American Comics: Take Over The Umbrella And Threaten The Widow At The Beginning

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Taking Over The Umbrella At The Beginning Of The Game, The Widow Sister Came Undercover

A Federation of America, Luo Shengdu Police Station, in the interrogation room.

Lin Luo looked blankly at the figure on the opaque glass.

A young and handsome face was reflected on the thick glass, with sharp edges and sharp eyebrows.

This looks a bit like Wu Yanzu’s appearance from the Xianglong Kingdom.

This is me now?

Is this really a dream?

I really crossed?

Then, Lin Luo looked at the well-made high level suit on his body.

A blue suit exudes a luxurious atmosphere everywhere, and it is expensive at first glance.

In fact, according to the information in memory, it is not an exaggeration to say that this specially made handmade suit is made of gold.

Moreover, only money is not enough, without the corresponding identity, people will not even take your order.

It wasn’t until this moment that Lin Luo was sure that the memory in his mind was real.

Ten minutes ago, he was just an ordinary Blue Star white-collar worker.

While he was diligently fishing, his eyes darkened, and when he woke up, Lin Luo had already arrived in this interrogation room.

Then, a lot of familiar and unfamiliar memories popped up in his mind.

It turned out that in an instant, Lin Luo traveled from Blue Star to a new world.

Except for age and name, everything else has changed.

The current Lin Luo is not a small talent who had no power or power, but the CEO of Luo Shengdu’s umbrella company.

Although the name of the umbrella makes Lin Luo want to complain a little.

However, the Umbrella Company is a genuine large-scale military enterprise with strong strength and has a decisive influence in Luo Sheng.

As the president of the group, Lin Luoye is considered to be in a high position, and he is a figure wherever he goes.

Therefore, even though he was closely investigated because of a traffic accident, he was able to maintain a certain degree of freedom.

During this time, no one came to ask questions.

Obviously, the name of the umbrella CEO is still very bluffing.

These police officers did not dare to offend themselves.

However, Lin Luo was slightly startled immediately.

Luo Shengdu?


It sounds like it’s not a good place, and these two don’t exist in a normal beautiful country.

Combined with some very familiar names in memory, Lin Luo finally realized it.

I have time-traveled to the world of American Comics!

Thinking of the plague of pythons, iron-blooded aliens, rampant monsters, biochemical annihilation, the Great War in New York, the era of Ultron…

One by one, scenes of “freedom and democracy” emerged in his mind.

Lin Luo felt his death star was shining.

As we all know, the big scene, the big bang, is what American dramas love the most.

The protagonist in the play doesn’t save the world a few times, and he is embarrassed to say hello to people when he goes out.

Therefore, the people in the world of American dramas can be said to be troubled by many disasters. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are living in dire straits.

The world of a single American drama is already full of disasters and crises.

So many worlds of American dramas are integrated together, even the gods can’t stand it.

What’s more, according to the information in memory, the American Comics world where Lin Luo lives should be dominated by Marvel.

If only the Marvel film and television universe under the MCU world view is better, at least there is still a little way to survive;

If it is a Marvel world that integrates the world view of comics, then it is not that gods are fighting, but that gods are not as good as dogs.

Just as Lin Luo was contemplating, there was a knock on the door.

Then, a big-armed policeman walked in through the door and said to Lin Luo:

“Sir, your lawyer is here.”

After speaking, the policeman retreated politely and closed the door.

At the moment, a blonde beauty following the police came straight to Lin Luo and said in a pleasant voice:

“Sir, this is your lawyer, Natalie Rushman, meeting you for the first time.”

Saying that the perfect girl stretched out her white right hand that seemed to be weak and boneless.

Lin Luo habitually reached out to hold it, but when he looked up, he froze immediately.

The beautiful woman in front of her was tall and tall, with a cool temperament, an angel face, and a devil figure.

A well-fitting OL outfit just gave off the taste of “uniform temptation”.

If it was just like this, Lin Luo wouldn’t be stunned.

What really surprised him was that he was very familiar with the exquisite face and big bright eyes of this blonde beauty.

The beauty looks very much like Natasha Romanoff, the widowed sister of the Marvel world.

Apart from not being red-haired, the two are exactly alike.

It could be a coincidence if it’s just looking the same, but given that this is a Marvel-focused American Comics universe, it’s unlikely to be a coincidence.

At this moment, Natalie frowned slightly, and calmly withdrew her held right hand.

At this time, Lin Luo realized that his behavior just now seemed a little frivolous.

He didn’t explain, but just smiled lightly and said, “I didn’t expect Lawyer Natalie to be so young and beautiful.”

At the same time, Lin Luo began to think wildly.

He began to think about what his predecessor did, which would attract Natalie Romanov, a tenth-level agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Natalie, code-named Black widow, is no ordinary person.

The future Avengers “number one hit boy” Lu Pangpang was recruited and tamed by this woman.

After much deliberation, Lin Luo can only think that it is because of the too-legendary history of his predecessor.

Not long ago, there was an unprecedented internal strife in the protection department company. In an airplane accident, all the senior management of the group were GG.

So Lin Luo took over the military industry company with the same name as the film umbrella company.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that there must be a problem here.

In addition, there are too many people thinking about this position.

So no surprise, the predecessor was “invited” to the Luo Shengdu Police Station in the name of cooperating with the investigation.

Then, Lin Luo crossed over.

If this continues, if he himself goes to jail, it is very likely that the entire company will be taken over by the federal government.

Black Widow At the moment came here, most likely to settle himself as the CEO.

Then S.H.I.E.L.D can take advantage of the trend to incorporate the entire umbrella company.

As for the style of building safe houses around the world like black corned eggs, how can it be maintained without some extra money.

After confirming the intention of Black widow Natasha Romanoff, Lin Luo began to think about countermeasures.

It’s just that S.H.I.E.L.D’s strength is too strong, absorbing the legacy of HYDRA, coupled with nearly a hundred years of operation.

The organization has become a colossus not to be underestimated.

After much deliberation, Lin Luo felt that he could only threaten with future information.

At this moment, a crisp electronic voice sounded in his ears:

“It is detected that the host has a villain idea, and the villain organization system is activated.”

Then, a translucent panel appeared before Lin Luo’s eyes.

Name: Lin Luo

Age: Twenty

Ability: None

Possible threat identified: S.H.I.E.L.D Agent Natasha Romanoff.

After the threat object is successful, the system will randomly give rewards.

At the moment, the shrewd and capable Black widow didn’t hear the system’s prompt tone at all, and couldn’t see the translucent screen.

After hearing Lin Luo’s implication, the blonde beauty Natalie rolled her eyes and said softly:

“Sir, although my qualifications are not outstanding, I have the ability to help you solve your immediate troubles.”

According to Lin Luo’s identity, the person who appeared here in At the moment should be a white bald lawyer in his forties or fifties.

She, a female lawyer who looked only in her twenties and thirties, was indeed hard to convince.

At the moment Lin Luo has figured out the mechanism of the system, and he feels more at ease.

With the system, not to mention Black widow Natasha Romanoff, even if the one-eyed dragon black marinated egg comes, it will work.

In the interrogation room, Lin Luo sat back on the only chair in the room, leaned back slightly, and completely relaxed.

Then, Lin Luo glanced at Natalie with a half-smile and said:

“Ms. Natalie, I have no doubts about your Ability, otherwise I wouldn’t have been waiting for your arrival.”

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