American Comics: Start Making Tama’s Shadow Tattoo Stickers

Chapter 63

063 Banner: Hulk, You Got Your Wish! Hulk Opens Eight Doors! (1 Begging For The First Order!)

Hating this punch, it was powerful and full of explosive power.

The most important thing is that the speed of hatred at this moment is extremely fast, even if Banner opened four doors, it was too late to escape.

Seeing this punch, Banner felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart.

He hastily stretched out his hands and crossed them in front of him, trying to resist this attack.


The huge fist hit Banner’s hands, the force was so overwhelming that Banner felt like it was about to burst.

Banner shoots straight backwards.

It hit a car directly.

The whole car was nearly overturned.

A trace of blood dripped from the corner of Banner’s mouth.

He climbed out of the dent in the car, and looked at the green monster with a slightly cold gaze, who looked a bit like a green titan.

They are all big green guys, but the other party looks hideous and ugly-.

The other party’s eyes were full of endless resentment.

It seems that there is a deep hatred with him.

Banner took a deep breath: “Who are you? Have we ever been enemies again?”

Hearing this, the other party laughed wantonly, and his eyes became colder: Who am I? I am that trash who was almost beaten to death by you!”

“Thanks to you, I have become such a monster now!”

The disgusted face became more ferocious: “So today, I will kill you and the green titan here! You must die!”


The abomination shouted angrily, and under the powerful sound waves, the surrounding cars were trembling.

Hearing the villain describe himself as a victim, Banner laughed. He laughed out loud, with tears in the corners of his eyes.

The other party is a victim, so what is his life these years!

Seeing Banner laughing, Hate became even angrier.

It shouted angrily: “You are courting death!”


He bursts out and shoots at Banner again!

See the other party rushing.

Banner clenched his fists, his eyes became colder.


The fifth door, open the Du door!

Squeeze more life potential.

More violent power erupted from Banner.

Facing the enemy’s fist, Banner began to dodge, while constantly attacking the enemy.

bang bang bang!

Banner is like a master of martial arts, unloading the attack of hatred, and constantly fighting back.

The movement is extremely quick, smooth and full of energy.

Others saw it, only afterimages were flowing.

Punch after punch hit the hatred.

Rao hates being strong and strong, and his Constitution is superior. Facing Banner’s attack, he also felt pain.

He gritted his teeth in pain.

When others saw this scene, they were all shocked.

After all, compared to the hatred, Banner’s body is really too petite, like a primary school student having sex with a grown man.

As a result, the primary school student had a suppressive effect on the adult man, who was beaten until he grinned.

above the helicopter.

Seeing this scene, Ross took a breath: “Oh my God, how did Banner manage to use a mortal body to burst out with such terrifying power, even suppressing the abomination?”

Inside the experimental base.

They have conducted a series of tests on the abomination.

The Abomination is literally a green titan.

That terrifying power and Constitution, to humans, is a god-like existence.

As a result, now, he was indeed suppressed and beaten by one person.

The people in the distance saw this scene, and they were a little bit saved.

“I’m going, are people crushed by monsters? What a magical picture!”

“Good guy, is this person so strong?”

“Oh my god, there was Ghost spider, Iron Man, and now there is a man who punches and kicks monsters! You are all secretly evolving, don’t you take me!”

“Such a terrifying monster, he actually suppressed it, it’s outrageous!”

Feeling physical pain, hating Rage.

You must be weak! How can you hurt me!”

It roared and released a terrifying sound wave.


Banner flew straight away and hit the ground, cracking the concrete floor.

Banner stood up, his skin was flushed because of the opening of the eight doors, and blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

It’s just that his eyes are more cold and determined.

Because of the powerful power he has mastered, Banner’s personality has also begun to change.


As a top scientist, Banner is confident in his ability and achievements.

Later, because of turning into a green titan, he was tortured and hunted down. At the same time, he was worried that turning into a green titan would harm the world.

As a result, Banner’s character became more and more submissive and timid.

Now, he himself has the power, and for the first time in so many years, he feels that he is in charge of his own destiny.

For the first time, he was no longer afraid of the shackles of fate, and began to accept another self.

He began to escape from his timidity and became more determined.

He vaguely understood that his future would be completely different.

If Li Xiu were here, he would see the huge changes in Banner, the other party has become a brand new self, and he has completely bid farewell to the promised self before, even in the Avengers alliance era.

Banner squeezed his neck: “You only have one chance to attack me with your sound waves, and then, you have no chance.”


Banner bursts out.

The abomination also wants to use sonic attacks.

call out!

