American Comics: Start Making Tama’s Shadow Tattoo Stickers

Chapter 20

020 The Enemy Splits! Whose Ninja Takes Gatling? ! (Ask For Flowers And Tickets!)

On a building in the distance.

Jin Bin and his men looked at the scene with binoculars.

Seeing his own people stand up and surround Gwen, Jin Bin suddenly smiled.

He said: “The little Ghost spider wants to fight with me for gold, it’s really beyond self-control.”

The subordinate next to him said, “Hahaha, now things are back. In New City, the boss is the one who has the final say!”


The wind blew, and the sea of ​​grass seemed to be swaying like waves, with a clattering sound.

Everyone stood in place, motionless, like a statue.

The atmosphere at the scene seemed to have become extraordinarily dignified.

The few hooligans on the ground trembled when they saw this posture, and they never expected to fall into such a big situation.

These guys have nothing to do with Jin Bin and the others, they are just used by Jin Bin for fishing.

Gwen remained motionless. She glanced at those people and chuckled: “Do you think a group of rotten fish and rotten shrimps can stop me? If I want to, I can easily tear apart your encirclement.”

James shrugged. “I have no doubt you can do this, but—”

He changed the topic: “What if that is the case?”


Twenty or so people took out their pistols and pointed their black muzzles at Gwen.

James put his hands in his trouser pockets, with a smile on his face: “Twenty guns are aimed at you. As long as you move, you will immediately become a sieve!”

“So, do you dare to move? You dare not!”

James was confident, and Zhizhu said with his hands in his hands: “Hand over what you swallowed, or you will immediately become a hornet’s nest. My brothers with guns are basically wanted criminals who have taken their lives. They really will Kill me.”

James withdrew his gaze, looked down at the tie, and adjusted it while talking, looking extremely contemptuous of the other party.

“Tell me, where did you put such a large batch of guns and ammunition?”

The hooligan lying on the ground saw this scene, and his mind exploded.

With so many guns pointed in their direction, and the bullets have no eyes, once they were fired, they would basically be buried with them.

They are just a few young people, as for being caught in such a big situation?

Being pointed at by more than 20 guns!

What can they do!

They don’t deserve it!

A guy knelt on the ground and howled, “Boss! We have nothing to do with this bitch! Let us go!”

James glanced at him coldly: “Shut up, or you’ll blow your head off with one shot.”

Several hooligans completely collapsed.

It’s over, seeing so many guns and so many wanted criminals, they probably have to explain here.

They didn’t provoke anyone, and they just found a remote place to do some small business, they were extremely careful, for fear of causing trouble.

In the end, I didn’t expect that this kind of thing could be done in such a corner! There is simply no one left!

The minions were shaking like chaff, and their hearts were full of despair.

Facing so many firearms, Gwen didn’t show a trace of panic on his face, and was extremely calm.

Because the bullets of ordinary pistols can’t hurt her at all.

Unlike Spider-man Peter, Ghost Spider-Gwen has a better life.

It doesn’t matter if Spider-man has no money, so the first-generation battle suit can only be made of ordinary fiber.

As for Gwen, her father is the chief of the police station, and her mother is the director of a large hospital, which gives her access to more resources.

Therefore, Gwen’s first battle suit was made of super fiber, and it used a special engineering structure with cushioning force, which can not only resist ordinary swords, but also resist the damage of ordinary bullets.

Besides, even without a battle suit, she can quickly hide in the shadow kingdom. With her double strengthening speed, the opponent can’t react at all.

The corner of her mouth was slightly raised: “Want to know where the batch of guns and ammunition is? OK, I’ll tell you.”

After hearing Gwen’s words, James smiled brightly: “Yes, ma’am, you are smart. You know how to assess the situation.”

There was a hint of a smile in Gwen’s voice: “It’s here.”

James was taken aback when he heard this.

He looked at the ground and asked with some uncertainty, “You…have you hidden things here?”

He widened his eyes: “Is it such a coincidence? This happens to be the place where you hide your guns and ammunition?!”

Gwen shook her slender index finger and said with a smile, “No, no, no! It’s not underground.”

She pointed to the direction behind James, and said, “Behind all of you.”

Hearing this, everyone suddenly turned around.

In an instant, the dark and deep muzzles of the guns came into view!

As for those with pistols, what they saw was not a deep muzzle.

It’s a circle of deep muzzles!

The guns in this circle of muzzles all have a bulky gun body, carrying an unparalleled sense of oppression.

That’s Gatling.

What James saw was not a muzzle, but a huge shell.

That’s an RPG bazooka!

Full of the smell of destruction.

for a moment.

Everyone froze and didn’t dare to move at all!

Jin Bing’s subordinates all had turbulent waves in their hearts.

When did these guys in fancy costumes show up! They heard nothing at all.

They looked at the costume and recognized each other.


A ninja from a certain island!

Possess powerful martial arts and sensitive agility!

If it is these people, it seems reasonable to be elusive.


Look at those ninjas with a gun in their hands!

Some people even carried Gatling and rocket launchers!

Everyone’s mentality collapsed instantly.


Whose ninja has a gun! Still mentioning Gatling! Carrying a bazooka!

In the movie, don’t ninjas always hold knives and flying darts? !

With high martial arts skills and a gun, this is so bullying!

They looked at the iron knife and iron rod in their hands.

Jin Bing’s subordinates were full of enthusiasm in their hearts.

Gwen’s chuckle sounded in James’ ear: “So, you dare to move?”

James’ whole body is literally cracked.

Looking at the bazooka full of destructive aura, he didn’t dare to move at all!

With a bitter expression on his face, he laughed dryly, “Don’t dare to move.”

The few hooligans lying on the ground were stunned when they saw this scene, and their eyeballs almost fell out.

They never expected that the situation would be reversed so much!

(The guarantee is completed today! Start writing more updates! Ask for flowers and tickets)

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