American Comics: Take Over The Umbrella And Threaten The Widow At The Beginning

Chapter 57

Chapter 57 The First Appearance Of The Alice-Type Tyrant!

In New York, on a busy street in the Harleen district, two terrifying green monsters are fighting hard.

The power of the two monsters is incomparably great, and their destructive power is even more astonishing.

Whether it is reinforced concrete or automobiles and airplanes, they are all broken at the touch of two monsters, just like they are made of plasticine.

The guns hit the steely muscles of these two monsters, just like tickling them, completely unable to break through their defenses.

Just ten minutes ago, this place was an ordinary bustling city full of feasting, singing and dancing.

Pedestrians either pass by in a hurry, or wander casually.

A large number of cars lined up in several long queues as usual and began to move forward slowly.

Sirens and conversations continued.

Then the two monsters only fought for a few rounds, and they turned the place into a mess.

There were wreckage of broken cars everywhere, thick smoke billowed everywhere, blood flowed like rivers, and screams, shouts, and cries for help continued to be heard amidst the flames.

A picture scroll of hell was drawn in an instant by two monsters with the terrifying power to tear everything apart. “Eight Zero Three”

The original bustling city instantly turned into a bloody battlefield.

At the moment, an Osprey transport aircraft bearing the Umbrella Group logo flew over the battlefield.

On the plane, seeing this tragic scene that seemed to be the end of the world, the blond-haired Wanda in a red dress was stunned and shuddered.

This monster is too terrifying, with her little Ability, she will be gone with just one breath, and it only takes one finger to kill her.

Wanda once again felt the crushing of life levels.

Even though she has seen a lot of unimaginable things in the protection company, the scene in front of her still makes Wanda feel broken.

If the fight continues like this, let alone this block, the entire city may be forcibly demolished by these two monsters.

But when she saw the reliable figure in front of her, she instantly became more at ease.

In the transport plane, the two Alice tyrants and Lin Luo watched the earth-shattering battle between the two monsters indifferently.

Lin Luo, who was wearing a one-piece black trench coat, looked calmly at the big green guy who was retreating steadily.

However, this has nothing to do with Lin Luo.

He only wanted to capture the hatred back and use it as an experiment.

Thinking of this, Lin Luo focused his attention on the hated Emil Braunski.

Others may not be able to tell which of these two green monsters is which. After all, both are monsters, but one is bigger and the other is smaller.

However, Lin Luo knew that the older one, more than three meters tall, hated Emil Braunski.

The skin that hates the whole body is light greenish gray, which is obviously different from the pure green skin of the green titan.

In addition, the two ears of the abomination look like two fish fins, which is very strange.

Fishbone-like ribs also protruded from the chest of Abomination, and the spine behind him also protruded.

The exterior looks similar to Doomsday next door and the deep Aquaman from One Punch Superman.

This guy was originally an elite veteran of the Empire on which the sun never sets, and he was considered one of the most powerful soldiers among ordinary people.

Later, he was seconded by the supernatural general Ross to participate in the hunt for the green titan Hulk.

Then Braunski watched Bruce Banner, who turned into a green titan, kill his comrades like melons and vegetables.

In order to defeat Hulk, Braunsky first injected himself with a large number of replica super soldier serums, and then forced Professor Samuel to inject him with green titan serum.

So, he turned into this look of neither human nor ghost.

At the moment, Braunski, who turned into hatred, completely lost his mind and wanted to kill Hulk to avenge his shame.

Along the way, anyone who stood in his way, whether they were soldiers or citizens, were all blown away by him.

One punch down fully explained what it means to hit someone like a painting, the kind that can’t be picked off even if it hangs on the wall.

Only Bruce Banner, who turned into a green titan, can barely stop this ferocious monster.

Whether it is the green titan or the abomination, they are all the products of body cell mutation caused by high-energy gamma rays transforming the body.

But it wasn’t Bruce Banner’s intention to become such a monster.

Bruce Banner was originally a doctor and had a beautiful girlfriend Betty. As a result, in an experiment, his body was exposed to a large amount of gamma rays.

Once emotional, Banner will transform into the green-skinned, hideous-faced monster in front of him.

He lost his job, lost his girlfriend, and could only live a life of exile Tianya from now on, what a miserable word.

That’s why, Bruce Banner risked his life to use the inhibitor created by Dr. Samuel Stern to eliminate Hulk’s existence.

Just to deal with the hatred, he had just finished taking the potion and could only be forced to transform again.

The body of the abomination is more than a circle larger than the two-meter-long Hulk, and the current green titan has just taken the potion that suppresses the power of the Hulk, and his strength has not yet fully recovered.

So, Lin Luo and Wanda saw the green titan being chased and beaten by the abomination.

At this moment, General Ross on the MH-53 Pave Hawk helicopter in the distance discovered the transport plane where Lin Luo was.

He ordered his subordinates to open the nearest communication, contacted Lin Luo, and sternly said: “Who are you, it’s about military secrets, what’s the purpose of you irrelevant people coming here?

“Hi, General Ross, I’m Lin Luo, President of Umbrella Corporation Lin Luo responded indifferently:

“I heard that there was something wrong with your capture of the green titan, and our Umbrella Company has the ability to solve this problem, so I’m here to help you solve this problem

This Thaddeus Ross, nicknamed General Thunderbolt, acts vigorously and unscrupulously, and has a wide network of contacts and a prosperous official career.

Not only can he second elite soldiers from other countries, but he can still be promoted to Secretary of State within a few years after making a mistake of hatred.

So Lin Luo was not surprised at General Ross’s tone, nor did he take it to heart.

After listening to Lin Luo’s words, General Ross also thought of the recent popular umbrella company.

He thought of the BOW data he had seen before, and said with disdain:

“You don’t need to take out those little toys, those so-called organic biological weapons are simply not enough to deal with this level of battle.

“You’d better protect yourself first.”

Both the green titan and the abomination have the strength to crush planes and tanks head-on.

Previously, they had used Apache helicopter gunships, several armored vehicles, sonic weapons from the Stark Group, and an elite special forces team.

Even so, there is still no way to get the green titan Hulk.

With such strength, what qualifications do those BOWs have to fight against it?

After all, there is a difference between flesh and blood and flesh and blood.

Regarding the contempt in General Ross’s words, Lin Luo smiled lightly, not paying attention at all.

He continued calmly:

“In this case, I will make a bet with General Ross, if I can solve the battle here and restore the military’s reputation.”

“If I win, the abomination will be the property of our Umbrella Corporation.”

“We hope to study the body of the abomination to avoid such disasters.”

“As you like!” General Ross said indifferently: “2.2 However, all consequences are at your own risk!”

Just now, because the two planes were very close, he glanced at the distribution of personnel in the Osprey through the cabin of the other party. Song Youzhu, a woman, Lin Luo himself and several soldiers.

With this combat power configuration, isn’t it a gift to the abomination?

Lin Luo didn’t care about General Ross’s arrogance at all. In his opinion, it was nothing more than an exasperation caused by his own incompetence, which didn’t make any sense.

Then Lin Luo nodded to the two Alice tyrants possessed by the red White Queen.

After receiving Lin Luo’s order, two hot beauties came to the cabin door, and the crew immediately opened the cabin door.

Then facing the gust of wind that hit the door directly, the two Alice tyrants, the red queen and the white queen, jumped directly from the Osprey transport plane without any protective measures.

On the other side, General Ross in the helicopter was stunned when he saw this scene.

what are these two women doing

Well why commit suicide?.

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