American Comics: The Leader Of The Cult, Creating The Cthulhu Gods

Chapter 3

Chapter Three: Fuck! Are You Serious? (Ask For Flowers, Ask For Evaluation Tickets, Ask For Monthly Tickets)

Chapter Three: Fuck! Are you serious? (ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for monthly tickets)

Xiao Wen brought the three of them outside the villa.

Because when I bought this villa, I actually considered the issue of concealment.

So this villa is not only the luxurious villa of Xiao Wen, the leader, but also the place where these believers and congregants gather.

At the moment, in the courtyard of the villa, there are already nearly three hundred people waiting here.

These are all the members of the Chaos Mysteries.

Because the Chaos secret church is just a small cult, and it has just been established.

So there weren’t too many people. If it wasn’t because Xiao Wen was pretty good at lying and cheated out all of these people’s net worth, it is estimated that this villa would not be affordable.

That’s why Xiao Wen was surprised.

Because a small cult like him doesn’t need Ada Wang and Natasha Romanoff at all, these two ace-level agents are right.

It’s just that now that everyone has come, that’s all for now.

Anyway, the final result is the same, all of them are their own high-efficiency brush points.

The moment these congregants saw Xiao Wen, they immediately separated, leaving a way for Xiao Wen to pass.

Under the adoring eyes of many congregants, Xiao Wen came to everyone step by step, and then looked at them all and said.

“You are all lucky, you have all received the grace of the Lord!”

“Because you will meet two of the many gods worshiped and believed by our Chaos secret church, that is the king of the eternal in the deep sea, the father and mother god of the deep divers, Dagon and Xu Della! ”

Before that, the Chaos secret church didn’t even know the specific name of the god they believed in.

They were just surprised that Xiao Wen was unscathed in such a fatal scene.

Later, under Xiao Wen’s deliberate operation, he joined the Chaos secret church.

In fact, for them, it is more like believing in Xiao Wen than believing in gods.

But since one has joined a religion, one must have an object of worship, right?

So when Xiao Wen said the names of Dagon and Xu Della, there was a commotion in the crowd.

Although they don’t know what Dagon and Xu Della are?

But this does not prevent them from expressing their admiration and admiration.


Xiao Wen gave a low shout, and all the people present fell silent immediately, and stared at Xiao Wen with their adoring eyes.

“Now I will read the Oracle.”

Xiao Wen opened his hands as if to embrace the sky.

“According to the words of the great gods, the Chaos Tantric Church is the only true religion, all other religions are hypocrisy, and all gods are false gods except the God of Chaos Tantric Church belief!”

Religion is the enemy, and it is common to compete with each other for believers.

For example, the Crusades in the past, although they were actually engaged in some looting activities, at the same time they really spread the faith of God to farther places.

This is the war of faith.

And if Xiao Wen wants to gain enough power, and even turn himself into a restraining god, then he must drive out other beliefs.

This Oracle is establishing the uniqueness and correctness of the Chaos secret church.

This is also the most common tactic used by monotheistic religions like Catholicism.

“Follow Oracle!”

The believers naturally have no opinion on this Oracle.

After all, they have already believed in cults, and they must have been brainwashed.

But the expressions of Natasha Romanoff and King Ada are a little weird at the moment.

Originally, they all thought that Xiao Wen was just a wild cult leader, but now it seems that they really underestimated him.

The first sentence of this opening, is he trying to develop and grow his cult, whose name is suspicious at first sight?

But that’s all. For the second daughter, the Chaos Secret Church is still a little cult.

At best, it was just Xiao Wen’s fantasy.

After a while, after figuring out all the details, you can start directly.

Neither of the two daughters took Xiao Wen and his Chaos secret church seriously.

And this is exactly what Xiao Wen wanted.

“The second Oracle, since the leader is the incarnation of the gods in the world, the will of the leader is the will of the gods, and no one should violate it!”

“Follow Oracle!”

The second Oracle is even more common.

The leader of any religion will come up with a similar discourse, this is to seek benefits for himself, to put himself above others.

Just like the pope in the Middle Ages, even the king was prostrate at his feet.

This also made the second daughter more certain that Xiao Wen is just an ambitious leader of a cult.

But just when they had confirmed this point, Xiao Wen waved his hand violently.

“Our Chaos Esoteric Church believes in a huge and complicated pantheon. All the gods in the pantheon are the objects of our belief and worship. Their powers and classes are all different.”

“The younger gods are called the Great Old Ones, and the older gods are called the Outer Gods, but both the Old Ones and the Outer Shendu are great objects of worship.”

“After so many days of dedicated service by the believers, finally two old rulers responded to us, and they are Dagon and Xu Della!”

When Xiao Wen said this, his voice suddenly became louder.

Let everyone hear his words clearly, and feel that his voice is like a bell, exploding in the ears.

Both Natasha Romanoff and King Ada, who noticed this, couldn’t help showing surprise.

Because they can feel that something is wrong with Xiao Wen?

“Next, it’s time for you to witness the miracle.”

“Worship! Believe! Give your all to the gods!”

Following Xiao Wen’s words, the entire sky suddenly became groggy.

The boundless black clouds covered the entire sky like a thick lead block, and the strong wind howled at this time.

The atmosphere, as if a storm was about to come, immediately enveloped the entire Big Apple.

“Is it the sea breeze?”

King Ada’s nose moved slightly, and she could smell the sea breeze.

Because the fishy smell of the sea is mixed in this wind, and it is constantly getting stronger.

It was as if someone was holding a rotten sea fish and approaching him step by step.

But this place is more than 20 kilometers away from the coast, how could the sea breeze blow here?

It wasn’t just Ida King who realized something was wrong, it was Natasha Romanoff too.

At this moment, the two girls looked at this scene with astonishment.

The gust of wind whizzed by, but in the wind, they seemed to hear some unusual sounds.

It was an indistinct whisper.

It’s like an old man talking to himself in the distance.

Although you can hear him talking, but you can’t understand what he is saying?

And now King Ada and Natasha Romanoff are the same, even weirder than that.

Because they could feel that there seemed to be huge amounts of horror hidden in the whispers!

Shocked, terrified, helpless, flustered!

All the emotions that they thought had no longer existed in them came to their hearts at this moment.

But what scares them most is the sky.

In the thick black cloud, the two girls clearly saw the two statues falling slowly towards the ground.

come towards them.

It wasn’t until this time that the second daughter understood.

Co-author Xiao Wen isn’t ignoring Hiroto?

He’s coming for real! !

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