American Comics: Take Over The Umbrella And Threaten The Widow At The Beginning

Chapter 70

Chapter 70 The Terrible Cursed Tyrant, Alienated God Killer

In the town, upon hearing this voice, Sif’s expression became tense: “Loki! It’s Loki!”

For now, Sif really can’t make a move on Loki.

Because Loki is Odin’s son after all, Thor’s younger brother.

Although Loki’s throne is unclear, he is the nominal king of Asgard after all.

As a citizen of Asgard, a warrior of Asgard, Sif couldn’t directly attack Loki.

As soon as Lin Luo moved his psychic energy, he felt a strange power burst out suddenly in the S.H.I.E.L.D military blockade area, which is where Mjolnir was.

For a while, his spiritual energy couldn’t completely penetrate the energy barrier.

At the same time, he also felt that a different consciousness resided in that strange energy.

There are actually not many forces in the entire Marvel universe that can do this.

Lin Luo immediately understood that Bai Luo had obtained the psychic scepter in advance.

As for Loki’s consciousness, it is indeed much stronger than that of ordinary Blue Stars, but in Lin Luo’s view, it is actually that.

After figuring out Loki’s support, Lin Luo felt confident.

He said indifferently: “It seems that Loki has some adventures, so he swelled up. I remember that he was very good at being hanged and beaten. Let’s go and see!”

Sif, who was a little flustered at first, immediately felt at ease when he saw Lin Luo’s calm and confident expression.

The two immediately headed to S.H.I.E.L.D’s temporary station.

When Lin Luo and Sif rushed to that area, they saw Loki wearing a golden horn helmet, wearing golden armor, and holding a scepter.

The top of the scepter is sharpened and inlaid with light blue gemstones, which is emitting a mysterious blue light.

Around Loki there are four Asgard soldiers wearing magic armor, At the moment they are wielding weapons to fight the enemy.

During the melee, the area was in a mess, with flames and thick smoke everywhere.

At the moment S.H.I.E.L.D’s plastic shacks, defense towers and other buildings were basically bulldozed, and various computers and other electronic equipment on the ground were shattered.

It wasn’t just the Asgard soldiers who caused all this, but also the S.H.I.E.L.D agent, the Damned Tyrant, and the HYDRA team.

A big melee broke out between the Asgard warriors brought by Loki, S.H.I.E.L.D and HYDRA.

On the battlefield, bullets flew horizontally, grenades and RPGs were also numerous, and a few bows and arrows flew by from time to time, and then exploded.

On the other side, several tyrants and lickers have already entangled six five-meter-tall cursed tyrants.

The scene was once very chaotic.

Seeing the big battle in front of him, Sif said anxiously: “I must report this matter as soon as possible, it is related to the fate of 983 and Asgard.

Although Sif has given up on Thor now, he has not given up on Asgard.

The battle in front of him involves the struggle between Loki and Thor, the two heirs of Asgard, so Sif thought that he must report back to Asgard immediately.

Only the King of God Odin himself could stop the dispute between the two.

What Sif thinks is to awaken the Odin God-King no matter what, this is what an Asgard warrior must do.

So Sif hastily said goodbye to Lin Luo:

“Lin Luo, I’m sorry I broke my promise, I can’t go back to the umbrella with you, I can only go to Asgard to report this matter to God King Odin.

Otherwise, Asgard may be completely divided.

When this dispute is over, I will return to your side, always by your side, and never leave.

Lin Luo said calmly:

“Loki has always been very timid, usually he only dares to play dirty, normally he would not dare to be so arrogant at all.

Now, as the god of trickery, he dared to appear here directly and aboveboard.

That would mean that Loki may now have control of Asgard and likely has a new card in his hand.

So if you return to Asgard now, it’s better to find out the situation at Blue Star first. ”

While speaking, Lin Luo stared at the psychic scepter in Loki’s hand for a while.

As expected of a Mind Gem, it was able to isolate him from the detection of psychic energy to a certain extent.

Although I don’t know how Loki obtained the scepter in advance, but Lin Luo guesses that this is where Loki’s confidence lies.

He didn’t care much about the subtle changes in the plot.

As long as it is still the Marvel film and television universe, even if it is the parallel universe of the main universe, these people are not much stronger.

And now it’s only the details that are different, everyone’s fate trajectory is not much different from that of the main universe, Lin Luo still has the ability of a prophet.

“Then I’ll stay at Blue Star for the time being.” Sif, who had great trust in Lin Luo, immediately dismissed the idea of ​​returning to Asgard.

While speaking, she naturally held Lin Luo’s right hand.

For others, this strength is like being clamped by a vise. For Lin Luo, this strength is just right and comfortable.

After these days of running-in, the two have already developed a certain tacit understanding.

Therefore, he also let Sif hold it. It is hard to find such a dedicated tool man.

