American Comics: The Leader Of The Cult, Creating The Cthulhu Gods

Chapter 17

Chapter Seventeen: Level 8 Agent Phil Coulson! (Ask For Flowers, Ask For Evaluation Tickets, Ask For Monthly Tickets)

Chapter Seventeen: Level 8 agent Phil Coulson! (ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for monthly tickets)

Xiao Wen’s words made the two girls feel astonished for a while.

Originally, they thought that the Chaos secret church where Xiao Wen belonged to should be the only sect related to the god Cthulhu.

But now they can easily hear one thing from Xiao Wen’s words.

There is also a Dagon Esoteric Cult in Innsmouth, and they have always served and believed in Dagon.

And from this point, they immediately thought of something even more terrifying.

It was only Xiao Wen who told them about Innsmouth, so they knew about the existence of Innsmouth and the Dagon Esoteric Cult.

But are there any other similar places in this world?

Do these Cthulhu evil gods’ religions and beliefs also exist there?

These thoughts flashed through the minds of the children.

King Ada doesn’t care too much about this, after all, these are not what she should care about now.

But Natasha Romanoff is different.

She is an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D, and she needs to gather this information for S.H.I.E.L.D.

Because S.H.I.E.L.D is responsible for the security of the entire beautiful country, this information is necessary.

And neither S.H.I.E.L.D nor Congress will allow such an unstable factor and threat to appear under their noses.

However, when Natasha Romanoff was still thinking about how to find out more information about other Cthulhu religions from Xiao Wen, Xiao Wen suddenly changed the subject and talked about the tourists he met at the hotel.

“Speaking of which, no outsiders will come to Innsmouth town for almost a whole year. I didn’t expect to meet outsiders as soon as we came here.”

Immediately, Natasha Romanoff’s expression froze, but she recovered quickly.

“Coincidence? After all, our appearance is also a coincidence for them in a sense.”

Natasha Romanoff actually knows it well.

Those people just now were agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, especially when she saw an acquaintance inside.

Fury’s right-hand man, the operations commander of S.H.I.E.L.D Special Forces, level 8 agent Phil Coulson.

Unexpectedly, Fury actually sent him this time, obviously he was very concerned about this operation.

Now that Xiao Wen mentioned them, Natasha Romanoff could only cover them up as much as possible.

Originally Xiao Wen was trying to scare Natasha Romanoff.

Now that the goal has been achieved, Xiao Wen stared at Natasha Romanoff with a smile on his face.

It wasn’t until seeing Natasha Romanoff that he felt a little nervous, then he looked away, and then said lightly: “It’s also possible, but it’s really a coincidence that they came here.”

This sentence immediately aroused the curiosity of the two girls, but Xiao Wen didn’t answer them, but got up and walked outside.

“Let’s go out and see this small town in gloom and decay.”

Xiao Wen didn’t care whether the second daughter was willing or not, so she walked out directly.

Seeing this, the second daughter could only follow up.

A group of five people, besides Xiao Wen, Natasha Romanoff and Ada Wang, there are two deep divers.

It’s just that they all shrouded themselves in black cloaks, and even completely covered their faces. From the outside, it was impossible to tell what was inside the wide black cloaks?

As soon as the five people left the hotel, they met Phil Coulson and others.

In addition, there seems to be a real tourist, who is talking to Phil Coulson and others at the moment.

“I originally wanted to travel to other places, but because the ticket was too expensive, then the conductor suggested that I could visit this small town, but now I regret my decision.”

This is a young man who is complaining to Phil Coulson and others about his wrong decision to come to the small town of Innsmouth.

Maybe it’s because of the exclusiveness of the town residents, or maybe it’s because of the sense of belonging as outsiders.

Let this young man pull Phil Coulson and chatter about the book, not caring whether Phil Coulson and the others are willing to listen to his chatter.

Until Phil Coulson and others saw Xiao Wen’s appearance.

Phil Coulson immediately abandoned the youth, and then came to Xiao Wen.

“Hey! Sir, are you here for sightseeing too?”

Phil Coulson has excellent qualities as an agent. Although he knew Natasha Romanoff, he never saw Natasha Romanoff from the beginning to the end.

His gaze was always on Xiao Wen, as if he really wanted to make friends with Xiao Wen.

“Yes.” Xiao Wen nodded with a smile: “I also heard the legendary story of this small town of Innsmouth, so I want to come and see for myself.”

“Legendary stories? What can this place have…”

Phil Coulson also wanted to ask something from Xiao Wen.

However, he had just opened his mouth when a loud bell sounded.

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All Yanzus of the Cthulhu gods show your big treasures!

Evaluation tickets, monthly tickets, rewards, book reviews, flowers, and reminder tickets are all motivation to inspire me! The first one is delivered!

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