American Comics: Multiverse of Madness

18. President X.

Realizing this, Alex did not hesitate. He shot the soldier beside the communication officer and rushed forward, firing several shots as the officer reached for his gun, rendering his hand a bloody mess.

"What do you mean by 'assassin'?"

"Ahhh!!" The soldier screamed in agony, not answering Alex's question. His cries were soon drowned out by the sounds of explosions, they were unheard amidst the chaos. Alex, impatient, stomped on the soldier's wound, causing him to silently scream in immense pain.

"Is President X here? Answer me!"

"Yes, yes," The soldier nodded frantically, tears and snot covering his face. In his agony, he turned pale, his lips ashen.

"Where? Tell me!" Alex demanded, gritting his teeth. The realization that President X was on the same military base as him left Alex feeling terrified.

If it were anyone else, it wouldn't matter, but President X had genuine telepathic abilities, unlike Emma, who had lost her powers. There was no telling if President X had already discovered him or had silently invaded his mind,was ready to kill him without his knowledge.

"I-I don't know, I really don't," the soldier shook his head frantically, using his other hand to push against Alex's foot, trying to remove it from his wound.

Alex believed him. It made sense that the soldier didn't know; President X's whereabouts were top secret. A low-ranking soldier wouldn't have such specific information.

After finishing the soldier off with a bullet to the head, Alex quickly left the battlefield, heading towards the rendezvous point Pietro had described. He wasn't worried about Pietro, who had a helmet to protect against telepathy, but he himself had no such protection and was in grave danger. He needed Pietro to get him out of there as quickly as possible.

At the same time, Alex felt a twinge of excitement. If President X was here, it meant his secret chamber was unguarded. If he could escape this place, he could leave this universe. However, as Alex neared the rendezvous point, he saw something unbelievable on the other side of the factory.

The factory's outer wall had a massive hole, and Pietro lay helplessly on a mound of dirt outside. From Alex's vantage point, he could see Pietro's right leg bent at an unnatural angle—clearly broken.

*Ten minutes earlier*

Pietro had been waiting for Alex's signal. When he heard the alarm, he knew it was time. The alarm was their agreed-upon signal. With the soldiers distracted, Pietro quickly brought the explosives from Nick Fury's safe house to the power supply station. It housed four enormous generators, heavily guarded by soldiers.

But these soldiers were no match for Pietro. Moving swiftly in the dark, he planted all the explosives and detonated them. The resulting explosion turned the generators to scrap, the bright flash illuminated the sky.

The destruction of the power supply drew everyone's attention. The soldiers split into two teams: one to suppress the escaping mutant prisoners, and the other to guard a factory building.

Pietro was curious. In his memory, this was an abandoned factory with outdated equipment. It was decommissioned due to safety risks, and President X had no funds to replace the machinery. Yet now, they were protecting it. Perhaps it was because this factory was on the way to the rendezvous point, or maybe the successful plan made Pietro reckless.

Normally, Pietro wouldn't stay here for a second longer than necessary, but now he wanted to see what the soldiers were guarding.

In a flash, Pietro entered the factory. His enhanced mind quickly scanned the surroundings, finding a suitable hiding spot.

He climbed onto a service ladder, hiding in the shadows, and watched the highest-ranking soldier, a black man wearing armor similar to Iron Man's. Pietro recognized him; he often appeared on TV with President X.

The officer stood before a white container, knocking on its door with a mix of fear and resignation.

The knocking echoed in the empty factory, silencing the soldiers. No one dared speak or even breathe loudly, afraid of disturbing something.

A female voice soon came from the container.

"Didn't I say not to disturb me recently?"

"Sorry, President X, it's important," the officer said, his forehead sweating but his voice steady.

On the service ladder, Pietro clamped a hand over his mouth to stifle a gasp.

"Is it a border disturbance or a nuclear war? I've said it doesn't matter. Once I succeed, the whole world will bow before us," the female voice replied impatiently.

"No, no, President X. An assassin has infiltrated the facility. They destroyed the power supply and released the mutant prisoners. The prisoners are almost out."

The container fell silent, and in turn the entire factory fell silent. The officer swallowed nervously and continued, "We suspect it's remnants of the Avengers. They somehow learned your location and are using the mutant prisoners' riot to—"

Before he could finish, the officer was blasted away by a red energy, smashing through the factory wall and leaving a gaping hole. Then, the container door exploded open, and a stunning woman in a red dress, enveloped in a crimson energy, floated out.


📢10 advanced chapters on p@treaon📢

For advance chapters: [email protected]/Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a)

19. Possesion.
20. Trump Card.
21. Illusion.
22. Awakening.
23. Definitely Not The End.

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