American Comics: Take Over The Umbrella And Threaten The Widow At The Beginning

Chapter 17

Chapter 17 One Against Ten, Lin Luo’S Powerful Physical Skills

Facing the astonishingly powerful monster-like Lin Luo, the USS members of Alpha Squad did not give up or retreat.

And the moment Lin Luo knocked down the team’s assaulter, a USS member behind Lin Luo grasped the opportunity and immediately made a move.

These USS members are not only proficient in fighting and capturing techniques, but also cooperate tacitly when they make moves.

They never do useless work, and are good at defeating the strong with the weak. Even if the attack fails, they can effectively cover their teammates and contain the enemy.

Lin Luo underestimated the cooperation efficiency of the USS members, so he took a hard hit on the back.

However, the opponent’s all-out attack felt neither painful nor itchy to him, and he didn’t even lose his focus.

In the next second, Lin Luo moved his feet, and his body turned around at an incredible speed as if he had no weight, and punched out.


The USS member who just made a move followed in the footsteps of his companions and was knocked down by Lin Luo.

Hank, who was on the sidelines, suddenly shouted: “Don’t attack, lock the commander’s joints with grappling, go together, and restrict his movements.”

Just now, he saw very clearly that the player’s punch had indeed hit Lin Luo.

But just like hitting a big drum made of old cowhide, the force was evenly distributed.

He also doesn’t know what the structure of Your Excellency Commander’s body is, and there is such an incredible function.

But Hank understands that conventional strikes are ineffective against Commander Lin Luo, even if they hit the vital points.

With Hank’s guidance, the remaining seven USS members reacted immediately, and all rushed towards Lin Luo.

After all, Lin Luo was inexperienced. When he saw seven or eight big men rushing towards him, he was a little dazed.

Then, when he wanted to punch, he found that his arm could not move at all. The four USS members, one on the left and one on the right, locked his arm joints firmly.

These USS special soldiers knew that Lin Luo was very powerful, so they deliberately hung their strong bodies on Lin Luo, using their weight to suppress Lin Luo’s resistance.

In addition, Lin Luo’s shoulders and thighs are also covered with people.

His entire body was locked up, and he couldn’t move except his head.

Lin Luo, who was in trouble, didn’t panic at all. Instead, he complained relaxedly: “Now the man is locked up by a strong man, and he is full of big men.”

Then, Lin Luo clenched his fists and his muscles tensed.

Feeling the terrifying impact from all parts of Lin Luo’s body, the seven USS members dared not neglect, gritted their teeth and stared at the force with all their might.

Just when these USSs exerted their breastfeeding strength, Lin Luo suddenly and slowly raised his head back.

Then he lowered his head and turned his head to hit the head door of a USS member on the left.

After a “rocket head hammer”, one of the restraints has been opened.

The other USSs had no choice but to increase their strength and choose to continue restraining Lin Luo’s actions.

After the headbutt, Lin Luo shook his head, followed the same pattern, and continued to head-butt the person on the left.

Although, in his state, there is only a small room for exerting force, the speed and strength of this hammer are still amazing.

Such an attack, even if the USS member can move freely, he cannot avoid it, not to mention that the other party has no time to deal with Lin Luo’s attack at all.

Not surprisingly, Lin Luo brought down another USS member.

After the left restraint was removed twice, the tactics of these USS members had completely failed.

Lin Luo’s left arm had completely regained its freedom, and then he swung his left arm in a circle and slammed back a few times.

In an instant, the USS members behind Lin Luo fell to the ground clutching their stomachs as if being whipped by a steel whip, unable to get up again.

A few USS members who had escaped by chance, just wanted to fight back when they saw a shadow of fists attacking them.

Lin Luo punched one by one like whack-a-mole, knocking the remaining USS members to the ground.

In the end, only one Hank was still standing.

“It’s impossible to fight at all! The commander is too strong!” Hank said with a wry smile.

His comprehensive strength can be said to be unique among all USS members, but it is still in the human category.

But Commander Lin Luo has clearly shown the posture of not being a human being.

In Lin Luo, Hank saw the shadows of those horrible infected people.

To deal with those non-human monsters, he either ran or suppressed them with heavy firepower, and never thought of engaging in frontal melee combat.

The reason is simple, that is, it cannot be beaten.

If the mission was carried out normally, Hank would have slipped away in this situation.

But in order to let Commander Lin Luo enjoy the fight, Hank could only fight to the end with tears in his eyes.

Death God Hank launched a fearless charge.

I saw Lin Luo dodging, coming behind Hank at a speed like a ghost, and then going down with a knife in his hand.

Death God Hank is strong, in every way.

But it’s not enough to face Lin Luo who has been strengthened by the super soldier serum.

Lin Luo succeeded in 1V10, and it was still a complete victory. The opponent was the USS special forces who were particularly capable of fighting!

At the moment, Lin Luo has gradually adapted to the rhythm of close combat.

Unlike before, where he only swung the “bass boxing” indiscriminately, the two blows he knocked down Hank were very methodical.

The hand knife is also very technical, with fast speed and just enough strength to stun Hank without hurting anyone.

The improvement of intelligence by super soldier serum is not a decoration.

Just watching the combat tactics of these USS members, Lin Luo felt something in his heart.

His understanding of melee combat skills has improved several levels in an instant.

So after a battle, Lin Luo suddenly evolved from a fighting rookie to a veteran.

When Lin Luo just made the shot, Lin Luo subconsciously withdrew his strength. These USS members are also strong, so they recovered quickly.

Under the fanatical adoring eyes of the USS members, Lin Luo calmly returned to the room.

His custom-made body armor from last night at the hive has also arrived.

As soon as he came to the room, Lin Luo heard a girl’s voice and a sister’s voice:

“The master is really too powerful, one hit ten!”

“too strong!”

^Listening to the rainbow farts of White Queen and Red Queen, Lin Luo felt amused in his heart, but at the same time it was quite useful.

At this moment, he felt even more that his previous thoughts were not wrong.

In such a dangerous world, it is necessary to become stronger. Only when you are strong enough can you be fearless.

Then, in the next step, he has to complete the trading task to make himself stronger.

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