American Comics: Start Making Tama’s Shadow Tattoo Stickers

Chapter 92

092 Green Titan, Day Tiger! The Treasure Gourd Shows Its Power! Gwen Transforms! (Kneeling To Subscribe!)

far away.

Loki noticed this too.

He also saw Hulk in the form of a green titan.

He looked again at the giant steel ships connected in one piece in the sky, and he immediately felt certain.

With such a huge fleet, what kind of storms can a green titan cause?

He sneered disdainfully: “I don’t believe that you, a mutated guy from Earth, can still explode with the same power as Thor, the son of the god king.”

“If you can overturn this steel sky! Just eat all the giant ships!”

He grinned, with a hint of evil.

As a result, before he was proud for a while, he pulled the wound.


Where Hulk Iron Man and others are located.

Originally, Hulk was a monster-level existence.

last time.

Hulk opened five doors, causing a terrifying destructive force that shocked everyone’s eyes.

this moment.

Hulk opened two more doors, and blasted eight doors open!

Every time a door is opened, the strength will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Open two more doors this time!

The strength has skyrocketed to a terrifying level!

Hulk’s body was filled with majestic and vast power, and the powerful force penetrated out, and the concrete road directly cracked into countless pieces, the scene was astonishing!

The terrifying coercion directly made everyone’s breathing stagnate, and they felt a little fear.

It was as if an extremely terrifying and peerless beast had awakened.

Hulk did so much damage to the land without moving.

Everyone who saw it took a deep breath.

They clearly realized that the Hulk this time is more terrifying than the previous ones!

Hulk burst out, rushing towards the dark sky, his gaze became extremely determined.

Today, he made a decision!

The majestic power of the whole body gathered on Hulk’s fist.

The big fist rushed out suddenly, the speed was extremely fast, and hit the air in front of him.

He didn’t stop.

The fist carrying mighty power kept bombarding a point in front of him.

Concentrate on it, super high-speed fist attack!

“Four Eight Seven” countless terrorist forces gather together!

Space seems to be distorted!

With a shout from Hulk, he threw a final punch.


The power condensed to the extreme burst out instantly.

An earth-shattering sound like a tiger’s roar erupted!

A huge air cannon shaped like a tiger rushes out!

It looks like a world-destroying gigantic tiger, bigger than a mountain, carrying terrifying power.


The forbidden technique after opening the seven doors!

The giant tiger crashed into the dark steel sky!


The World Extinguishing Giant Tiger easily tore apart the black sky where several steel mountains gathered.

The worm-like giant battleships were easily torn apart, as fragile as a piece of paper.

It turned into a large number of steel fragments, and huge iron pieces fell towards the ground.

The six or seven giant warships were all torn apart.

Although the World Extinguishing Tiger is more transparent, it still has some power and continues to rush towards the sky!

It easily tore a large number of small airships, and even continued to tear two or three giant battleships!


The whole sky suddenly became brighter.

Seeing this scene, the desperate people below almost popped their eyes.

Immediately, ecstasy flooded everyone’s minds.

They cheered unceasingly, holding guns and shooting wildly at the miscellaneous soldiers, as if firing cannons in celebration.

bang bang bang!

The bullets were released desperately.

“Hahahaha! Smash them all at once!”

“Hulk is an eternal god! Just give ’em a shit!”

“Hahaha! I didn’t expect that! Hulk is so fierce! We follow Hulk and keep going! Fuck his grandma!”

Some people also saw this scene through the Internet.

“Olixet! This is the real strength of Hulk! It’s too scary!”

“Oh my god! When he fought Ross’s army before, he actually hid most of his strength!”

“Yeah, if he and Ross’s army broke out with full strength, everything around the horror would be wiped out!”

“This is the true power of the Big Three! It is indeed the superhero of the strongest sequence!”

“Hahahaha! This is Earth! Alien warships will smash you to pieces!”

“This really gave the aliens a little earth shock! Hahaha!”

Iron Man rushed into a huge ship and fired countless missiles.

When he rushed out, the entire giant ship exploded!


Iron Man went through untold hardships, and the battle armor on his body was damaged a lot, before he finally killed a giant ship.

The result has not waited for him to react.

Boom boom boom!

The remaining six huge warships were torn apart in an instant! Even two warships at higher places were torn apart!

Seeing the group of battleships so easily dealt with, the corners of Iron Man’s eyes twitched a few times, and he swallowed.

The difference was immediately apparent.

And it’s expressed to the fullest!

Looking at the huge amounts of figure, Iron Man was at a loss for words for a while.

This… is this the power that a mortal body can erupt?

It is countless times more terrifying than his super armor…

Where is this green titan, this is a mobile super turret!

