American Comics: Take Over The Umbrella And Threaten The Widow At The Beginning

Chapter 54

Chapter 54: The T Virus Is The Scariest Thing

As Iron Man Tony Stark’s most intimate personal assistant, Pepper is very sensible.

After hearing that Tony wanted to chat alone, she took Wanda to another room to chat.

It just so happened that Wanda didn’t want to meet Tony Stark, so the two women went to chat about makeup and fashion.

After the two beauties left, Rhodes did not leave, but looked at Tony Stark seriously, and asked seriously, “What’s the matter with palladium poisoning?”

Seeing that the secret was gone, Tony explained helplessly:

“I need to put a small reactor in my body to absorb the tiny residual shrapnel in my body, but then the palladium in my body will surge, so I am poisoned.”

“Isn’t it ironic that a genius inventor dies at the hands of his own invention?”

In the attack planned by the Atala armed group, Tony Stark was injured by a missile sold by the Stark Group, and a large number of micro shrapnel seeped into the chest wound.

Because the shrapnel are too tiny, they cannot be surgically removed.

And they flow with the blood, and once they enter the heart, it’s Tony Stark’s death.

So he can only put the energy device of the steel battle suit on his chest, and use it to absorb those tiny shrapnel and prevent them from moving, so as to save his life.

But using the energy device to continue his life is only a lingering breath, because the palladium element of the reactor will slowly enter his body.

When the palladium element in Tony’s body accumulates to a certain level, it cannot be excreted through normal metabolism, so this is also a dead end.

In fact, at the beginning, Stark really didn’t take this issue to heart.

In his view, the only way to upgrade the reactor is to use a safe and harmless element instead of palladium to generate energy.

Tony had a good idea, but after trying all the combinations of known elements in the earth, they all failed.

In other words, this is an unsolvable problem, and time is running out.

The palladium element in his body has exceeded the standard several times.

So these days, Tony Stark has also been under a lot of pressure, and he can only show off chlorophyll juice to expel the palladium in his body.

Seeing that the heat is about the same, Lin Luo suggested:

“Don’t worry, our umbrella company will solve the problem of palladium poisoning for you, and make your body healthy and strong again.

But after me, Stark Industries will sign a technical cooperation agreement with our umbrella company.

The specific content is that the umbrella provides funds, and you Stark Industries help us protect the umbrella to improve the Iron King mech technology.

And also to help our company make military power armor, and assist the umbrella to build three large arc reactors. ”

Hearing the content of this transaction, Tony Stark’s eyes shone with joy.

However, immediately he looked at Lin Luo very puzzled and said, “For you, the arc reactor is enough? You know I have better technology.”

As he spoke, he pointed to his chest.

Lin Luo smiled and said:

“It is enough to use an arc reactor for a large reactor. Anyway, the three large arc reactors are only used for base facilities.”

“Thank you!” Tony was very grateful to Lin Luo.

He knew that Lin Luo only wanted the large reactor to show that he had no intention of snatching the steel battle suit technology.

Stark suddenly felt that he had taken advantage of it, and at the same time felt very guilty for misunderstanding Lin Luo’s thoughts before.

After all, before that, in Tony’s view, Lin Luo was just a greedy arms dealer, maybe he was an ambitious man like Obadiah.

But looking at other people’s attitude, Tony really felt guilty.

In an instant, Lin Luo’s image in Tony Stark’s heart was reversed 180 degrees.

Rhodes next to Lin Luo was also very appreciative of Lin Luo’s act of understanding righteousness.

He raised a glass of wine to Lin Luo, and took the opportunity to ask, “I don’t know, does President Lin Luo intend to cooperate with our military to develop a new type of BOW?”

Due to the severe situation and battlefield defeat caused by the proliferation of BOW, the federal military urgently needs to upgrade its own arsenal of armaments.

As Lin Luo said before, “You can use BOW as a weapon, but you must not.”

So the military couldn’t sit still and wanted to take the initiative to seek cooperation.

A new round of arms race is about to begin.

Moreover, the umbrella company that has monopolized the BOW production technology has been invincible in this silent war.

Lin Luo said noncommittally:

“Although our umbrella company will not reject major customers like the military, because of limited production capacity and short-selling of goods, our board of directors needs to find a time to discuss this issue.”

Rhodes said sincerely: “I will immediately convey your meaning to the higher-ups. I believe that the top military officials will offer your company a price that will definitely satisfy you.”

After speaking, Rhodes nodded goodbye to the two, and then left in a hurry.

Hearing the conversation between the two, Tony Stark’s previous PTSD flared up again.

The desperate scene of Ethan being killed by Atala militants in the cave came to his mind again.

At the moment, Iron Man Tony Stark frowned deeply, thinking to himself: “Will BOW be the new Jericho again?”

Seeing Tony’s frown, Lin Luo knew that this guy’s “zhong Er disease” had struck again.

In this regard, he has long been mentally prepared.

So Lin Luo’s momentum changed, and he leaned back on the sofa very calmly, shook the whiskey in his hand, and said with the attitude of someone who has come here:

“Tony, I once fell into the same entanglement as you. However, if you don’t control power, someone else will control it. You must know that once Pandora’s box is opened, it cannot be closed again.”

“The powerful BOW of Umbrella Corporation is all based on a special virus called the T virus.”

“This virus has a terrible infectivity and fatality rate. Once it is leaked, the whole world will fall into crisis.”

“Before, the Umbrella R&D Department invented the T virus to cure diseases and save people, and for the evolution of all mankind, so that human beings have the opportunity to compete with gods as mortals.”

“But the former high-level executives of those umbrellas only know how to make money. For profit, they used the T virus for weapon development and created BOW.”

“I have worked hard and made great efforts to only sell BOW as a product instead of using the T virus as a weapon.”

“The Jericho missile is just a missile that blows up an area, but if you use the T virus to make missiles, can you imagine the terrible consequences of a missile destroying a city?”

“Now that the umbrella has become a major part of the huge chain of interests in the military-industrial complex, guess what will happen if I announce that the umbrella will withdraw from the military industry?”

“Once I lose my control, the umbrella will be controlled by others, and the consequences will be unimaginable.”

“I have experienced what you said, buddy, it seems that it is better for you to control the umbrella.” For Lin Luo’s situation, Tony Stark empathizes.

Before, when he chose to close the arms production department of Stark International Company, he knew that he would encounter many constraints, and it would not be surprising if he was even killed.

The military-industrial complex is a huge community of interests. Once you become the leader of it, you can’t help yourself, because every word and deed represents the interests of too many people.

It’s not about quitting when you want to.

Lin Luo’s current state is exactly the same as when he escaped from the desert.

Suddenly, Stark felt that he could understand Lin Luo.

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