Lin Luo has listed Sif as the top of the list of tool people. He is obedient and capable, and saves worry and effort, which is very good.

At the moment Loki’s face was ashen, it can be said that it was extremely ugly.

He also has a big head now.

This is completely different from what he thought, it shouldn’t be like this.

Before coming here, Loki thought that the people of Midgardian were cowardly and cowardly ants.

With his words, these people can only obediently accept their own rule.

Originally, Loki brought people here to take back Mjolnir, and by the way, performed a “manifestation in front of people”, so that these Midgardians could admire the majesty of the gods.

Loki has coveted Mjolnir for a long time, and in his view, it is a symbol of the throne and also represents the approval of his father.

Earlier, he had sneaked over to pick up Mjolnir, but with all his strength, the broken hammer remained motionless.

But now it’s different. By chance, Loki got this powerful scepter.

Moreover, only he can perfectly display the power of this scepter.

Loki suddenly felt that he was doing it again, maybe he could pick up Mjolnir this time, or he could steal Mjolnir’s power.

So Loki took the psychic scepter and brought his cronies in Asgard to the mortal world.

He thought it would be easy to take over Mjolnir or rule Midgard.

But first of all, the broken hammer still didn’t kill him.

That’s fine, what’s more, when Loki kindly wants to give these ants a chance to be loyal to him, these weak scum who are exchanging fire dare to open fire on him.

He had not imagined that these puny mortals of Midgard could be so bold.

In fact, the real reason is that the unlucky Loki and his men just encountered a big battle between HYDRA and S.H.I.E.L.D.

And it was almost in the middle of the battlefield, Loki came up and provoked very arrogantly, so the evil god Loki and his men were definitely set on fire by HYDRA and S.H.I.E.L.D together.

At the moment, the small town was reduced to a battlefield, with guns firing and bullets raining down. What was even more frightening was that the BOWs sold by the umbrellas also broke out in extremely tragic battles.

Every cursed tyrant is 1v10, even if his body is covered with scars, he quickly punches and kills the enemy.

Even though they have a huge body and amazing regenerative ability, but the enemy’s firepower is too fierce, coupled with the outnumbered, so the cursed tyrant is still injured.

Under the bombardment of various heavy firepower and other BOWs, these cursed tyrants are already on the verge of starting alienation Awakening.

At the moment, those Loki’s cronies are very loyal around Loki.

Fortunately, because it is a temporary battlefield, HYDRA and S.H.I.E.L.D have not yet used the strongest heavy firepower weapons and other black technology equipment.

So, those four Asgard warriors could still handle it.

When they came, Loki specially prepared powerful magic armor and sophisticated weapons for them.

However, Phil Coulson, who was hiding behind the cover, quickly noticed the situation on Loki’s side.

So Phil Coulson issued orders to the four cursed tyrants.

After seeing the action intention of the four cursed tyrants, the captain of this HYDRA troop also ordered his subordinates:

“Let those four big guys pass.”

To tell you the truth, he had long been annoyed by that bastard with horns.

The purpose of their HYDRA is to obtain absolute control of the world, so that human beings can gain real freedom.

The words of that “little boy” are the biggest pollution to their HYDRA, what thing dares to compete with their great HYDRA?

Even aliens can’t let go.

And, without the interference of the four cursed tyrants, their BOW legion can also reduce the pressure.

Seeing that his subordinates quickly gained a firm foothold in the battlefield, Loki, holding the psychic scepter, felt that he could do it again.

He taunted loudly:

“That’s all you can do?”

“Such a weak (bhed) attack also wants to rebel against the rule of God?”

“You group of ants who don’t know how to be grateful, if this is the case, I will use your blood to extinguish the anger of this god.”

“This god king will use your bones and blood to build an immortal throne on the ruins!”

Just as they were speaking, the four cursed tyrants leapt to the front of the four Asgard warriors brought by Loki.

“What’s the use of such a big guy? It’s just a target!” For these bruised and torn cursed tyrants, Loki looked down upon them very much.

If big size is powerful, then in Jotonheim, the group of them would have been killed by that hill-like frost monster long ago.

The weapons of these Midgard people are a little bit fancy, but the life here is like ants, no matter how big the head is, it is useless.

Phil Coulson doesn’t have any “pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger” idea.

Their S.H.I.E.L.D is likely to be flanked by people, and besides, he is afraid that these guys who are suspected of being aliens have some hidden means.

Therefore, Phil Coulson immediately ordered the four-headed cursed tyrant to activate the alienation Awakening.

Originally, these four cursed tyrants were already on the verge of limit, but they changed astonishingly immediately after receiving the order.

Four Asgard warriors who were attracted by Loki took the initiative to block a huge cursed tyrant.

In the face of enemies whose size is far larger than their own, they have no fear and wave their weapons without hesitation to choose to fight.