Watching this scene, Captain America froze the corners of his mouth and trembled slightly: “Has the current human being evolved to this point? Has the world become so terrible?”

“Why do I feel that I have not been asleep for just a few decades, but for hundreds of thousands of years… Otherwise, how could it have changed so drastically.”


With a wave of his hand, the shield smashed the heads of the mechanical miscellaneous soldiers on the side!

Captain America took a deep breath: “The world after seventy years is really terrifying.”

In the Stark Building.

Loki originally had a smug smile on his face, but now it froze instantly.

His eyes were a little dull: “This… is this the power of the green titan?”

“Why, would a mutated earthling be so powerful?”

“Is this really a person from Earth? Is this still the mortal world I know?”

“Why can such horrible creatures be born on the earth? This…it’s just the earth…a mortal world…”

“Among the Nine Realms, the weakest place!”

Loki’s lips quivered slightly.

He never thought that there would be such a terrifying existence on Earth.

Seven or eight mountain-like space battleships were smashed to pieces with bare hands.

This power is completely beyond his imagination.

Is this still the earth in his impression?

How could such a powerful existence be born, even comparable to his perverted big brother Thor.

This time, Loki felt his head buzzing.

In the deep space of the universe.

On that giant mothership.

All eyes saw what just happened in New York.

Seeing that the green titan shattered their precious super warships with one punch, everyone’s eyes were stunned.


There was a sound of inhalation.

Everyone’s pupils were trembling, and their bodies were trembling. They never expected that a monster mutated by earthlings could cause such terrible damage with a single punch.

A small carbon-based creature unexpectedly exploded with power beyond that of a huge space battleship!

And he’s an Earthling!

“Earth…Earth people really used their fists to kill our… giant battleship….”

“This… is this really a fist? Isn’t it a battleship destroyer?!”

“Isn’t this a little too outrageous?! This earth is a bit too much! Is this a fist?!”

“Are these people from Earth… How can people on Earth be so terrifying… even scarier than some Protoss…”

There was a trace of fear in the eyes of these Chitauri.

It immediately turned into a fierce look.

“It’s just two guys! It can’t change the situation of the battle!”

“Yes! We have a large number of warships! A large number of soldiers! These two guys can be piled up to death!”

“What about two powerful independent entities? After all, there are only two! Just boil them! The earth is ours!”

new york center.

A large number of remains of battleships fell from the sky and rushed towards the earth.

Large file size and small steel fragments, large ones are comparable to houses, and small ones also have grinding disc file size.

The fall of these steel remains will cause considerable damage to New York.

Countless people saw this scene, and a trace of fear flashed in their eyes.

Although they destroyed the battleship and prevented the battleship from cleaning the entire area, these steel remains will still cause a lot of damage.

It may even destroy buildings and collapse high buildings, causing secondary damage.

“From the moment New York was chosen as the battlefield, it was doomed to become ruins and countless people would die.

“It’s so unlucky, when Awakening comes, aliens have invaded, New York is going to be destroyed, and I’m going to die too!”

“Damn, these damned aliens! These damned alien fleets.”

Seeing this scene, Iron Man, Captain America and others changed their expressions drastically.

“Damn it! There are so many pieces of warships, there is no way to dispose of them!”

“The fragments of these warships fell, and many people will definitely die!”

Hulk saw this too.

He clenched his fists, and was about to launch another attack, smashing these fragments into smaller pieces, minimizing the damage as much as possible.

Just at this time.


The earth trembled slightly.

A huge and incomparably loud voice came galloping from a distance.

It was as dark as a mountain, three stories high, and as fast as lightning, it came from a thousand meters away to the center of New York almost in the blink of an eye.

“Leave these things to me!” A loud voice sounded like a bell!

The one who came was the gigantic venom!

See here.

Everyone’s hearts were shaken, and the park burst out in their eyes.

“Here comes another giant! Giant venom! Now all three giants are here!”

“The three most powerful people on this planet are here! That’s great!”

“With the three giants, it must be possible to greatly delay the invasion of aliens. In this case, more ordinary people will escape from New York!”

“Great, great! Venom is coming! The strongest trio is gathered together!”

Loki looked at Venom, his pupils trembling slightly: “Such a huge creature? Does this guy have any amazing abilities?”

Thinking of this, Lu Ji’s heart tightened.

He stared at the huge venom, wanting to see what other tricks the other party could play.

Loki swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his tone was a little apprehensive: “It’s always…it’s impossible for this monster with huge amounts of power to have the same power as Thor’s green titan…”

Giant Venom raised his hand.

Colorful rays of light bloomed, and suddenly a purple gourd the size of a millstone file appeared in its hand…

Venom threw the gourd out.