Banner dodged to the side for an instant, then swooped down, directly behind the Abomination.

His legs were like steel whips, tearing through the air and hitting the head of Abomination.


The hatred flew out, knocking over the cars and falling to the ground.

There were many scars on the body.

At this moment, the hatred almost felt like the bones of his whole body were about to be broken.

Just when Banner wanted to continue the attack.

Da da da!

Bullets intertwined into a net and flew towards Banner.

Banner moved quickly, looking for obstacles to avoid bullets.

The hatred lying on the ground was full of unwillingness and resentment at the moment.


Why have I become like this, I have paid this price!

Can’t even beat a Banner?!

Strong resentment and unwillingness erupted in hatred.

This further stimulated the remaining Super Serum mixed with Hulk blood products in its body.

Its bones began to grow further, tearing open his skin.

On its back, bone spurs protruded out one after another, and there were thick bone spurs protruding from the wrists and arm joints.

The whole body is also further strengthened.

It looks more and more ferocious and terrifying, like a ghost returning from hell.

Banner didn’t notice this.

He is dodging bullets.

With a clatter, Banner tore off a piece of the car door with his bare hands.

This scene.

Those who watched stared straight.

“I’m going, this visually shows the strength of that man!”

“Shet, what kind of power is this!”

“Tearing off the car door with bare hands, is this really something a human can do?”

Using the car door as a shield, Banner sprinted towards the army in front of him and threw it.

The soldiers watched with horror in their hearts.

If this monster rushes into the team, I don’t know what kind of terrible damage it will cause!

A trace of fear rose in the hearts of the soldiers.

above the sky.

General Ross stood on the plane, watching this scene with cold eyes.

He looked down at the ground with cold eyes, and took out the communicator: “Start plan b, start the sonic vehicle, and suppress the opponent together with the abomination.”

A voice from the other side came from the communicator: “Yes!”

Just when Banner was about to rush into the team.


A punch swept across and hit the car door in front of Banner.

He shot out directly and fell hard to the ground.

this moment.

Banner felt like his whole body was falling apart, and it hurt extraordinarily.

He got up with bloody wounds all over his body.

Boom boom boom!

The hatred came rushing from a distance, and every step made the ground tremble.

Its face was extremely ferocious at this moment, and its voice was deafening: “You have completely ruined me! You must die!”

Just when Banner is about to move.


An equipment truck in the distance drove out.

The equipment was activated, and the terrifying sound waves were released, causing ripples in the air.

The ground in front of him was cracked into pieces.

A powerful sound wave enveloped Banner, making Banner almost immobile.

The hatred came in an instant, and he had already brought the equipment to avoid the sound waves, so the effect of the sound waves on him would be minimized, and his actions could not be suppressed.

See this scene.

People in the distance are all frowning.

“These guys are so despicable! A group of people unite to deal with each other!”

“Yes, these guys don’t care about the life and death of ordinary people, and directly bomb and destroy the streets!”

“I also have some dislike for these guys! It’s really despicable!”

“It’s over, I feel like this man is going to be over!”

The eyes of hatred are full of madness and resentment: “Death!”

The bone spur on the wrist burst out, directly piercing Banner’s body.

Banner screamed.

When Ross in the helicopter saw this scene, his eyes were tearing apart, and he was furious: “No!”

He wants to capture Banner alive, not kill him.

A dead Banner has no value to them!

He spent so much time, energy and resources, not to get a corpse.

Banner coughed up a pool of blood.

It’s just that his eyes are still cold.

He looked at the hatred in front of him, and said coldly: “You hunted me down again and again, and made me hide and fear. Now, you feel that you are a victim instead.” It’s extremely absurd.

He coldly glanced at the tanks, military vehicles not far away, and the helicopters in the sky.

His voice was high: “General Ross, you tricked me into doing experiments for you, and turned me into an inhuman existence.”

“Then you imprisoned me, constantly researched and tortured me, even if I escaped, you still refused to give up, Tianya hunted me down!”

“I want to ask, what did I do wrong? Why should I be treated like this?!”

Banner’s voice was cold: “Ross, what?!”

He closed his eyes.

His voice trembled slightly, as if he was suppressing his anger: “You want green titan, right? Okay, you got your wish.”

He opened his eyes suddenly.

His eyes were bloodshot, filled with endless anger and madness!

next moment.

Banner’s body began to swell, and the vest on it also swelled.

Soon, he turned into a green titan with the same file size as the abhorrence.

The green titan felt the pain on its body, it roared: “Hulk hurts!”

It opens the eight doors in the body based on the memory in its mind.

The first gate, the gate of the country is safe!


