American Comics: Take Over The Umbrella And Threaten The Widow At The Beginning

Chapter 14

Chapter 14 Super Soldier Serum, Captain America And I 50/50

In the room, Lin Luo lit a cigar with the typical smile of a successful person.

Then, he turned on the computer and said softly, “Queen Bai, call up information about the Ten Commandments Gang and Raza.”

After the voice fell, a large number of images, files, and videos appeared on his screen.

In the end, these materials were gathered into a newly created folder on the desktop.

In front of the computer, Lin Luo first looked at the first picture.

On it is a hook-nosed macho in a desert country.

The bald man wore a thick turban around his neck, a wool gown on his upper body, and loose white pants on his lower body. He was dressed like a standard desert resident.

The man’s eyes are cold and expressionless.

This person is exactly the Raza Hamidmi in Lin Luo’s impression.

However, the size and strength of the Atala organization was completely different from what he had imagined.

According to the information, in this world, the Ten Commandments Gang is finished, and several main related figures are gone, and it is not known which god did the good thing.

The Atala organization was lucky, and absorbed the remaining forces of the Ten Commandments Gang, so its financial resources and strength have greatly improved.

No wonder Raza bought ten tyrants without blinking an eye.

After reading these materials, Lin Luo had a clear understanding of the strength of the Atala organization.

He glanced at the direction outside the door, where a tyrant was guarding.

However, the tyrant can prevent a frontal charge, but cannot prevent a pervasive assassination.

This Atala organization is not S.H.I.E.L.D, these people don’t play by the rules.

Coupled with the war-torn area there, anything can happen.

After finally laying down such a great foundation, Lin Luo didn’t want to be killed by a stray bullet.

Thinking of this, he took out the bottle of super soldier serum rewarded by the system, and then directly chose to inject it without hesitation.

Because it is a system reward, the use process is simplified, and there is absolutely no risk.

Originally, Lin Luo also thought about using the super soldier serum as a bargaining chip or giving it to the researchers of the hive for reverse analysis.

But for your own safety, it doesn’t matter even if you lose huge benefits.

Soon, the super soldier serum, which looked like clear water, was injected into Lin Luo’s body and began to work.

In the next second, he felt that his bones were stretched and strengthened, and his whole body was full of strong but not bloated muscles.

In an instant, Lin Luo felt that his body seemed to sink a lot, and it seemed that even the floor had caved in a little bit.

Soon, strengthening has been completed.

After the strengthening was completed, Lin Luo felt that the whole world was different.

He can see extremely small things, and every detail is crystal clear;

He could hear the sound of a drop of water falling outside the door.

At the same time, he also smells various smells, and even his spiritual beliefs are strengthened.

At the moment, Lin Luo firmly believes that nothing can shake his belief.

This is not a false feeling, but a fact, as if there is an inexplicable force that inspires him and protects him.

Moreover, Lin Luo’s mind became clear, and his thinking became more active and alert.

Some problems that he couldn’t figure out before, can be solved with a little thought now.

I saw Lin Luo jumping lightly, and the whole person was pulled up without a sound, and he jumped to the effect that he was about to touch the ceiling with ease.

After landing, Lin Luo came to the mirror one step at a time, and a handsome man with deep eyes and handsome eyebrows was reflected in it.

Sure enough, it was not his illusion just now.

He has indeed grown a lot taller, he was 1.8 meters before, and now he is 1.9 meters.

Even the originally thin body has been greatly improved, becoming tall and straight, like green pine and bamboo.

The muscles of Lin Luo’s whole body are glowing like jade, and they seem to be condensed into a whole that “moves the whole body with one hair”, full of explosive power.

This body muscle is the perfect combination of strength and beauty.

Now that he stood there, he naturally exuded an indestructible aura, as if he had erected a monument to the enemy in place.

“It’s a great feeling!”

“The strengthening effect of this super soldier serum is too strong!”

“The system is amazing!”

Feeling the powerful strength and sense of security continuously emanating from his body, Lin Luo nodded again and again, experiencing the extraordinary beauty for the first time.

His current body has reached the limit of human beings in all aspects, including strength, senses, reaction ability and so on.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Luo chose to use the super soldier serum.

This is really a miraculous potion, without changing the bloodline, it can instantly create a super soldier without any hidden dangers.

For example, Captain America was originally just a scumbag like a little chicken, but after successfully injecting the super soldier serum, he became a super soldier with a perfect body, and he could even fight a group of gods and bosses 50-50.

Super Serum endows Captain America with a high degree of intelligence and strength, agility, acuity, and physique beyond the reach of ordinary people.

And in addition, Super Serum can bring many unimaginable benefits.

Thinking of this, Lin Luo muttered to himself:

“My current level should not be worse than Captain America, but let’s test everything, after all, this is a matter of life.”

Next, Lin Luo walked quickly to the dedicated fitness room.

He began to conduct various tests while carefully feeling this vigorous and powerful body.

He first increased the barbell to 100 kilograms, and then tried to grab it, only to find that it was so light, without any weight at all.

Now, Lin Luo began to increase the weight with confidence and boldness.

In the end, he roughly measured his current strength level. The bench press is 750 kilograms without pressure, and the clean and jerk is 500 kilograms easily.

That’s far from his ceiling, and his strength has surpassed that of Captain America Steve Rogers.

Probably because Lin Luo originally has a good foundation, and the serum provided by the system works better.

As for the running speed, Lin Luo also measured it, with an average of 40 meters per second and a maximum speed of 150 kilometers per hour, which is already far beyond the speed limit.

Most importantly, this is not theoretical data, Lin Luo can really keep running.

Because the super soldier serum also strengthens his metabolic function, and can completely metabolize lactic acid and other fatigue-causing substances in the muscles.

This gave him a stamina that normal people couldn’t even imagine.

This is the source of a man’s self-confidence, which is great.

Ten girls in one night and so on are nothing to Lin Luo now.

This super soldier serum is too fragrant!

Why was hesitation at that time, it should be a disaster as soon as you get it.

Thanks to his newly acquired endurance, Lin Luo didn’t sweat a single drop after tossing around in the gym for a long time.

With such stamina, now Lin Luo can travel thousands of miles in a day without using any equipment.

After some tests, Lin Luo had a full understanding of his current strength.

Regardless of strength or speed, he has reached the level of the little Superman, and he is stronger than Captain America.

He is extremely satisfied with his current body.

In the past, Lin Luo paid more attention to wisdom, but his body was only average.

He is not interested in a gym full of professional equipment like this.

But after having a body that is so strong, Lin Luo is full of interest in the training equipment that he ignored before.

He fiddled with all kinds of equipment in the gym with great interest, and achieved unimaginable good results in each item.

After exercising, Lin Luo only feels a sense of accomplishment, refreshed physically and mentally.

Now Lin Luo understands that those macho men like to sweat and muscle in the gym, and there is indeed a strange refreshing feeling, which is very addictive.

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