The gourd rises in the wind and expands rapidly.

In an instant, it turned into an incomparably huge gourd, as huge as a mountain!

Compared with it, human beings are insignificant.

The giant gourd lay in mid-air, full of oppressive feeling, as if like a mountain trying to suppress this

Film day.

See that huge gourd.

Everyone gasped.

“I’ll go, what a huge gourd!”

“Oh my god, it swelled from the size of a person to the size of a mountain and a building in an instant! It’s amazing!”

“I didn’t expect Venom to have such powerful equipment! Such a big gourd can easily collapse a building!”

Immediately, Venom yelled loudly: “Take it!”

Boom boom boom!

A terrifying suction erupted from the mouth of the giant gourd!

In an instant, the steel remains of the Sea Emperor flew towards the mouth of the giant gourd!

Those steel remains gathered together, like a sea of ​​steel, far surpassed the giant gourd in volume, even ten times as much.

Compared with them, giant gourds are much smaller and more delicate.

Everyone’s eyes widened.

“What… what is this for? Can it still suck so many pieces of steel into it?”

“There are so many steel fragments, the giant gourd can’t hold it at all! At least a dozen more must be brought!”

“Yes! And the mouth of the gourd is so narrow, can it really be sucked in?! A slightly larger piece of iron can’t get in at all!

next moment.

An astonishing scene appeared.

When those seas of steel approached the mouth of the giant gourd, they began to shrink continuously, rushing into the king of the giant gourd.

In a few blinks.

The huge sea of ​​steel was sucked away by the giant gourd.

Even one or two good battleships around, as well as a large number of small airships, were sucked in by the giant gourd.

Things more than ten times the size, the giant gourd can hold them all!

Everyone who watched took a deep breath.

“I’ll go! This… gourd is too powerful!”

“This giant gourd is too scary, it’s going to swallow the sky and the earth!”

“This is really scary! So much steel was absorbed in an instant!”

Iron Man pupil earthquake: “What kind of monster is this…”

Just at this time.

The voice of the black marinated egg rang in Iron Man’s ears: “Tony! There’s a nuclear bomb heading for New York! Stop it!”

Hearing this, Iron Man’s pupils shrank.

far away.

Loki opened his mouth slightly when he saw this scene, eyes full of shock.

“This…how is this possible?! There is such a terrifying existence on Earth?!”

“Is this still the earth as I know it?!”

“Isn’t the earth the weakest in the Nine Realms? Why did two such terrifying monsters jump out in a row?”

Loki took half a step back in fright, feeling a little cold all over his body.

“Why do I feel that things seem to be developing in a bad direction…”

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, wiped his mouth, and swept in other directions, his voice trembling slightly: “No… there won’t be another super monster popping out…”

For some reason, he felt an extremely bad premonition in his heart.

Just at this time.

He looked in a certain direction, and suddenly his pupils shrank like needles, and he took a few steps back: “How…how is it possible. 1.1…how can there be such a huge creature on the earth…

New York Center, across from Venom Iron Man et al.

A group of mechanical miscellaneous soldiers are attacking people, and human beings are struggling to support them.

“It’s over! Now we’re all going to kneel here!”

“Damn it! Why are there so many miscellaneous soldiers!”

“Now, we’re all going to kneel here!”

Just at this time.

A figure waved over.

Everyone was heartbroken.

“It’s Ghost Spider! The strongest superhero under the Big Three, here she comes!”

“The Ghost spider is coming! But she can’t handle so many mechanical soldiers by herself, and a lot of people will die.”

“Hey, it looks like we’re all going to die here… Hiss!”


Seeing the Ghost spider behind them, everyone gasped.

Boom boom boom!

The mighty ninjas, overwhelming the black tide, rushed towards them.

The number is amazing! Thousands of ninjas!

Every ninja is amazingly fast, even comparable to the speed of vehicles!

Even the group of ninjas in front still held AK, Gatling, and even rocket launchers in their hands!

Gwen looked at the alien mechanical soldiers with more advanced weapons and their eyes brightened slightly.

The equipment of her Shadow Corps has been delivered to the door!

Gwen waved her hands, her voice full of chilling meaning: “Kill!”

A large number of ninjas turned into a terrifying battle storm, sweeping towards those mechanical soldiers!

at this time.

Several giant ships came.

Gwen narrowed her eyes slightly, and she raised Min.

Black rays of light bloomed from her hands!


Dark titan!

Female Ultraman!

Carl Mira!

(Thank you brothers for the rewards and reminders to update the monthly pass! These days, the family is under pressure, and the tax bureau is stuck with tax refunds. There are many things. Will resume the update soon.).

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