It’s not like they haven’t killed monsters of this size.

You know, one of the assessment tests for Asgard fighters is to kill Bistem with his own hands.

The size of that giant beast is much larger than the titan in front of it.

Just when they waved the sharp blades in their hands fiercely and were about to put them down.

The four cursed tyrants let out a deafening roar, shaking the entire battlefield, and the world seemed to freeze at this moment.

Then, the huge body of the four-headed cursed tyrant rapidly swelled and strengthened.

The protective clothing that restricted their strength was shattered inch by inch, revealing steely red muscles like armor.

These muscles look tough, strong, and powerful.

After the alienation of the five-meter-tall cursed tyrant, his size unexpectedly grew a whole lot bigger.

At this moment, in the eyes of the four Asgard warriors, the size of the four enemies in front of them has already changed.

It was almost as large as the beasts of Asgard.

For this, Loki next to him looked disdainful, no matter how big he became, he was only a body of flesh and blood, and he was still an ant.

The ants in Midgard still want to kill gods?

Just thinking about it, the four tall and mighty cursed tyrants roared again, the muscles of the whole body tensed, and the palms turned into sharp claws, and then swung them down.

The strength of this stroke is almost as strong as some heavy hydraulic machines, and the speed is so fast that the arm is even pulled out.

The faces of the four confident Ast warriors changed drastically. After holding up their shields to fight against them, the shields were torn, and their bodies immediately flew horizontally, and blood flowed from the corners of their mouths.

“God” bleeds!

Their proud “god body” and the armor made of powerful magic are as if they do not exist in front of the alienated Awakening cursed tyrant.

After landing, they did not give up fighting immediately, but struggled to get up.

However, a large shadow covered their bodies, and huge bodies descended from the sky, waving terrifying giant alienated claws.

For a moment, the earth trembled and the dust flew up, and four Asgard warriors who were well-known in the nine kingdoms were hammered into the soil.

It was really hammered into the soil, and the four people’s seemingly indestructible bodies had already submerged into the unique wilderness soil of New Mexico.

Four Asgard warriors were immobilized, tendons broken and bones broken by the stormy bombardment.

The terrifying force crashed down, and the ground trembled like a huge wave capable of overturning an ocean-going freighter.

At this moment, several Asgard warriors thought they were fighting the all-powerful Odin god-king, rather than the “monster” of Midgard.

At the moment, the smile on Lu Ji’s face froze.

He watched in bewilderment as his four subordinates were beaten so helplessly that they couldn’t take care of themselves.

Can this group of ants really kill gods?



Looking at the scene in front of him, and comparing himself to his smug expression just now, Loki instantly felt like a joker.

He felt extremely humiliated and lost all face.

Loki’s fair face turned red like a monkey’s butt.

He felt a burning pain in his face, as if he had been slapped ten times.

Loki at At the moment couldn’t figure it out, how could a mere Midgard have such terrifying warriors?

Not only Loki, the HYDRA team leader in the distance also twitched his eyes.

He didn’t expect that the cursed tyrant, who was already very powerful, would continue to grow stronger.

The four aliens who were able to resist heavy fire weapons were beaten so helplessly.

This scene made several HYDRA soldiers secretly startled.

Fortunately, these idiots who came out of nowhere endured this terrifying attack for them.

The little leader of HYDRA is even more determined, and will report to the higher authorities when he returns home, and apply for the sale of BOW for purchasing a large number of protective umbrellas.

Especially these cursed tyrants with astonishing combat power in front of them must not be without, and the more the better.

“Ha! It turns out that this is the ultimate trick of cursing the tyrant! It’s really just like what’s said in the instruction manual, it’s powerful enough to destroy everything.” Phil Coulson had a complicated expression, and was pleasantly surprised


He was naturally very happy when the enemy was defeated.

Even Phil Coulson was amazed at the power of the Cursed Tyrant. The Cursed Tyrant who swept everything under normal circumstances, could have such an increase in strength after alienating Awakening.

However, he thought that after an alienation Awakening, the tyrant would not be able to maintain normalization, and his intelligence would be reduced to the point where he could not perform the task, and the ten million would be gone.” He felt very

If they continue to fight like this, soon their S.H.I.E.L.D will go bankrupt.

Moreover, this is not the BOW with the strongest umbrella, and it is too terrifying that the strength of this umbrella has not changed.

Phil Coulson thought happily:

“Fortunately, I didn’t offend that one before. I should have been more polite at that time. Fortunately, that President Lin Luo was more approachable and didn’t care about my rash words.”

The other S.H.I.E.L.D agents were all elated, their spirits lifted, their morale soared, and their combat power also strengthened.

Looking at his subordinates who seem to have been completely reborn, Phil Coulson feels that the tens of millions spent are really worth it!

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