American comics: Start by binding the Super Seminary clock

Chapter 23: Solar Energy Consumption

In the next period of time, Li Qingyun was completely immersed in the study and understanding of information related to dark energy and wormholes.

In order to master the basics of super warriors as soon as possible.

Also in order to help Banner achieve communication with Hulk as soon as possible.

For a long period of time that followed, Li Qingyun could be said to have forgotten all about food and sleep.

Finally, after several months of research, he finally mastered microwormhole transport.

Although many times, the algorithm is directly provided by the big clock.

Relying on the induction of dark energy, Li Qingyun has been able to sense the surrounding micro-wormholes in a very short period of time, and then expand their size by adjusting the dark energy.

If you want to completely master the microwormhole transport technology in one go.

Or if you want to understand a certain super-magical technology in a short period of time, this is very difficult.

After all, super god technology was born during the more than 200,000 years of the Kamigawa Civilization.

It was developed over hundreds of thousands of years in the entire Supergod Universe.

Even if Li Qingyun has the guidance of the Big Clock, even if he has become a super warrior, it will take a lot of time to truly understand super god technology and master the corresponding techniques of super god technology.

And obviously, Li Qingyun doesn't have that much time now.

Being able to master dark energy applications and microwormhole technology in a few months is a good start.

"If we want to implement the plan you proposed, it will consume a lot of energy, right?"

Li Qingyun is ready to communicate with Hulk.

But before he started, he still had doubts.

"This world is not that simple. There are magicians supreme on the earth and gods in the universe. If you consume too much stellar energy at one time, I'm afraid they will come after me!"

The Marvel world, even if it is just the world of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, is still complicated and necessary.

In this world, there are too many powerful and nosy people hidden.

There is a Sorcerer Supreme on Earth.

Asgard has Odin, the father of the gods.

There are also a group of gods in the universe.

There is another person in the multiverse named Kang the Conqueror.

With Li Qingyun's current small body, if he provokes anyone, he won't be able to handle it.

"The use of stellar energy can start with its release."

replied the big clock.

"Start with release?"

"What's the meaning?"

Li Qingyun was confused.

"The sun, all other stars, they are in a long-term self-release phase of energy."

"I know this."

Anyone with a brain knows about sunshine.

"The energy released by the sun will shine on the planet and provide energy for the planet."

"But in fact, a large part of the energy released by the sun will be wasted."

"Just like the solar system you are in now, the light emitted by the sun can generate heat that can be transmitted to a distance of 15,000 light-years."

"Within this distance, all celestial bodies in the universe will be affected by it."

"But within the distance of 15,000 light-years that the energy released by the solar system can reach, the actual energy absorbed is less than one-tenth."

The big clock explained.

Li Qingyun also had thoughts in his mind after listening to what it said.

He understands the principle that the sun's energy will be consumed.

After all, the sun releases heat energy in all directions with a circular point as the center.

And a planet or celestial body like the earth is only at a certain point in a certain direction in its full range.

Therefore, there must be part of the sun's energy that does not act on planets and celestial bodies in the universe.

But within a range as large as fifteen thousand years, how many planets and celestial bodies are there in the universe?

If we were to pull it all together and lock the entire solar system in all directions without any blind spots, it would definitely be no problem, right?

"Your idea is good, but there is a loophole."

What Li Qingyun is thinking can naturally be sensed by the big clock.

"How many boards would you need to cover the light emitted by a light bulb?"

Big clock reverse question.

This is an opportunity for Li Qingyun to think about himself, and this opportunity can make his thinking more active and learn things faster.

"Just use the cardboard box that holds the light bulb!"

Li Qingyun gave the answer without thinking.

"But what if you want to block the light of an entire room?"

The big clock asked again, and this time, Li Qingyun fell into deep thought.

This question made Li Qingyun clearly aware of his misunderstanding.

When he imagined it before, he ignored the fact that after the heat energy spreads, its scope would also expand.

There are countless planets and cosmic objects within fifteen thousand light years.

But the range of fifteen thousand light years is already too huge to be imagined.

Each of the eight planets in the solar system can absorb the energy of the sun.

But Mercury, the closest planet, can absorb much more energy from the sun than any of the others behind it.

Because the distance is closer, the proportion of the sun's energy it can release is greater.

Just like a paper box covering a light bulb, when you place it closest to it, this piece of paper can absorb one-sixth of its energy.

But if this piece of paper is carried to the edge of the room, it will only occupy part of one-sixth of the wall.

Calculated based on the area of ​​the paper and the wall, this ratio may reach one thousandth.

Therefore, if inferred in this way, it is not surprising that not only 90% of the energy released by the sun is wasted, but even 99% is wasted.

"I understand what you mean."

Li Qingyun now fully understood what plan the big clock really wanted to implement.

"You can calculate and use only the wasted part released by the sun. In this case, it will not affect the normal operation of the universe, right?"


The big clock gave a definite answer.

"As long as it doesn't interfere with the normal operation of the universe, then those who like to meddle will have no reason to target me!"

The last worries in Li Qingyun's heart were gone.

The group of gods, conquerors, and observers of the universe, don’t they all adhere to the principle of not interfering with the normal development of the universe?

Since they have not broken the restrictions, what reason do they have to target them?

"Then get ready. I'm going to call Banner out and ask him to release Hulk. Let's have a good chat with Hulk!"

Li Qingyun said as he quickly walked towards the room where Banner was.

We have been preparing for so long, it’s time for the strongest Hulk on earth to come out and make his appearance!

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