American Comics: The Leader Of The Cult, Creating The Cthulhu Gods

Chapter 21

Chapter 21: Sir, Do You Want To Join A Religion? Enjoy 15% Off Now! (Ask For Flowers, Ask For Evaluation Tickets, Ask For Monthly Tickets)

Chapter 21: Sir, do you want to join a religion? Enjoy 15% off now! (ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for monthly tickets)

Especially Phil Coulson, who was completely dumbfounded at the moment.

“What the hell is going on? Is that the zombie in the movie? Why did this kind of thing turn into?!”

“And those guys with fish or toad heads, what the hell are they?!”

Phil Coulson just felt that the world had become unreal at the moment.

It’s not like he hasn’t been exposed to some outrageous things in the past.

But that is just an example, even the Mutant Brotherhood, which is currently recognized as the most dangerous, is actually a branch of human beings in the final analysis.

But the two things in front of my eyes are definitely not human beings!

Although he knew that the Chaos Secret Church believed in evil gods, he never thought that he would face such an existence!

“Deep divers and zombies.”

Xiao Wen said indifferently: “The deep divers are the immortals in the sea. They have eternal life and are immune to all human diseases. As long as they are not killed by others, they can survive forever.”

“For many years, they have served the three old rulers of Cthulhu, Dagon, and Xu Della in the city under the sea.”

“But now Dagon and Xu Della have responded to the call of my Chaos Secret Church and have become one of the beliefs of the Chaos Secret Church. As long as you join the Chaos Secret Church, you will have the opportunity to become a deep diver and get eternal life!”

While talking, Xiao Wen also took out a leaflet and handed it to Phil Coulson.

“Sir, can I take a moment to introduce you to our Chaos secret church and these great gods?”

“And join the teaching now, enjoy 15% off immediately, only 25,500 USD!”

Xiao Wen from At the moment is like a little brother handing out leaflets on the street.

Watching Phil Coulson even couldn’t help but stunned for a moment.

Now this scene, this situation, do you think it is suitable for preaching?

Just as Phil Coulson was constantly complaining about Xiao Wen’s behavior in his heart, he suddenly felt the ground under his feet trembling constantly.

It was as if an earthquake had struck and they couldn’t even keep standing.

At the moment when the young man who was traveling with him fell down, his eyes accidentally glanced at the distant sea, and deep fear suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Immediately, he couldn’t help but exclaimed aloud.

“Look at the surface of the sea, there are monsters!!”

There are monsters?

Isn’t there a bunch of monsters in front of you now?

Although Phil Coulson was still complaining in his heart, he turned his head to look at the sea level.

But when he saw the scene in the sea, he couldn’t bear the fear in his heart anymore, and couldn’t help but exclaimed: “What the hell is that?!”

I saw an arm protruding from the endless deep sea, covered with layers of fish scales, and connected with frog-like webs on the palm, it looked like the arm of a frog with scales.

But isn’t this arm a little too big? !

Phil Coulson roughly looked at it, and this arm must be at least a hundred meters long.

And this is just the part of the arm sticking out of the water. God knows how long the arm will be underwater?

And based on this length, wouldn’t the owner of this arm, the monster that is silent in the deep sea, have to be hundreds of meters tall?

With such huge amounts of existence, just thinking about it for a while makes Phil Coulson feel a burst of horror in his heart.

“Sinners who blaspheme God will be punished by God!”

Looking at this arm, Xiao Wen’s face was still calm.

Even looking at this arm, he opened his mouth and said a word full of magic stick.

But no one present at the moment had the guts to deny him.

Instead, he firmly believed in what Xiao Wen said.

“Lord Xiao, is this the god of your Chaos secret church?”

Although Phil Coulson had roughly guessed who the owner of this arm was.

But I still want to confirm with Xiao Wen.

After all, Xiao Wen should be the only one who knows the situation best.

“That’s right, the small town of Innsmouth is where the great Dagon and Xu Della’s believers lived, and they are holding a ceremony to Dagon at the moment, but they are disturbed by these alien monsters, naturally It angered Dagon who was sleeping in the deep sea.”

“This arm is the wrath of Dagon!”

Following Xiao Wen’s words, the huge arm that broke through the sea directly slammed down heavily towards the small town of Innsmouth.

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