A powerful force surged onto the green titan.

……ask for flowers…

But it didn’t stop.

Second door! Hugh door open!


The power of the green titan has gone one step further!

He feels he can hold some

Sonic attacked.

The third door! The door of life is open!

The fourth door! The injury door is open!



The coercion on the green titan continued to increase.

The hatred in front of him felt the terrible power and aura, and a trace of deep fear rose in his heart.

He felt a mortal threat.

He felt that the green titan had changed and became even more terrifying!

Like a waking savage monster!

what happened?

In the end what happened?!

The army not far away, as well as the Ross in the sky, felt the drastic changes in the green titan.

The other party brought them a terrifying sense of crisis!

It seems that the monstrous huge waves turned into shocking beasts are approaching us!

A sense of fear rose in everyone’s heart.

the other side.

The green titan also felt that he had completely withstood the powerful sonic attack.

But it hasn’t stopped yet!

Fifth door! Du door open!


More violent and surging green steam erupts!

More ferocious power gushes out from the green titan’s body!

this moment.

The monstrous power seemed to be materialized, erupting from the green titan and attacking in all directions.

All people are biologically and instinctively afraid.

Those who watched all this from a distance took a deep breath.

“Oh my god, it turns out that this guy can also transform! If he didn’t transform, he suppressed that monster! Here he transforms…”

“It’s a terrifying feeling, I feel as if I’m facing the most terrifying hunter!”

“Oh my god, with his transformation, I feel completely invincible!”


The green titan grabbed the opponent’s hand and pulled it out.

The blood on the chest began to heal slowly.

The holed vest also began to heal.

Hate wanted to resist, but found that the opponent’s strength was like an iron hoop, making it unable to move its hands.

This power?!

Totally crush it!


The green titan punched out, hitting the face of Abomination!

A huge force made Hate’s head buzz and his headache was splitting.

The green titan roared, “Hulk! Fight!”

Hate shook his head, his eyes became more and more crazy.

how so?!

It roared, and launched an attack towards the green titan again.

It punched the green titan, the thick bony spur on its wrist seemed to want to pierce the opponent’s head.

The green titan tilted his head slightly, easily dodging the attack.

It moves extremely sensitively, and its movements are smooth and flowing, just like a martial arts master possessed.

It easily grabbed the opponent’s bone spur, and the elbow hit the bone spur, breaking it directly!

The intense pain stimulated the body of the loathing, causing it to let out a deafening roar of pain.

The green titan didn’t stop, he continued to attack the opponent.

The power of terror adds to the speed of terror.

His fists were like countless cannonballs bombarding the body of the abomination.

The thick bone spurs were severely broken!

The opponent’s head was bombarded until the seven orifices bleed! The headache is splitting!

Looking at the green titan’s flexible and aesthetically pleasing attack method, it formed a stark contrast with the mindless and cumbersome blow he hated before.

A big man doesn’t seem to be able to fight Song with brute force.

A big man, like a master of martial arts descended, with a well-organized punch.

Everyone around was stunned.

“I go to the green titan to fight, who can stop it?!”

“Fake! With such a big body, his strength is already abnormal! He turned out to be a martial arts master! Who can resist this?!”

“I never expected that everyone would be so introverted. It’s okay to have strength, but also to study fighting skills!”

“Oh my god! The opponent was completely crushed and beaten! But to be honest, this operation is really pleasing to the eye!”

“The upstairs is right! It looks so cool to me!”

And the terrifying sound waves that could have severely suppressed the green titan seemed to have disappeared here.

Let the green titan attack wantonly amidst the sound waves.

Inside the helicopter.

Seeing the green titan resisting the sound waves with pure flesh, General Ross’ pupils trembled slightly.

How can it be?!

How did you resist such a high-intensity sonic attack with your body?!

Is this something that the flesh and blood of creatures can do?!

Under the bombardment of the green titan like a torrential rain.

Hate was beaten unconscious.

Just when he was about to fall to the ground.

The green titan used the finishing blow.

It was also the only physical attack he used.

Konoha Rigid Tornado!

The green titan jumped up, its legs swept towards the loathsome head.

Endless green steam surging out!

The accumulated terrifying power rushed towards that steel pillar-like thigh like a tidal wave!

Air burst!

The momentum is amazing!


There was a terrifying bang.

Hate’s head burst open like a watermelon!

The green titan fell to the ground.



The headless abomination crashed to the ground.

The earth trembled slightly.

And the terrifying aftermath caused by that leg turned into a powerful air wave and rushed to release!

(ps: In the future, the monthly pass will be opened in the relevant chapters, thank you. inch).

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