American Comics: Sign in at the beginning with the sparkling fruit

Chapter 48


Located on the private beach of Changdao Villa, a crackling sound resounded in all directions, and Sherigai's dark punch was seen hitting Li Ang's arm. The turbulent airflow instantly pushed away the surrounding rainwater into a large circle.

The beach on the ground is directly sunken, with four volumes of sand and gravel. boom! boom! boom!

Sergei breathed and continuously launched attacks around Li Ang at a terrifying speed far exceeding the previous one. The perfect muscles under the vest supported the power with a full rhythm.

The exaggerated speed of Sergei and Li Ang could not be captured by the naked eye.

All that could be seen was the burst of air circles caused by the collision of the two's punches and kicks, and the pits that kept appearing around the beach.

But nearby spectators happened to be able to see it clearly.

While watching the battle, Gennady and the Wanda twins moved their eyes as the fighting figures moved. On the contrary, the four little ones watched with some reluctance, especially Clarice. The fourth little one was not injected with super warriors because they were too young. serum.

They need to wait until they are fifteen or sixteen years old, when their body bones are almost finalized, before they can be injected.

"Wow, Sergey's attack is very fast, as violent as fire."Pietro praised while watching the battle.

If he didn't have the ability to move at high speed, there would be a big gap in combat effectiveness between him and Seligai.

Wanda nodded slightly at the side:"The super soldier serum improves our physical fitness. They have all been enhanced by leaps and bounds. Sergey is gradually adapting to his body through fighting, and his speed is also leaping towards subsonic and even sonic speeds."

How scary is it when a person has subsonic or even sonic speed?

The terrifying physical strength. Once running at the speed of sound, the destructive impact on the surrounding environment and objects will be much more terrifying than a grenade.

Once there is something nearby For ordinary people, the internal organs and bones of the body would be shattered, and a head-on collision would turn them into meat in an instant.

However, through Wanda's observation, it was found that Sherigai could control this easily.

It was a bit strange.


While thinking, Li Ang whipped The leg swept forward with a sweeping blow, and the terrifying power instantly swept away the violently attacking Sherigai. The latter forcibly stopped his body and slid with his feet on the sand for dozens of meters, leaving a long trace.

Sherigai When Gai adjusted his posture and was still about to attack, Li Ang's figure in front disappeared, and the sight and sound Haki immediately caught him behind him. Just as he was about to turn around, Li Ang's voice came to his ears.

"Okay, that's almost it."

Seligai's tense muscles immediately relaxed.

Turning around, he saw Boss Li Ang with his hands in his pockets. His eyes were like spring stars and his nose was like a jade beam. In the sea breeze, the hem of his white shirt without a trace of dirt was rustling. , the muscles that were soaked by the rain were looming, looking extra chic.

Wanda's face turned crimson just looking at it.

No girl is unpregnant.

Liang didn't notice Wanda's little expression, turned his head and looked at the crowd gathered around, he nodded, himself That's the bottom line, and with a super celestial computer like Tian Ren Qi, we can accurately get everyone's current body data.

"With a force of 125 tons, the ultimate development should be about 500 tons, and the speed reaches the speed of sound. If you add your force generation skills, these data can be improved again."

"very nice."

This data is quite exaggerated. It can be said that he is a living little superman. In addition, his physical fitness has been strengthened, which has led to an increase in two-color domineering. From a purely earth perspective, these people are among the top powerhouses.

A humanoid nuclear bomb.

Wanda Everyone's faces were also full of joy, and they could clearly feel the explosive power of their bodies.

As for the origin of the super soldier serum, everyone tacitly agreed not to ask.

If Li Ang didn't tell them, they naturally wouldn't ask.

Li Ang took everyone back to the manor. Residence.

After letting the maids leave, Li Ang sat on a chair in the living room and looked at the rows of people sitting obediently in front of him. He felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

These are all strong men he has trained with his own hands.

Knock. Knocking on the table, Li Ang said:"Let's get started, I need you to do something"

"I need you to capture or kill dark creatures around the world, including werewolves, vampires, demons and other monsters."

"ha? Are there actually these creatures on earth?"

Everyone was surprised. In the world of viewers, the appearance of mutants is very reasonable, but shouldn't creatures such as werewolves, vampires, and demons only exist in movies and TV series? How come according to what Boss

Li Ang meant, these creatures actually Really exist?

"Of course there is, hell and heaven, Norse mythology, etc., all really exist."

The corners of Li Ang's mouth rose.

This really shocked everyone. A group of people looked at each other, but from their eyes, in addition to surprise, they saw more excitement.

This was not beyond Li Ang's expectation.

After so many years , After getting along with and cultivating him, he knew Wanda's group of people very well. They were completely different from ordinary people. Their genes were filled with a spirit of adventure, a desire for strong men to fight, and a desire for a different life. Even if they could integrate into the campus, they would still be able to integrate into the campus. They were all a group of lions.

He bent down slightly, put the metal box he had prepared on the table and opened it.

In the box were various weapons that were used by experts.

These weapons were all made of Adamantium alloy. It was created through Heavenly Blade Seven. Its sharpness and sturdiness can be called an artifact.

Of course, it just doesn’t contain any magic imprint.

Unfortunately, Heavenly Blade Seven does not have the data of the Angel Civilization Weapon Flame Sword, nor does it have the materials to build it. Otherwise, everyone can have one and pass through Heavenly Blade. Seven, if you find a star as a channel, you can directly get a Heavenly Blade Judgment.

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