to get the Time Gem.

If it was someone else, they might have been bewitched by Hela’s words.

After all, Time Gem is indeed very tempting, but unfortunately, Shire has already seen through Hela’s idea.

in an instant.

He stabs the Night-sky sword into Hela’s heart.

Hela stared.

Feel the vitality draining away quickly.

However, just when she thought she was going to die, a new energy injected into her body.

“Hela, you should be familiar with this spell, right?”

Heard Shire’s flat voice.

Hela’s tender body shook, and she was actually sweating.

Although she didn’t know the name of the spell, but at this moment, Hela found that the soul did not belong to her.

Out of body!

Voldemort’s Imperius Curse!

“I branded your soul.”

“Once you have bad thoughts, your soul will fly away, and it will be regarded as a small punishment for you.

Hela stared blankly at Shire.

She didn’t expect such a horrible child from the kind Odin, but…

This is more in line with a real king.

“Not bad.”

Hela smiled wryly and looked up.

“Shire Odinson, you are really different from those cowards in Asgard. I really like your strong brother.”

“Let me be your sharp sword.”

“Conquering the Nine Realms sounds so interesting.”


Shire interrupted Hela.

“When did I say I was going to do something like that?”

“Collecting gems is just to enjoy life better, otherwise someday a purple sweet potato will snap his fingers…”

“Isn’t it all over?”

Hela froze for a moment.

Did I hear wrong?

Isn’t this guy collecting gems to conquer the universe?


Feeling cheated, Hela, the goddess of death, wanted to stand up, but her soul was trembling.

Shire shrugged.

Ignoring Hela’s expression of resentment and hatred.

“My dear sister, you’d better go take a shower first.

“The stench is so bad.”

Shire left holding his nose.

Hela frowned, stretched out her hands and smelled it.

She blew her nose hard.


It does stink!

“Damn, you…”

Hela didn’t finish her sentence.

The soul was severely tortured by the Imperius Curse again, the body twitched and fell to one side.


Reflected in her eyes.

But it was the figure of a silver-haired youth.

“This Shire Odinson is really different!”

at the same time.

Shire also returned home with Wanda.

As for Vibe girl Daisy, Shire has arranged other tasks for her, and it should be coming to the Avengers alliance soon.

“Shire, you are back.”

Gwen stood obediently at the door.

It seems to have been waiting for a long time.

As soon as she saw Shire, Gwen stood on tiptoe and offered a meeting kiss, which made Wanda blush.

“I saw on the news that there were monsters, and I was always worried about you. It’s great to see you come back safely.”

“Sit down, I have dinner ready.”

“Learned from May Aunt, taste my ba


The table is full of various delicacies.

Other than the rough build, no major issues.

Shire smiled lightly, broke open a roast chicken and stuffed it into his mouth, as if he was very happy to eat.

“.”How about it?”

Gwen opened her big, watery eyes.

Looking forward to his answer.

Shire didn’t speak, just nodded.

Seeing this, Gwen happily picked up a chicken leg and chewed it, but in the next second…


She vomited it all onto the table.

Blood stains remained on the white teeth.

“You, how do you manage to eat?”

“Not cooked at all!”

Only then did Shire spit it out, laughing happily.

Gwen was a little annoyed.

Only then did she realize that she had been tricked, her face blushed, and she was also embarrassed by the dark cooking she had made.

“It’s okay, it’s always like this the first time.”

“The more you do in the future, the more proficient you will become, and the same principle applies to other things…”

“For example, in some respects, you are already very smart.”

Gwen nodded.

Immediately realized something was wrong.

Is Shire talking about cooking or being yourself?

“You’re too bad, I won’t talk to you anymore.

Seeing Gwen cross her arms and extrude a perfect arc.

Shire coughed twice.

Use the power of the dragon spell at will, and add a roast chicken.


The smell of burnt outside and tender inside filled the room.

While they were bickering, Wanda had already grabbed the chicken leg and stuffed it into her mouth, so that the corners of her mouth were full of oil stains.

“Hey, hey, hey…”

Wait until Gwen reacts.

The table is almost cleared by Wanda.


Wanda’s face turned red: “I’m sorry Gwen, I, I seem to eat a little too much, your cooking is really delicious!”

Gwen: “Really?”

Gwen’s eyes lit up, and the resentment dissipated.

She hugged Wanda and rubbed her face, as if she had found a bosom friend: “Wanda, as long as you like it, I will make it for you every day from now on.”

Shire frowned.

A dark dish every day?

This is scarier than Baron Strucker’s human experiments!

At this moment.

The latest news came from the TV.

“According to the reporter in front (good king, good), after a fierce battle, the deep-sea basilisk that appeared in the eastern Atlantic Ocean a few days ago has been defeated by the Avengers…”

“Witnesses said that a new hero joined the Avengers alliance, and it was his actions that saved the crisis and prevented the basilisk from causing more and greater casualties.”

on screen.

Yemengard, the worldly serpent, stands in the middle of the sea.

Every gesture triggered an unstoppable tsunami, shooting down fighter jets in the air.

The submarine tried to harass it, but was crushed to pieces by the huge snake tail and all scrapped.

Even Tony Stark and Thor Thor…

He was also seriously wounded in the battle.

Seeing that the Avengers alliance was about to lose, at a critical moment, a mysterious man in a red cloak and blue robe appeared.

He used the diamond circle to save everyone in time.

And use the teleportation array to send Yemengard away from the sea, forcibly ending the dispute.

Shire watched the necromancer on TV.

He quickly guessed his identity.

“Doctor Strange.”

“Steve Strange!”

“I didn’t expect him to appear so soon, it seems that the arrival of Hela made the Ancient One magician feel threatened.

Shire recalled Hela’s advice.


The dark lord Dormammu is coveting the earth and is about to come to this world.

But so what?

In Shire’s eyes.

What dark lord Dormammu…

It’s not as good as the dark dishes made by Gwen himself.

At least Shire will really hurt after eating it.

“Wanda, you wait.”

“I’ll go to the kitchen and make you some new ones, it’ll be ready soon.”

Gwen walked enthusiastically toward the kitchen.

Wanda held up her knife and fork.

Looking forward to a full meal.

Shire looked at Wanda meaningfully, and he felt that it was necessary to take Wanda to check.

See if there is a problem with the taste buds. .

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